Trump sued for alleged unwanted kiss against a staffer in 2016

I know a guy who was complaining that a woman where he worked screamed rape and tried to get him fired.

I told him something like that doesn’t just come out of nothing. Did he ever try to do anything like kiss her. And he told me yeah he Kissed her.

So I ask him did you lean in and kiss or did you grab her and kiss her. He said I grabbed her and kissed her. He said if I didn’t do that I’d never get a kiss.

So I asked him how he would like it if some guy just grabbed his mother or his wife or his sister or his daughter and kissed her against her will?

And his answer was, it was just a kiss.

And that’s the problem.

So I asked him, how would you feel if big Bruno came over and grabbed you and kissed you.? And he said well that would be different because Bruno’s a man.

So I told him, yeah, but it was just a kiss.

True story.
Both witnesses that were there say it didn’t happen.

Oh but her mom and boyfriend who weren’t even there, “corroborate her story”.

That’s WaPo for ya!

The WaPo reported a story...that this lady is suing Trump and that is a factual statement. They did not comment on the merits of the case, nor should they.
the overall problem with the media is they post what people say as the news, not what happens.

someone said trump tried to slide them some doggy tongue, we must shout that out.
if it never happened doesn't come into play anymore.

accusations have become the source behind news, not the actual events.
I bet this woman tried to get a kiss on him. When she got rejected, she felt miffed and concocted this story.
a Republican woman is suing Donald Trump.

The alleged event took place in 2016. In 2017, the alleged victim was videoed giving a positive speech about President Trump. After the tour was over, the alleged victim went to a psychiatrist about a problem she was having. She did not tell the psychiatrist what happened but alluded to "something happened." She did not tell what "something" was. Why did she give President Trump praise in a speech in 2017 if he was involved with her unadmitted "something" that happened. After the Christine Blasey Ford scam, she decided she had to join with other women to teach Republican men a lesson. All of a sudden, she was the victim of a kiss that she did not want by the President during the train tour that occurred over two years before. Three women who were on the same train swore under oath that nothing happened of that nature at all. They were there. Nobody saw the President kiss the woman claiming that she did. Has the world gone crazy by publishing stories that cannot be corroborated by witnesses? Is this another make believe scenario to hurt President Trump? This woman filed no complaint with anyone, said not one word of complaint about President Trump to this psychiatrist, but after seeing several women come forward, one even admitting she lied, and all were proven to be unsubstantiated, all years earlier. And this woman spent two years denying that anything bad happened, but all of a sudden she levels a high-dollar lawsuit against the President that will make her rich. Christine Blasey Ford walked away with $800,000+ after her little lie fest in which she invested several hours in a rehearsal of what she would say for fluffers in Congress who also were against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

I don't care what her party affiliation is. This woman should have filed a complaint immediately, not over two years later, after she heard about some get-rich-quick schemes a woman can pull and get away with it, and she'd like $800,000 for saying something that didn't happen "for the cause of women," too. :cuckoo:
Both witnesses that were there say it didn’t happen.

Oh but her mom and boyfriend who weren’t even there, “corroborate her story”.

That’s WaPo for ya!

The WaPo reported a story...that this lady is suing Trump and that is a factual statement. They did not comment on the merits of the case, nor should they.
the overall problem with the media is they post what people say as the news, not what happens.

someone said trump tried to slide them some doggy tongue, we must shout that out.
if it never happened doesn't come into play anymore.

accusations have become the source behind news, not the actual events.

That's not a bug for progressives, that's a feature.

They don't care if it's true or not. It gets it's 2-3 days in the spotlight, and then they go on to the next outrage.
There is no record, anywhere, of Trump being attracted to a black woman enough to kiss her.
Both witnesses that were there say it didn’t happen.

Oh but her mom and boyfriend who weren’t even there, “corroborate her story”.

That’s WaPo for ya!

The WaPo reported a story...that this lady is suing Trump and that is a factual statement. They did not comment on the merits of the case, nor should they.
the overall problem with the media is they post what people say as the news, not what happens.

someone said trump tried to slide them some doggy tongue, we must shout that out.
if it never happened doesn't come into play anymore.

accusations have become the source behind news, not the actual events.

Not really true. The reported what really happened, and what really happened is that a person filed a suit against Trump for an alleged kiss.

What do you think they should do, pretend it never happened like FoxNews did?
Both witnesses that were there say it didn’t happen.

Oh but her mom and boyfriend who weren’t even there, “corroborate her story”.

That’s WaPo for ya!

The WaPo reported a story...that this lady is suing Trump and that is a factual statement. They did not comment on the merits of the case, nor should they.
the overall problem with the media is they post what people say as the news, not what happens.

someone said trump tried to slide them some doggy tongue, we must shout that out.
if it never happened doesn't come into play anymore.

accusations have become the source behind news, not the actual events.

Not really true. The reported what really happened, and what really happened is that a person filed a suit against Trump for an alleged kiss.

What do you think they should do, pretend it never happened like FoxNews did?
im not talking this incident specifically. but how many suits, for alleged kisees get filed anyway?

as for ignoring it, i see the left media ignore a lot of shit. unless of course its ORANGE MAN BAD.

then its major news.
Both witnesses that were there say it didn’t happen.

Oh but her mom and boyfriend who weren’t even there, “corroborate her story”.

That’s WaPo for ya!

The WaPo reported a story...that this lady is suing Trump and that is a factual statement. They did not comment on the merits of the case, nor should they.
the overall problem with the media is they post what people say as the news, not what happens.

someone said trump tried to slide them some doggy tongue, we must shout that out.
if it never happened doesn't come into play anymore.

accusations have become the source behind news, not the actual events.

Not really true. The reported what really happened, and what really happened is that a person filed a suit against Trump for an alleged kiss.

What do you think they should do, pretend it never happened like FoxNews did?
im not talking this incident specifically. but how many suits, for alleged kisees get filed anyway?

as for ignoring it, i see the left media ignore a lot of shit. unless of course its ORANGE MAN BAD.

then its major news.

and on the right everything that might make the ORANGE MAN LOOK BAD is filed away never to be seen.

how many times do we need to go down this road?

Nobody whines when their side does it.
Both witnesses that were there say it didn’t happen.

Oh but her mom and boyfriend who weren’t even there, “corroborate her story”.

That’s WaPo for ya!

The WaPo reported a story...that this lady is suing Trump and that is a factual statement. They did not comment on the merits of the case, nor should they.
the overall problem with the media is they post what people say as the news, not what happens.

someone said trump tried to slide them some doggy tongue, we must shout that out.
if it never happened doesn't come into play anymore.

accusations have become the source behind news, not the actual events.

Not really true. The reported what really happened, and what really happened is that a person filed a suit against Trump for an alleged kiss.

What do you think they should do, pretend it never happened like FoxNews did?
im not talking this incident specifically. but how many suits, for alleged kisees get filed anyway?

as for ignoring it, i see the left media ignore a lot of shit. unless of course its ORANGE MAN BAD.

then its major news.

and on the right everything that might make the ORANGE MAN LOOK BAD is filed away never to be seen.

how many times do we need to go down this road?

Nobody whines when their side does it.

Only you would wanna go down this lame road.
a Republican woman is suing Donald Trump.

Why would she be suing in federal court? It supposedly happened in FL, Trump was a private citizen at the time. It would be a state matter.


Centrista isnt exactly the brightest bulb at USMB.

It's the gals lawyer who decided where to file, not the OP. I don't see federal jurisdiction on this one. Another question is why she waited more than 2 years. I think it's a fake, the lawyer will be looking for a settlement. I don't think he'd want to go to court.

The WaPo reported a story...that this lady is suing Trump and that is a factual statement. They did not comment on the merits of the case, nor should they.
the overall problem with the media is they post what people say as the news, not what happens.

someone said trump tried to slide them some doggy tongue, we must shout that out.
if it never happened doesn't come into play anymore.

accusations have become the source behind news, not the actual events.

Not really true. The reported what really happened, and what really happened is that a person filed a suit against Trump for an alleged kiss.

What do you think they should do, pretend it never happened like FoxNews did?
im not talking this incident specifically. but how many suits, for alleged kisees get filed anyway?

as for ignoring it, i see the left media ignore a lot of shit. unless of course its ORANGE MAN BAD.

then its major news.

and on the right everything that might make the ORANGE MAN LOOK BAD is filed away never to be seen.

how many times do we need to go down this road?

Nobody whines when their side does it.

Only you would wanna go down this lame road.

We go down this road every time someone from the right whines about the "lefty" media

and we go down this road every time someone from the left whines about the "right wing" media
Both witnesses that were there say it didn’t happen.

Oh but her mom and boyfriend who weren’t even there, “corroborate her story”.

That’s WaPo for ya!

The WaPo reported a story...that this lady is suing Trump and that is a factual statement. They did not comment on the merits of the case, nor should they.
the overall problem with the media is they post what people say as the news, not what happens.

someone said trump tried to slide them some doggy tongue, we must shout that out.
if it never happened doesn't come into play anymore.

accusations have become the source behind news, not the actual events.

Not really true. The reported what really happened, and what really happened is that a person filed a suit against Trump for an alleged kiss.

What do you think they should do, pretend it never happened like FoxNews did?
im not talking this incident specifically. but how many suits, for alleged kisees get filed anyway?

as for ignoring it, i see the left media ignore a lot of shit. unless of course its ORANGE MAN BAD.

then its major news.

and on the right everything that might make the ORANGE MAN LOOK BAD is filed away never to be seen.

how many times do we need to go down this road?

Nobody whines when their side does it.
whatever dude.

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