trump suggest he would use FBI to go after political opponents in second term using FBI

There's NO SUCH THING as a VACCINE for ANY airborne respiratory virus!
No matter how many times the government or the media repeats the lies, that shit is nothing but a weak prophylactic that DOES'T WORK!

Regardless if there is a vaccine possible or not, clearly the mRNA injection was not a vaccine in any way.
All it did was reprogram the ribosomes in our own cells to start growing spike proteins.
And spike proteins can't be used as an epitope for the immune system to identify covid, since the whole point of spike proteins is for our own exosomes to use them to signal our own cells to let them in.
The house impeached him twice legitimately.

2. trump said pelosi should have impeached bush for lying us into iraq. Remember that?

3. It seems like triumphs defense for 91 counts and 4 indictments is that no presidents are perfect. Yea, but he’s sinister. And you like him? Weird.

How were the impeachments of Trump legal?
The first impeachment was over the call to Zelensky to ask for an investigation in to Burisma Holdings, which would be illegal to NOT do.
The second impeachment was over Jan 6, which was perfectly legal 1st amendment protest of a questionable election process.
Neither of the actions by Trump was remotely illegal.
Both were not only good, but essential to a democratic republic.
In fact, Joe and Hunter Biden should be in jail for their role in the illegal 2014 Maidan coup that turned the Ukraine into an evil dictatorship.
Nor should we be using Dominion or any computers for voting.
Voting on a networked computer is ridiculous.

3. It seems like triumphs defense for 91 counts and 4 indictments is that no presidents are perfect. Yea, but he’s sinister. And you like him? Weird.

NO, I do NOT like Trump at all.
But the point is he was ELECTED by the people, and it is then illegal to try to violate that election with false charges.
He likely is "sinister", but all the indictments are 10 times worse than anything bad Trump has ever done.
Ok I’ll believe you. They say unvaccinated people di3 at a higher rate


The mRNA vaccine has a slight positive boost in antibody activity for 2 months max.
After that, those who have been vaxed for covid, including me, have a much higher death rate than those unvaxed for covid.
They say a lot of dumb shit, aka LIES.

Its not a total lie, but a huge distortion.
The mRNA vax does cause spike protein growth in our bodies.
That does cause some additional antibody production in order to do clean up.
But that positive only lasts for 2 months max, and is not any sort of immunity.
They accuse the Dems of wanting one party rule, and then tell you they want one party rule.

MAGA remains a study in projection.

I see your point, but the reality is the dems in Congress started it with the 2 illegal impeachments and the 91 ridiculous indictments that politicians are supposed to have immunity from.
No it’s you who is offering the suggestion that you feel like that’s what he said
First of all, presidents do not "deal" with Congress at all, but instead just implement what Congress has passed.
Second is that impeachment is immoral and illegal unless there is an overwhelming need, which there never has been.
The voters are supposed to decide what they want a president to do, not Congress.
And Trump has always come out as pro-choice.
Let me ask you this
What will be the next goal for leftists if Republicans stop fighting against abortion? You know there will be something else.
He didn't say drink bleach. Maybe if you loons weren't spending all your time twisting Trump's words around and actually tried to come up with solutions. There wouldn't of been so many covid death's. Like when Cuomo put covid positive people in a nursing home. Resulting in thousands of unnecessary deaths, anything to make Trump look bad.
That is what the government was telling Cuomo to do at the time, just more fake news for the dupes. Trump gave us the worst pandemic response anywhere by concentrating on the very rare dangers of an excellent vaccine, so that 40% of Republicans didn't get vaccinated and kept it going. Great job! And took that message around the world for all the conservative idiots... Caused the millions of deaths d U H H H H.
Biden is elected, moron. Your statement contradicts itself.
Nothing I said was a contradiction.
Biden tells the aft to rewrite gun laws they do it. Then it gets slapped down by the supreme court. Like the pistol brace rule and redefining a firearm.
That smack down hurt now mind your own business boy

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