Trump starts MLK weekend by attacking Civil Right hero icon

Lewis ain't much as icons go. He's a washed up race pimp who hasn't helped his crime-ridden district through grandstanding which is all he knows how to do.
First US taxpayers have to deal with the weirdness of Micheal Luther King having a federal it is a weekend? Why not a full week like Channakah and place an ugly ass, giant statue in every city? :p
First US taxpayers have to deal with the weirdness of Micheal Luther King having a federal it is a weekend? Why not a full week like Channakah? :p

Yep, just (4) more untimely deaths and we can get the whole week off

I'll celebrate Robert E Lee day instead


How that should have read...

"Donald Trump started the weekend by RESPONDING to a Civil Rights icon that attacked him."

But you won't see that headline, because Trump is White, and Lewis is Black.

More gaslighting bullshit. He attacked him, Will. Don't be coy.

How that should have read...

"Donald Trump started the weekend by RESPONDING to a Civil Rights icon that attacked him."

But you won't see that headline, because Trump is White, and Lewis is Black.

More gaslighting bullshit. He attacked him, Will. Don't be coy.

Lewis put himself out there in a political way by saying the President Elect is not Legitimate, now people want to hide him behind his being a civil rights Icon? you cant have it both ways. If he just wants to be an Icon and be above political attack, he should stay out of politics.

Lewis does not have to conform to some bizarre guidelines set by conservative scum for how he forms his own opinions and expresses them, so you, Trump and every other worthless conservative fuckwit can take your authoritarian censorship and shove it.
Listen to the way you talk to republicans, yet you act like what Trump said was sooo over the top and evil. Hypocrite. If Trump is bad, you are 10 times worse.

Lewis ain't much as icons go. He's a washed up race pimp who hasn't helped his crime-ridden district through grandstanding which is all he knows how to do.
Compared to your accomplishments? And Drumplethinskin's?



STAGE 1 – Denial (as in”That’s Fake News!”)
STAGE 2 – Misunderstood (as in “Don’t listen to his words, listen to what’s in his heart)
STAGE 3 – Acceptance ( as in “Yeah, but so what?”)
STAGE 4 – Approval (as in “That’s really a good thing”)
* ADDITIONAL STAGE to be inserted at any point – Yeah but (as in “yeah but Clinton/Obama!)
For those who thought Trump would start acting like a grown up when faced with responsibility of the office he will soon hold, guess again.

And for those of you with a IQ over 20 you know Lewis is a Race Pimp, Trump didn't back down to his Race Baiting Bullshit...

Now nut sack is an accomplish and should be branded as such...
Donald J. Trump continues to bring shame and disgrace onto our country.
No, Trump is making the disgraced America (it cannot be disgraced more) great again.

... two days before America observes the annual Martin Luther King Jr Day and six days before the country’s first black president leaves office.

The MLK- warshipping is very symbolic and it is the best prove that USA was subverted by neo-Commies.

Clinton received 2.9m more votes than Trump but lost the electoral college.

Only in limited areas flooded with illegal third-world-migrants who illegally voted for her, and due to the counting fraud.

When assailed, Trump is known to favour a playbook of hitting back harder, even against seemingly no-win targets such as Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the parents of a US soldier killed in Iraq; Alicia Machado, a Miss Universe winner; and Meryl Streep, the Oscar-winning actor.

I have never heard about the guys you have named.
Who are they?
The Oscar-Prize is as silly, as the The Nobel Peace Prize.
After the warmonger Obama got this prize, it became even a bigger joke.

But not for long...

Trump is only the first step, a turning point in the right direction.
The Commie-Subversion of the USA was exposed, there will be no peddling back into Globalism.
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Well, considering the fact that he had no involvement with a matter of fact John Lewis has more involvement with that KGB than Trump.

Russian people rejected Communism decades ago, there is no KGB.

Neo-Commies hate the Russian people so much, because they rejected the Commie-ideology and returned to their original Orthodox Christian Culture.

Trump does not hate Russians because of their Christian culture, and that is why the neo-Commies in the west hate Trump so much.

John Lewis is basically inciting violence. He needs to answer for his words....because he is intentionally creating a toxic atmosphere over a pack of lies by the left.

People who constantly whine about "hate" and "intolerance" are in most cases the biggest haters who are ready to stop their opponents with violence.
The usual Commie double-talk, described in Orwell's 1984.

Bolsheviks talked about love and freedom, but they created a GULAG-System that killed more innocent civilians, than any totalitarian regime of the past century.

"Trump starts MLK weekend by attacking Civil Right hero icon"

It seems now that even the dead are not safe from the virulent vicissitudes ...

Worshipping dead Commies is the best prove that USA was subverted by the neo-Commie ideology, who created Commie-Icons to be worshipped.
The congressmen knew what he was doing when he lamblasted Trump.

. . . Trump would wildly lash out.

Now his political opposition can vilify him right through the Inauguration.

Trump can't control himself when mocked.

And this is the right tactic.
Trump won the election because he showed to his opponents that he is a fighter that will not tolerate any attacks.

Well, considering the fact that he had no involvement with a matter of fact John Lewis has more involvement with that KGB than Trump.

Russian people rejected Communism decades ago, there is no KGB.

Neo-Commies hate the Russian people so much, because they rejected the Commie-ideology and returned to their original Orthodox Christian Culture.

Trump does not hate Russians because of their Christian culture, and that is why the neo-Commies in the west hate Trump so much.

John Lewis is basically inciting violence. He needs to answer for his words....because he is intentionally creating a toxic atmosphere over a pack of lies by the left.

People who constantly whine about "hate" and "intolerance" are in most cases the biggest haters who are ready to stop their opponents with violence.
The usual Commie double-talk, described in Orwell's 1984.

Bolsheviks talked about love and freedom, but they created a GULAG-System that killed more innocent civilians, than any totalitarian regime of the past century.

Putin was in the KGB, idiot. Once KGB, always KGB.
And you oversimplify the issue when it comes to hate and intolerance. Knowing it exists doesn't automatically mean you practice it.
The fact that a sitting elected US federal politician just declared he refuses to accept the elected President as THE President is a declaration of disloyalty to the United States and should result in the politician being removed from office.

Fully agree with that statement.
All the neo-Commies who are questioning the legitimacy of the elected president are traitors to America. They should be removed from office.
Putin was in the KGB...

So what?
Merkel was in the FDJ, Robert Byrd was in the KKK.
There is no KGB any more, Putin is an Orthodox Christian and the elected President of Russia.

Neo-Commies, who kissed the ass of Soviets (like Sanders) now hate Russian people, because they rejected Communism.
The congressmen knew what he was doing when he lamblasted Trump.

. . . Trump would wildly lash out.

Now his political opposition can vilify him right through the Inauguration.

Trump can't control himself when mocked.
So Lewis is a troll!

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