Trump:"stop Muslim with WMD from coming in"....but to a liberal this is bad???

those groups are not threatening to bring them in so we are not worrying about them.
ahh, the big scary WMD boogey man. Did you not learn anything from George W. Bush and his slamdunk WMDs.
what did the stupid stupid liberal learn: that because Bush was wrong we can stop worrying and that another 9/11 10000 times worse is impossible even when ISIS is threatening to do it.
ISIS is no concern of mine. They were created by the actions of the US and are simply another form of Al Qaeda, Taliban, TNSM or one of the thousands of other terrorists groups the US created. You reap what you sow.

LoL....The stupid canuck thinks canada is immune to islamic terrorist..
As long as we stop interferring in the region we are fine. At least you didn't argue my point that your country is responsible for creating these terrorists.
Our president did
Will it be a chemical slaughter that convinces liberals that Obama's groveling has not made the world love America?

Or will it be a dirty nuke that opens their eyes?

My guess is that neither will suffice but both, provided they happen in the same news-cycle,l might at least get their attention until George Soros assigns them a new shiny object to hate on.
Heard all this fear induced BS during Bush's tenur. Go claim the sky is falling to other gullible morons.

Why dont you tell it to the 3000 dead from 9/11?
Or the 14 dead in San Bernardino?
Claiming that something isnt going to happen when it's been happening on a regular bases. Talk about gullible ...
Those deaths are from a direct result of agressive American intervention in the region no matter how much you spin it. I think you have a few more coming the way your country responds.
Yeah go with that
. Bush destabilized the region by taking out Sadam.

Obama is a liberal America hating coward who very badly wanted out of Iraq and Afghanistan. That's why he abandoned Bush's victory in Iraq and pretended ISIS was the JV team who could be ignored. When he saw how obviously stupid he was he changed his mind about abandoning Afhganistan and left us facing WMD's from ISIS.

Liberals for identical reasons abandoned our victory in Vietnam too.

There was no victory in Vietnam. Nixon, a Republican President, lost that war.

Bush won the Iraq War but lost the peace. Americans were so focused on making all the money they could off the war they forgot about creating s lasting peace. Bush blew it big time
Yeah go with that
. And it's not because they hate freedom.

But they do hate freedom!!!! even more than Hitler Stalin and Mao. Are you such a complete and total idiot liberal that you think they have freedom of speech, for example, in Raqqa so that all points of view can be represented fairly???

is it possible to conclude that a liberal is anything but a total idiot?? How???

How is it possible to conclude you are anything but an idiot, Eddie?

Your posts defy all known facts and history. You are the most brainwashed right-winger I have ever encountered.

You ignore the 35,000 Americans who die by gun violence in America every year, but cower in terror, at the idea of ISIS. What a fool you are! You're in more danger of American terrorists, otherwise known as "mass shooters" than you will ever be from ISIS.
No, this is wrong.

There have been far more acts of domestic terrorism than attacks by foreign terrorists coming into the country to commit their crimes.

From Oklahoma City to the Summer Olympic games in Atlanta, the Beltway snipers in 2002, Tucson in 2011, the Sikh temple shooting in 2012, the terrorist attack of a Jewish community center in 2014, and the terrorists attacks in Charleston and Colorado Springs this year – just to name but a few sad, tragic examples.

Americans are far more likely to die in a domestic terrorist attack than be killed by 'members' of ISIS.
those groups are not threatening to bring them in so we are not worrying about them.
ahh, the big scary WMD boogey man. Did you not learn anything from George W. Bush and his slamdunk WMDs.
what did the stupid stupid liberal learn: that because Bush was wrong we can stop worrying and that another 9/11 10000 times worse is impossible even when ISIS is threatening to do it.
ISIS is no concern of mine. They were created by the actions of the US and are simply another form of Al Qaeda, Taliban, TNSM or one of the thousands of other terrorists groups the US created. You reap what you sow.

LoL....The stupid canuck thinks canada is immune to islamic terrorist..
As long as we stop interferring in the region we are fine. At least you didn't argue my point that your country is responsible for creating these terrorists.

LOL...They're cutting heads off in canada.
Will it be a chemical slaughter that convinces liberals that Obama's groveling has not made the world love America?

Or will it be a dirty nuke that opens their eyes?

My guess is that neither will suffice but both, provided they happen in the same news-cycle,l might at least get their attention until George Soros assigns them a new shiny object to hate on.
Heard all this fear induced BS during Bush's tenur. Go claim the sky is falling to other gullible morons.

Why dont you tell it to the 3000 dead from 9/11?
Or the 14 dead in San Bernardino?
Claiming that something isnt going to happen when it's been happening on a regular bases. Talk about gullible ...
Those deaths are from a direct result of agressive American intervention in the region no matter how much you spin it. I think you have a few more coming the way your country responds.

canada sits back and reaps the rewards of American exceptionalism.
How about you start to contribute?
ahh, the big scary WMD boogey man. Did you not learn anything from George W. Bush and his slamdunk WMDs.
what did the stupid stupid liberal learn: that because Bush was wrong we can stop worrying and that another 9/11 10000 times worse is impossible even when ISIS is threatening to do it.
ISIS is no concern of mine. They were created by the actions of the US and are simply another form of Al Qaeda, Taliban, TNSM or one of the thousands of other terrorists groups the US created. You reap what you sow.

LoL....The stupid canuck thinks canada is immune to islamic terrorist..
As long as we stop interferring in the region we are fine. At least you didn't argue my point that your country is responsible for creating these terrorists.

LOL...They're cutting heads off in canada.
Are you talking about a mentally disturbed chinese person who cut off the head of an individual on a bus in 2008? How does that refer to what is going on in the topic?
Will it be a chemical slaughter that convinces liberals that Obama's groveling has not made the world love America?

Or will it be a dirty nuke that opens their eyes?

My guess is that neither will suffice but both, provided they happen in the same news-cycle,l might at least get their attention until George Soros assigns them a new shiny object to hate on.
Heard all this fear induced BS during Bush's tenur. Go claim the sky is falling to other gullible morons.

Why dont you tell it to the 3000 dead from 9/11?
Or the 14 dead in San Bernardino?
Claiming that something isnt going to happen when it's been happening on a regular bases. Talk about gullible ...
Those deaths are from a direct result of agressive American intervention in the region no matter how much you spin it. I think you have a few more coming the way your country responds.

canada sits back and reaps the rewards of American exceptionalism.
How about you start to contribute?
What rewards. Please explain. I contribute by not being a bigoted racist prick who demands different treatment of people of other skin colour, race, religion...
How is Trump going to stop them?

Another wall?


Just don't make it easy for them, thats all. right now they can walk across the mexican or canadian border
what did the stupid stupid liberal learn: that because Bush was wrong we can stop worrying and that another 9/11 10000 times worse is impossible even when ISIS is threatening to do it.
ISIS is no concern of mine. They were created by the actions of the US and are simply another form of Al Qaeda, Taliban, TNSM or one of the thousands of other terrorists groups the US created. You reap what you sow.

LoL....The stupid canuck thinks canada is immune to islamic terrorist..
As long as we stop interferring in the region we are fine. At least you didn't argue my point that your country is responsible for creating these terrorists.

LOL...They're cutting heads off in canada.
Are you talking about a mentally disturbed chinese person who cut off the head of an individual on a bus in 2008? How does that refer to what is going on in the topic?

Terrorism in Canada: Timeline of plots, attacks, and allegations
Will it be a chemical slaughter that convinces liberals that Obama's groveling has not made the world love America?

Or will it be a dirty nuke that opens their eyes?

My guess is that neither will suffice but both, provided they happen in the same news-cycle,l might at least get their attention until George Soros assigns them a new shiny object to hate on.
Heard all this fear induced BS during Bush's tenur. Go claim the sky is falling to other gullible morons.

Why dont you tell it to the 3000 dead from 9/11?
Or the 14 dead in San Bernardino?
Claiming that something isnt going to happen when it's been happening on a regular bases. Talk about gullible ...
Those deaths are from a direct result of agressive American intervention in the region no matter how much you spin it. I think you have a few more coming the way your country responds.

canada sits back and reaps the rewards of American exceptionalism.
How about you start to contribute?
What rewards. Please explain. I contribute by not being a bigoted racist prick who demands different treatment of people of other skin colour, race, religion...
The delusion
ISIS is no concern of mine. They were created by the actions of the US and are simply another form of Al Qaeda, Taliban, TNSM or one of the thousands of other terrorists groups the US created. You reap what you sow.

LoL....The stupid canuck thinks canada is immune to islamic terrorist..
As long as we stop interferring in the region we are fine. At least you didn't argue my point that your country is responsible for creating these terrorists.

LOL...They're cutting heads off in canada.
Are you talking about a mentally disturbed chinese person who cut off the head of an individual on a bus in 2008? How does that refer to what is going on in the topic?

Terrorism in Canada: Timeline of plots, attacks, and allegations
Nice deflection. You mentioned someone getting their head cut off. No you bring up almost 50 years of history of terorrism which have also been committed by anglophone and francophones whites, sikhs. I'm certainly glad that during the times of the french separtists terrorists attacks that leaders didn't start calling out all french immigration to sieze or some other ridiculous Trump related buffoonery.
Heard all this fear induced BS during Bush's tenur. Go claim the sky is falling to other gullible morons.

Why dont you tell it to the 3000 dead from 9/11?
Or the 14 dead in San Bernardino?
Claiming that something isnt going to happen when it's been happening on a regular bases. Talk about gullible ...
Those deaths are from a direct result of agressive American intervention in the region no matter how much you spin it. I think you have a few more coming the way your country responds.

canada sits back and reaps the rewards of American exceptionalism.
How about you start to contribute?
What rewards. Please explain. I contribute by not being a bigoted racist prick who demands different treatment of people of other skin colour, race, religion...
The delusion
Figured. You have nothing. Come back when you can formulate a sentence beyond 2 words.
ridiculous Trump related buffoonery.

dear stupid and liberal, if Muslims bring WMD's to our country and kill 100 million of us we will wish we had stopped all Muslims from coming in.
Do you have the IQ to understand?

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