Trump supporters and illegal immigrants have much in common

Amazingly, Trump supporters and illegal immigrants have much in common.
They both are under employed and under educated. As a result they are desperate to find ways to support themselves and their families.
Their desperation has motivated them to do something they would not do if there lives were better.
The illegal immigrants sneak into the USA to find work.
The supporters of Trump buy into his false claims of what he can do to help them

Under employed and under educated?

Sounds like the plight of minorities in America. Do you make fun of those people? That's not very tolerant if you do.
I am not making fun of the Trump supporters, I feel sorry for their situation. I see them desperate because of their economic situation. Desperate people make irrational decisions. Trump as President is irrational.
Some minorites are desperate because of their economic situation and make irrational decisions to take welfare or turn to crime. It is the same as voting for Trump.
The majority of minorities are not this desperate.

Of course not.

The African American minority is enormously wealthy as a result of their voting Democrat for the last 40 years and will vote Democrat for the next 160 years, according to the great LBJ. The African American community stands by their leaders come hell or high water. Just like they did when Hell and high water came in New Orleans with Katrina. They were so loyal to their black Democrat leaders that it did not matter to them that those so called "leaders" were indicted, tried and jailed.

The African American minority is quite comfortable where they are. They should be and they deserve to be.
You are selling many, many African Americans short. Many have worked harder than you ever did as a legal imigrant to work their way up to successful life. Do not insult all African Americans because of the actions of a few.
I am sure you are stereo typed by many as an immigrant (even though you are legal). I salute your hard work to get where you are today. Your lack of empathy for those looking for a way to improve their lives is rather disgusting.
Amazingly, Trump supporters and illegal immigrants have much in common.
They both are under employed and under educated. As a result they are desperate to find ways to support themselves and their families.
Their desperation has motivated them to do something they would not do if there lives were better.
The illegal immigrants sneak into the USA to find work.
The supporters of Trump buy into his false claims of what he can do to help them

Another work of true idiocy.
This is a work of idiocy to an idiot.
Many illegal immigrants are very embarrassed to compared to Trump supporters but in the area I broke out it is true.
I apologize to those illegal immigrants.

You doubled down on your idiocy.
Amazingly, Trump supporters and illegal immigrants have much in common.
They both are under employed and under educated. As a result they are desperate to find ways to support themselves and their families.
Their desperation has motivated them to do something they would not do if there lives were better.
The illegal immigrants sneak into the USA to find work.
The supporters of Trump buy into his false claims of what he can do to help them

Hey Cupcake, when you called every Trump supporter in the country and interviewed them you neglected to call me and my wife. I'm fully employed, college graduate from a private school and my wife is a full time teacher with a Masters from an Ivy League School. We both support Trump. Hope that doesn't throw your polling matrix off to much. BTW, here is one of many photos of the false claim of illegals pouring over the border.
My generalization of both Trump supporters and illegal immigrants is what I see as close to a majority but hardly every member of each group.

No cares about the opinions of idiots like you.
There are illegals who pay more taxes than you.

The real villians are the companies who hire the illegals, pay them dirt wages leaving the government to pick up what is benefits the company should pay

We have illegals in our military risking their lives for our country. More than you have done, I would guess.

Oh, that's so terrible. Supposedly they joined our military and pay taxes? Well I have a solution to put them out of their misery: kick them all out of the country. There, now everybody will be happy.

Left wingers keep telling us what a terrible place the United States is. You would think the illegals would thank us for sending them back to a decent country like Mexico.
This election cycle,the Republican nominee is telling us how terrible the USA is. The Democrats are saying the USA is good and can get better.
You should pay attention to what is going on.
Wrong. What he's telling you is how Obama and the Dim party are destroying this country, and he's 100% right. The USA can get better, but not with Dims in charge.
Amazingly, Trump supporters and illegal immigrants have much in common.
They both are under employed and under educated.

Interesting. I basically "retired" at age 48 with an active third career (avocational), a financial advisor who keeps me comfortably numb, and am frankly over-educated.

It's not bragging when it's true.

I have nothing in common with illegal invaders. Not a thing.
There are very few financial planners who support trump. Those who do are incompetent. To spend the money to build the wall and throw out the illegals along with his tax cuts would be a disaster for the economy.

Why would that be the case? Do a lot of illegals use financial planners? Throwing out the illegals would pay for the wall.
How warped the democratic mind is.

1. Invited

2. Not invited.

Here's something to challenge your half brain.......Invited or not by the Mexican administration, WHY did was Trump advised to NOT use his regular plane with his name on it??? I mean, Trump says that Mexicans "love him", correct?

The cartels are reputed to have shoulder fired missiles that could take down Trump's plane. They don't like him because he plans on building a wall. I realize that is pretty hard for an idiot to understand, but you really should try.
Who are the "illegal immigrant" supporters? Probably America haters and whiny ignorant kids and socialists whose perspective of history only goes back the latest record from the "Back Street Boys".
Amazingly, Trump supporters and illegal immigrants have much in common.
They both are under employed and under educated. As a result they are desperate to find ways to support themselves and their families.
Their desperation has motivated them to do something they would not do if there lives were better.
The illegal immigrants sneak into the USA to find work.
The supporters of Trump buy into his false claims of what he can do to help them

Your thread is under educated dummy. Like many Trump supporters I don't need his help, it would be great to get the moochers working though so I don't have to pay their share. It would be nice not having to worry about illegals pouring into the country killing, raping, assaulting American citizens.
What % of illegal immigrants rape, murder and assault. What % of the citizenery rape, murder and assault. I do not know.
My guess is it may be close. If anyone has actual numbers, I would be interested.

Not one single illegal rape, murder, or assault is acceptable to me. Tell me how many American citizens are you okay with being murdered, raped, tortured, assaulted by illegals? Oh lets just keep it simple, how many American citizens need to be murdered by illegals before you become concerned? OH SNAP!!!!!!! :flameth:
I agree that no rapes, murders or assaults are acceptable. But if we find any tourists coming to the USA should rape, murder or assault should we use that as an excuse to not allow any tourists in the USA.
I would rather deport all rapists and murders than all illegal immigrants. I would rather spend more USA resources to go after all rapists and murders than spend those resources trying to deport illegal immigrants who are working, paying taxes and producing in our society.

Trump clearly stated that he would start with the illegals that are felons. How do you know they are paying taxes if they are here illegally?
Amazingly, Trump supporters and illegal immigrants have much in common.
They both are under employed and under educated. As a result they are desperate to find ways to support themselves and their families.
Their desperation has motivated them to do something they would not do if there lives were better.
The illegal immigrants sneak into the USA to find work.
The supporters of Trump buy into his false claims of what he can do to help them

Trump supporters carry guns


pussy's like you carry a purse and walk in high heels
The cartels are reputed to have shoulder fired missiles that could take down Trump's plane. They don't like him because he plans on building a wall. I realize that is pretty hard for an idiot to understand, but you really should try.

Isn't amazing how the left thinks?

I guess when you belong to a group of people that believe in starting as much trouble as possible to make a point, everybody should be doing it.
You are selling many, many African Americans short. Many have worked harder than you ever did as a legal imigrant to work their way up to successful life. Do not insult all African Americans because of the actions of a few.
I am sure you are stereo typed by many as an immigrant (even though you are legal). I salute your hard work to get where you are today. Your lack of empathy for those looking for a way to improve their lives is rather disgusting.


Is it disgusting telling people it's against the law to rape women in the US? Is it disgusting to tell people that you go to jail if you rob somebody? Is it disgusting if you put somebody in jail after they get drunk and causing a serious accident with their car?

Then why is it disgusting to expect somebody to obey our laws when it comes to visiting or living here?
Why even attempt arguing with a liberal? To them:
-black criminals and illegal immigrants are holy
-law abiding Americans are evil

You cannot make this stuff up even if you tried.
the irony of a leftist accusing others of wanting the government to do something for them.
I will guarantee I pay ALOT more taxes than you individually and through my business.
The irony of is the conservatives who say they do not the government interference but depend on the government for more help than many moderates and liberals
I said leftists, not liberals, there no such thing as liberals anymore.

you own a biz? Amazing, 100% of leftist here own a biz or make 6 figures and yet they all have time to be here so often and so much.
It is better to work smart than work long hours.
How does Trump continue to have successful businesses while spending all of his time running for President.
Your political beliefs do not make you a good or bad business person.

missed the point, entirely.
the irony of a leftist accusing others of wanting the government to do something for them.
I will guarantee I pay ALOT more taxes than you individually and through my business.
The irony of is the conservatives who say they do not the government interference but depend on the government for more help than many moderates and liberals

Do you ever bother to proof read your gibberish?
Amazingly, Trump supporters and illegal immigrants have much in common.
They both are under employed and under educated. As a result they are desperate to find ways to support themselves and their families.
Their desperation has motivated them to do something they would not do if there lives were better.
The illegal immigrants sneak into the USA to find work.
The supporters of Trump buy into his false claims of what he can do to help them

Trump supporters carry guns


pussy's like you carry a purse and walk in high heels
It takes no skill to shoot someone with a gun. A two year old can do it. Any woos can do it. Try fending someone off with a purse and a pair of high heels. That takes some skill. You are a fricking woos like most Trump supporters
the irony of a leftist accusing others of wanting the government to do something for them.
I will guarantee I pay ALOT more taxes than you individually and through my business.
The irony of is the conservatives who say they do not the government interference but depend on the government for more help than many moderates and liberals

Do you ever bother to proof read your gibberish?
No need to proof read a post to trump supporters, most do not have a high school degree.
It takes no skill to shoot someone with a gun. A two year old can do it. Any woos can do it. Try fending someone off with a purse and a pair of high heels. That takes some skill. You are a fricking woos like most Trump supporters

It takes no skill to shoot a gun. Why don't you try it sometime? And WTF is a "woos" anyway?

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