Trump Still Cleaning Up Mess Left By obama

Trump briefed the Democrats on the battle plan who intern warned their Iranian allies so they could fill the targets with women and children.

The Dem leadership are traitors who routinely side with America's enemies. They collude with illegals who have killed more Americans than terrorists did on 9/11, why aren't these Dem traitors in prison???
Did Obama send love letters to Un or did he denigrate our FBI by saying he believes Putin ahead of our great service?? Just asking trumper

Obama gave Iran BILLIONS of dollars, he has blood on his hands.
Gave them back their own money AND now trump wants to talk to them?? Why did the AH tear up Obamas agreement in the 1st place? The answer is he hated Obama because he was respected and loved more than Trump could ever be and he wanted to belittle him at every turn regardless of the consequences
:abgg2q.jpg: this propaganda is so stupid.

If a terrorist owned a gun, and smart people took it away, Obama gave the terrorist his gun back because they both hate Israel/Jews and Hope's he they use it on Israel. Just ask his buddy Louis farrakhan.

Democrats are Iranian terrorist enablers because they share a common enemies. America and the jews.

You're lies are so blatant and serve no one's interests except those who seek to undermine world peace. You keep pushing the idea that liberals hate America, all the while pushing racism, xenophobia, and war. America was created to get away from the endless wars and persecutions in Europe.

You're pushing the idea that America should go to war with Iran. You promote lies about Iran, and lies about liberals. We're not buying it. Americans aren't buying it and the rest of the world sure as shit isn't buying it.
With this idiot in office, who can honor the office of the presidency anymore until he leaves? Wants a war with Iran with 4 times the troops Iraq, had a real army? How many Americans do you republican morons find acceptable to lose with your king in office?

Why do you constantly LIE about president Trump? Trump has repeatedly stated he does NOT want war with Iran. You LIE! :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar: I'm guessing because Trump is doing such an awesome job if you don't LIE you got nothing on the man. :eusa_hand:
And how ain't lies has he been caught in so far? Thousands and thousands. Why should we believe him this time?

We are talking about YOUR lies here have a bunch of these :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
Blues are you and mikey trying to beat out bri for dumbest poster ?? You are closing in
Democrat resorting to personal attacks.
NBC, CBS and ABC are publically owned AMERICAN companies which have an elected Board of Directors answerable to their shareholders.

LMAO no they are the propaganda ministry for the Dem party. :itsok:
News by Democrats, for Democrats.
Why do you constantly LIE about president Trump? Trump has repeatedly stated he does NOT want war with Iran. You LIE! :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar: I'm guessing because Trump is doing such an awesome job if you don't LIE you got nothing on the man. :eusa_hand:
Trump briefed the Democrats on the battle plan who intern warned their Iranian allies so they could fill the targets with women and children.

The Dem leadership are traitors who routinely side with America's enemies. They collude with illegals who have killed more Americans than terrorists did on 9/11, why aren't these Dem traitors in prison???
Did Obama send love letters to Un or did he denigrate our FBI by saying he believes Putin ahead of our great service?? Just asking trumper

Obama gave Iran BILLIONS of dollars, he has blood on his hands.
Gave them back their own money AND now trump wants to talk to them?? Why did the AH tear up Obamas agreement in the 1st place? The answer is he hated Obama because he was respected and loved more than Trump could ever be and he wanted to belittle him at every turn regardless of the consequences
Hussein was the worst president in history.
Well that Iran mess was left by Reagan then and Carter before him and Bush H after him, oh, and Clinton and W also.

Take off the "My Team Is Great" provided blinders and look at the bigger picture.

But only the piece of shit obama signed a phony-baloney nuke deal with the genocidal maniacs after giving them $100 BILLION dollars and REMOVING the current sanctions.

Plus, the deal was SO bad, there was virtually no enforceable inspection criteria. Unless you think that the Assahollahs telling us when, where and IF we could show up was 'enforceable'. But you're too stupid to know about that

Even several dimocrap Senators called it the worst deal in American History.

And by significant majorities, both the US House of Representatives (245-186) and the US Senate (58-42) disapproved of obama's stupid-assed circle jerk. But they couldn't get the 2/3 necessary to block it. But you're too stupid to know that

So it was an Executive Agreement, not ratified by the US Congress. You're too stupid to know that, too.

Only one scumbag, the Lying Cocksucker (because, 1. he is a liar and, 2. he sucks cocks) was behind it. And now, one person has put a stop to it.

obama was THE worst president in American History.


And people that still back that piece of shit are dick-stains themselves. Stupid beyond belief.

Everything that piece of shit did was a disaster that we're still paying for to this day.
I feel like I should say something else to go along with the opinion article, but there's just not much more to say.

obama was THE worst president in American History. Maybe he made some people feel good about themselves, I don't know. And, frankly, I don't care.

He was THE worst POTUS in History. And that's including US Grant, who was a good and decent man, but a terrible president, Jimmy The Peanut, a terrible, terrible, bumbling, indecisive and gutless person, and LBJ, perhaps the biggest criminal of them all.

dims won't read this. They avoid the truth like it's the plague but those of you that want to know a little something? It lacks a lot of depth but I, personally, don't like articles that are like Michener Novels (ask him what time it is and he'll tell you how to make a watch). So, if you're curious, if you want more depth, more understanding, we've got the internet. Just be careful not to accept the lies told by the DISGUSTING FILTH

Read it.

Tom Basile: Iran tensions -- Trump still cleaning up Obama's mess (but Democrats won't admit it)
Did the moron you extol clean up those 75 straight months of 6 digit employment gains {2 under 6 very recently under blabbermouth} or dropping unemployment from the 9's to the 4 + %? or a great rising market when pos took over? How many times must you see this AH slap himself on the back before you realize what scum he actually is ?? Remember that song that goes ""first you say you will ,then you won't""??


It is not shocking but it is sad how Trump supporters used to not believe the DOL statistics about job figures…but they do now. They used to be very much against raising the debt ceiling…but they are all for it now. They used to be very much in favor of free trade…but they are against it now. They used to like John McCain and even voted for him for President….try to get any of them to admit that now.

It must really suck to be them.

They are told what to think, they are told what to feel, and they cannot claim to have any character or fortitude.

In 2024 (one way or the other), they will embrace someone who is most likely 180 degrees opposite of the blob. And then claim that they never liked the blob to begin with.
With this idiot in office, who can honor the office of the presidency anymore until he leaves? Wants a war with Iran with 4 times the troops Iraq, had a real army? How many Americans do you republican morons find acceptable to lose with your king in office?

Why do you constantly LIE about president Trump? Trump has repeatedly stated he does NOT want war with Iran. You LIE! :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar: I'm guessing because Trump is doing such an awesome job if you don't LIE you got nothing on the man. :eusa_hand:
And how ain't lies has he been caught in so far? Thousands and thousands. Why should we believe him this time?

We are talking about YOUR lies here have a bunch of these :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
Blues are you and mikey trying to beat out bri for dumbest poster ?? You are closing in
Democrat resorting to personal attacks.
NBC, CBS and ABC are publically owned AMERICAN companies which have an elected Board of Directors answerable to their shareholders.

LMAO no they are the propaganda ministry for the Dem party. :itsok:
News by Democrats, for Democrats.

They were the least bit critical of Obama once and he went off on them in what they described as a "profanity laced tirade".
With this idiot in office, who can honor the office of the presidency anymore until he leaves? Wants a war with Iran with 4 times the troops Iraq, had a real army? How many Americans do you republican morons find acceptable to lose with your king in office?

Why do you constantly LIE about president Trump? Trump has repeatedly stated he does NOT want war with Iran. You LIE! :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar: I'm guessing because Trump is doing such an awesome job if you don't LIE you got nothing on the man. :eusa_hand:
And how ain't lies has he been caught in so far? Thousands and thousands. Why should we believe him this time?

We are talking about YOUR lies here have a bunch of these :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
Please point out some of my lies.
With this idiot in office, who can honor the office of the presidency anymore until he leaves? Wants a war with Iran with 4 times the troops Iraq, had a real army? How many Americans do you republican morons find acceptable to lose with your king in office?

Why do you constantly LIE about president Trump? Trump has repeatedly stated he does NOT want war with Iran. You LIE! :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar: I'm guessing because Trump is doing such an awesome job if you don't LIE you got nothing on the man. :eusa_hand:
And how ain't lies has he been caught in so far? Thousands and thousands. Why should we believe him this time?
IMO he was already to attack Iran until all his people told him """asshole stop it""
Who knows? His story has already changed at least once.

It is not shocking but it is sad how Trump supporters used to not believe the DOL statistics about job figures…but they do now. They used to be very much against raising the debt ceiling…but they are all for it now. They used to be very much in favor of free trade…but they are against it now. They used to like John McCain and even voted for him for President….try to get any of them to admit that now.

It must really suck to be them.

They are told what to think, they are told what to feel, and they cannot claim to have any character or fortitude.

In 2024 (one way or the other), they will embrace someone who is most likely 180 degrees opposite of the blob. And then claim that they never liked the blob to begin with.

304 - 227

suck on it
Well that Iran mess was left by Reagan then and Carter before him and Bush H after him, oh, and Clinton and W also.

Take off the "My Team Is Great" provided blinders and look at the bigger picture.

But only the piece of shit obama signed a phony-baloney nuke deal with the genocidal maniacs after giving them $100 BILLION dollars and REMOVING the current sanctions.

Plus, the deal was SO bad, there was virtually no enforceable inspection criteria. Unless you think that the Assahollahs telling us when, where and IF we could show up was 'enforceable'. But you're too stupid to know about that

Even several dimocrap Senators called it the worst deal in American History.

And by significant majorities, both the US House of Representatives (245-186) and the US Senate (58-42) disapproved of obama's stupid-assed circle jerk. But they couldn't get the 2/3 necessary to block it. But you're too stupid to know that

So it was an Executive Agreement, not ratified by the US Congress. You're too stupid to know that, too.

Only one scumbag, the Lying Cocksucker (because, 1. he is a liar and, 2. he sucks cocks) was behind it. And now, one person has put a stop to it.

obama was THE worst president in American History.


And people that still back that piece of shit are dick-stains themselves. Stupid beyond belief.

Everything that piece of shit did was a disaster that we're still paying for to this day.
Great, how many nukes did Iran build under Obama?
With this idiot in office, who can honor the office of the presidency anymore until he leaves? Wants a war with Iran with 4 times the troops Iraq, had a real army? How many Americans do you republican morons find acceptable to lose with your king in office?

Why do you constantly LIE about president Trump? Trump has repeatedly stated he does NOT want war with Iran. You LIE! :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar: I'm guessing because Trump is doing such an awesome job if you don't LIE you got nothing on the man. :eusa_hand:
And how ain't lies has he been caught in so far? Thousands and thousands. Why should we believe him this time?
IMO he was already to attack Iran until all his people told him """asshole stop it""

Do you know why presidents have advisors? :eusa_hand:
Yes, but you don't seem to.
With this idiot in office, who can honor the office of the presidency anymore until he leaves? Wants a war with Iran with 4 times the troops Iraq, had a real army? How many Americans do you republican morons find acceptable to lose with your king in office?

Why do you constantly LIE about president Trump? Trump has repeatedly stated he does NOT want war with Iran. You LIE! :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar: I'm guessing because Trump is doing such an awesome job if you don't LIE you got nothing on the man. :eusa_hand:
And how ain't lies has he been caught in so far? Thousands and thousands. Why should we believe him this time?
IMO he was already to attack Iran until all his people told him """asshole stop it""
IMO, trump knew the Democrats would leak the battle plan to their Iranian allies so they could fill the targets with civilians.
Oh look, more stupidity from yet another brainless tRumpkin.
President Trump only doing exactly what Hillary promised to do in 2015, she makes this clear in just the first minutes of this video.

Well that Iran mess was left by Reagan then and Carter before him and Bush H after him, oh, and Clinton and W also.

Take off the "My Team Is Great" provided blinders and look at the bigger picture.

But only the piece of shit obama signed a phony-baloney nuke deal with the genocidal maniacs after giving them $100 BILLION dollars and REMOVING the current sanctions.

Plus, the deal was SO bad, there was virtually no enforceable inspection criteria. Unless you think that the Assahollahs telling us when, where and IF we could show up was 'enforceable'. But you're too stupid to know about that

Even several dimocrap Senators called it the worst deal in American History.

And by significant majorities, both the US House of Representatives (245-186) and the US Senate (58-42) disapproved of obama's stupid-assed circle jerk. But they couldn't get the 2/3 necessary to block it. But you're too stupid to know that

So it was an Executive Agreement, not ratified by the US Congress. You're too stupid to know that, too.

Only one scumbag, the Lying Cocksucker (because, 1. he is a liar and, 2. he sucks cocks) was behind it. And now, one person has put a stop to it.

obama was THE worst president in American History.


And people that still back that piece of shit are dick-stains themselves. Stupid beyond belief.

Everything that piece of shit did was a disaster that we're still paying for to this day.
Great, how many nukes did Iran build under Obama?
Nothing stopping them now Great work orange scumbag
Well that Iran mess was left by Reagan then and Carter before him and Bush H after him, oh, and Clinton and W also.

Take off the "My Team Is Great" provided blinders and look at the bigger picture.

But only the piece of shit obama signed a phony-baloney nuke deal with the genocidal maniacs after giving them $100 BILLION dollars and REMOVING the current sanctions.

Plus, the deal was SO bad, there was virtually no enforceable inspection criteria. Unless you think that the Assahollahs telling us when, where and IF we could show up was 'enforceable'. But you're too stupid to know about that

Even several dimocrap Senators called it the worst deal in American History.

And by significant majorities, both the US House of Representatives (245-186) and the US Senate (58-42) disapproved of obama's stupid-assed circle jerk. But they couldn't get the 2/3 necessary to block it. But you're too stupid to know that

So it was an Executive Agreement, not ratified by the US Congress. You're too stupid to know that, too.

Only one scumbag, the Lying Cocksucker (because, 1. he is a liar and, 2. he sucks cocks) was behind it. And now, one person has put a stop to it.

obama was THE worst president in American History.


And people that still back that piece of shit are dick-stains themselves. Stupid beyond belief.

Everything that piece of shit did was a disaster that we're still paying for to this day.
Great, how many nukes did Iran build under Obama?
Nothing stopping them now Great work orange scumbag

Trump is doing EXACTLY what Hillary promised to do in 2015 if she had been elected. Here I'll answer for you, but but but...but.
Just look at trump and his trumpets run against Obama and Hillary The reason??? Because they're getting their asses kicked by 20 dem candidates
Well that Iran mess was left by Reagan then and Carter before him and Bush H after him, oh, and Clinton and W also.

Take off the "My Team Is Great" provided blinders and look at the bigger picture.

But only the piece of shit obama signed a phony-baloney nuke deal with the genocidal maniacs after giving them $100 BILLION dollars and REMOVING the current sanctions.

Plus, the deal was SO bad, there was virtually no enforceable inspection criteria. Unless you think that the Assahollahs telling us when, where and IF we could show up was 'enforceable'. But you're too stupid to know about that

Even several dimocrap Senators called it the worst deal in American History.

And by significant majorities, both the US House of Representatives (245-186) and the US Senate (58-42) disapproved of obama's stupid-assed circle jerk. But they couldn't get the 2/3 necessary to block it. But you're too stupid to know that

So it was an Executive Agreement, not ratified by the US Congress. You're too stupid to know that, too.

Only one scumbag, the Lying Cocksucker (because, 1. he is a liar and, 2. he sucks cocks) was behind it. And now, one person has put a stop to it.

obama was THE worst president in American History.


And people that still back that piece of shit are dick-stains themselves. Stupid beyond belief.

Everything that piece of shit did was a disaster that we're still paying for to this day.
Great, how many nukes did Iran build under Obama?
Nothing stopping them now Great work orange scumbag
They've already announced they will no longer adhere to the restrictions.
With this idiot in office, who can honor the office of the presidency anymore until he leaves? Wants a war with Iran with 4 times the troops Iraq, had a real army? How many Americans do you republican morons find acceptable to lose with your king in office?

Why do you constantly LIE about president Trump? Trump has repeatedly stated he does NOT want war with Iran. You LIE! :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar: I'm guessing because Trump is doing such an awesome job if you don't LIE you got nothing on the man. :eusa_hand:
Trump briefed the Democrats on the battle plan who intern warned their Iranian allies so they could fill the targets with women and children.

The Dem leadership are traitors who routinely side with America's enemies. They collude with illegals who have killed more Americans than terrorists did on 9/11, why aren't these Dem traitors in prison???
Did Obama send love letters to Un or did he denigrate our FBI by saying he believes Putin ahead of our great service?? Just asking trumper

Obama gave Iran BILLIONS of dollars, he has blood on his hands.
He had no choice, we lost the 35 year court battle over it in the Hague.... the deal cost us less money than the Court was going to render us to give back.

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