Trump:"stop Muslim with WMD from coming in"....but to a liberal this is bad???

To carry off the kind of attack you are describing, they would need more people than what planned 9/11, with a lot of coordination.

Nope, just mail stuff from anywhere in the world. One guy could do it from within the Caliphate. See why we say a liberal will be very very stupid and deadly?

Really? A single person can orchestrate an attack on 10 different cities by simply mailing a WMD from the Caliphate?

You are even stupider than I thought.
To carry off the kind of attack you are describing, they would need more people than what planned 9/11, with a lot of coordination.

Nope, just mail stuff from anywhere in the world. One guy could do it from within the Caliphate. See why we say a liberal will be very very stupid and deadly?

Really? A single person can orchestrate an attack on 10 different cities by simply mailing a WMD from the Caliphate?

You are even stupider than I thought.

why not tell us why it is not possible with nuke/chemical/ or bio weapons???
Do any of you people know how hard it is to get a WMD, and do you also realize how hard it would be to smuggle it into the US?

Sorry, but effective Chemical, Biological or Nuclear weapons are very hard to come by, and you also have to have some kind of knowledge of the weapon to be able to deploy it effectively.

WMD's aren't as easy to get or deploy as some would like to think.

Have no soon as Iran can get a nuke made with obama money,they'll get it into the hands of the terrorist they are known to support who can then sneak it across our porous southern border.

And you're willing to risk that.... I guess the best thing that can be said is they'll more than likely set it off in a liberal city close to the border.
Good bye Sandy Eggo.....
Do any of you people know how hard it is to get a WMD, and do you also realize how hard it would be to smuggle it into the US?

Sorry, but effective Chemical, Biological or Nuclear weapons are very hard to come by, and you also have to have some kind of knowledge of the weapon to be able to deploy it effectively.

WMD's aren't as easy to get or deploy as some would like to think.

Have no soon as Iran can get a nuke made with obama money,they'll get it into the hands of the terrorist they are known to support who can then sneak it across our porous southern border.

And you're willing to risk that.... I guess the best thing that can be said is they'll more than likely set it off in a liberal city close to the border.
Good bye Sandy Eggo.....

Well, considering that Iran can no longer refine weapons grade uranium for at least the next 15 years, according to the agreement, no, it's not something I'm terribly concerned about.

The worst that could currently happen is a "dirty bomb", which is conventional explosive mixed with nuclear material. And, although it would kill some people, it wouldn't be near the catastrophe that some would expect. Dirty bombs are not nuclear weapons.
Have no soon as Iran can get a nuke made with obama money,they'll get it into the hands of the terrorist....

why would they wait when they can get it from OBLs friends in Pakistan. They already sold to N Korea. Really there is little to fear from ISIS!! What could go wrong?

and why hassle with nukes anyway when modern bio weapons are more deadly and almost free and can be delivered in the mail rather than with an ICBM. We should just relax like the liberals say!!
Do any of you people know how hard it is to get a WMD, and do you also realize how hard it would be to smuggle it into the US?

Sorry, but effective Chemical, Biological or Nuclear weapons are very hard to come by, and you also have to have some kind of knowledge of the weapon to be able to deploy it effectively.

WMD's aren't as easy to get or deploy as some would like to think.

Have no soon as Iran can get a nuke made with obama money,they'll get it into the hands of the terrorist they are known to support who can then sneak it across our porous southern border.

And you're willing to risk that.... I guess the best thing that can be said is they'll more than likely set it off in a liberal city close to the border.
Good bye Sandy Eggo.....

Well, considering that Iran can no longer refine weapons grade uranium for at least the next 15 years, according to the agreement, no, it's not something I'm terribly concerned about.

The worst that could currently happen is a "dirty bomb", which is conventional explosive mixed with nuclear material. And, although it would kill some people, it wouldn't be near the catastrophe that some would expect. Dirty bombs are not nuclear weapons.

And you believe that Iran is going to stop making enriched uranium?
Not sure why when they've broken every treaty they've ever signed.
Hell,they were testing banned missiles just the other day.

And I know what a dirty bomb is as does the rest of the population of the planet.
The fact that you downplay the damage they can cause is telling.
Is there a liberal who can say why??
No there is not. It sounds good. Don't let any Muslim in with WMDs. But if any Christian, Bhuddist, Sikh, Jew or Hindu wants to bring in WMDs, we'll let them in.

those groups are not threatening to bring them in so we are not worrying about them.
ahh, the big scary WMD boogey man. Did you not learn anything from George W. Bush and his slamdunk WMDs.
what did the stupid stupid liberal learn: that because Bush was wrong we can stop worrying and that another 9/11 10000 times worse is impossible even when ISIS is threatening to do it.
ISIS is no concern of mine. They were created by the actions of the US and are simply another form of Al Qaeda, Taliban, TNSM or one of the thousands of other terrorists groups the US created. You reap what you sow.

LoL....The stupid canuck thinks canada is immune to islamic terrorist..
How is Trump going to stop them?

Another wall?

dear stupid, he said he wants to stop all Muslims from coming into the country!!! That's how stupid!!

Yeah so? Ban them all until there is a method to sort out who is who, that is what he is saying. Which is interesting considering that the liberal left says we are at war to justify the indiscriminate bombing of Muslims. Since Obama has bombed ally countries along with non-ally who exactly are we at war with if not Muslims?
Gee I don't remember Iraq having a nuke? In fact , they didn't have any WMDS at all! Remember how hard we were looking for one !

But now you think ISIS has one ? And your source is an Internet isis dochebag?? He wouldnt be making shit up now would he???

I think the real danger is that ISIS has found the arc of the covenant and will use it too melt our faces off!!

wow a brave liberal is not worried about people who would slowly cut his head off while he was alive if given half the chance. Such people would not develop WMD's! so why worry!!! Their aim is peace not killing millions of us!!

See why we say the liberal will always be 100% stupid!.

Polar bears would kill you if they had the chance. I don't lose sleep worrying about polar bear attacks .

Then I think you should let a few of them move in.
They can sleep at the foot of your bed like a big teddy bear.
those groups are not threatening to bring them in so we are not worrying about them.
ahh, the big scary WMD boogey man. Did you not learn anything from George W. Bush and his slamdunk WMDs.
what did the stupid stupid liberal learn: that because Bush was wrong we can stop worrying and that another 9/11 10000 times worse is impossible even when ISIS is threatening to do it.
ISIS is no concern of mine. They were created by the actions of the US and are simply another form of Al Qaeda, Taliban, TNSM or one of the thousands of other terrorists groups the US created. You reap what you sow.
Gen. Odierno: ISIS Wouldn't Be Threat if Troops Had Stayed ...
Newsmax Media
Jul 22, 2015 - Odierno: ISIS Wouldn't Be Threat If Troops Had Stayed in Iraq ... implode at the hands of ISIS after the gains that were made during the Iraq War. .... To little to late, I knew Obama was wrong when he pulled the troops out of Iran and I'm ... FWIW we are actually hamstringing the Iraqi efforts today because we ...

They would've been a daily threat to our troops! Why do you want our troops to die !?

We know,you'd rather have em over here killing helpless civilians.
Why do you want helpless civilian women and children murdered?
Will it be a chemical slaughter that convinces liberals that Obama's groveling has not made the world love America?

Or will it be a dirty nuke that opens their eyes?

My guess is that neither will suffice but both, provided they happen in the same news-cycle,l might at least get their attention until George Soros assigns them a new shiny object to hate on.
Heard all this fear induced BS during Bush's tenur. Go claim the sky is falling to other gullible morons.

Why dont you tell it to the 3000 dead from 9/11?
Or the 14 dead in San Bernardino?
Claiming that something isnt going to happen when it's been happening on a regular bases. Talk about gullible ...
Have no soon as Iran can get a nuke made with obama money
i'm almost afraid to ask...
obama money?

They think that because the sanctions were lifted, it's Obama that is funding them now.

I guess they missed the part where it was a multi national agreement.

Thats not worth the paper it's printed on.
i'll ask again - obama money?

Sorry if you dont get it.
Have no soon as Iran can get a nuke made with obama money
i'm almost afraid to ask...
obama money?

They think that because the sanctions were lifted, it's Obama that is funding them now.

I guess they missed the part where it was a multi national agreement.

Thats not worth the paper it's printed on.
i'll ask again - obama money?

Sorry if you dont get it.
hey i can learn, why don't you explain it
what did you mean by 'obama money?'
what did the stupid stupid liberal learn: that because Bush was wrong we can stop worrying and that another 9/11 10000 times worse is impossible even when ISIS is threatening to do it.
ISIS is no concern of mine. They were created by the actions of the US and are simply another form of Al Qaeda, Taliban, TNSM or one of the thousands of other terrorists groups the US created. You reap what you sow.
Gen. Odierno: ISIS Wouldn't Be Threat if Troops Had Stayed ...
Newsmax Media
Jul 22, 2015 - Odierno: ISIS Wouldn't Be Threat If Troops Had Stayed in Iraq ... implode at the hands of ISIS after the gains that were made during the Iraq War. .... To little to late, I knew Obama was wrong when he pulled the troops out of Iran and I'm ... FWIW we are actually hamstringing the Iraqi efforts today because we ...

They would've been a daily threat to our troops! Why do you want our troops to die !?

Yes, we understand that 14 dead American's in California means nothing to a piece of shit, such as yourself!....If we had stayed, these people would still be alive shithead!
Actually they would still be alive if the US hadn't intervened and bombed the shit out of the middle east in the last 40 years. Think about it. Thousands among thousands of terrorists groups are present today with one thing in common. They hate the US. And it's not because they hate freedom.

They'll try and kill us no matter what we do.....we're infidels.
i'm almost afraid to ask...
obama money?

They think that because the sanctions were lifted, it's Obama that is funding them now.

I guess they missed the part where it was a multi national agreement.

Thats not worth the paper it's printed on.
i'll ask again - obama money?

Sorry if you dont get it.
hey i can learn, why don't you explain it
what did you mean by 'obama money?'

I'll give you a's working right now.
. And it's not because they hate freedom.

But they do hate freedom!!!! even more than Hitler Stalin and Mao. Are you such a complete and total idiot liberal that you think they have freedom of speech, for example, in Raqqa so that all points of view can be represented fairly???

is it possible to conclude that a liberal is anything but a total idiot?? How???

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