Trump stole copywrote images for his trading cards.

Several threads on trump's silly trading cards, but none mentioned that he didn't even bother to get permission to use all those copywriten images. Some were from NASA, some were from Shuttrstock, and some were from various other sources, but regardless of where they came from, he made no effort to get permission to use them. Just another example of how trump thinks he can do anything he wants to do with no repercussions, and he's not smart enough to keep people around to tell him when he is breaking the law. Considering his past behavior, it's doubtful if he would pay any attention to warnings even if he received them.
One of countless reasons why Trump was a dreadful ‘president’ and the worst president in US history, his reckless, irresponsible contempt for the law.

These are private images, not government property.

And Trump’s not part of the government anymore, thankfully.

If they are government images, they are paid for by the AMERICAN TAXPAYERS you stupid fuck.

That makes them public domain, you ignorant fucking retard.

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