Trump starts MLK weekend by attacking Civil Right hero icon

To the sane people in this thread:

It's obvious that styfe is just trolling, no one could be stupid enough to believe Lewis wasn't attacking Trump with his comments, nor that Trump was merely retaliating to those comments.
Where did Lewis "attack" him? Stating his opinion that he doesn't believe Trump was elected legitimately is NOT AN ATTACK. He didn't say anything about him on a personal level, didn't say anything about his character, he only stated that his involvement with Russia makes his win illegitimate. How the fuck is that an attack?

Jesus Christ. You rightists are more delicate than a millennial snowflake who hangs out in a safe space on a university campus. You guys take everything personally. Anything short of fawning is seen as an "attack."
Stating his opinion that he doesn't believe Trump was elected legitimately is NOT AN ATTACK.


lol, "wrong?" According to who, you? Some snowflake? Explain HOW exactly it's an "attack." Go ahead, will.. I'll waite.
You are proof that a rectum can type.

You are proof that there is a market for blow up dolls.
I'm way funnier than you so don't even try.
You see, rectums, like yourself, have no brains and thus CANNOT be funny.

See Will? The posts from the blow up doll aficionado above are examples of attacks. See the difference?

lol, "wrong?" According to who, you? Some snowflake? Explain HOW exactly it's an "attack." Go ahead, will.. I'll waite.
You are proof that a rectum can type.

You are proof that there is a market for blow up dolls.
I'm way funnier than you so don't even try.
You see, rectums, like yourself, have no brains and thus CANNOT be funny.

See Will? The posts from the blow up doll aficionado above are examples of attacks. See the difference?
Between a human like Will and a rectum such as yourself?
Yes, I see the difference.
He's a human who makes sense and you're a brainless rectum who can type.
Now start typing something that makes sense.
Donald Trump starts MLK weekend by attacking civil rights hero John Lewis

For those who thought Trump would start acting like a grown up when faced with responsibility of the office he will soon hold, guess again.

Donald J. Trump continues to bring shame and disgrace onto our country. I don't care how bad people in OH, PA, WI were hurting for work, this can not go on. We've come to far to be taking these huge steps backwards.

The criticism of US congressman John Lewis came on the day of a civil rights march in Washington aimed at Trump’s incoming presidency, two days before America observes the annual Martin Luther King Jr Day and six days before the country’s first black president leaves office.

Lewis, who was beaten by state troopers during the historic 1965 march over the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama, is the first leading Democrat to publicly question Trump’s right to govern.

“I don’t see this president-elect as a legitimate president,” he told NBC’s Meet the Press this week.

The 76-year-old congressman from Georgia, seen by some as the moral conscience of the nation, will boycott Trump’s inauguration, the first he has missed since becoming a member of Congress three decades ago.

“I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected, and they helped destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton,” he said.

Clinton received 2.9m more votes than Trump but lost the electoral college. When assailed, Trump is known to favour a playbook of hitting back harder, even against seemingly no-win targets such as Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the parents of a US soldier killed in Iraq; Alicia Machado, a Miss Universe winner; and Meryl Streep, the Oscar-winning actor.
I'm no fan of Trump, and I do wish someone would take his stupid Twitter account away.

That said, to make Lewis into some kind of victim of this dumb story is standard partisan intellectual dishonesty.

And much as you may want to make it so, Lewis' past does not make him immune from criticism. He said what he said, and there's no way he's surprised that Trump responded.
You and every fucktard liberal out there.....

Let him speak to we the people...what are you afraid of???
I'm not afraid. I'm embarrassed.

You wouldn't understand that.
Nope...I'm not a liberal...

I aint either. I just aint a 18th century savage and believe instead that we have to move away from the past.
lol, "wrong?" According to who, you? Some snowflake? Explain HOW exactly it's an "attack." Go ahead, will.. I'll waite.
You are proof that a rectum can type.

You are proof that there is a market for blow up dolls.
I'm way funnier than you so don't even try.
You see, rectums, like yourself, have no brains and thus CANNOT be funny.

See Will? The posts from the blow up doll aficionado above are examples of attacks. See the difference?
Between a human like Will and a rectum such as yourself?
Yes, I see the difference.
He's a human who makes sense and you're a brainless rectum who can type.
Now start typing something that makes sense.

What am I saying that isn't making sense? Note: Please put your blow up doll aside before responding, she's clouding your critical thinking skills.
Lewis should have kept his mouth shut, he said stupid shit and got dressed down for it.
You are proof that a rectum can type.

You are proof that there is a market for blow up dolls.
I'm way funnier than you so don't even try.
You see, rectums, like yourself, have no brains and thus CANNOT be funny.

See Will? The posts from the blow up doll aficionado above are examples of attacks. See the difference?
Between a human like Will and a rectum such as yourself?
Yes, I see the difference.
He's a human who makes sense and you're a brainless rectum who can type.
Now start typing something that makes sense.

What am I saying that isn't making sense? Note: Please put your blow up doll aside before responding, she's clouding your critical thinking skills.
Person 1 makes a derogatory PUBLIC statement.
Person 2 RESPONDS to Person 1.

Get it?
Do you hang out with people who see things from your POV?
If so, you people need to arrange a meeting so rational people can nuke you.
His behavior is grossly unamerican and trump has every right to call him out. Once,again, what if the roles were reversed and conservatives were talking like this about Obamas inauguaration. Much like,the NAACP, Lewis is irrelevant, and if he continues down this road he will further tarnish his already tarnished reputation. Would,Martin Luther king be behaving this way? I think not.
His behavior is grossly unamerican and trump has every right to call him out. Once,again, what if the roles were reversed and conservatives were talking like this about Obamas inauguaration. Much like,the NAACP, Lewis is irrelevant, and if he continues down this road he will further tarnish his already tarnished reputation. Would,Martin Luther king be behaving this way? I think not.
I dare you to attempt to achieve eye contact with a Liberal.
You CANNOT reason with an emotionally disturbed rectum.
His behavior is grossly unamerican and trump has every right to call him out. Once,again, what if the roles were reversed and conservatives were talking like this about Obamas inauguaration. Much like,the NAACP, Lewis is irrelevant, and if he continues down this road he will further tarnish his already tarnished reputation. Would,Martin Luther king be behaving this way? I think not.
I dare you to attempt to achieve eye contact with a Liberal.
You CANNOT reason with an emotionally disturbed rectum.

Eye contact triggers a Liberal, they take it as an act of violence.

How that should have read...

"Donald Trump started the weekend by RESPONDING to a Civil Rights icon that attacked him."

But you won't see that headline, because Trump is White, and Lewis is Black.

More gaslighting bullshit. He attacked him, Will. Don't be coy.
He attacked him, Will.

Yes, he did.

and Trump responded

Good show, Will. B+ trolling.

Says the far left drone Troll!
The congressmen knew what he was doing when he lamblasted Trump.

. . . Trump would wildly lash out.

Now his political opposition can vilify him right through the Inauguration.

Trump can't control himself when mocked.
Donald Trump starts MLK weekend by attacking civil rights hero John Lewis

For those who thought Trump would start acting like a grown up when faced with responsibility of the office he will soon hold, guess again.

Donald J. Trump continues to bring shame and disgrace onto our country. I don't care how bad people in OH, PA, WI were hurting for work, this can not go on. We've come to far to be taking these huge steps backwards.

The criticism of US congressman John Lewis came on the day of a civil rights march in Washington aimed at Trump’s incoming presidency, two days before America observes the annual Martin Luther King Jr Day and six days before the country’s first black president leaves office.

Lewis, who was beaten by state troopers during the historic 1965 march over the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama, is the first leading Democrat to publicly question Trump’s right to govern.

“I don’t see this president-elect as a legitimate president,” he told NBC’s Meet the Press this week.

The 76-year-old congressman from Georgia, seen by some as the moral conscience of the nation, will boycott Trump’s inauguration, the first he has missed since becoming a member of Congress three decades ago.

“I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected, and they helped destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton,” he said.

Clinton received 2.9m more votes than Trump but lost the electoral college. When assailed, Trump is known to favour a playbook of hitting back harder, even against seemingly no-win targets such as Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the parents of a US soldier killed in Iraq; Alicia Machado, a Miss Universe winner; and Meryl Streep, the Oscar-winning actor.

Weekend? Why not an entire month (

How that should have read...

"Donald Trump started the weekend by RESPONDING to a Civil Rights icon that attacked him."

But you won't see that headline, because Trump is White, and Lewis is Black.

More gaslighting bullshit. He attacked him, Will. Don't be coy.
He attacked him, Will.

Yes, he did.

and Trump responded

Good show, Will. B+ trolling.

Should I take lessons from you, for a better grade?

Lewis attacked Trump, and stated he would not be attending the inauguration.

Trump responded.

Where did Lewis "attack" him? Stating his opinion that he doesn't believe Trump was elected legitimately is NOT AN ATTACK. He didn't say anything about him on a personal level, didn't say anything about his character, he only stated that his involvement with Russia makes his win illegitimate. How the fuck is that an attack?

Jesus Christ. You rightists are more delicate than a millennial snowflake who hangs out in a safe space on a university campus. You guys take everything personally. Anything short of fawning is seen as an "attack."

The presidents legitimacy isn't a matter of opinion. It's a fact. The winner of a majority of the ec is the legitimate president. The only other way to become a legitimate president is to be the VP when the president passes away.

That is a fact. Trump won. That makes it a fact that he is the legitimate president come Friday. Reality doesn't change just because you don't like him. I'm not a huge fan of his but he is legitimately the president. The law is the law
Donald Trump starts MLK weekend by attacking civil rights hero John Lewis

For those who thought Trump would start acting like a grown up when faced with responsibility of the office he will soon hold, guess again.

Donald J. Trump continues to bring shame and disgrace onto our country. I don't care how bad people in OH, PA, WI were hurting for work, this can not go on. We've come to far to be taking these huge steps backwards.

The criticism of US congressman John Lewis came on the day of a civil rights march in Washington aimed at Trump’s incoming presidency, two days before America observes the annual Martin Luther King Jr Day and six days before the country’s first black president leaves office.

Lewis, who was beaten by state troopers during the historic 1965 march over the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama, is the first leading Democrat to publicly question Trump’s right to govern.

“I don’t see this president-elect as a legitimate president,” he told NBC’s Meet the Press this week.

The 76-year-old congressman from Georgia, seen by some as the moral conscience of the nation, will boycott Trump’s inauguration, the first he has missed since becoming a member of Congress three decades ago.

“I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected, and they helped destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton,” he said.

Clinton received 2.9m more votes than Trump but lost the electoral college. When assailed, Trump is known to favour a playbook of hitting back harder, even against seemingly no-win targets such as Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the parents of a US soldier killed in Iraq; Alicia Machado, a Miss Universe winner; and Meryl Streep, the Oscar-winning actor.
You mean like throwing a fit because your candidate didn't win? That's what Lewis did. Trump responds with FACTS and it hurts you PUSSIES feelings...tough will either toughen up or leave! Don't want to get attacked? Don't attack first.

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