Trump supporters and illegal immigrants have much in common

I will guarantee I pay ALOT more taxes than you individually and through my business.
The irony of is the conservatives who say they do not the government interference but depend on the government for more help than many moderates and liberals

They do? What kind of help? I have a three day weekend, I don't mind doing some research to expose the liar that you are. Go ahead........make my day.
There are illegals who pay more taxes than you.

The real villians are the companies who hire the illegals, pay them dirt wages leaving the government to pick up what is benefits the company should pay

We have illegals in our military risking their lives for our country. More than you have done, I would guess.

Oh, that's so terrible. Supposedly they joined our military and pay taxes? Well I have a solution to put them out of their misery: kick them all out of the country. There, now everybody will be happy.

Left wingers keep telling us what a terrible place the United States is. You would think the illegals would thank us for sending them back to a decent country like Mexico.
I'm a Trump supporter (over Clinton at least) and I'm a physician.

Outside of the northeast and california, you will find millions and millions of successful, hard-working, educated people who are tired of the liberal/black coalition telling them how evil they are for keeping this Titanic afloat.
Amazingly, Trump supporters and illegal immigrants have much in common.
They both are under employed and under educated. As a result they are desperate to find ways to support themselves and their families.
Their desperation has motivated them to do something they would not do if there lives were better.
The illegal immigrants sneak into the USA to find work.
The supporters of Trump buy into his false claims of what he can do to help them

But only one group expects that if they break into someone's house, the home owner is obligated to feed them, put them on the home owners employee health care policy and right them into his will.
Outside of the northeast and california, you will find millions and millions of successful, hard-working, educated people who are tired of the liberal/black coalition telling them how evil they are for keeping this Titanic afloat.

True.....I am eternally "thankful" for conservatives in Alabama and Mississippi "keeping the Titanic afloat"..LOL

(BTW, was the admission of being a physician supposed to add credibility to your bullshit?)
and a lying criminal that put our country at risk with her phony server. She's being protected by the other criminals in charge of our federal government.

Oh, you poor, poor misunderstood and frustrated right winger.......LOL
Our entire nation is in perilous danger over Clinton's private server, forcing right wingers to hide under their beds each and every night in uncontrollable fear.
I have nothing in common with illegal invaders. Not a thing.

Quite a few Native Americans would beg to differ......but, its true, you're probably white and those dark skinned folks don't rate quite as much as you....correct?
I have nothing in common with illegal invaders. Not a thing.

Quite a few Native Americans would beg to differ......but, its true, you're probably white and those dark skinned folks don't rate quite as much as you....correct?

What nations sovereign border did the white man cross illegally?

None, is that because many "tribes" were in constant states of war with each other?
I have nothing in common with illegal invaders. Not a thing.

Quite a few Native Americans would beg to differ......but, its true, you're probably white and those dark skinned folks don't rate quite as much as you....correct?

Not surprisingly, I don't see it that way. In what generation does one become a Native American?

And unless you're willing to start returning territory, what's your point?
and a lying criminal that put our country at risk with her phony server. She's being protected by the other criminals in charge of our federal government.

Oh, you poor, poor misunderstood and frustrated right winger.......LOL
Our entire nation is in perilous danger over Clinton's private server, forcing right wingers to hide under their beds each and every night in uncontrollable fear.

Nah. After seeing what your predecessors have done throughout history, they just don't like you Nuevo Communistas fucking with the country.

Say, have you noticed the creeping increase in black Americans' support for Trump? Could be a problem for the silly woman.
How warped the democratic mind is.

1. Invited

2. Not invited.

Here's something to challenge your half brain.......Invited or not by the Mexican administration, WHY did was Trump advised to NOT use his regular plane with his name on it??? I mean, Trump says that Mexicans "love him", correct?
How warped the democratic mind is.

1. Invited

2. Not invited.

Here's something to challenge your half brain.......Invited or not by the Mexican administration, WHY did was Trump advised to NOT use his regular plane with his name on it??? I mean, Trump says that Mexicans "love him", correct?

That was not the point of your post.
That was not the point of your post.

That was PRECISELY the point of my original post......Any other diplomat or wanna-be diplomat is advised to NOT use their personal plane to fly into Mexico......Again, Trump states that Mexicans "love him"....I guess that Trump "love' of Mexicans is unrequited.
That was not the point of your post.

That was PRECISELY the point of my original post......Any other diplomat or wanna-be diplomat is advised to NOT use their personal plane to fly into Mexico......Again, Trump states that Mexicans "love him"....I guess that Trump "love' of Mexicans is unrequited.

Again, you run all you want, but to address you original point.

1. Invited

2. Not Invited.

The democrats don't or won't see the difference.
Amazingly, Trump supporters and illegal immigrants have much in common.
They both are under employed and under educated. As a result they are desperate to find ways to support themselves and their families.
Their desperation has motivated them to do something they would not do if there lives were better.
The illegal immigrants sneak into the USA to find work.
The supporters of Trump buy into his false claims of what he can do to help them

Hey Cupcake, when you called every Trump supporter in the country and interviewed them you neglected to call me and my wife. I'm fully employed, college graduate from a private school and my wife is a full time teacher with a Masters from an Ivy League School. We both support Trump. Hope that doesn't throw your polling matrix off to much. BTW, here is one of many photos of the false claim of illegals pouring over the border.

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