Trump:"stop Muslim with WMD from coming in"....but to a liberal this is bad???

Because of conservative opposition to people on the no-fly list being denied the right to buy semi-automatic guns and massive amounts of ammo for them, home grown terrorists have more opportunity to obtain the tools of mayhem than any other First World country.

In any case, the greatest terrorist danger the US faces is not ISIS, but white guys with guns, who are currently running amok on a daily basis.
What a fruitcake.
Do any of you people know how hard it is to get a WMD, and do you also realize how hard it would be to smuggle it into the US?

Sorry, but effective Chemical, Biological or Nuclear weapons are very hard to come by, and you also have to have some kind of knowledge of the weapon to be able to deploy it effectively.

WMD's aren't as easy to get or deploy as some would like to think.
Do any of you people know how hard it is to get a WMD, and do you also realize how hard it would be to smuggle it into the US?

Sorry, but effective Chemical, Biological or Nuclear weapons are very hard to come by, and you also have to have some kind of knowledge of the weapon to be able to deploy it effectively.

WMD's aren't as easy to get or deploy as some would like to think.
Yes, but it's easy for conservatives to contrive ridiculous lies about them to use as a political weapon against democrats.
Is there a liberal who can say why??

How is Trump going to stop them?

Another wall?

dear stupid, he said he wants to stop all Muslims from coming into the country!!! That's how stupid!!

And now - suddenly - it's about WMD's? Can you get any more ridiculous?

When was the last time a Muslim tried to sneak WMD's into the US?


1) you don't believe ISIS's threats??????????
2) its the kind of event that would only happen once like 9/11, Pearl Harbor, etc.
Is there a liberal who can say why??

How is Trump going to stop them?

Another wall?

dear stupid, he said he wants to stop all Muslims from coming into the country!!! That's how stupid!!

And now - suddenly - it's about WMD's? Can you get any more ridiculous?

When was the last time a Muslim tried to sneak WMD's into the US?


1) you don't believe ISIS's threats??????????
2) its the kind of event that would only happen once like 9/11, Pearl Harbor, etc.

Answer the question.
Is there a liberal who can say why??

How is Trump going to stop them?

Another wall?

dear stupid, he said he wants to stop all Muslims from coming into the country!!! That's how stupid!!

And now - suddenly - it's about WMD's? Can you get any more ridiculous?

When was the last time a Muslim tried to sneak WMD's into the US?


1) you don't believe ISIS's threats??????????
2) its the kind of event that would only happen once like 9/11, Pearl Harbor, etc.

Answer the question.

It would be like asking when was the last time the USSR nuked us and then( given the answer: never) not spending billions from 1945 to 1980 defending ourselves from them. We were never attacked because soviets were sane and because we had huge Republican military.Only this time Isis is not sane and and we may not have a defense if libturds prevail.

Now do you understand?
Is there a liberal who can say why??

How is Trump going to stop them?

Another wall?

dear stupid, he said he wants to stop all Muslims from coming into the country!!! That's how stupid!!

And now - suddenly - it's about WMD's? Can you get any more ridiculous?

When was the last time a Muslim tried to sneak WMD's into the US?


1) you don't believe ISIS's threats??????????
2) its the kind of event that would only happen once like 9/11, Pearl Harbor, etc.

Answer the question.

It would be like asking when was the last time the USSR nuked us and then( given the answer: never) not spending billions from 1945 to 1980 defending ourselves from them. We were never attacked because soviets were sane and because we had huge Republican military.Only this time Isis is not sane and and we may not have a defense if libturds prevail.

Now do you understand?

No. Because the banning all Muslim immigration because one *might* try to bring in (an extremely difficult endeavor) a WMD is akin to saying we need to ban all gun ownership because some lunatic might shoot up a school.
Actually, there is a far greater risk of some idiot shooting up a school than a Muslim bringing in a WMD, and Americans are doing nothing to prevent another school shooting.

Look at the number of people who have died in terrorist attacks in the past 6 years and compare it to the number of innocents killed in mass shootings over the same period. And yet Americans live in fear of terrorism.
Actually, there is a far greater risk of some idiot shooting up a school than a Muslim bringing in a WMD,

stupid stupid stupid liberal. What you say is true but a Muslim with WMD could destroy Americans 10 biggest cities for 100 years and kill 100 million people, so, you would have to be a 100% perfect idiot deadly stupid liberal not to do everything humanly possible to stop the threatened WMD's from ISIS which has already proved to be technically superior to us in some ways.
No. Because the banning all Muslim immigration because one *might* try to bring in (an extremely difficult endeavor) a WMD is akin to saying we need to ban all gun ownership because some lunatic might shoot up a school.

100% stupid and liberal of course:
1) Constitution prevents banning guns
2) a school shooter with a gun might kill 100 people
3) An ISIS WMD is threatened , technically possible, and might kill 100 million and a defense against it is not prohibited by Constitution.

See why we are forced to conclude that liberalism is based in pure ignorance. If another conclusion is possible please say what it is.

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