Trump starts nuclear arms race & risks nuclear war

Trump is ended a long term nuclear arms agreement that was signed by Regan. This releases Russia to go hog wild in increasing their mid range nuclear capabilities. Then we will need to compete.

Donald Trump, who knows NOTHING about nuclear arms or treaties, will go against experts because he thinks he knows more than everyone.

How will we pay for this nuclear arms race? Trump already has us at a deficit over a trillion dollars.

Who elected such a dotard?

I saw the report on the news. So my link is for you to get off your ass & become informed.

You libtarded resistors would have been bitchin if he hadn’t….

You tards are all so very full of SHIT.
Since you are another really stupid ass leftist dumb fk who can't think for yourself and need MSM to do it for you , lets think this for you.


Think with reality dumbasses ........ while everybody else pulls ahead of us do we really want to stay way back in the pit while others climbed out of it years ago.

wake up you stupid degenerates. .

First, dickbreath, how does releasing Russia from an agreement stop them? It is questionable that they are violating the treaty. There is dispute to that.

Trump's plan is that he thinks we can survive a nuclear arms race better than the Russians. Putin gets the OK to build as many rockets now as he wants & can blame it on Trump. We have a trillion dollar deficit with no end in sight. How stupid are you people?

Nuclear arm treaty includes verifiable steps to ensure both sides complied.

Third: So far. The only violations that we keep hearing is from Trump lying mouth. I’d like to see Putin violated that and that.

Fourth: Russian economy still struggling with crippling economic sanctions stuck in Putin ass.

Fifth: With excellent economy but we have trillions of deficits that keeps growing. How are we going to support arms race?

My honest opinion. Trump proved himself unfit POTUS.

You are mistaken here Charwin, since even the OBAMA ADMINISTRATION thought Russia was violating the treaty and so does the NATO Secretary thinks so, Trump has FULL support from NATO on his decision:

From the link you have missed twice,

"The INF Treaty bans all land-based cruise missiles with a range between 500 and 5,500 kilometers. While the Obama administration had accused Moscow of violating the agreement by deploying such systems, most notably with the Novator 9M729 design, Pentagon officials, including former Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, have been more vocal under the Trump administration about their concerns.

In December, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced the U.S. would set a 60-day timer for Russia to come back under compliance in the eyes of the Trump administration. If Russia did not do that, Pompeo pledged, the U.S. would begin the process of withdrawing fully from the treaty on Feb. 2."


"In Europe, the move was met with support from NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, who backed the U.S. position that Russia is to blame for the INF Treaty’s potential demise. In a statement, the NATO nations said that “Allies fully support this action” and “Russia will bear sole responsibility for the end of the Treaty.”

I’m very familiar of what you are saying.

Don’t forget Obama installed new EIS missiles systems next to Putin ass neighborhood. After the annexation of Crimea.
At the same time we have naval fleets less than 100 miles from Russian soil. And very impressive naval fleets that are inside the Black Sea. With maybe armed with thousands of cruise missiles on board that can hit inside Russia. Let’s pretend our cruise missiles has a minimum range 600 miles.

This INF treaty do NOT cover air and sea launch missiles. Which we have tremendous advantages even with Russia and China military enchiladas combined. Russia cannot even afford building new aircraft carriers.

Also INF do not cover our NATO allies in Europe with land, sea and air missiles.

I’m not here to protect Putin. I wish someone would eliminate that murderer. But if you are Putin what do you think you should do?

But I bet you Putin will not dare to start a war. My prediction the next one will start at China sea.
we elected TRUMP for his Guidance and opinion and decisions . The experts you worship are simply Trumps 'employees' Charwin .

Trump got elected by mistake. It’s like a freak of nature.

He does not have military experience.
He does not have political experience both foreign and domestic. Zero none.

And yet he blabber like he knows better than generals or chief intelligence that he hired. Last time I heard ...... POTUS should rely on his employees that give him the best informations. Maybe he is getting it from Putin.

Worst part....... he communicate with Twitter and blast them in public. Who hell does that kind of immature and stupid? Even a trainee Cub Scout manager will not do such thing. Except Trump.
If he can do that outside for the whole USA to see how an imbecile little kid he is. Think how awful is this kid inside the WH.
we elected the TRUMP and looks like he gets to make Decisions for people that elected him while he may ignore his employees Charwin .
Nuclear war is God's little red reset button.

The one Hillary snuck away with for a few hilariously funny weeks.

Difference: God knows how to make it work!
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Trump is ended a long term nuclear arms agreement that was signed by Regan. This releases Russia to go hog wild in increasing their mid range nuclear capabilities. Then we will need to compete.

Donald Trump, who knows NOTHING about nuclear arms or treaties, will go against experts because he thinks he knows more than everyone.

How will we pay for this nuclear arms race? Trump already has us at a deficit over a trillion dollars.

Who elected such a dotard?

I saw the report on the news. So my link is for you to get off your ass & become informed.
Just another case of him doing as Putin says.
He did opposite of what Putin wanted because it is a one-sided treating you stupid ass motherfucker
Lol, I'm sure that's the way brieghtbart is spinning it for you.

This coming from a cnn watching Tard...…...
Whatsamatter kid, Fred and Barney not playing with you enough?

Trump is ended a long term nuclear arms agreement that was signed by Regan. This releases Russia to go hog wild in increasing their mid range nuclear capabilities. Then we will need to compete.

Donald Trump, who knows NOTHING about nuclear arms or treaties, will go against experts because he thinks he knows more than everyone.

How will we pay for this nuclear arms race? Trump already has us at a deficit over a trillion dollars.

Who elected such a dotard?

I saw the report on the news. So my link is for you to get off your ass & become informed.
Just another case of him doing as Putin says.
He did opposite of what Putin wanted because it is a one-sided treating you stupid ass motherfucker
Lol, I'm sure that's the way brieghtbart is spinning it for you.

This coming from a cnn watching Tard...…...
Whatsamatter kid, Fred and Barney not playing with you enough?

View attachment 243783

Now that's the kind of shit I heard in the 3 grade.....

See you later retard...…...
Just another case of him doing as Putin says.
He did opposite of what Putin wanted because it is a one-sided treating you stupid ass motherfucker
Lol, I'm sure that's the way brieghtbart is spinning it for you.

This coming from a cnn watching Tard...…...
Whatsamatter kid, Fred and Barney not playing with you enough?

View attachment 243783

Now that's the kind of shit I heard in the 3 grade.....

See you later retard...…...
Like you made it to the third grade......
we elected the TRUMP and looks like he gets to make Decisions for people that elected him while he may ignore his employees Charwin .
So, you are actually admitting you want a proven fraud, con man, business cheat. women abuser, liar, and all around dumbass to make decisions for you? Nuclear war? Trump knows more than anyone. Right dumbass.
He did opposite of what Putin wanted because it is a one-sided treating you stupid ass motherfucker
Lol, I'm sure that's the way brieghtbart is spinning it for you.

This coming from a cnn watching Tard...…...
Whatsamatter kid, Fred and Barney not playing with you enough?

View attachment 243783

Now that's the kind of shit I heard in the 3 grade.....

See you later retard...…...
Like you made it to the third grade......

I could buy and sell your dumb ass by the third grade......
so , not much to be concerned with eh XYZ .
Yeah, if you're a sucker who wants to give the other side (Russia) an unfair advantage.

Russia is already violating the treaty, so they already have an unfair advantage, us opting out gives us a chance to either catch up or renegotiate the terms.
So you are admitting Trump has started a nuclear arms race.

Tard, you would be bitching about Trump no matter what.....

You are insane, admit it...………..
Don’t forget Obama installed new EIS missiles systems next to Putin ass neighborhood. After the annexation of Crimea.
At the same time we have naval fleets less than 100 miles from Russian soil. And very impressive naval fleets that are inside the Black Sea. With maybe armed with thousands of cruise missiles on board that can hit inside Russia. Let’s pretend our cruise missiles has a minimum range 600 miles.

This INF treaty do NOT cover air and sea launch missiles. Which we have tremendous advantages even with Russia and China military enchiladas combined. Russia cannot even afford building new aircraft carriers.

Also INF do not cover our NATO allies in Europe with land, sea and air missiles.


The U.S. and Russia have the capability of eradicating life on earth. And then again. And again. Unsurprisingly, Trumpletons whine about poor, little, defenseless U.S. of A., threatened with extinction, taken advantage of, and in desperate need to spend hundreds of billions of dollars - taxpayer dollars - on a new arms race.

They, along with Trump, believed Putin's STRONG (!) denial of election interference, over the strong warnings of the intelligence community. Just, with a long and storied history of overestimating Russian / USSR military capabilities, the intelligence community's assessment of Russia's military capability is suddenly gospel.

Did anyone accuse the Trump administration of taking full advantage of the verification processes that are part of the INF? If so, I haven't seen the like. Doing that would likely result in similar demands from the Russian side concerning U.S. missile deployments in Europe, and that might turn out to be embarrassing, no?

Of course, they would point to Stoltenberg standing fully behind Trump's course. So, let's look at how this is going to play out in case the U.S. finally scraps the INF, Reagan's signature foreign policy achievement: What will happen if the U.S. develops and produces land-based, mid-range nuclear missiles with next to no warming time, and tries to deploy them to Europe? Tell you what, except for Poland, there won't be a government agreeing with the deployment left standing in Europe if that happens, and I am uncertain about Poland. It would likely splinter NATO. Now, isn't that exactly what unites Trump and Putin, loathing NATO? (On top of both men loving them cleptocratic oligarchs and their hoards of ill-gotten cash, looking for a laundromat.)

Yep, what could go wrong?
so , not much to be concerned with eh XYZ .
Yeah, if you're a sucker who wants to give the other side (Russia) an unfair advantage.

Russia is already violating the treaty, so they already have an unfair advantage, us opting out gives us a chance to either catch up or renegotiate the terms.
So you are admitting Trump has started a nuclear arms race.

I said Russia has violated a treaty.
yeah , from what i hear the Russians weren't observing the Treaty . From what i hear , the Russian have 6 months to start toeing the line if they want forgiveness . And MONEY , i think that the money we Americans spend is OUR money so Money is no ones business but Americans business OldEuro .
Just another case of him doing as Putin says.
He did opposite of what Putin wanted because it is a one-sided treating you stupid ass motherfucker
Lol, I'm sure that's the way brieghtbart is spinning it for you.

This coming from a cnn watching Tard...…...
Whatsamatter kid, Fred and Barney not playing with you enough?

View attachment 243783

Now that's the kind of shit I heard in the 3 grade.....

See you later retard...…...
Just keeping it level with your comprehension kiddo.
Lol, I'm sure that's the way brieghtbart is spinning it for you.

This coming from a cnn watching Tard...…...
Whatsamatter kid, Fred and Barney not playing with you enough?

View attachment 243783

Now that's the kind of shit I heard in the 3 grade.....

See you later retard...…...
Like you made it to the third grade......

I could buy and sell your dumb ass by the third grade......
Pretty well proven fact that the tougher you are on the internet the bigger pussy you are in real life. That applies to boasts about your financial standing as well.
Since you are another really stupid ass leftist dumb fk who can't think for yourself and need MSM to do it for you , lets think this for you.


Think with reality dumbasses ........ while everybody else pulls ahead of us do we really want to stay way back in the pit while others climbed out of it years ago.

wake up you stupid degenerates. .

First, dickbreath, how does releasing Russia from an agreement stop them? It is questionable that they are violating the treaty. There is dispute to that.

Trump's plan is that he thinks we can survive a nuclear arms race better than the Russians. Putin gets the OK to build as many rockets now as he wants & can blame it on Trump. We have a trillion dollar deficit with no end in sight. How stupid are you people?

Nuclear arm treaty includes verifiable steps to ensure both sides complied.

Third: So far. The only violations that we keep hearing is from Trump lying mouth. I’d like to see Putin violated that and that.

Fourth: Russian economy still struggling with crippling economic sanctions stuck in Putin ass.

Fifth: With excellent economy but we have trillions of deficits that keeps growing. How are we going to support arms race?

My honest opinion. Trump proved himself unfit POTUS.

You are mistaken here Charwin, since even the OBAMA ADMINISTRATION thought Russia was violating the treaty and so does the NATO Secretary thinks so, Trump has FULL support from NATO on his decision:

From the link you have missed twice,

"The INF Treaty bans all land-based cruise missiles with a range between 500 and 5,500 kilometers. While the Obama administration had accused Moscow of violating the agreement by deploying such systems, most notably with the Novator 9M729 design, Pentagon officials, including former Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, have been more vocal under the Trump administration about their concerns.

In December, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced the U.S. would set a 60-day timer for Russia to come back under compliance in the eyes of the Trump administration. If Russia did not do that, Pompeo pledged, the U.S. would begin the process of withdrawing fully from the treaty on Feb. 2."


"In Europe, the move was met with support from NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, who backed the U.S. position that Russia is to blame for the INF Treaty’s potential demise. In a statement, the NATO nations said that “Allies fully support this action” and “Russia will bear sole responsibility for the end of the Treaty.”

I also like to add ............
1. What benefits do we gain from withdrawing from INF?
2. Why not confront and punish Russia for violating the INF treaty? Instead he lifted one of the sanctions that benefits Putin buddies.
3. Withdrawing from INF benefits Putin. Now Putin is allowed to make and install new missiles all over.

Can you explain that?

In my honest opinion. Trump is a total mess surrounded with yes men like Pompeo and Bolton.
so , not much to be concerned with eh XYZ .
Yeah, if you're a sucker who wants to give the other side (Russia) an unfair advantage.

Russia is already violating the treaty, so they already have an unfair advantage, us opting out gives us a chance to either catch up or renegotiate the terms.
So you are admitting Trump has started a nuclear arms race.

Tard, you would be bitching about Trump no matter what.....

You are insane, admit it...………..
It is not my fault that Trump does so much stupid shit.

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