Trump Still Cleaning Up Mess Left By obama

You've told so many lies you have zero creds.
no need to lie ,,facts stacked up so high against scumpt I have no need to lie
Facts to you filth all come form the msm.
Ya know why that is Mikey?

Because you're dumber than bricks?
jeezus we're visited by one of the real dumb repubs
There are republicans who aren't real dumb?
You've told so many lies you have zero creds.
no need to lie ,,facts stacked up so high against scumpt I have no need to lie
Facts to you filth all come form the msm.
Ya know why that is Mikey?

Because you're dumber than bricks?
You think your name is Mikey?

But I'm the one who's dumb.

Not dumb, just a liar and an America hater.
no need to lie ,,facts stacked up so high against scumpt I have no need to lie
Facts to you filth all come form the msm.
Ya know why that is Mikey?

Because you're dumber than bricks?
jeezus we're visited by one of the real dumb repubs
There are republicans who aren't real dumb?
donald Trump.jpg
it's what you liars always do. you can never [rove anything you just spew lies and run.
Hey!! Trump gets away with it ,,why not me?
Prove something. Prove one thing.

Come on Mikey,get real
100 days of Trump claims

Throughout President Trump’s first 100 days, the Fact Checker team tracked false and misleading claims made by the president since Jan. 20.Update: See the Fact Checker’s ongoing claims database, 365 days of Trump’s claims

As of Trump’s 100th day, we counted 492 false or misleading claims.

Highlight claims about:
Day 1 — Jan. 209 claims
Day 6 — Jan. 2513 claims
Day 13 — Feb. 13 claims
Day 18 — Feb. 66 claims
Day 28 — Feb. 1621 claims
Day 30 — Feb. 1814 claims
Day 40 — Feb. 2830 claims
Day 42 —Mar. 23 claims
Day 55 —Mar. 1516 claims
Day 60 — Mar. 2024 claims
Day 62 —Mar. 2216 claims
Day 72 — Apr. 13 claims
Day 83 — Apr. 1218 claims
Day 92 — Apr. 2120 claims
Day 100 — Apr. 2923 claims
Donald Trump earned 59 Four-Pinocchio ratings as a presidential candidate. Now that he’s president, he has continued his proclivity for making dubious, misleading or false statements. He also often repeats the same debunked claims even though they have been fact-checked. It’s hard to keep up with all of Trump’s rhetoric, so the Fact Checker is assembling in one place all of his suspect statements from his first 100 days as president. You can sort them by various categories and see how many times he has repeated the same false statement.
You idiots cant understand the proving something is not cutting a pasting crap from the internet. Any idiot can do that and it proves nothing.
You're only saying tha because you can find anything to back up your bullshit.
You don't accept backup.
no need to lie ,,facts stacked up so high against scumpt I have no need to lie
Facts to you filth all come form the msm.
Ya know why that is Mikey?

Because you're dumber than bricks?
You think your name is Mikey?

But I'm the one who's dumb.

Not dumb, just a liar and an America hater.
I've asked you this before, and you always just run away. Can you post something I said that's a lie or American hating?
Facts to you filth all come form the msm.
Ya know why that is Mikey?

Because you're dumber than bricks?
jeezus we're visited by one of the real dumb repubs
There are republicans who aren't real dumb?
View attachment 266005
Lol, he's not really a republican, he just thinks (correctly) that you guys are easier to manipulate.

Also, he definitely not in the "not real dumb" category.
Hey!! Trump gets away with it ,,why not me?
Prove something. Prove one thing.

Come on Mikey,get real
100 days of Trump claims

Throughout President Trump’s first 100 days, the Fact Checker team tracked false and misleading claims made by the president since Jan. 20.Update: See the Fact Checker’s ongoing claims database, 365 days of Trump’s claims

As of Trump’s 100th day, we counted 492 false or misleading claims.

Highlight claims about:
Day 1 — Jan. 209 claims
Day 6 — Jan. 2513 claims
Day 13 — Feb. 13 claims
Day 18 — Feb. 66 claims
Day 28 — Feb. 1621 claims
Day 30 — Feb. 1814 claims
Day 40 — Feb. 2830 claims
Day 42 —Mar. 23 claims
Day 55 —Mar. 1516 claims
Day 60 — Mar. 2024 claims
Day 62 —Mar. 2216 claims
Day 72 — Apr. 13 claims
Day 83 — Apr. 1218 claims
Day 92 — Apr. 2120 claims
Day 100 — Apr. 2923 claims
Donald Trump earned 59 Four-Pinocchio ratings as a presidential candidate. Now that he’s president, he has continued his proclivity for making dubious, misleading or false statements. He also often repeats the same debunked claims even though they have been fact-checked. It’s hard to keep up with all of Trump’s rhetoric, so the Fact Checker is assembling in one place all of his suspect statements from his first 100 days as president. You can sort them by various categories and see how many times he has repeated the same false statement.
You idiots cant understand the proving something is not cutting a pasting crap from the internet. Any idiot can do that and it proves nothing.
You're only saying tha because you can find anything to back up your bullshit.
You don't accept backup.
Lol, how would you know? You've never provided any.
Bullshit. The Court has no jurisdiction over the US. Obama just caved to all of Iran's demands because he didn't have the character to walk away from a bad deal and pressure Iran into a good deal. Obama was always just an ambitious politician and never a political leader.
The money was in an Omani Bank and held up in litigation in an international court. Of course the Hague had jurisdiction in this case.
The Court only has jurisdiction over countries that agree to it, and the US did not, so the Court had no jurisdiction over US accounts. Iran simply recognized that Obama was a very weak president who was desperately afraid of conflict or the appearance of failure and bullied him into giving them everything they wanted.

Imbecile... the money was in an Omani bank and Oman does have an agreement with the ICC. If the Hague decided in the case to release the money, Oman would have released it.
Even for you, an especially stupid post. The case was not in the ICC but in the International Court of Justice, and the money was delivered by the US military, not Omani bankers.
Dumbfuck, the money was delivered by the U.S. because our treasury converted it from Omani rials to U.S. dollars, and then to euros. Oman released the money and would have been compelled by an international court, to which they're signatories, had such a court ruled. You have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
First off, the Court cannot compel anyone to do anything; it has no enforcement powers, it can only adjudicate between two parties who both agree to abide by its rulings and the US never has. The Court could not compel Oman to do anything since Oman was never a party to the case. We bot know Obama gave Iran the money because he lacked the character to say, no, to Iran on any item of the negotiations, so why do you work so hard to try to defend something you already know it a lie?
NBC, CBS and ABC are publically owned AMERICAN companies which have an elected Board of Directors answerable to their shareholders.

LMAO no they are the propaganda ministry for the Dem party. :itsok:

The only network which functions as the propaganda arm of a political party is FOX News, which openly states their allegiance to the Republican Party. The purpose of the press, under the Constitution, is to provide a check and a balance on the power of the Presidency, not to promote it. To inform the American people, not to cheer lead the President's bad decisions.

President Obama got good press because he made better decisions than President Trump, and his policies actually WORKED and improved things for the American people. Every area of public policy that Trump has addressed has resulted in chaos and making things much, much worse.

2016 - Lowest number of illegal border crossings in 50 years.
2018 - Highest number of illegal border crossings in 15 years.

2016 - ICE holding 10,000 detainees at taxpayer's expense
2018 - ICE holding 40,000 detainees in deplorable conditions, which do not meet Geneva Convention standards for housing prisons. Trump promises more arrests

2016 - American trade deficit $735 million
2018 - American trade deficit $874 million - after renegotiating trade deals with South Korea, Japan, NAFTA, and slapping tariffs on Canada, Mexico, Europe and China, things have gotten worse. The USA had an $11 million trade surplus with Canada before Trump renegotiated NAFTA. Now you have a $3 million trade surplus, due in no small part of the continuing boycott of American goods by Canadian consumers.

Tax cuts - Trump promised middle class Americans major tax relief and cheaper healthcare. He has delivered neither. Teachers can no longer claim a deduction for classroom supplies. Truckers can't claim a per diem for meals on the road. Families which received earned income credits, found their refunds were a fraction of what they received in prior years, and worse, many people owed the government thousands of dollars for the first time in their working careers.
it's what you liars always do. you can never [rove anything you just spew lies and run.
Hey!! Trump gets away with it ,,why not me?
Prove something. Prove one thing.

Come on Mikey,get real
100 days of Trump claims

Throughout President Trump’s first 100 days, the Fact Checker team tracked false and misleading claims made by the president since Jan. 20.Update: See the Fact Checker’s ongoing claims database, 365 days of Trump’s claims

As of Trump’s 100th day, we counted 492 false or misleading claims.

Highlight claims about:
Day 1 — Jan. 209 claims
Day 6 — Jan. 2513 claims
Day 13 — Feb. 13 claims
Day 18 — Feb. 66 claims
Day 28 — Feb. 1621 claims
Day 30 — Feb. 1814 claims
Day 40 — Feb. 2830 claims
Day 42 —Mar. 23 claims
Day 55 —Mar. 1516 claims
Day 60 — Mar. 2024 claims
Day 62 —Mar. 2216 claims
Day 72 — Apr. 13 claims
Day 83 — Apr. 1218 claims
Day 92 — Apr. 2120 claims
Day 100 — Apr. 2923 claims
Donald Trump earned 59 Four-Pinocchio ratings as a presidential candidate. Now that he’s president, he has continued his proclivity for making dubious, misleading or false statements. He also often repeats the same debunked claims even though they have been fact-checked. It’s hard to keep up with all of Trump’s rhetoric, so the Fact Checker is assembling in one place all of his suspect statements from his first 100 days as president. You can sort them by various categories and see how many times he has repeated the same false statement.
Hey!! Trump gets away with it ,,why not me?
Prove something. Prove one thing.

Come on Mikey,get real
100 days of Trump claims

Throughout President Trump’s first 100 days, the Fact Checker team tracked false and misleading claims made by the president since Jan. 20.Update: See the Fact Checker’s ongoing claims database, 365 days of Trump’s claims

As of Trump’s 100th day, we counted 492 false or misleading claims.

Highlight claims about:
Day 1 — Jan. 209 claims
Day 6 — Jan. 2513 claims
Day 13 — Feb. 13 claims
Day 18 — Feb. 66 claims
Day 28 — Feb. 1621 claims
Day 30 — Feb. 1814 claims
Day 40 — Feb. 2830 claims
Day 42 —Mar. 23 claims
Day 55 —Mar. 1516 claims
Day 60 — Mar. 2024 claims
Day 62 —Mar. 2216 claims
Day 72 — Apr. 13 claims
Day 83 — Apr. 1218 claims
Day 92 — Apr. 2120 claims
Day 100 — Apr. 2923 claims
Donald Trump earned 59 Four-Pinocchio ratings as a presidential candidate. Now that he’s president, he has continued his proclivity for making dubious, misleading or false statements. He also often repeats the same debunked claims even though they have been fact-checked. It’s hard to keep up with all of Trump’s rhetoric, so the Fact Checker is assembling in one place all of his suspect statements from his first 100 days as president. You can sort them by various categories and see how many times he has repeated the same false statement.
You idiots cant understand the proving something is not cutting a pasting crap from the internet. Any idiot can do that and it proves nothing.
Seems the world knows trump is a world class liar all except you and repub friends Bet you still believe Obama isn't a citizen born in America? if you can't believe trump is a fn liar there is no hope for you
You bastards can't stop lying can you? I never said jack about hussein not being a citizen.

But TRUMP DID!!!!! Repeatedly - for YEARS. And he KNEW it wasn't true when he said it.

Trump says a LOT of stuff that isn't true, including "better, cheaper, healthcare for everyone". We're still waiting to see that plan. During the last election, he said he'd show it to you after the election. When asked for details on all of his campaign promises, he promised he would show everyone these programs and plans after the election, if he was elected.

After the election, we learned that Trump had no plans. He had no programs, legislation, even a legislative agenda prepared, and he had no idea how to implement anything he promised. Now he says, once again, that he has an amazing healthcare plan for the people, but you'll have to re-elect him to see it. It worked last time but most of the voters are unlikely to fall for that lie again.

Trump said he had "all the best people" lined up to work in his administration. We've seen a revolving door at the White House of wife beaters, criminals, racists, and lowlifes. People you would not trust with your life savings because they'd clean you out, and fight over your shoes.

People BOUGHT cabinet positions. Betsy DeVos paid $1 million dollars for her. People are buying access to the President through his golf clubs. The last four defense department appointments that Trump has made were defense industry executives or lobbyists for the military industrial complex. The aligators are now in full control of the swamp, and the public purse. Trump raised $100 million for his "Inauguration Fund", much of it from the "for profit" prison lobby. They received $220 million in untendered contracts to build internment camps along the border, lasting until 2020. This is "pay for play" out in the open.

The list goes on and on and on. These are facts. They are available on government websites, and in the public record. These are things you will never see on FOX News. They're too busy vilifying Democrats with lies about Benghazi, while ignoring the findings of the Mueller Report.

It's upside down land. Lies are truth and truth is "fake news". If you believe Trump, you are either a fool or a Russian. There are no other possibilities. In the real world, outside of the United States. Where truth really does matter. You either understand that Donald Trump is attempting to lie to and gaslight the American people, you're part of the problem
Hey!! Trump gets away with it ,,why not me?
Prove something. Prove one thing.

Come on Mikey,get real
100 days of Trump claims

Throughout President Trump’s first 100 days, the Fact Checker team tracked false and misleading claims made by the president since Jan. 20.Update: See the Fact Checker’s ongoing claims database, 365 days of Trump’s claims

As of Trump’s 100th day, we counted 492 false or misleading claims.

Highlight claims about:
Day 1 — Jan. 209 claims
Day 6 — Jan. 2513 claims
Day 13 — Feb. 13 claims
Day 18 — Feb. 66 claims
Day 28 — Feb. 1621 claims
Day 30 — Feb. 1814 claims
Day 40 — Feb. 2830 claims
Day 42 —Mar. 23 claims
Day 55 —Mar. 1516 claims
Day 60 — Mar. 2024 claims
Day 62 —Mar. 2216 claims
Day 72 — Apr. 13 claims
Day 83 — Apr. 1218 claims
Day 92 — Apr. 2120 claims
Day 100 — Apr. 2923 claims
Donald Trump earned 59 Four-Pinocchio ratings as a presidential candidate. Now that he’s president, he has continued his proclivity for making dubious, misleading or false statements. He also often repeats the same debunked claims even though they have been fact-checked. It’s hard to keep up with all of Trump’s rhetoric, so the Fact Checker is assembling in one place all of his suspect statements from his first 100 days as president. You can sort them by various categories and see how many times he has repeated the same false statement.
You idiots cant understand the proving something is not cutting a pasting crap from the internet. Any idiot can do that and it proves nothing.
You're only saying tha because you can find anything to back up your bullshit.
You don't accept backup.

You don't accept FACTS
Nobody ever described anything president Obama said as a profanity laced tirade. That is a bald faced lie.

God you people are ignorant. Only none other than ABC White House correspondent Ann Compton confirmed this you useless retard lib drone. Go lick your wounds.

I feel like I should say something else to go along with the opinion article, but there's just not much more to say.

obama was THE worst president in American History. Maybe he made some people feel good about themselves, I don't know. And, frankly, I don't care.

He was THE worst POTUS in History. And that's including US Grant, who was a good and decent man, but a terrible president, Jimmy The Peanut, a terrible, terrible, bumbling, indecisive and gutless person, and LBJ, perhaps the biggest criminal of them all.

dims won't read this. They avoid the truth like it's the plague but those of you that want to know a little something? It lacks a lot of depth but I, personally, don't like articles that are like Michener Novels (ask him what time it is and he'll tell you how to make a watch). So, if you're curious, if you want more depth, more understanding, we've got the internet. Just be careful not to accept the lies told by the DISGUSTING FILTH

Read it.

Tom Basile: Iran tensions -- Trump still cleaning up Obama's mess (but Democrats won't admit it)
Bush got us into recession. Obama got us out. Now recession is increasingly likely again.
They've already announced they will no longer adhere to the restrictions.

What's stopping Iran from adhering to the deal and restrictions in spite of Trump? OH SNAP!
They were adhering to the deal. Trump unilaterally pulled out and now they're no longer adhering to it.

So what's stopping them now from building nukes?

You can't see the stupidity of your argument. Iran cuts a deal with multiple countries, and because the U.S. walks away from the deal they go right back to developing nukes, attacking their neighbors, and enabling terrorists. And you idiots think Trump made a mistake. :cuckoo:
Bush got us into recession. Obama got us out. Now recession is increasingly likely again.

Bush got us into the recession, huh?

Not Fannie Mae buying worthless mortgages and selling them to unsuspecting Countries in the form of Triple A Bonds? Nah, nothing like that.

Not Hank Greenberg selling worthless default garbage.

Not The Peanut's CRA (community reinvestment act)

Not Greenspawn keep interest rates WAY too low for WAY too long.

You're a genius. Typical dim.
Prove something. Prove one thing.

Come on Mikey,get real
100 days of Trump claims

Throughout President Trump’s first 100 days, the Fact Checker team tracked false and misleading claims made by the president since Jan. 20.Update: See the Fact Checker’s ongoing claims database, 365 days of Trump’s claims

As of Trump’s 100th day, we counted 492 false or misleading claims.

Highlight claims about:
Day 1 — Jan. 209 claims
Day 6 — Jan. 2513 claims
Day 13 — Feb. 13 claims
Day 18 — Feb. 66 claims
Day 28 — Feb. 1621 claims
Day 30 — Feb. 1814 claims
Day 40 — Feb. 2830 claims
Day 42 —Mar. 23 claims
Day 55 —Mar. 1516 claims
Day 60 — Mar. 2024 claims
Day 62 —Mar. 2216 claims
Day 72 — Apr. 13 claims
Day 83 — Apr. 1218 claims
Day 92 — Apr. 2120 claims
Day 100 — Apr. 2923 claims
Donald Trump earned 59 Four-Pinocchio ratings as a presidential candidate. Now that he’s president, he has continued his proclivity for making dubious, misleading or false statements. He also often repeats the same debunked claims even though they have been fact-checked. It’s hard to keep up with all of Trump’s rhetoric, so the Fact Checker is assembling in one place all of his suspect statements from his first 100 days as president. You can sort them by various categories and see how many times he has repeated the same false statement.
You idiots cant understand the proving something is not cutting a pasting crap from the internet. Any idiot can do that and it proves nothing.
You're only saying tha because you can find anything to back up your bullshit.
You don't accept backup.

You don't accept FACTS
You never have any facts, just regurgitated media cut and paste.
I feel like I should say something else to go along with the opinion article, but there's just not much more to say.

obama was THE worst president in American History. Maybe he made some people feel good about themselves, I don't know. And, frankly, I don't care.

He was THE worst POTUS in History. And that's including US Grant, who was a good and decent man, but a terrible president, Jimmy The Peanut, a terrible, terrible, bumbling, indecisive and gutless person, and LBJ, perhaps the biggest criminal of them all.

dims won't read this. They avoid the truth like it's the plague but those of you that want to know a little something? It lacks a lot of depth but I, personally, don't like articles that are like Michener Novels (ask him what time it is and he'll tell you how to make a watch). So, if you're curious, if you want more depth, more understanding, we've got the internet. Just be careful not to accept the lies told by the DISGUSTING FILTH

Read it.

Tom Basile: Iran tensions -- Trump still cleaning up Obama's mess (but Democrats won't admit it)
Bush got us into recession. Obama got us out. Now recession is increasingly likely again.
Then a Dem president will bail us out and Repubs will blame the Dems Standard repub procedure
NBC, CBS and ABC are publically owned AMERICAN companies which have an elected Board of Directors answerable to their shareholders.

LMAO no they are the propaganda ministry for the Dem party. :itsok:

The only network which functions as the propaganda arm of a political party is FOX News, which openly states their allegiance to the Republican Party. The purpose of the press, under the Constitution, is to provide a check and a balance on the power of the Presidency, not to promote it. To inform the American people, not to cheer lead the President's bad decisions.

President Obama got good press because he made better decisions than President Trump, and his policies actually WORKED and improved things for the American people. Every area of public policy that Trump has addressed has resulted in chaos and making things much, much worse.

2016 - Lowest number of illegal border crossings in 50 years.
2018 - Highest number of illegal border crossings in 15 years.

2016 - ICE holding 10,000 detainees at taxpayer's expense
2018 - ICE holding 40,000 detainees in deplorable conditions, which do not meet Geneva Convention standards for housing prisons. Trump promises more arrests

2016 - American trade deficit $735 million
2018 - American trade deficit $874 million - after renegotiating trade deals with South Korea, Japan, NAFTA, and slapping tariffs on Canada, Mexico, Europe and China, things have gotten worse. The USA had an $11 million trade surplus with Canada before Trump renegotiated NAFTA. Now you have a $3 million trade surplus, due in no small part of the continuing boycott of American goods by Canadian consumers.

Tax cuts - Trump promised middle class Americans major tax relief and cheaper healthcare. He has delivered neither. Teachers can no longer claim a deduction for classroom supplies. Truckers can't claim a per diem for meals on the road. Families which received earned income credits, found their refunds were a fraction of what they received in prior years, and worse, many people owed the government thousands of dollars for the first time in their working careers.
Hey!! Trump gets away with it ,,why not me?
Prove something. Prove one thing.

Come on Mikey,get real
100 days of Trump claims

Throughout President Trump’s first 100 days, the Fact Checker team tracked false and misleading claims made by the president since Jan. 20.Update: See the Fact Checker’s ongoing claims database, 365 days of Trump’s claims

As of Trump’s 100th day, we counted 492 false or misleading claims.

Highlight claims about:
Day 1 — Jan. 209 claims
Day 6 — Jan. 2513 claims
Day 13 — Feb. 13 claims
Day 18 — Feb. 66 claims
Day 28 — Feb. 1621 claims
Day 30 — Feb. 1814 claims
Day 40 — Feb. 2830 claims
Day 42 —Mar. 23 claims
Day 55 —Mar. 1516 claims
Day 60 — Mar. 2024 claims
Day 62 —Mar. 2216 claims
Day 72 — Apr. 13 claims
Day 83 — Apr. 1218 claims
Day 92 — Apr. 2120 claims
Day 100 — Apr. 2923 claims
Donald Trump earned 59 Four-Pinocchio ratings as a presidential candidate. Now that he’s president, he has continued his proclivity for making dubious, misleading or false statements. He also often repeats the same debunked claims even though they have been fact-checked. It’s hard to keep up with all of Trump’s rhetoric, so the Fact Checker is assembling in one place all of his suspect statements from his first 100 days as president. You can sort them by various categories and see how many times he has repeated the same false statement.
Prove something. Prove one thing.

Come on Mikey,get real
100 days of Trump claims

Throughout President Trump’s first 100 days, the Fact Checker team tracked false and misleading claims made by the president since Jan. 20.Update: See the Fact Checker’s ongoing claims database, 365 days of Trump’s claims

As of Trump’s 100th day, we counted 492 false or misleading claims.

Highlight claims about:
Day 1 — Jan. 209 claims
Day 6 — Jan. 2513 claims
Day 13 — Feb. 13 claims
Day 18 — Feb. 66 claims
Day 28 — Feb. 1621 claims
Day 30 — Feb. 1814 claims
Day 40 — Feb. 2830 claims
Day 42 —Mar. 23 claims
Day 55 —Mar. 1516 claims
Day 60 — Mar. 2024 claims
Day 62 —Mar. 2216 claims
Day 72 — Apr. 13 claims
Day 83 — Apr. 1218 claims
Day 92 — Apr. 2120 claims
Day 100 — Apr. 2923 claims
Donald Trump earned 59 Four-Pinocchio ratings as a presidential candidate. Now that he’s president, he has continued his proclivity for making dubious, misleading or false statements. He also often repeats the same debunked claims even though they have been fact-checked. It’s hard to keep up with all of Trump’s rhetoric, so the Fact Checker is assembling in one place all of his suspect statements from his first 100 days as president. You can sort them by various categories and see how many times he has repeated the same false statement.
You idiots cant understand the proving something is not cutting a pasting crap from the internet. Any idiot can do that and it proves nothing.
Seems the world knows trump is a world class liar all except you and repub friends Bet you still believe Obama isn't a citizen born in America? if you can't believe trump is a fn liar there is no hope for you
You bastards can't stop lying can you? I never said jack about hussein not being a citizen.

But TRUMP DID!!!!! Repeatedly - for YEARS. And he KNEW it wasn't true when he said it.

Trump says a LOT of stuff that isn't true, including "better, cheaper, healthcare for everyone". We're still waiting to see that plan. During the last election, he said he'd show it to you after the election. When asked for details on all of his campaign promises, he promised he would show everyone these programs and plans after the election, if he was elected.

After the election, we learned that Trump had no plans. He had no programs, legislation, even a legislative agenda prepared, and he had no idea how to implement anything he promised. Now he says, once again, that he has an amazing healthcare plan for the people, but you'll have to re-elect him to see it. It worked last time but most of the voters are unlikely to fall for that lie again.

Trump said he had "all the best people" lined up to work in his administration. We've seen a revolving door at the White House of wife beaters, criminals, racists, and lowlifes. People you would not trust with your life savings because they'd clean you out, and fight over your shoes.

People BOUGHT cabinet positions. Betsy DeVos paid $1 million dollars for her. People are buying access to the President through his golf clubs. The last four defense department appointments that Trump has made were defense industry executives or lobbyists for the military industrial complex. The aligators are now in full control of the swamp, and the public purse. Trump raised $100 million for his "Inauguration Fund", much of it from the "for profit" prison lobby. They received $220 million in untendered contracts to build internment camps along the border, lasting until 2020. This is "pay for play" out in the open.

The list goes on and on and on. These are facts. They are available on government websites, and in the public record. These are things you will never see on FOX News. They're too busy vilifying Democrats with lies about Benghazi, while ignoring the findings of the Mueller Report.

It's upside down land. Lies are truth and truth is "fake news". If you believe Trump, you are either a fool or a Russian. There are no other possibilities. In the real world, outside of the United States. Where truth really does matter. You either understand that Donald Trump is attempting to lie to and gaslight the American people, you're part of the problem
Excellent cut and paste.

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