Trump:"stop Muslim with WMD from coming in"....but to a liberal this is bad???

ahh, the big scary WMD boogey man. Did you not learn anything from George W. Bush and his slamdunk WMDs.
what did the stupid stupid liberal learn: that because Bush was wrong we can stop worrying and that another 9/11 10000 times worse is impossible even when ISIS is threatening to do it.
ISIS is no concern of mine. They were created by the actions of the US and are simply another form of Al Qaeda, Taliban, TNSM or one of the thousands of other terrorists groups the US created. You reap what you sow.
Gen. Odierno: ISIS Wouldn't Be Threat if Troops Had Stayed ...
Newsmax Media
Jul 22, 2015 - Odierno: ISIS Wouldn't Be Threat If Troops Had Stayed in Iraq ... implode at the hands of ISIS after the gains that were made during the Iraq War. .... To little to late, I knew Obama was wrong when he pulled the troops out of Iran and I'm ... FWIW we are actually hamstringing the Iraqi efforts today because we ...

They would've been a daily threat to our troops! Why do you want our troops to die !?

Yes, we understand that 14 dead American's in California means nothing to a piece of shit, such as yourself!....If we had stayed, these people would still be alive shithead!
Actually they would still be alive if the US hadn't intervened and bombed the shit out of the middle east in the last 40 years. Think about it. Thousands among thousands of terrorists groups are present today with one thing in common. They hate the US. And it's not because they hate freedom.
what did the stupid stupid liberal learn: that because Bush was wrong we can stop worrying and that another 9/11 10000 times worse is impossible even when ISIS is threatening to do it.
ISIS is no concern of mine. They were created by the actions of the US and are simply another form of Al Qaeda, Taliban, TNSM or one of the thousands of other terrorists groups the US created. You reap what you sow.
Gen. Odierno: ISIS Wouldn't Be Threat if Troops Had Stayed ...
Newsmax Media
Jul 22, 2015 - Odierno: ISIS Wouldn't Be Threat If Troops Had Stayed in Iraq ... implode at the hands of ISIS after the gains that were made during the Iraq War. .... To little to late, I knew Obama was wrong when he pulled the troops out of Iran and I'm ... FWIW we are actually hamstringing the Iraqi efforts today because we ...

They would've been a daily threat to our troops! Why do you want our troops to die !?

Yes, we understand that 14 dead American's in California means nothing to a piece of shit, such as yourself!....If we had stayed, these people would still be alive shithead!

Like you give a shit about those 14 killed in Cali . We have mass shootings every month . If you gave a shit you'd be pro gun control .

Bunch of fakers . You constantly look the other way on mass shootings unless the perp is a Muslim kook. Only then is their outrage .

I'm pro PEOPLE control, but then your fellow BLACKS are killing each other in droves in Chicago and Detroit, and I see YOU saying SHIT about it!
Gee I don't remember Iraq having a nuke? In fact , they didn't have any WMDS at all! Remember how hard we were looking for one !

But now you think ISIS has one ? And your source is an Internet isis dochebag?? He wouldnt be making shit up now would he???

I think the real danger is that ISIS has found the arc of the covenant and will use it too melt our faces off!!

wow a brave liberal is not worried about people who would slowly cut his head off while he was alive if given half the chance. Such people would not develop WMD's! so why worry!!! Their aim is peace not killing millions of us!!

See why we say the liberal will always be 100% stupid!.

Polar bears would kill you if they had the chance. I don't lose sleep worrying about polar bear attacks .
I heard the Polar Bears were seeking enriched uranium.
what did the stupid stupid liberal learn: that because Bush was wrong we can stop worrying and that another 9/11 10000 times worse is impossible even when ISIS is threatening to do it.
ISIS is no concern of mine. They were created by the actions of the US and are simply another form of Al Qaeda, Taliban, TNSM or one of the thousands of other terrorists groups the US created. You reap what you sow.
Gen. Odierno: ISIS Wouldn't Be Threat if Troops Had Stayed ...
Newsmax Media
Jul 22, 2015 - Odierno: ISIS Wouldn't Be Threat If Troops Had Stayed in Iraq ... implode at the hands of ISIS after the gains that were made during the Iraq War. .... To little to late, I knew Obama was wrong when he pulled the troops out of Iran and I'm ... FWIW we are actually hamstringing the Iraqi efforts today because we ...

They would've been a daily threat to our troops! Why do you want our troops to die !?

Yes, we understand that 14 dead American's in California means nothing to a piece of shit, such as yourself!....If we had stayed, these people would still be alive shithead!
Actually they would still be alive if the US hadn't intervened and bombed the shit out of the middle east in the last 40 years. Think about it. Thousands among thousands of terrorists groups are present today with one thing in common. They hate the US. And it's not because they hate freedom.

They hate the WHITE EUROPEANS, and thus American's since BEFORE The Crusades.... Get used to living through history! The only way to stop them, is to kill them, and if that means be it!
ISIS is no concern of mine. They were created by the actions of the US and are simply another form of Al Qaeda, Taliban, TNSM or one of the thousands of other terrorists groups the US created. You reap what you sow.
Gen. Odierno: ISIS Wouldn't Be Threat if Troops Had Stayed ...
Newsmax Media
Jul 22, 2015 - Odierno: ISIS Wouldn't Be Threat If Troops Had Stayed in Iraq ... implode at the hands of ISIS after the gains that were made during the Iraq War. .... To little to late, I knew Obama was wrong when he pulled the troops out of Iran and I'm ... FWIW we are actually hamstringing the Iraqi efforts today because we ...

They would've been a daily threat to our troops! Why do you want our troops to die !?

Yes, we understand that 14 dead American's in California means nothing to a piece of shit, such as yourself!....If we had stayed, these people would still be alive shithead!

Like you give a shit about those 14 killed in Cali . We have mass shootings every month . If you gave a shit you'd be pro gun control .

Bunch of fakers . You constantly look the other way on mass shootings unless the perp is a Muslim kook. Only then is their outrage .

I'm pro PEOPLE control, but then your fellow BLACKS are killing each other in droves in Chicago and Detroit, and I see YOU saying SHIT about it!

Yeah. Thanks to our loose gun laws .

We all know the righties are soooo broken up over shootings in the city.
Gen. Odierno: ISIS Wouldn't Be Threat if Troops Had Stayed ...
Newsmax Media
Jul 22, 2015 - Odierno: ISIS Wouldn't Be Threat If Troops Had Stayed in Iraq ... implode at the hands of ISIS after the gains that were made during the Iraq War. .... To little to late, I knew Obama was wrong when he pulled the troops out of Iran and I'm ... FWIW we are actually hamstringing the Iraqi efforts today because we ...

They would've been a daily threat to our troops! Why do you want our troops to die !?

Yes, we understand that 14 dead American's in California means nothing to a piece of shit, such as yourself!....If we had stayed, these people would still be alive shithead!

Like you give a shit about those 14 killed in Cali . We have mass shootings every month . If you gave a shit you'd be pro gun control .

Bunch of fakers . You constantly look the other way on mass shootings unless the perp is a Muslim kook. Only then is their outrage .

I'm pro PEOPLE control, but then your fellow BLACKS are killing each other in droves in Chicago and Detroit, and I see YOU saying SHIT about it!

Yeah. Thanks to our loose gun laws .

We all know the righties are soooo broken up over shootings in the city.

Chicago has the TOUGHEST GUN LAWS in the country... And honestly we feel for the innocent, BUT most of the people shot are THUGS!...Just ask Jesse, or Al why they aren't there doing something, getting marches going, trying to intimidate BIG BUSINESS to DONATE MONEY to them so they can do that!
These guns get imported in from gun nut states .

Tomorrow is the 3rd anniversary of sandy hook , by the way .

Special Ed starts a thread.
What a bunch of retards. All a Muslim would have to do to get past the border Nazi's is lie about their religion. These goof balls think all Muslims can be identified by looking at them. That is because none of them have been to Muslim regions where blond hair, fair skin, and green, gray or blue eyes are common. Chechnya is a good example, and Chechens are abundant in ISIS and al Qaeda.

Remember, you're talking about the likes of Special Ed and his ilk.

And Special Ed is one of the smarter ones. He wrote a book. Two!

I would have been surprised if he'd read a book.
ahh, the big scary WMD boogey man. Did you not learn anything from George W. Bush and his slamdunk WMDs.
what did the stupid stupid liberal learn: that because Bush was wrong we can stop worrying and that another 9/11 10000 times worse is impossible even when ISIS is threatening to do it.
ISIS is no concern of mine. They were created by the actions of the US and are simply another form of Al Qaeda, Taliban, TNSM or one of the thousands of other terrorists groups the US created. You reap what you sow.
Gen. Odierno: ISIS Wouldn't Be Threat if Troops Had Stayed ...
Newsmax Media
Jul 22, 2015 - Odierno: ISIS Wouldn't Be Threat If Troops Had Stayed in Iraq ... implode at the hands of ISIS after the gains that were made during the Iraq War. .... To little to late, I knew Obama was wrong when he pulled the troops out of Iran and I'm ... FWIW we are actually hamstringing the Iraqi efforts today because we ...

They would've been a daily threat to our troops! Why do you want our troops to die !?

Yes, we understand that 14 dead American's in California means nothing to a piece of shit, such as yourself!....If we had stayed, these people would still be alive shithead!

You don't know anything of the sort. There is no evidence that things would be any different. Bush destabilized the region by taking out Sadam and of course idiot conservatives want to blame Obama for ISIS but this is all on W's head.

W is the guy that fired the Iraqi army without disarming them, who installed their Sadam's enemies as the government of Iraq, and incurred the hatred of Iraqis by hiring contractors to rebuild the country. Those are the seeds of ISIS.
Trump said to ban ALL Muslims. Not just the guy with WMDs.

dear 100% stupid liberal, since we don't know which ones might have WMD's we must ban them all to prevent the possible destruction of our 10 biggest cities and the loss of perhaps 100 million people.

Simple enough for even a very very stupid liberal??
. Bush destabilized the region by taking out Sadam.

Obama is a liberal America hating coward who very badly wanted out of Iraq and Afghanistan. That's why he abandoned Bush's victory in Iraq and pretended ISIS was the JV team who could be ignored. When he saw how obviously stupid he was he changed his mind about abandoning Afhganistan and left us facing WMD's from ISIS.

Liberals for identical reasons abandoned our victory in Vietnam too.
Trump said to ban ALL Muslims. Not just the guy with WMDs.

dear 100% stupid liberal, since we don't know which ones might have WMD's we must ban them all to prevent the possible destruction of our 10 biggest cities and the loss of perhaps 100 million people.

Simple enough for even a very very stupid liberal??

To carry off the kind of attack you are describing, they would need more people than what planned 9/11, with a lot of coordination. It would require at least 50 people in 10 different places (5 people each city), and I'm pretty sure they would be caught long before they could carry it out.

The ones that make me a bit nervous are the radicalized ones who go and shoot up places like what happened in CA, but I also think that while the FBI and CIA won't be able to catch all of them, they WILL be able to catch most.

And your fear mongering of Daesh getting WMD's is nothing more than a fevered nightmare put on you by the Republicans. Not only are they very hard to get ahold of, they are also pretty complex weapons that requires training to be able to arm and deploy. How do I know this? Because while I was stationed with VFA-131 in the late 80's and early 90's, I was part of the PRP (Personnel Reliability Program), and we were the ones that loaded nukes onto the aircraft. I was also a part of the Chemical, Biological and Radiological clean up teams, and had to know quite a bit about them.
To carry off the kind of attack you are describing, they would need more people than what planned 9/11, with a lot of coordination.

Nope, just mail stuff from anywhere in the world. One guy could do it from within the Caliphate. See why we say a liberal will be very very stupid and deadly?
And your fear mongering of Daesh getting WMD's is nothing more than a fevered nightmare put on you by the Republicans.

Dear, you are liberal so that means very very stupid-right??

“Then again,” the essay concludes, the Americans “may well come to Dabiq on their own without the Islamic State needing to blow up any dirty bombs in Manhattan.”

ISIS Vows to Smuggle Nuke Over Mexican Border -

Jun 3, 2015 ... The Islamic State (ISIS) claims it has plans to buy a nuclear weapon from Pakistan and smuggle it into the U.S., using drug and human smuggling routes already in use by Mexican and South American drug cartels. ... ISIS could get their hands on a NUCLEAR weapon from Pakistan, warns ..

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