Trump:"stop Muslim with WMD from coming in"....but to a liberal this is bad???

LoL....The stupid canuck thinks canada is immune to islamic terrorist..
As long as we stop interferring in the region we are fine. At least you didn't argue my point that your country is responsible for creating these terrorists.

LOL...They're cutting heads off in canada.
Are you talking about a mentally disturbed chinese person who cut off the head of an individual on a bus in 2008? How does that refer to what is going on in the topic?

Terrorism in Canada: Timeline of plots, attacks, and allegations
Nice deflection. You mentioned someone getting their head cut off. No you bring up almost 50 years of history of terorrism which have also been committed by anglophone and francophones whites, sikhs. I'm certainly glad that during the times of the french separtists terrorists attacks that leaders didn't start calling out all french immigration to sieze or some other ridiculous Trump related buffoonery.

To be honest I dont pay much attention to canada even though I spend time on the Okanogan pretty regular and I have a lot of relatives in BC.
I do however talk to those relatives a lot and they paint a far different picture than you do of Canada's condition.
As long as we stop interferring in the region we are fine. At least you didn't argue my point that your country is responsible for creating these terrorists.

LOL...They're cutting heads off in canada.
Are you talking about a mentally disturbed chinese person who cut off the head of an individual on a bus in 2008? How does that refer to what is going on in the topic?

Terrorism in Canada: Timeline of plots, attacks, and allegations
Nice deflection. You mentioned someone getting their head cut off. No you bring up almost 50 years of history of terorrism which have also been committed by anglophone and francophones whites, sikhs. I'm certainly glad that during the times of the french separtists terrorists attacks that leaders didn't start calling out all french immigration to sieze or some other ridiculous Trump related buffoonery.

To be honest I dont pay much attention to canada even though I spend time on the Okanogan pretty regular and I have a lot of relatives in BC.
I do however talk to those relatives a lot and they paint a far different picture than you do of Canada's condition.
Far different picture? The only time we've had Muslim related attempted terrorism is when we decided to go along with the US to Afhan or any other mid eastern region. Harper is out of the picture now so we will be fine.
ridiculous Trump related buffoonery.

dear stupid and liberal, if Muslims bring WMD's to our country and kill 100 million of us we will wish we had stopped all Muslims from coming in.
Do you have the IQ to understand?

Dear Stupid and Conservative, if Muslims were able to kill 100 million of us, do you realize that would be one out of three? There are only about 300 to 350 million people in this country.

Do you have the IQ to understand that what you are proposing is almost impossible? Do you also have the IQ to understand that in order for your scenario to take place, it would require killing one out of every three people?

Do you have the IQ to understand that you are being manipulated and scared into the views that you post on this board?
Do you have the IQ to understand that you are being manipulated and scared into the views that you post on this board?

dear stupid and liberal, do you have a reason to think ISIS cant kill 100 million of us and make our 10 biggest cities uninhabitable for 100 years???
Do you have the IQ to understand that you are being manipulated and scared into the views that you post on this board?

dear stupid and liberal, do you have a reason to think ISIS cant kill 100 million of us and make our 10 biggest cities uninhabitable for 100 years???

Yeah, I do. They don't have the weapons, nor the capability of delivering those weapons that can cause destruction on the scale you propose.
Do you have the IQ to understand that you are being manipulated and scared into the views that you post on this board?

dear stupid and liberal, do you have a reason to think ISIS cant kill 100 million of us and make our 10 biggest cities uninhabitable for 100 years???

Yeah, I do. They don't have the weapons, nor the capability of delivering those weapons that can cause destruction on the scale you propose.

then why is homeland security spending $10's of billions on WMD detection and intelligence??
Do you have the IQ to understand that you are being manipulated and scared into the views that you post on this board?

dear stupid and liberal, do you have a reason to think ISIS cant kill 100 million of us and make our 10 biggest cities uninhabitable for 100 years???

Yeah, I do. They don't have the weapons, nor the capability of delivering those weapons that can cause destruction on the scale you propose.

dear very stupid and liberal, the weapons can be delivered by UPS and developed in a lab and are the only way ISIS can survive if a Republican is elected.
Do you have the IQ to understand that you are being manipulated and scared into the views that you post on this board?

dear stupid and liberal, do you have a reason to think ISIS cant kill 100 million of us and make our 10 biggest cities uninhabitable for 100 years???

Yeah, I do. They don't have the weapons, nor the capability of delivering those weapons that can cause destruction on the scale you propose.

dear very stupid and liberal, the weapons can be delivered by UPS and developed in a lab and are the only way ISIS can survive if a Republican is elected. a UPS van is going to be big enough to deliver a weapon of the scale that you are describing. Are you smart enough to know that they have detection units in places like UPS and FEDEX?'re right...............the only way Daesh (ISIS to you), can survive is if a Republican is elected, because they are the ones that will keep fanning the flames of war. a UPS van is going to be big enough to deliver a weapon of the scale that you are describing. .

dear 100% stupid, WMD's can be delivered in small envelopes, kill 100's of millions and not be detectable with current technology!! How stupid are you??
Are you smart enough to know that they have detection units in places like UPS and FEDEX?


100% stupid as always. TSA has detection units too and yet most stuff gets through. What does that teach you??

But why do they bother since your genius tells you that WMD's are not a threat????????? a UPS van is going to be big enough to deliver a weapon of the scale that you are describing. .

dear 100% stupid, WMD's can be delivered in small envelopes, kill 100's of millions and not be detectable with current technology!! How stupid are you??

Okay smart guy, what specific WMD can be delivered in a small envelope that can kill 100's of MILLIONS of people? Do you have a specific weapon in mind, or is this just more bullshit that you seem to like to sling all over these boards?

From the way you're posting, you don't even know what a WMD is.
Republican is elected, because they are the ones that will keep fanning the flames of war.

blame America first like a typical stupid liberal!! HItler and ISIS would stop if only Republicans would stop fanning the flames of war!! If we could stop being infidels!! a UPS van is going to be big enough to deliver a weapon of the scale that you are describing. .

dear 100% stupid, WMD's can be delivered in small envelopes, kill 100's of millions and not be detectable with current technology!! How stupid are you??

Okay smart guy, what specific WMD can be delivered in a small envelope that can kill 100's of MILLIONS of people? Do you have a specific weapon in mind, or is this just more bullshit that you seem to like to sling all over these boards?

From the way you're posting, you don't even know what a WMD is.

you are too stupid to know. Why not read up yourself if you're not afraid to find out how stupid you are and how endangered you are thanks to ISIS. a UPS van is going to be big enough to deliver a weapon of the scale that you are describing. .

dear 100% stupid, WMD's can be delivered in small envelopes, kill 100's of millions and not be detectable with current technology!! How stupid are you??

Okay smart guy, what specific WMD can be delivered in a small envelope that can kill 100's of MILLIONS of people? Do you have a specific weapon in mind, or is this just more bullshit that you seem to like to sling all over these boards?

From the way you're posting, you don't even know what a WMD is.

you are too stupid to know. Why not read up yourself if you're not afraid to find out how stupid you are and how endangered you are thanks to ISIS.

Actually, I DO know what a WMD is. Spent 20 years in the Navy, was a member of the CBR teams (Chemical Biological and Radiation), as well as a member of the PRP (Personnel Reliability Program), who was responsible for loading nukes on the aircraft. All the weapons I studied in those programs were of the WMD type. And, those weapons are a lot harder to transport and deploy than you think. a UPS van is going to be big enough to deliver a weapon of the scale that you are describing. .

dear 100% stupid, WMD's can be delivered in small envelopes, kill 100's of millions and not be detectable with current technology!! How stupid are you??

Okay smart guy, what specific WMD can be delivered in a small envelope that can kill 100's of MILLIONS of people? Do you have a specific weapon in mind, or is this just more bullshit that you seem to like to sling all over these boards?

From the way you're posting, you don't even know what a WMD is.

you are too stupid to know. Why not read up yourself if you're not afraid to find out how stupid you are and how endangered you are thanks to ISIS.

Actually, I DO know what a WMD is. Spent 20 years in the Navy, was a member of the CBR teams (Chemical Biological and Radiation), as well as a member of the PRP (Personnel Reliability Program), who was responsible for loading nukes on the aircraft. All the weapons I studied in those programs were of the WMD type. And, those weapons are a lot harder to transport and deploy than you think.

so the liberal idiot is saying none can be transported in simple #10 envelopes to be delivered all over the USA on the same day to wipe out perhaps 100 million of us?? a UPS van is going to be big enough to deliver a weapon of the scale that you are describing. .

dear 100% stupid, WMD's can be delivered in small envelopes, kill 100's of millions and not be detectable with current technology!! How stupid are you??

Okay smart guy, what specific WMD can be delivered in a small envelope that can kill 100's of MILLIONS of people? Do you have a specific weapon in mind, or is this just more bullshit that you seem to like to sling all over these boards?

From the way you're posting, you don't even know what a WMD is.

you are too stupid to know. Why not read up yourself if you're not afraid to find out how stupid you are and how endangered you are thanks to ISIS.

Actually, I DO know what a WMD is. Spent 20 years in the Navy, was a member of the CBR teams (Chemical Biological and Radiation), as well as a member of the PRP (Personnel Reliability Program), who was responsible for loading nukes on the aircraft. All the weapons I studied in those programs were of the WMD type. And, those weapons are a lot harder to transport and deploy than you think.

so the liberal idiot is saying none can be transported in simple #10 envelopes to be delivered all over the USA on the same day to wipe out perhaps 100 million of us??

What WMD is capable of being delivered in "simple number 10 envelopes"? According to everything that the military taught me, and the things that I'd experienced, even the smallest WMD that I've seen is about 15 ft long, and about 1 1/2 ft. in diameter. And that was one of the small ones. If you're talking about Anthrax, you should realize that what you can grow yourself is much less lethal than the stuff that is weaponized, because it has to be very small particles to stay airborne and be at the level of effectiveness that you are touting, as well as very hard to develop. And, an envelope full of Anthrax would only get 4-10 people at the most, and when discovered, the victims would more than likely be able to be healed because it's not weaponized Anthrax. But, keep fear mongering, you seem to enjoy it.'ve shown yourself to be incredibly ignorant and a willful troll.

I'm done trying to explain actual things to you, because your fear of anything Muslim is clouding your ability to understand and learn.

BTW.................I see that you failed to name a WMD weapon that could be sent in a number 10 envelope that would be carried by UPS. What's the matter, you can't find any? Same problem Jr. had in Iraq.'ve shown yourself to be incredibly ignorant and a willful troll.

I'm done trying to explain actual things to you, because your fear of anything Muslim is clouding your ability to understand and learn.

BTW.................I see that you failed to name a WMD weapon that could be sent in a number 10 envelope that would be carried by UPS. What's the matter, you can't find any? Same problem Jr. had in Iraq.

no worries as you say WMD's are hard to develop so why worry- right??

See why we say a liberal will always be stupid? What other conclusion is possible.

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