trump suggest he would use FBI to go after political opponents in second term using FBI

There is no suggestion. Of course he will. trump is vindictive and vengeful. He makes Nixon look like the Pope.

Nothing could be as bad as the ridiculous 91 indictments being used to illegally harm Trump now.
I am far left, but the charges against Trump are insane.
He was doing it before he was elected as President.

Not only did Trump never abuse prosecutorial powers, but it was the democrats who did always abuse it, with the 2 bogus impeachments, the illegal prosecution of Bannon, Flynn, Cohen, Manafort, etc.
Of all those prosecuted, likely only Manafort did anything illegal, and that was simply not registering as being an agent for a foreign power, which is not even clearly a legal law.
Where you been? Ohio, Kentucky and Virginia? The only one you didn’t lose was Mississippi
The Republican RINOs would whether lose and maintain some power than rule by what they were elected to do. That's what you fear about trump were going to remove the RINOs . And then it will be our rules
Nothing could be as bad as the ridiculous 91 indictments being used to illegally harm Trump now.
I am far left, but the charges against Trump are insane.
The stormy Daniel one is the weakest case.

Starting insurrection? He’s guilty. Mitch even said he would have impeached him but he was no longer president. He should have convicted trump on his second impeachment. I shouldn’t have to continue but I will.

Republicans nit picked Hillary. Lock her up. Then if you can believe it idiot trump made what she did a felony. Then he did it. Idiot.

Classified documents. All the evidence against him. It was on a criminal level dude. Then we find out he’s bragging and telling secrets to any Mara lago guest who pays to get in.

You can’t be left. On what?
Most were unvaccinated trumpeters. What could we do about you? Five anti vax radio hosts died while spreading lies.
There's NO SUCH THING as a VACCINE for ANY airborne respiratory virus!
No matter how many times the government or the media repeats the lies, that shit is nothing but a weak prophylactic that DOES'T WORK!
Not only did Trump never abuse prosecutorial powers, but it was the democrats who did always abuse it, with the 2 bogus impeachments, the illegal prosecution of Bannon, Flynn, Cohen, Manafort, etc.
Of all those prosecuted, likely only Manafort did anything illegal, and that was simply not registering as being an agent for a foreign power, which is not even clearly a legal law.
The house impeached him twice legitimately.

2. trump said pelosi should have impeached bush for lying us into iraq. Remember that?

3. It seems like triumphs defense for 91 counts and 4 indictments is that no presidents are perfect. Yea, but he’s sinister. And you like him? Weird.
The stormy Daniel one is the weakest case.

Starting insurrection? He’s guilty. Mitch even said he would have impeached him but he was no longer president. He should have convicted trump on his second impeachment. I shouldn’t have to continue but I will.

Republicans nit picked Hillary. Lock her up. Then if you can believe it idiot trump made what she did a felony. Then he did it. Idiot.

Classified documents. All the evidence against him. It was on a criminal level dude. Then we find out he’s bragging and telling secrets to any Mara lago guest who pays to get in.

You can’t be left. On what?
The New York case is the weakest one
Classified documents is next weakest
Then the j6 bullshit
And Rico ain't going to happen
There's NO SUCH THING as a VACCINE for ANY airborne respiratory virus!
No matter how many times the government or the media repeats the lies, that shit is nothing but a weak prophylactic that DOES'T WORK!
Ok I’ll believe you. They say unvaccinated people di3 at a higher rate
The great news is if Trump somehow won he would have to deal with a Democratic majority in both the Senate and House and they will impeach/convict him and remove him from office.

Thanks to abortion being on the ticket next year.

First of all, presidents do not "deal" with Congress at all, but instead just implement what Congress has passed.
Second is that impeachment is immoral and illegal unless there is an overwhelming need, which there never has been.
The voters are supposed to decide what they want a president to do, not Congress.
And Trump has always come out as pro-choice.
He wasn’t wearing a mask or social distancing. Hosting rallies. Herman Cain for one.
I remember when Biden and Harris staffers were infected with covid. Are you saying they weren't masked even though they were mandated to wear one and be vaccinated?
Red states aren't getting more red they're turning bluer.

Even you guys say people are leaving California and Michigan and moving to your low tax/IQ states to save some money. They're also bringing their liberal views.

Look at Kansas, Ohio, Virgina and Kentucky. You aren't laughing.

Hispanics are flooding across the border remember? Don't they vote Democrat?

And women will turn red states blue next year with abortion on the ticket.

Hispanics flooding across the border can't vote.

States turning blue for congress are turning red for president.
Trump is pro-choice.
All republicans are going to have to switch to pro-choice.
He wasn’t wearing a mask or social distancing. Hosting rallies. Herman Cain for one.

The science by now has proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that masks and social distancing delayed herd immunity, from a 3 month epidemic to lasting 3 years, and caused 10 times the death rate.

When there is not an effective vaccines like there clearly is not for covid, then the lowest death toll is to accelerate infection among the least vulnerable.
Read up on how General Washington did that to the Continental Army over deliberate smallpox variolation in 1777.
An estimated 90% of deaths in the Continental Army were caused by disease, and the most vicious were variants of smallpox, according to the U.S. Library of Congress.

That's why Gen. Washington made the controversial decision to order the mass inoculation of his soldiers, an effort to combat spread of the disease that was at the time a major deterrent to enlistments and posed the risk of debilitating his army and tipping the balance of power against America's first warfighters.

According to the U.S. Library of Congress's Science, Technology, and Business Division, the smallpox inoculations began Jan. 6, 1777, for all of Washington's forces who came through the then-capital of Philadelphia, and through Morristown, New Jersey, following the Battle of Princeton.

Smallpox is a potentially fatal disease that starts with fever and vomiting and an outbreak of ulcers in the mouth and a skin rash. The skin rash turns into highly contagious fluid-filled blisters. The fatality rate was very high.

Inoculations were far more primitive - and dangerous - than today's vaccinations. The most common method was to cut a person's skin and rub the minor incision with a thread or cloth contaminated with a less-virulent version of smallpox, which in this case was a strain known as "variola."

Variolation is not vaccination, but instead is deliberate infection with the least fatal strain available.
Most were unvaccinated trumpeters. What could we do about you? Five anti vax radio hosts died while spreading lies.

The mRNA vax was a total disaster.
It not only killed tens of thousands more people, but only slightly reduced symptoms for 2 months at most.
He wasn’t wearing a mask or social distancing. Hosting rallies. Herman Cain for one.
You do know the mask did nothing? Also if Biden could've got more than 10 people to show up. He would've been doing rallies.
Most were unvaccinated trumpeters. What could we do about you? Five anti vax radio hosts died while spreading lies.
The fact is, more died under Biden with the vaccine. I'm doing great with my non modified proteins.
The stormy Daniel one is the weakest case.

Starting insurrection? He’s guilty. Mitch even said he would have impeached him but he was no longer president. He should have convicted trump on his second impeachment. I shouldn’t have to continue but I will.

Republicans nit picked Hillary. Lock her up. Then if you can believe it idiot trump made what she did a felony. Then he did it. Idiot.

Classified documents. All the evidence against him. It was on a criminal level dude. Then we find out he’s bragging and telling secrets to any Mara lago guest who pays to get in.

You can’t be left. On what?

With the Stormy Daniels case, clearly it is Stormy who broke the law, and yet no one prosecuted her.
Paying hush money clearly is perfectly legal, and it also is a valid tax write off and use of campaign funds as well.
This was settles already when they tried to prosecute John Edwards and it totally failed.

Not only was Jan 6 not an insurrection since it was unarmed, but it is required to protest if you do not trust how elections are counted.
Clearly anyone suggesting networked computers as voting machines, has to be crazy or a criminal.
Not only trivial to hack, but the potential for backdoors is wide open.

Condemning what Hillary did was NOT "nitpicking".
She illegally used her own email server instead of the State Dept. one required by FOIA.
Then she put classified docs on it that she had no security clearance to even have.
Then she illegally sent Ambassador Stevens to Benghazi to bribe and arm ISIS against Assad in Syria.

As far as Trump and classified docs, the law says presidents are totally exempt from all classified doc laws.
That extends to ex-presidents, since they can't be mind wiped.

You are just picking and choosing what you want instead of what is actually true.

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