Trump starts MLK weekend by attacking Civil Right hero icon

Donald Trump starts MLK weekend by attacking civil rights hero John Lewis

For those who thought Trump would start acting like a grown up when faced with responsibility of the office he will soon hold, guess again.

Donald J. Trump continues to bring shame and disgrace onto our country. I don't care how bad people in OH, PA, WI were hurting for work, this can not go on. We've come to far to be taking these huge steps backwards.

The criticism of US congressman John Lewis came on the day of a civil rights march in Washington aimed at Trump’s incoming presidency, two days before America observes the annual Martin Luther King Jr Day and six days before the country’s first black president leaves office.

Lewis, who was beaten by state troopers during the historic 1965 march over the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama, is the first leading Democrat to publicly question Trump’s right to govern.

“I don’t see this president-elect as a legitimate president,” he told NBC’s Meet the Press this week.

The 76-year-old congressman from Georgia, seen by some as the moral conscience of the nation, will boycott Trump’s inauguration, the first he has missed since becoming a member of Congress three decades ago.

“I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected, and they helped destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton,” he said.

Clinton received 2.9m more votes than Trump but lost the electoral college. When assailed, Trump is known to favour a playbook of hitting back harder, even against seemingly no-win targets such as Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the parents of a US soldier killed in Iraq; Alicia Machado, a Miss Universe winner; and Meryl Streep, the Oscar-winning actor.
John Lewis is a big mouth piece of shit. Go back to the 1960's Lewis.

How that should have read...

"Donald Trump started the weekend by RESPONDING to a Civil Rights icon that attacked him."

But you won't see that headline, because Trump is White, and Lewis is Black.

More gaslighting bullshit. He attacked him, Will. Don't be coy.
He attacked him, Will.

Yes, he did.

and Trump responded

Good show, Will. B+ trolling.

Should I take lessons from you, for a better grade?

Lewis attacked Trump, and stated he would not be attending the inauguration.

Trump responded.

Where did Lewis "attack" him? Stating his opinion that he doesn't believe Trump was elected legitimately is NOT AN ATTACK. He didn't say anything about him on a personal level, didn't say anything about his character, he only stated that his involvement with Russia makes his win illegitimate. How the fuck is that an attack?

Jesus Christ. You rightists are more delicate than a millennial snowflake who hangs out in a safe space on a university campus. You guys take everything personally. Anything short of fawning is seen as an "attack."

How that should have read...

"Donald Trump started the weekend by RESPONDING to a Civil Rights icon that attacked him."

But you won't see that headline, because Trump is White, and Lewis is Black.

More gaslighting bullshit. He attacked him, Will. Don't be coy.
He attacked him, Will.

Yes, he did.

and Trump responded

Good show, Will. B+ trolling.

Should I take lessons from you, for a better grade?

Lewis attacked Trump, and stated he would not be attending the inauguration.

Trump responded.

Where did Lewis "attack" him? Stating his opinion that he doesn't believe Trump was elected legitimately is NOT AN ATTACK. He didn't say anything about him on a personal level, didn't say anything about his character, he only stated that his involvement with Russia makes his win illegitimate. How the fuck is that an attack?

Jesus Christ. You rightists are more delicate than a millennial snowflake who hangs out in a safe space on a university campus. You guys take everything personally. Anything short of fawning is seen as an "attack."
Stating his opinion that he doesn't believe Trump was elected legitimately is NOT AN ATTACK.

Donald Trump starts MLK weekend by attacking civil rights hero John Lewis

For those who thought Trump would start acting like a grown up when faced with responsibility of the office he will soon hold, guess again.

Donald J. Trump continues to bring shame and disgrace onto our country. I don't care how bad people in OH, PA, WI were hurting for work, this can not go on. We've come to far to be taking these huge steps backwards.

The criticism of US congressman John Lewis came on the day of a civil rights march in Washington aimed at Trump’s incoming presidency, two days before America observes the annual Martin Luther King Jr Day and six days before the country’s first black president leaves office.

Lewis, who was beaten by state troopers during the historic 1965 march over the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama, is the first leading Democrat to publicly question Trump’s right to govern.

“I don’t see this president-elect as a legitimate president,” he told NBC’s Meet the Press this week.

The 76-year-old congressman from Georgia, seen by some as the moral conscience of the nation, will boycott Trump’s inauguration, the first he has missed since becoming a member of Congress three decades ago.

“I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected, and they helped destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton,” he said.

Clinton received 2.9m more votes than Trump but lost the electoral college. When assailed, Trump is known to favour a playbook of hitting back harder, even against seemingly no-win targets such as Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the parents of a US soldier killed in Iraq; Alicia Machado, a Miss Universe winner; and Meryl Streep, the Oscar-winning actor.
I'm no fan of Trump, and I do wish someone would take his stupid Twitter account away.

That said, to make Lewis into some kind of victim of this dumb story is standard partisan intellectual dishonesty.

And much as you may want to make it so, Lewis' past does not make him immune from criticism. He said what he said, and there's no way he's surprised that Trump responded.
You and every fucktard liberal out there.....

Let him speak to we the people...what are you afraid of???
I'm not afraid. I'm embarrassed.

You wouldn't understand that.
Indeed. Trump is a world class POS. Can't wait for the inevitable impeachment.

Thanks for the laugh. Impeachment happens in the House of Representatives and everyone knows the Democrats will never, ever control the House again.

Lol! You think the GOP likes the Don ?!?? He's basically a 3rd party.

Get rid of Donald , and that GOP stuffed shirt Pence becomes prez . Who do you think they want ???
Fuck the GOP'ers....they are worse than you fascist democrats.....
Donald Trump starts MLK weekend by attacking civil rights hero John Lewis

For those who thought Trump would start acting like a grown up when faced with responsibility of the office he will soon hold, guess again.

Donald J. Trump continues to bring shame and disgrace onto our country. I don't care how bad people in OH, PA, WI were hurting for work, this can not go on. We've come to far to be taking these huge steps backwards.

The criticism of US congressman John Lewis came on the day of a civil rights march in Washington aimed at Trump’s incoming presidency, two days before America observes the annual Martin Luther King Jr Day and six days before the country’s first black president leaves office.

Lewis, who was beaten by state troopers during the historic 1965 march over the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama, is the first leading Democrat to publicly question Trump’s right to govern.

“I don’t see this president-elect as a legitimate president,” he told NBC’s Meet the Press this week.

The 76-year-old congressman from Georgia, seen by some as the moral conscience of the nation, will boycott Trump’s inauguration, the first he has missed since becoming a member of Congress three decades ago.

“I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected, and they helped destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton,” he said.

Clinton received 2.9m more votes than Trump but lost the electoral college. When assailed, Trump is known to favour a playbook of hitting back harder, even against seemingly no-win targets such as Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the parents of a US soldier killed in Iraq; Alicia Machado, a Miss Universe winner; and Meryl Streep, the Oscar-winning actor.
I'm no fan of Trump, and I do wish someone would take his stupid Twitter account away.

That said, to make Lewis into some kind of victim of this dumb story is standard partisan intellectual dishonesty.

And much as you may want to make it so, Lewis' past does not make him immune from criticism. He said what he said, and there's no way he's surprised that Trump responded.
You and every fucktard liberal out there.....

Let him speak to we the people...what are you afraid of???
I'm not afraid. I'm embarrassed.

You wouldn't understand that.
Nope...I'm not a liberal...
Indeed. Trump is a world class POS. Can't wait for the inevitable impeachment.

Thanks for the laugh. Impeachment happens in the House of Representatives and everyone knows the Democrats will never, ever control the House again.

Lol! You think the GOP likes the Don ?!?? He's basically a 3rd party.

Get rid of Donald , and that GOP stuffed shirt Pence becomes prez . Who do you think they want ???
Fuck the GOP'ers....they are worse than you fascist democrats.....

Not far enough to the right for you, eh?

How that should have read...

"Donald Trump started the weekend by RESPONDING to a Civil Rights icon that attacked him."

But you won't see that headline, because Trump is White, and Lewis is Black.

More gaslighting bullshit. He attacked him, Will. Don't be coy.
He attacked him, Will.

Yes, he did.

and Trump responded

Good show, Will. B+ trolling.

Should I take lessons from you, for a better grade?

Lewis attacked Trump, and stated he would not be attending the inauguration.

Trump responded.

Where did Lewis "attack" him? Stating his opinion that he doesn't believe Trump was elected legitimately is NOT AN ATTACK. He didn't say anything about him on a personal level, didn't say anything about his character, he only stated that his involvement with Russia makes his win illegitimate. How the fuck is that an attack?

Jesus Christ. You rightists are more delicate than a millennial snowflake who hangs out in a safe space on a university campus. You guys take everything personally. Anything short of fawning is seen as an "attack."
Well, considering the fact that he had no involvement with a matter of fact John Lewis has more involvement with that KGB than Trump.
John Lewis is basically inciting violence. He needs to answer for his words....because he is intentionally creating a toxic atmosphere over a pack of lies by the left.
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More gaslighting bullshit. He attacked him, Will. Don't be coy.
He attacked him, Will.

Yes, he did.

and Trump responded

Good show, Will. B+ trolling.

Should I take lessons from you, for a better grade?

Lewis attacked Trump, and stated he would not be attending the inauguration.

Trump responded.

Where did Lewis "attack" him? Stating his opinion that he doesn't believe Trump was elected legitimately is NOT AN ATTACK. He didn't say anything about him on a personal level, didn't say anything about his character, he only stated that his involvement with Russia makes his win illegitimate. How the fuck is that an attack?

Jesus Christ. You rightists are more delicate than a millennial snowflake who hangs out in a safe space on a university campus. You guys take everything personally. Anything short of fawning is seen as an "attack."
Stating his opinion that he doesn't believe Trump was elected legitimately is NOT AN ATTACK.


lol, "wrong?" According to who, you? Some snowflake? Explain HOW exactly it's an "attack." Go ahead, will.. I'll waite.
More gaslighting bullshit. He attacked him, Will. Don't be coy.
He attacked him, Will.

Yes, he did.

and Trump responded

Good show, Will. B+ trolling.

Should I take lessons from you, for a better grade?

Lewis attacked Trump, and stated he would not be attending the inauguration.

Trump responded.

Where did Lewis "attack" him? Stating his opinion that he doesn't believe Trump was elected legitimately is NOT AN ATTACK. He didn't say anything about him on a personal level, didn't say anything about his character, he only stated that his involvement with Russia makes his win illegitimate. How the fuck is that an attack?

Jesus Christ. You rightists are more delicate than a millennial snowflake who hangs out in a safe space on a university campus. You guys take everything personally. Anything short of fawning is seen as an "attack."
Well, considering the fact that he had no involvement with a matter of fact John Lewis has more involvement with that KGB than Trump. John Lewis is basically inciting violence. He needs to answer for his words....because he is intentionally creating a toxic atmosphere over a pack of lies by the left.

LOL, wow. You're really reaching there, bub. Inciting violence? ROFL.....Show us John Lewis' involvment with the KGB. This, I gotta see...

Yes, he did.

and Trump responded

Good show, Will. B+ trolling.

Should I take lessons from you, for a better grade?

Lewis attacked Trump, and stated he would not be attending the inauguration.

Trump responded.

Where did Lewis "attack" him? Stating his opinion that he doesn't believe Trump was elected legitimately is NOT AN ATTACK. He didn't say anything about him on a personal level, didn't say anything about his character, he only stated that his involvement with Russia makes his win illegitimate. How the fuck is that an attack?

Jesus Christ. You rightists are more delicate than a millennial snowflake who hangs out in a safe space on a university campus. You guys take everything personally. Anything short of fawning is seen as an "attack."
Stating his opinion that he doesn't believe Trump was elected legitimately is NOT AN ATTACK.


lol, "wrong?" According to who, you? Some snowflake? Explain HOW exactly it's an "attack." Go ahead, will.. I'll waite.
You are proof that a rectum can type.
Yes, he did.

and Trump responded

Good show, Will. B+ trolling.

Should I take lessons from you, for a better grade?

Lewis attacked Trump, and stated he would not be attending the inauguration.

Trump responded.

Where did Lewis "attack" him? Stating his opinion that he doesn't believe Trump was elected legitimately is NOT AN ATTACK. He didn't say anything about him on a personal level, didn't say anything about his character, he only stated that his involvement with Russia makes his win illegitimate. How the fuck is that an attack?

Jesus Christ. You rightists are more delicate than a millennial snowflake who hangs out in a safe space on a university campus. You guys take everything personally. Anything short of fawning is seen as an "attack."
Stating his opinion that he doesn't believe Trump was elected legitimately is NOT AN ATTACK.


lol, "wrong?" According to who, you? Some snowflake? Explain HOW exactly it's an "attack." Go ahead, will.. I'll waite.

He attacked Trumps legitimacy as president.

If you dont' understand that, you have more problems than me proving you a fool.
Good show, Will. B+ trolling.

Should I take lessons from you, for a better grade?

Lewis attacked Trump, and stated he would not be attending the inauguration.

Trump responded.

Where did Lewis "attack" him? Stating his opinion that he doesn't believe Trump was elected legitimately is NOT AN ATTACK. He didn't say anything about him on a personal level, didn't say anything about his character, he only stated that his involvement with Russia makes his win illegitimate. How the fuck is that an attack?

Jesus Christ. You rightists are more delicate than a millennial snowflake who hangs out in a safe space on a university campus. You guys take everything personally. Anything short of fawning is seen as an "attack."
Stating his opinion that he doesn't believe Trump was elected legitimately is NOT AN ATTACK.


lol, "wrong?" According to who, you? Some snowflake? Explain HOW exactly it's an "attack." Go ahead, will.. I'll waite.
You are proof that a rectum can type.

You are proof that there is a market for blow up dolls.
Should I take lessons from you, for a better grade?

Lewis attacked Trump, and stated he would not be attending the inauguration.

Trump responded.

Where did Lewis "attack" him? Stating his opinion that he doesn't believe Trump was elected legitimately is NOT AN ATTACK. He didn't say anything about him on a personal level, didn't say anything about his character, he only stated that his involvement with Russia makes his win illegitimate. How the fuck is that an attack?

Jesus Christ. You rightists are more delicate than a millennial snowflake who hangs out in a safe space on a university campus. You guys take everything personally. Anything short of fawning is seen as an "attack."
Stating his opinion that he doesn't believe Trump was elected legitimately is NOT AN ATTACK.


lol, "wrong?" According to who, you? Some snowflake? Explain HOW exactly it's an "attack." Go ahead, will.. I'll waite.
You are proof that a rectum can type.

You are proof that there is a market for blow up dolls.
I'm way funnier than you so don't even try.
You see, rectums, like yourself, have no brains and thus CANNOT be funny.

How that should have read...

"Donald Trump started the weekend by RESPONDING to a Civil Rights icon that attacked him."

But you won't see that headline, because Trump is White, and Lewis is Black.

More gaslighting bullshit. He attacked him, Will. Don't be coy.
He attacked him, Will.

Yes, he did.

and Trump responded

Good show, Will. B+ trolling.

Should I take lessons from you, for a better grade?

Lewis attacked Trump, and stated he would not be attending the inauguration.

Trump responded.

Where did Lewis "attack" him? Stating his opinion that he doesn't believe Trump was elected legitimately is NOT AN ATTACK. He didn't say anything about him on a personal level, didn't say anything about his character, he only stated that his involvement with Russia makes his win illegitimate. How the fuck is that an attack?

Jesus Christ. You rightists are more delicate than a millennial snowflake who hangs out in a safe space on a university campus. You guys take everything personally. Anything short of fawning is seen as an "attack."

Saying Trump was involved with Russia makes it personal dumb ass.
Good show, Will. B+ trolling.

Should I take lessons from you, for a better grade?

Lewis attacked Trump, and stated he would not be attending the inauguration.

Trump responded.

Where did Lewis "attack" him? Stating his opinion that he doesn't believe Trump was elected legitimately is NOT AN ATTACK. He didn't say anything about him on a personal level, didn't say anything about his character, he only stated that his involvement with Russia makes his win illegitimate. How the fuck is that an attack?

Jesus Christ. You rightists are more delicate than a millennial snowflake who hangs out in a safe space on a university campus. You guys take everything personally. Anything short of fawning is seen as an "attack."
Stating his opinion that he doesn't believe Trump was elected legitimately is NOT AN ATTACK.


lol, "wrong?" According to who, you? Some snowflake? Explain HOW exactly it's an "attack." Go ahead, will.. I'll waite.

He attacked Trumps legitimacy as president.

If you dont' understand that, you have more problems than me proving you a fool.

No, Will, that's NOT an "attack" you delicate snowflake. When a foreign dictator gets involved in our elections helping one particular candidate win and attempting to discredit our free elections, it makes his win not legitimate by definition.

Had Lewis said anything about his character or him on a personal level, then you can say he attacked him.

The only person who did any attacking was Trump on his little twitter tantrum.
Haha...I LOVE IT! Trump doesn't give a shit about what weekend it is...he will always call a spade a spade. You'll never get twisted, sugar coated bullshit from him.
Trump said: "He should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart (not to mention crime infested) rather than falsely complaining about the election results. All talk, talk, talk – no action or results. Sad!”
Does anyone find it odd that Trump always seems to be retaliatory against comments made about him yet as soon as he retaliates the cry babies start whining like the spineless pussies they are? Here's a tip for the whiny little bitches: Don't bad mouth someone if you aren't prepared to handle the retaliation....And remember what you learned in third grade about cause and affect.
"Trump starts MLK weekend by attacking Civil Right hero icon"

It seems now that even the dead are not safe from the virulent vicissitudes that vainglorious varmint's venal vengeance visits upon us, vouchsafed via a vexing "vox populi" verdict verily held votive in vicious violation of veracity's value.

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