Trump Still Cleaning Up Mess Left By obama

I feel like I should say something else to go along with the opinion article, but there's just not much more to say.

obama was THE worst president in American History. Maybe he made some people feel good about themselves, I don't know. And, frankly, I don't care.

He was THE worst POTUS in History. And that's including US Grant, who was a good and decent man, but a terrible president, Jimmy The Peanut, a terrible, terrible, bumbling, indecisive and gutless person, and LBJ, perhaps the biggest criminal of them all.

dims won't read this. They avoid the truth like it's the plague but those of you that want to know a little something? It lacks a lot of depth but I, personally, don't like articles that are like Michener Novels (ask him what time it is and he'll tell you how to make a watch). So, if you're curious, if you want more depth, more understanding, we've got the internet. Just be careful not to accept the lies told by the DISGUSTING FILTH

Read it.

Tom Basile: Iran tensions -- Trump still cleaning up Obama's mess (but Democrats won't admit it)
Bush got us into recession. Obama got us out. Now recession is increasingly likely again.
Then a Dem president will bail us out and Repubs will blame the Dems Standard repub procedure
A Demb pres will finish this country and start a shooting war.
and the truth is blues I feel sorry for you ,,because if you can't tell trump is nothing but a lying pos you must have gotten conned by folks your whole life
He can lie 24/7 so long as he trashes everything obama did and is doing.

Obama was elected to undo everything the Republicans did under George W. Bush. And he did. He restored the economy, and the jobs lost by the Bush Administration. He ended the war in Iraq, and brought thousands of troops home.

Trump wasn't elected to trash everything Obama did. He was elected because Obama didn't do ENOUGH for working and middle class Americans. In large part, he was hobbled from doing more by the Republican House and Senate, but he did get Obamacare through. There were other factors, but traditional Democratic voters were convinced by 35 years of Republican lies about the Clintons, and a relentless disinformation campaign by the Russians helped throw enough voters to Trump to get him elected.

There are a LOT of reasons why it won't happen again. Not the least of which is that women will NEVER vote for Trump again. Healthcare for women and their families, reproductive choice, and the options for controlling reproduction - including birth control, abortion and sex education, death rates for women in childbirth, Planned Parenthood, maternity leave and job security for pregnant women, affordable childcare, all the things that Republicans oppose which makes their claim to be the party of "family values" laughable.

There are 8 million more female voters than male. If you think that 2018 was bad, the organization and planning going up against Donald Trump in 2020 is will be overwhelming. Democrats stayed home in 2016 and they won't make that mistake again. Every time Donald Trump does something stupid - like telling employers and insurance companies they don't have to cover birth control or abortion in employee health care policies if they don't feel like it. That's just fucking outrageous.

Every first world country in the world requires employers to pay health care taxes which cover contraception and abortion. In the United States, the Catholic Church asks for and receives and exemption for paying for healthcare coverage for things it doesn't like, even though the Catholic Church pays employees healthcare taxes which fund birth control and abortion in every other first world country in the world, including Great Britain, Iceland, Canada, the Scandanavian Countries, and most of the EU. Only in the United States do you have ask your employer's religion to find our whether your health insurance covers your birth control.
Bush got us into recession. Obama got us out. Now recession is increasingly likely again.

Bush got us into the recession, huh?

Not Fannie Mae buying worthless mortgages and selling them to unsuspecting Countries in the form of Triple A Bonds? Nah, nothing like that.

Not Hank Greenberg selling worthless default garbage.

Not The Peanut's CRA (community reinvestment act)

Not Greenspawn keep interest rates WAY too low for WAY too long.

You're a genius. Typical dim.

youre as oblivious about Bush as you are about Trump arent you idiot boi -

tRump should be as good as Obama but tRump will only be a footnote in history. All of what you rumpsters believe is unabashed lies and faked information.
Nobody ever described anything president Obama said as a profanity laced tirade. That is a bald faced lie.

God you people are ignorant. Only none other than ABC White House correspondent Ann Compton confirmed this you useless retard lib drone. Go lick your wounds.

Ooh, a disgruntled former employee in a conservitard youtube video.

How ever can we dispute that?

giphy (3).gif
They've already announced they will no longer adhere to the restrictions.

What's stopping Iran from adhering to the deal and restrictions in spite of Trump? OH SNAP!
They were adhering to the deal. Trump unilaterally pulled out and now they're no longer adhering to it.

So what's stopping them now from building nukes?

You can't see the stupidity of your argument. Iran cuts a deal with multiple countries, and because the U.S. walks away from the deal they go right back to developing nukes, attacking their neighbors, and enabling terrorists. And you idiots think Trump made a mistake. :cuckoo:
The deal is practically null and void. Most of the benefits for Iran to interest them in adhering to the deal have been revoked. Trump did what trump does -- killed it with no contingency plan. Now Iran will develop nukes and you morons will continue to vigilantly volunteer to be trump's cock holster.
Bush got us into recession. Obama got us out. Now recession is increasingly likely again.

Bush got us into the recession, huh?

Not Fannie Mae buying worthless mortgages and selling them to unsuspecting Countries in the form of Triple A Bonds? Nah, nothing like that.

Not Hank Greenberg selling worthless default garbage.

Not The Peanut's CRA (community reinvestment act)

Not Greenspawn keep interest rates WAY too low for WAY too long.

You're a genius. Typical dim.

"Thanks to our policies, home ownership in America is at an all-time high." ~ George Bush, 9.2.2004, RNC acceptance speech
I feel like I should say something else to go along with the opinion article, but there's just not much more to say.

obama was THE worst president in American History. Maybe he made some people feel good about themselves, I don't know. And, frankly, I don't care.

He was THE worst POTUS in History. And that's including US Grant, who was a good and decent man, but a terrible president, Jimmy The Peanut, a terrible, terrible, bumbling, indecisive and gutless person, and LBJ, perhaps the biggest criminal of them all.

dims won't read this. They avoid the truth like it's the plague but those of you that want to know a little something? It lacks a lot of depth but I, personally, don't like articles that are like Michener Novels (ask him what time it is and he'll tell you how to make a watch). So, if you're curious, if you want more depth, more understanding, we've got the internet. Just be careful not to accept the lies told by the DISGUSTING FILTH

Read it.

Tom Basile: Iran tensions -- Trump still cleaning up Obama's mess (but Democrats won't admit it)

AND Bush. Obama expanded what Bush got started. Only because Obama expanded what Bush got started making it worse,everyone forgets how prior to Obama,Bush was the most destrutive president ever hense why he left with the lowest rating of any president leaving office.
I feel like I should say something else to go along with the opinion article, but there's just not much more to say.

obama was THE worst president in American History. Maybe he made some people feel good about themselves, I don't know. And, frankly, I don't care.

He was THE worst POTUS in History. And that's including US Grant, who was a good and decent man, but a terrible president, Jimmy The Peanut, a terrible, terrible, bumbling, indecisive and gutless person, and LBJ, perhaps the biggest criminal of them all.

dims won't read this. They avoid the truth like it's the plague but those of you that want to know a little something? It lacks a lot of depth but I, personally, don't like articles that are like Michener Novels (ask him what time it is and he'll tell you how to make a watch). So, if you're curious, if you want more depth, more understanding, we've got the internet. Just be careful not to accept the lies told by the DISGUSTING FILTH

Read it.

Tom Basile: Iran tensions -- Trump still cleaning up Obama's mess (but Democrats won't admit it)

AND Bush. Obama expanded what Bush got started. Only because Obama expanded what Bush got started making it worse,everyone forgets how prior to Obama,Bush was the most destrutive president ever hense why he left with the lowest rating of any president leaving office.

Obama left with a 60% approval rating, so to say that Trump was elected to undo everything Obama did, is a complete lie. Everybody liked what Obama did. Except Republicans.
I feel like I should say something else to go along with the opinion article, but there's just not much more to say.

obama was THE worst president in American History. Maybe he made some people feel good about themselves, I don't know. And, frankly, I don't care.

He was THE worst POTUS in History. And that's including US Grant, who was a good and decent man, but a terrible president, Jimmy The Peanut, a terrible, terrible, bumbling, indecisive and gutless person, and LBJ, perhaps the biggest criminal of them all.

dims won't read this. They avoid the truth like it's the plague but those of you that want to know a little something? It lacks a lot of depth but I, personally, don't like articles that are like Michener Novels (ask him what time it is and he'll tell you how to make a watch). So, if you're curious, if you want more depth, more understanding, we've got the internet. Just be careful not to accept the lies told by the DISGUSTING FILTH

Read it.

Tom Basile: Iran tensions -- Trump still cleaning up Obama's mess (but Democrats won't admit it)

AND Bush. Obama expanded what Bush got started. Only because Obama expanded what Bush got started making it worse,everyone forgets how prior to Obama,Bush was the most destrutive president ever hense why he left with the lowest rating of any president leaving office.

Obama left with a 60% approval rating, so to say that Trump was elected to undo everything Obama did, is a complete lie. Everybody liked what Obama did. Except Republicans.

that was all the stupid idiot blacks who could not get past his color is why he left with such a high rating.LOL
I feel like I should say something else to go along with the opinion article, but there's just not much more to say.

obama was THE worst president in American History. Maybe he made some people feel good about themselves, I don't know. And, frankly, I don't care.

He was THE worst POTUS in History. And that's including US Grant, who was a good and decent man, but a terrible president, Jimmy The Peanut, a terrible, terrible, bumbling, indecisive and gutless person, and LBJ, perhaps the biggest criminal of them all.

dims won't read this. They avoid the truth like it's the plague but those of you that want to know a little something? It lacks a lot of depth but I, personally, don't like articles that are like Michener Novels (ask him what time it is and he'll tell you how to make a watch). So, if you're curious, if you want more depth, more understanding, we've got the internet. Just be careful not to accept the lies told by the DISGUSTING FILTH

Read it.

Tom Basile: Iran tensions -- Trump still cleaning up Obama's mess (but Democrats won't admit it)

AND Bush. Obama expanded what Bush got started. Only because Obama expanded what Bush got started making it worse,everyone forgets how prior to Obama,Bush was the most destrutive president ever hense why he left with the lowest rating of any president leaving office.

Obama left with a 60% approval rating, so to say that Trump was elected to undo everything Obama did, is a complete lie. Everybody liked what Obama did. Except Republicans.

that was all the stupid idiot blacks who could not get past his color is why he left with such a high rating.LOL

No, that was ALL of the people who aren't racist assholes, who recognized what an amazing job he did under really difficult circumstances and pointless opposition from Republicans. Not just in the US, but around the world. Nobody laughed at Obama. Everybody is laughing at Trump.
and the truth is blues I feel sorry for you ,,because if you can't tell trump is nothing but a lying pos you must have gotten conned by folks your whole life
He can lie 24/7 so long as he trashes everything obama did and is doing.

Obama was elected to undo everything the Republicans did under George W. Bush. And he did. He restored the economy, and the jobs lost by the Bush Administration. He ended the war in Iraq, and brought thousands of troops home.

Trump wasn't elected to trash everything Obama did. He was elected because Obama didn't do ENOUGH for working and middle class Americans. In large part, he was hobbled from doing more by the Republican House and Senate, but he did get Obamacare through. There were other factors, but traditional Democratic voters were convinced by 35 years of Republican lies about the Clintons, and a relentless disinformation campaign by the Russians helped throw enough voters to Trump to get him elected.

There are a LOT of reasons why it won't happen again. Not the least of which is that women will NEVER vote for Trump again. Healthcare for women and their families, reproductive choice, and the options for controlling reproduction - including birth control, abortion and sex education, death rates for women in childbirth, Planned Parenthood, maternity leave and job security for pregnant women, affordable childcare, all the things that Republicans oppose which makes their claim to be the party of "family values" laughable.

There are 8 million more female voters than male. If you think that 2018 was bad, the organization and planning going up against Donald Trump in 2020 is will be overwhelming. Democrats stayed home in 2016 and they won't make that mistake again. Every time Donald Trump does something stupid - like telling employers and insurance companies they don't have to cover birth control or abortion in employee health care policies if they don't feel like it. That's just fucking outrageous.

Every first world country in the world requires employers to pay health care taxes which cover contraception and abortion. In the United States, the Catholic Church asks for and receives and exemption for paying for healthcare coverage for things it doesn't like, even though the Catholic Church pays employees healthcare taxes which fund birth control and abortion in every other first world country in the world, including Great Britain, Iceland, Canada, the Scandanavian Countries, and most of the EU. Only in the United States do you have ask your employer's religion to find our whether your health insurance covers your birth control.

You just lost your credibilty right there in your first paragraph.

Undo what Bush did? your a fucking liar.He EXPANDED what Bush got started.He expanded the war in the middle east,lying saying he would end it,he LIED saying he would reverse traiter Bushs pattriot act by EXPANDING the police states surveliannce state on us, and hat is the biggest lie ever told by anyone on this board thats he ended the middle east war bringing troops home:abgg2q.jpg::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

you are as bad as that reaganut zombies who think reagan was so great when he betrayed the middle classs familys cause you do the same with obomination:lmao::laughing0301:

this poster owned your ass and took you to school that he was the most disaterous president ever.:laughing0301::lmao:

National Debt - Obama Worst Ever President

he was honest about ONE thing.he followed his hero reagans footsteps saying he wanted to be like reagan and he did,same as reagan crated the worst debt ever worse than all presidents before him COMBINDED. obama did the SAME thing moron.


you just did this with that post of yours-:dig:
I feel like I should say something else to go along with the opinion article, but there's just not much more to say.

obama was THE worst president in American History. Maybe he made some people feel good about themselves, I don't know. And, frankly, I don't care.

He was THE worst POTUS in History. And that's including US Grant, who was a good and decent man, but a terrible president, Jimmy The Peanut, a terrible, terrible, bumbling, indecisive and gutless person, and LBJ, perhaps the biggest criminal of them all.

dims won't read this. They avoid the truth like it's the plague but those of you that want to know a little something? It lacks a lot of depth but I, personally, don't like articles that are like Michener Novels (ask him what time it is and he'll tell you how to make a watch). So, if you're curious, if you want more depth, more understanding, we've got the internet. Just be careful not to accept the lies told by the DISGUSTING FILTH

Read it.

Tom Basile: Iran tensions -- Trump still cleaning up Obama's mess (but Democrats won't admit it)

AND Bush. Obama expanded what Bush got started. Only because Obama expanded what Bush got started making it worse,everyone forgets how prior to Obama,Bush was the most destrutive president ever hense why he left with the lowest rating of any president leaving office.

Obama left with a 60% approval rating, so to say that Trump was elected to undo everything Obama did, is a complete lie. Everybody liked what Obama did. Except Republicans.

that was all the stupid idiot blacks who could not get past his color is why he left with such a high rating.LOL

No, that was ALL of the people who aren't racist assholes, who recognized what an amazing job he did under really difficult circumstances and pointless opposition from Republicans. Not just in the US, but around the world. Nobody laughed at Obama. Everybody is laughing at Trump.

National Debt - Obama Worst Ever President
For all the claims by the left that Trump is irrational, he understands that you can only bargain with rational actors. Iran doesn’t fit the bill.

Dear leader: North Korea says Trump sends Kim ‘excellent’ letter

Amid tough talk, Trump says he could be Iran's 'best friend'

Remember when you were just wanting dignity?
Nope, I noticed at an early age that dignity is a myth..
You realize it is about fiefdoms now. Your fiefdoms are in power politically/entertainment/TV news/etc.. Until an economic downturn for any reason. The police/corrections/judicial fiefdoms must be changed as an example.
and the truth is blues I feel sorry for you ,,because if you can't tell trump is nothing but a lying pos you must have gotten conned by folks your whole life
He can lie 24/7 so long as he trashes everything obama did and is doing.

Obama was elected to undo everything the Republicans did under George W. Bush. And he did. He restored the economy, and the jobs lost by the Bush Administration. He ended the war in Iraq, and brought thousands of troops home.

Trump wasn't elected to trash everything Obama did. He was elected because Obama didn't do ENOUGH for working and middle class Americans. In large part, he was hobbled from doing more by the Republican House and Senate, but he did get Obamacare through. There were other factors, but traditional Democratic voters were convinced by 35 years of Republican lies about the Clintons, and a relentless disinformation campaign by the Russians helped throw enough voters to Trump to get him elected.

There are a LOT of reasons why it won't happen again. Not the least of which is that women will NEVER vote for Trump again. Healthcare for women and their families, reproductive choice, and the options for controlling reproduction - including birth control, abortion and sex education, death rates for women in childbirth, Planned Parenthood, maternity leave and job security for pregnant women, affordable childcare, all the things that Republicans oppose which makes their claim to be the party of "family values" laughable.

There are 8 million more female voters than male. If you think that 2018 was bad, the organization and planning going up against Donald Trump in 2020 is will be overwhelming. Democrats stayed home in 2016 and they won't make that mistake again. Every time Donald Trump does something stupid - like telling employers and insurance companies they don't have to cover birth control or abortion in employee health care policies if they don't feel like it. That's just fucking outrageous.

Every first world country in the world requires employers to pay health care taxes which cover contraception and abortion. In the United States, the Catholic Church asks for and receives and exemption for paying for healthcare coverage for things it doesn't like, even though the Catholic Church pays employees healthcare taxes which fund birth control and abortion in every other first world country in the world, including Great Britain, Iceland, Canada, the Scandanavian Countries, and most of the EU. Only in the United States do you have ask your employer's religion to find our whether your health insurance covers your birth control.

You just lost your credibilty right there in your first paragraph.

Undo what Bush did? your a fucking liar.He EXPANDED what Bush got started.He expanded the war in the middle east,lying saying he would end it,he LIED saying he would reverse traiter Bushs pattriot act by EXPANDING the police states surveliannce state on us, and hat is the biggest lie ever told by anyone on this board thats he ended the middle east war bringing troops home:abgg2q.jpg::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

you are as bad as that reaganut zombies who think reagan was so great when he betrayed the middle classs familys cause you do the same with obomination:lmao::laughing0301:

this poster owned your ass and took you to school that he was the most disaterous president ever.:laughing0301::lmao:

National Debt - Obama Worst Ever President

he was honest about ONE thing.he followed his hero reagans footsteps saying he wanted to be like reagan and he did,same as reagan crated the worst debt ever worse than all presidents before him COMBINDED. obama did the SAME thing moron.


you just did this with that post of yours-:dig:

Let's have some reality:

Obama inherited the double whammy of an economy shedding 500,000 jobs a month, and a country committed to two expensive wars overseas. Obama's discretionary spending - that portion of the federal budget that is not pretermined by contracts, obligations, MediCare/MedicAid and SS.

Federal Spending: Where Does the Money Go

Trump has increased discretionary spending is and is now running the largest deficits in US history, and he inherited the strongest economy in US history. You're supposed to cut deficits in a strong economy, not increase them. Now the economy is slowing down, and there's no tools left in the box to apply to stimulate the economy, other than interest rate cuts.

But deficits are not the measure of a healthy or unhealthy economy. In an unhealthy economy, they help stimulate spending and employment. Deficits can also be used to create valuable infrastructure or programs which enhance the lives of all American. But in Trump's economy, they're being used to fund tax cuts to corporations and the wealth. Two classes which were already awash in cash. Instead of stimulating demand with an increase in minimum wages to the poor and working class, Trump instead chose to reward corporations who have been subsidizing low wage jobs by helping workers obtain food stamps and MedicAid.
and the truth is blues I feel sorry for you ,,because if you can't tell trump is nothing but a lying pos you must have gotten conned by folks your whole life
He can lie 24/7 so long as he trashes everything obama did and is doing.

Obama was elected to undo everything the Republicans did under George W. Bush. And he did. He restored the economy, and the jobs lost by the Bush Administration. He ended the war in Iraq, and brought thousands of troops home.

Trump wasn't elected to trash everything Obama did. He was elected because Obama didn't do ENOUGH for working and middle class Americans. In large part, he was hobbled from doing more by the Republican House and Senate, but he did get Obamacare through. There were other factors, but traditional Democratic voters were convinced by 35 years of Republican lies about the Clintons, and a relentless disinformation campaign by the Russians helped throw enough voters to Trump to get him elected.

There are a LOT of reasons why it won't happen again. Not the least of which is that women will NEVER vote for Trump again. Healthcare for women and their families, reproductive choice, and the options for controlling reproduction - including birth control, abortion and sex education, death rates for women in childbirth, Planned Parenthood, maternity leave and job security for pregnant women, affordable childcare, all the things that Republicans oppose which makes their claim to be the party of "family values" laughable.

There are 8 million more female voters than male. If you think that 2018 was bad, the organization and planning going up against Donald Trump in 2020 is will be overwhelming. Democrats stayed home in 2016 and they won't make that mistake again. Every time Donald Trump does something stupid - like telling employers and insurance companies they don't have to cover birth control or abortion in employee health care policies if they don't feel like it. That's just fucking outrageous.

Every first world country in the world requires employers to pay health care taxes which cover contraception and abortion. In the United States, the Catholic Church asks for and receives and exemption for paying for healthcare coverage for things it doesn't like, even though the Catholic Church pays employees healthcare taxes which fund birth control and abortion in every other first world country in the world, including Great Britain, Iceland, Canada, the Scandanavian Countries, and most of the EU. Only in the United States do you have ask your employer's religion to find our whether your health insurance covers your birth control.

You just lost your credibilty right there in your first paragraph.

Undo what Bush did? your a fucking liar.He EXPANDED what Bush got started.He expanded the war in the middle east,lying saying he would end it,he LIED saying he would reverse traiter Bushs pattriot act by EXPANDING the police states surveliannce state on us, and hat is the biggest lie ever told by anyone on this board thats he ended the middle east war bringing troops home:abgg2q.jpg::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

you are as bad as that reaganut zombies who think reagan was so great when he betrayed the middle classs familys cause you do the same with obomination:lmao::laughing0301:

this poster owned your ass and took you to school that he was the most disaterous president ever.:laughing0301::lmao:

National Debt - Obama Worst Ever President

he was honest about ONE thing.he followed his hero reagans footsteps saying he wanted to be like reagan and he did,same as reagan crated the worst debt ever worse than all presidents before him COMBINDED. obama did the SAME thing moron.


you just did this with that post of yours-:dig:

Let's have some reality:

Obama inherited the double whammy of an economy shedding 500,000 jobs a month, and a country committed to two expensive wars overseas. Obama's discretionary spending - that portion of the federal budget that is not pretermined by contracts, obligations, MediCare/MedicAid and SS.

Federal Spending: Where Does the Money Go

Trump has increased discretionary spending is and is now running the largest deficits in US history, and he inherited the strongest economy in US history. You're supposed to cut deficits in a strong economy, not increase them. Now the economy is slowing down, and there's no tools left in the box to apply to stimulate the economy, other than interest rate cuts.

But deficits are not the measure of a healthy or unhealthy economy. In an unhealthy economy, they help stimulate spending and employment. Deficits can also be used to create valuable infrastructure or programs which enhance the lives of all American. But in Trump's economy, they're being used to fund tax cuts to corporations and the wealth. Two classes which were already awash in cash. Instead of stimulating demand with an increase in minimum wages to the poor and working class, Trump instead chose to reward corporations who have been subsidizing low wage jobs by helping workers obtain food stamps and MedicAid.
Lucifer here
Hello folks Lucifer here I just popped in to say I am overwhelmed that Trump has exceeded all my expectations. The great America has shown it's true colors in appreciation of my creation, and I am sure that Trump will get reelected. To all my Trumps supporters I could not have done this without you! You made it so easy to manipulate you all but hey folks just stay the way you are, I have plenty of work to do in 2020 destroying the very fiber of American democracy and I am counting on you. An additional thanks to those Russian hackers who also made this possible. Anyways the great Satan bids you a goodbye and to enjoy your freedom while you once again vote it away. For those that continue to demonize Hillary, sorry while I could have used someone with her vast intelligence she is not one of usI You know I am very familiar with all my demons and though Trump was about the biggest idiot of them all he was all that was needed to convince a bunch of saps like you to vote against your own best interest. You would think that after WWII a country as diverse as America would know better but with all your help I was finally able to get a white nationalist back in power.

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