Trump starts nuclear arms race & risks nuclear war

Trump is ended a long term nuclear arms agreement that was signed by Regan. This releases Russia to go hog wild in increasing their mid range nuclear capabilities. Then we will need to compete.

Donald Trump, who knows NOTHING about nuclear arms or treaties, will go against experts because he thinks he knows more than everyone.

How will we pay for this nuclear arms race? Trump already has us at a deficit over a trillion dollars.

Who elected such a dotard?

I saw the report on the news. So my link is for you to get off your ass & become informed.

Thanks for the laugh Dave!

So, Russia has already said it will start building new rockets. Thanks your orange buddy.

They are violating the treaty, what would you do? Just say, go ahead?
The even more stupid part is that Russia could use those strategically against Europe, while the US doesn't have much use for them, save being launched by ships or submarines.
so , not much to be concerned with eh XYZ .
i also find that many of the younger 'libs' or millenials and pajama boys and similar are always ready to Give in , knuckle under and pander whine and cry like they have no backbone . Its like they don't understand the difference between right and wrong in World Affairs or even in Domestic Affairs '2AGuy' .

Yes....12 years of basic left wing indoctrination, another 4 if they go to college...... they are the victims of left wing mental illness.......
So they don;t have school systems in Red States.

They are run by the teachers unions......controlled by the democrat party and the teachers all graduate from the same left wing controlled colleges of liberal arts....
Woew, they are s run by the State & elected school boards you fucking idiot.
------------------------------------- Elected school board who are millennials , hip hopper , dopers and all elected by 'millenials' , hip hoppers and 'dopers' RealDave .
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so , not much to be concerned with eh XYZ .
Yeah, if you're a sucker who wants to give the other side (Russia) an unfair advantage.
--------------------------------------- weren't you crying over 'euro land' in your post number 122 ?? Where you from anyway , are YOU a 'euro type' ?? The TRUMP is working for the USA and Americans 'MAGA' XYZ ??
Trump is ended a long term nuclear arms agreement that was signed by Regan. This releases Russia to go hog wild in increasing their mid range nuclear capabilities. Then we will need to compete.

Donald Trump, who knows NOTHING about nuclear arms or treaties, will go against experts because he thinks he knows more than everyone.

How will we pay for this nuclear arms race? Trump already has us at a deficit over a trillion dollars.

Who elected such a dotard?

I saw the report on the news. So my link is for you to get off your ass & become informed.

You are truly dumb on this one since all Trump did was WITHDRAW from a treaty the Russians has been violating, no mention of starting a new arms race.

Toomuchtime destroyed your B.S at post 118

'In Europe, the move was met with support from NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, who backed the U.S. position that Russia is to blame for the INF Treaty’s potential demise. In a statement, the NATO nations said that “Allies fully support this action” and “Russia will bear sole responsibility for the end of the Treaty.”'

You need to stop now, Dave.
so , not much to be concerned with eh XYZ .
Yeah, if you're a sucker who wants to give the other side (Russia) an unfair advantage.
--------------------------------------- weren't you crying over 'euro land' in your post number 122 ?? Where you from anyway , are YOU a 'euro type' ?? The TRUMP is working for the USA and Americans 'MAGA' XYZ ??
Your America has the capital as Moscow. You think Europe belongs to Russia, Khuylo.
so , not much to be concerned with eh XYZ .
Yeah, if you're a sucker who wants to give the other side (Russia) an unfair advantage.
--------------------------------------- weren't you crying over 'euro land' in your post number 122 ?? Where you from anyway , are YOU a 'euro type' ?? The TRUMP is working for the USA and Americans 'MAGA' XYZ ??
Your America has the capital as Moscow. You think Europe belongs to Russia, Khuylo.
------------------------------- I think that 'euro land' belongs to the 'muslims' XYZ .
Until Donald Trump took office, every foreign agreement our previous Presidents signed favored the foreign nation(s). EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. Trade, nuclear, climate you name it we have been played for chumps. Democrats love for America to be the chump that is why they hate President Trump.


1. When you have Republicans blasting Trump. You have McConnell introducing a new bill that will stop Trump withdrawals from Syria and Afghanistan.

2. There are ZERO NONE supporters of his trade wars with China. Not a single economist or GOP lawmakers support Trump.

3. Trump planning to withdraw from Syria & NATO will benefits Russia.

4. The whole world is on board with climate change except the US. Even his own daughter disagreed with this moron POTUS.

Majority of Americans are not happy with your fake messiah.
Since you are another really stupid ass leftist dumb fk who can't think for yourself and need MSM to do it for you , lets think this for you.


Think with reality dumbasses ........ while everybody else pulls ahead of us do we really want to stay way back in the pit while others climbed out of it years ago.

wake up you stupid degenerates. .

First, dickbreath, how does releasing Russia from an agreement stop them? It is questionable that they are violating the treaty. There is dispute to that.

Trump's plan is that he thinks we can survive a nuclear arms race better than the Russians. Putin gets the OK to build as many rockets now as he wants & can blame it on Trump. We have a trillion dollar deficit with no end in sight. How stupid are you people?

Nuclear arm treaty includes verifiable steps to ensure both sides complied.

Third: So far. The only violations that we keep hearing is from Trump lying mouth. I’d like to see Putin violated that and that.

Fourth: Russian economy still struggling with crippling economic sanctions stuck in Putin ass.

Fifth: With excellent economy but we have trillions of deficits that keeps growing. How are we going to support arms race?

My honest opinion. Trump proved himself unfit POTUS.
Americans seem to support TRUMP no matter the 'rino' Politicians that don't support TRUMP . I'll stick with TRUMP rather than the 'rinos' Charwin .
Good. Everyone knows that Russia was not abiding by it anyway. The last time they tried to keep up with us we drilled them into the ground.

History tends to repeat itself.

I’m not here to blast your soul here like I normally do to you.

I’m just giving you my observation with on going US military anti missile defense program.

In my honest opinion these nuclear missiles that are shot from Russia coming in to US from outer atmosphere.
Will become obsolete. Maybe in less than 10 years. Hopefully we don’t run into war before then.

It’s harder to defend incoming missiles that are close to our shore like from submarines or air craft carriers.

Here are some few links what I’m talking about. These are just the beginning think 5 years for now how lethal these programs can they be.

Air Force test-launches missile from California base

U.S. deems historic missile defense test from VAFB as successful | Local News |
MAJORITY elected the President Trump and that's the only poll that matters Charwin .
Trump is ended a long term nuclear arms agreement that was signed by Regan. This releases Russia to go hog wild in increasing their mid range nuclear capabilities. Then we will need to compete.

Donald Trump, who knows NOTHING about nuclear arms or treaties, will go against experts because he thinks he knows more than everyone.

How will we pay for this nuclear arms race? Trump already has us at a deficit over a trillion dollars.

Who elected such a dotard?

I saw the report on the news. So my link is for you to get off your ass & become informed.

I believe Putin and Trump talked before this and figured something out. I mean they are giving Russia 6 months, by then all will be forgotten.

But you are right, he is stupid as stupid can be.

I guarantee that Trump's IQ is at least 50 points higher than yours.

I mean his IQ could be 90 and still be 50 points higher than yours, but the point remains, his IQ is at least 50 points higher than yours


Blasting his own AG, DOD or Chief Intelligence in public shows not only low IQ but incompetent, lazy and lunatic.

You may want to ask Ann Coulter. Link below even came from Breitbart one of Trump favorite media.

Ann Coulter: We Put 'Lunatic,' 'Lazy' Trump in the White House for One Reason -- The Wall | Breitbart

Ann Coulter: We Put 'Lunatic,' 'Lazy' Trump in the White House for One Reason -- The Wall
Since you are another really stupid ass leftist dumb fk who can't think for yourself and need MSM to do it for you , lets think this for you.


Think with reality dumbasses ........ while everybody else pulls ahead of us do we really want to stay way back in the pit while others climbed out of it years ago.

wake up you stupid degenerates. .

First, dickbreath, how does releasing Russia from an agreement stop them? It is questionable that they are violating the treaty. There is dispute to that.

Trump's plan is that he thinks we can survive a nuclear arms race better than the Russians. Putin gets the OK to build as many rockets now as he wants & can blame it on Trump. We have a trillion dollar deficit with no end in sight. How stupid are you people?

Nuclear arm treaty includes verifiable steps to ensure both sides complied.

Third: So far. The only violations that we keep hearing is from Trump lying mouth. I’d like to see Putin violated that and that.

Fourth: Russian economy still struggling with crippling economic sanctions stuck in Putin ass.

Fifth: With excellent economy but we have trillions of deficits that keeps growing. How are we going to support arms race?

My honest opinion. Trump proved himself unfit POTUS.

You are mistaken here Charwin, since even the OBAMA ADMINISTRATION thought Russia was violating the treaty and so does the NATO Secretary thinks so, Trump has FULL support from NATO on his decision:

From the link you have missed twice,

"The INF Treaty bans all land-based cruise missiles with a range between 500 and 5,500 kilometers. While the Obama administration had accused Moscow of violating the agreement by deploying such systems, most notably with the Novator 9M729 design, Pentagon officials, including former Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, have been more vocal under the Trump administration about their concerns.

In December, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced the U.S. would set a 60-day timer for Russia to come back under compliance in the eyes of the Trump administration. If Russia did not do that, Pompeo pledged, the U.S. would begin the process of withdrawing fully from the treaty on Feb. 2."


"In Europe, the move was met with support from NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, who backed the U.S. position that Russia is to blame for the INF Treaty’s potential demise. In a statement, the NATO nations said that “Allies fully support this action” and “Russia will bear sole responsibility for the end of the Treaty.”
we must do whatever it takes to kill the Russians better then they can kill us and if that takes spending money then we have to spend money . Looks like that decision will be made by President Trump RDave .

Here is the Democrat plan, Give Russia tons of money while at the same time chanting USA sucks. If we can convince China and Russia how much we suck, we won't need a military and they will be our best friends.
Close. Democrats have always believed if we were weak and poor we would be an unattractive and worthless target. No one attacks Paraguay.
What a crock of shit.
---------------------------------------------- generally speaking and in WarTimes or in a surprise attack the goal would be to hit and totally destroy enemy big cities in both Russia and in the USA . You must be nervous because YOU live in a big city eh RDave ?? [see Dresden , Hiroshima and Nagasaki as examples of my thinking RDave]

And if Russia do such stupid things.

Russia will be face with total annihilation from US military might coming from US trident submarines and air craft carriers plus land based missiles.
Russia has only a couple of aging aircraft carriers anemically deployed in Syria’s shore with aging submarines.

This is where NATO missile countries will come in.
This is where you will see US M1 tanks rolling in to Russia’s soil but you will NEVER see Russian tanks rolling in to US soil.

I don’t Putin is that stupid but there will be a war it’s only a matter of time.

But I’m very nervous with incompetence & ignorant POTUS that doesn’t listen to his own intelligence but using his own smart ass opinion.
we elected TRUMP for his Guidance and opinion and decisions . The experts you worship are simply Trumps 'employees' Charwin .
Trump is ended a long term nuclear arms agreement that was signed by Regan. This releases Russia to go hog wild in increasing their mid range nuclear capabilities. Then we will need to compete.

Donald Trump, who knows NOTHING about nuclear arms or treaties, will go against experts because he thinks he knows more than everyone.

How will we pay for this nuclear arms race? Trump already has us at a deficit over a trillion dollars.

Who elected such a dotard?

I saw the report on the news. So my link is for you to get off your ass & become informed.

You are truly dumb on this one since all Trump did was WITHDRAW from a treaty the Russians has been violating, no mention of starting a new arms race.

Toomuchtime destroyed your B.S at post 118

'In Europe, the move was met with support from NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, who backed the U.S. position that Russia is to blame for the INF Treaty’s potential demise. In a statement, the NATO nations said that “Allies fully support this action” and “Russia will bear sole responsibility for the end of the Treaty.”'

You need to stop now, Dave.

Of course Stoltenberg will tell you that Russia is in violations. What do you expect? What damages can he do by saying that? More money?

Did they say Putin installs a new missiles in Eastern Europe?

Did they say Putin install a new types of missiles in Eastern Europe?

Do you honestly believe US did not violate the same treaty?

I’d like to see these violations that these people keep saying.

Just because Trump told you that by using a rake in California forest will prevent forest fire.

Just because Trump told you that 3 millions voted illegally during last presidential election.

Trump is ended a long term nuclear arms agreement that was signed by Regan. This releases Russia to go hog wild in increasing their mid range nuclear capabilities. Then we will need to compete.

Donald Trump, who knows NOTHING about nuclear arms or treaties, will go against experts because he thinks he knows more than everyone.

How will we pay for this nuclear arms race? Trump already has us at a deficit over a trillion dollars.

Who elected such a dotard?

I saw the report on the news. So my link is for you to get off your ass & become informed.
Just another case of him doing as Putin says.
He did opposite of what Putin wanted because it is a one-sided treating you stupid ass motherfucker
Lol, I'm sure that's the way brieghtbart is spinning it for you.

This coming from a cnn watching Tard...…...

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