Trump supporters, are you happy?

Can anyone be happy when they refuse to live the principles that bring happiness?
You won the Republican party with 40% of the vote. You turned around and said fuck you to the other 60%. And there are more Democrats than Republicans in this country. Then you said fuck you to libertarians and anyone else who while being pretty unhappy with your party wanted you to step up and be worth a vote.

Trump's statement he prefers soldiers who aren't captured was an embarrassment. Sure, the press is leftist and warped his statement on Khan and Putin getting Hillary's e-mails, but welcome to being a Republican. So after saying the Supreme Court is the prize, you're about to hand it to Hillary.

Proud of yourselves?

Every day, we see what a crooked piece of excrement Shrilary is. Trump has been addressing the things that concern common Americans and they know he's not spreading male bovine excrement like his opponent.

You Shrillarybots just keep on dreaming. Trump is going to win in a landslide.
I haven't met one person who is on the right that doesn't think that hitlery is a bad thing. Not one.

She is a bad thing. So is Trump

Everyone I've talked to agrees she is a criminal. and then there is Benghazi. I mean, really?

She is a criminal

Edit: and then there is the whole scotus nomination and the same ole politics different day thing.

Decades of Republican dominated nominees on the court getting dick for it has killed the canard that Republican nominated justices matter. I was so happy when John Roberts was nominated. What did that get us? Obamacare. Thanks John, thanks Republicans

I agree with the court.....but it was a bush aka the.establishment....I think Trump will put conservatives on the court because he likes to.fight, the establishment doesn't do shit...and puts these moderates through

You agree with the court that government can control the health care industry? Seriously?

Even if you agree that the tax penalty is an income tax, that is only a tiny party of Obamacare. Where are health care exchanges and government dictating policies in the Constitution? Preposterous

No I don't, but that was Bush not trump. He support Thomas, Alito , and Scania types, he gave a list. He has always side he would repeal obamacare....Again i'm not sure why were arguing. He got shit by saying he would go.with the old system but removing state lines

I don't feel we're arguing. I think you're a great example for Trump supporters. I just feel we're discussing it. I think we agree on most things. Well, except your username, Go Blue! "Kaz" is for Kalamazoo, Michigan, my home town. And yes, I am a U of M alumni and hard core.

I'm confused though on your comment "I agree with the court." It was in response to my point on John Roberts upholding Obamacare. Can you clarify?

Lol, yeah GO BUCKS!
On the court i.meant I agree with what you said, I hate roberts was pure chicken shit
  • Thanks
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Sure, Trump wants that. It's his goal. The problem is his plan to accomplish that won't. His anti-capitalist policies are going to make the economy worse, not better

He IS a capitalist. He knows how the system works, and wants to bring it back to America. Piss on Asia.
Outsourcing is what doesn't work. Redistributing our wealth and resources is what doesn't work. Replacing American workers with illegals makes the economy worse. The Obama/Clinton regime gives a 3,000 dollar break per employee if the Company fires an American and hires an illegal in his place. That is what isn't working.
America FIRST this time.
Vote for America benefiting America for a change.

Free markets are what works. Government should neither harm nor "help" business.

And capitalism is just a term for economic freedom. Decisions are driven by the market. That Trump is going to control markets and make our decisions for us is free markets because he's smarter than everyone is just ridiculous

I.agree with you, but not on trump....I'm just not sure why you fell.that one of his rallies on youtube......don't watch it through the press..the speech at

I'll watch it. You realize I'm constantly defending Trump against the idiocy of the left and I do listen to what he's saying. That's how I know he didn't insult Khan, that he didn't call on Russia to hack and the other lies the Democrats tell. To say I'm just believing the press is pretty ridiculous.

And my views on him for capitalism are what he says. I found the $1,500 Carrier proposal to be an abomination to freedom and liberty, and he said it, not the press.

I do agree listening to a whole speech is a reasonable request. I will attempt to do it over the weekend if I don't get to it first.

Carrier proposal?

Trump would tax Carrier air conditioning units for moving to Mexico

This doesn't say the amount, but I heard him propose "$1,500." It wasn't through the media, I heard him say it.

That is just an abomination to free markets and capitalism that government would do that. It's a big reason I don't give him any trust when he talks about "renegotiating" Nafta or pulling out of TPP. I want free markets.

Government shouldn't have any trade deals. We should just:

1) Open our markets

2) Threaten countries we prop up with "foreign aid" and with our military we are stopping if they don't open their markets to us.

That's it, end of proposal
And you want to fuck them again by crushing the economy

We have no economy. We have NAFTA and the ASIAN connection. Thank you Democrats. Trump wants us back to work. Hillary wants us to get Asia up and running at our expense. Again.
Trump 2016.

Sure, Trump wants that. It's his goal. The problem is his plan to accomplish that won't. His anti-capitalist policies are going to make the economy worse, not better

He IS a capitalist. He knows how the system works, and wants to bring it back to America. Piss on Asia.
Outsourcing is what doesn't work. Redistributing our wealth and resources is what doesn't work. Replacing American workers with illegals makes the economy worse. The Obama/Clinton regime gives a 3,000 dollar break per employee if the Company fires an American and hires an illegal in his place. That is what isn't working.
America FIRST this time.
Vote for America benefiting America for a change.

Free markets are what works. Government should neither harm nor "help" business.

And capitalism is just a term for economic freedom. Decisions are driven by the market. That Trump is going to control markets and make our decisions for us is free markets because he's smarter than everyone is just ridiculous

I.agree with you, but not on trump....I'm just not sure why you fell.that one of his rallies on youtube......don't watch it through the press..the speech at

Right, of course. He only sounds like a psychopathic banana dictator because of media editing. If you just watch the WHOLE thing, he sounds like George Washington!

Jesus, can you BE any more delusional?
You won the Republican party with 40% of the vote. You turned around and said fuck you to the other 60%. And there are more Democrats than Republicans in this country. Then you said fuck you to libertarians and anyone else who while being pretty unhappy with your party wanted you to step up and be worth a vote.

Trump's statement he prefers soldiers who aren't captured was an embarrassment. Sure, the press is leftist and warped his statement on Khan and Putin getting Hillary's e-mails, but welcome to being a Republican. So after saying the Supreme Court is the prize, you're about to hand it to Hillary.

Proud of yourselves?

Every day, we see what a crooked piece of excrement Shrilary is. Trump has been addressing the things that concern common Americans and they know he's not spreading male bovine excrement like his opponent.

You Shrillarybots just keep on dreaming. Trump is going to win in a landslide.

Not voting for Hillary
You won the Republican party with 40% of the vote. You turned around and said fuck you to the other 60%. And there are more Democrats than Republicans in this country. Then you said fuck you to libertarians and anyone else who while being pretty unhappy with your party wanted you to step up and be worth a vote.

Trump's statement he prefers soldiers who aren't captured was an embarrassment. Sure, the press is leftist and warped his statement on Khan and Putin getting Hillary's e-mails, but welcome to being a Republican. So after saying the Supreme Court is the prize, you're about to hand it to Hillary.

Proud of yourselves?
I have never been more proud of what we did and how we curbed the fucking GOP'ers and stomped their heads into mush,,,,

Are you a GOP'er?

FYI, Mensa Boy, unless you're a Trump supporter who supported him in the primaries, no one's talking to you. Are YOU a Trump supporter from the GOP primaries? And if so, why were you voting in a primary for a party you feel so psychopathically violent toward?
RIF little girl.....

I've been a Trump supporter since the first fucktard GOPer laughed at him.....
You won the Republican party with 40% of the vote. You turned around and said fuck you to the other 60%. And there are more Democrats than Republicans in this country. Then you said fuck you to libertarians and anyone else who while being pretty unhappy with your party wanted you to step up and be worth a vote.

Trump's statement he prefers soldiers who aren't captured was an embarrassment. Sure, the press is leftist and warped his statement on Khan and Putin getting Hillary's e-mails, but welcome to being a Republican. So after saying the Supreme Court is the prize, you're about to hand it to Hillary.

Proud of yourselves?
Very, what next?

So you're proud of practically gift-wrapping the election and handing it to Hillary? What are you, some sort of Democrat plant?
if it weren't for rigging the primary, I believe Bernie would have won. Hitlery has nothing, she can't carry her party. I have no reservations of choosing someone who isn't establishment. he talks the way he does cause he is anti establishment. It is what got his votes bubba.
You won the Republican party with 40% of the vote. You turned around and said fuck you to the other 60%. And there are more Democrats than Republicans in this country. Then you said fuck you to libertarians and anyone else who while being pretty unhappy with your party wanted you to step up and be worth a vote.

Trump's statement he prefers soldiers who aren't captured was an embarrassment. Sure, the press is leftist and warped his statement on Khan and Putin getting Hillary's e-mails, but welcome to being a Republican. So after saying the Supreme Court is the prize, you're about to hand it to Hillary.

Proud of yourselves?

Every day, we see what a crooked piece of excrement Shrilary is. Trump has been addressing the things that concern common Americans and they know he's not spreading male bovine excrement like his opponent.

You Shrillarybots just keep on dreaming. Trump is going to win in a landslide.

Not voting for Hillary
Hiltery appreciates your support none the less........
He IS a capitalist. He knows how the system works, and wants to bring it back to America. Piss on Asia.
Outsourcing is what doesn't work. Redistributing our wealth and resources is what doesn't work. Replacing American workers with illegals makes the economy worse. The Obama/Clinton regime gives a 3,000 dollar break per employee if the Company fires an American and hires an illegal in his place. That is what isn't working.
America FIRST this time.
Vote for America benefiting America for a change.

Free markets are what works. Government should neither harm nor "help" business.

And capitalism is just a term for economic freedom. Decisions are driven by the market. That Trump is going to control markets and make our decisions for us is free markets because he's smarter than everyone is just ridiculous

I.agree with you, but not on trump....I'm just not sure why you fell.that one of his rallies on youtube......don't watch it through the press..the speech at

I'll watch it. You realize I'm constantly defending Trump against the idiocy of the left and I do listen to what he's saying. That's how I know he didn't insult Khan, that he didn't call on Russia to hack and the other lies the Democrats tell. To say I'm just believing the press is pretty ridiculous.

And my views on him for capitalism are what he says. I found the $1,500 Carrier proposal to be an abomination to freedom and liberty, and he said it, not the press.

I do agree listening to a whole speech is a reasonable request. I will attempt to do it over the weekend if I don't get to it first.

Carrier proposal?

Trump would tax Carrier air conditioning units for moving to Mexico

This doesn't say the amount, but I heard him propose "$1,500." It wasn't through the media, I heard him say it.

That is just an abomination to free markets and capitalism that government would do that. It's a big reason I don't give him any trust when he talks about "renegotiating" Nafta or pulling out of TPP. I want free markets.

Government shouldn't have any trade deals. We should just:

1) Open our markets

2) Threaten countries we prop up with "foreign aid" and with our military we are stopping if they don't open their markets to us.

That's it, end of proposal

Ah, well I think he will renegotiate the deals so that doesn't happen.
But if we need to he will slap a 35% tariff on imports.from people who are fucking us
He doesn't hate free trade...I mean if we have a deficit or surpluse, ok....but Mexico is 60 billion, China is like 400 billion....he will renegotiate that so they take more of our stuff or we walk.....and they lose our market....they will renegotiate.

I also.think he would trade more with Europe, since they have similar.regulation and it will be fair and free trade

So I think the tariff
Is mute...but if not then it will be cheaper to build them here then import that will create more jobs for us and prevent money from flowing out of the country.

I'm at work so I can't go into more detail, but that's just 30000 foot overview of it.
Do lefties live in a freaking bubble? Didn't y'all watch the revolution in the democrat convention when it became clear that the Hillary supporters cheated and stole the primary? Didn't y'all watch as the DNC was forced to fire the freaking chairwoman of the party? Are you happy with the democrat candidate who is so hated by Americans that she doesn't dare to hold a press conference?

Well, that was an interesting non sequitur. What lefties are you addressing, and . . . uh . . . why?
Most votes for any Republican in the history of the Republican party. Yeah people are pretty happy

I agree you're not an angry Trump supporter. But as a Trump supporter who isn't angry, do you not see what I'm talking about? Do you not look at the Trumpettes and say wow, you're not going to bring anyone in that way?

For example, how is my voting for Johnson a vote for Hillary? Is that really supposed to convince me?
People should always vote for who they want. If you like Johnson, then by all means vote for him. That's the way it should be. However, if the idea of a Clinton Presidency is something you do not want to see THEN one should rethink how they place their votes.

I've always said if Clinton in office is something one cannot bear to see then the choice is clear, but if it wouldn't be the "end of the world" cast your vote how you see fit. I have zero issues with that. Not everyone thinks a Clinton presidency is a terrible thing. Even righties.
I haven't met one person who is on the right that doesn't think that hitlery is a bad thing. Not one.

She is a bad thing. So is Trump

Everyone I've talked to agrees she is a criminal. and then there is Benghazi. I mean, really?

She is a criminal

Edit: and then there is the whole scotus nomination and the same ole politics different day thing.

Decades of Republican dominated nominees on the court getting dick for it has killed the canard that Republican nominated justices matter. I was so happy when John Roberts was nominated. What did that get us? Obamacare. Thanks John, thanks Republicans
How are those criminal indictments coming?
All the stuff I bought from Trump, that Trump makes, is made in the

Did you go and cherry pick the items so you could come on here and say "all the stuff I bought from Trump, that Trump makes, is made in the USA.."??

Guess what, the videos show Trump admitting many of his products are made in China and other countries offshore. So your comment is not the whole story, is it?

If Trump taxes other companies for moving offshore, should he also tax himself for doing the same thing?
All the stuff I bought from Trump, that Trump makes, is made in the

Did you go and cherry pick the items so you could come on here and say "all the stuff I bought from Trump, that Trump makes, is made in the USA.."??

Guess what, the videos show Trump admitting many of his products are made in China and other countries offshore. So your comment is not the whole story, is it?

If Trump taxes other companies for moving offshore, should he also tax himself for doing the same thing?
Seems you did...or just swallowed the democrat talking points in one hot big sticky load.....:lol:
You won the Republican party with 40% of the vote. You turned around and said fuck you to the other 60%. And there are more Democrats than Republicans in this country. Then you said fuck you to libertarians and anyone else who while being pretty unhappy with your party wanted you to step up and be worth a vote.

Trump's statement he prefers soldiers who aren't captured was an embarrassment. Sure, the press is leftist and warped his statement on Khan and Putin getting Hillary's e-mails, but welcome to being a Republican. So after saying the Supreme Court is the prize, you're about to hand it to Hillary.

Proud of yourselves?

How do you know the 40 / breakdown? Do you think everyone votes in primaries? He received more votes than anyone ever has. Did Killary get 100% of the votes? Trump has far more support than you think.

Uh, by doing math? What does "everyone doesn't vote" have to do with the percentage of votes cast that he got? Ditto "more votes than anyone ever has"? And what the fuck is this "100%" straw man have to do with ANYTHING?

Trump has about the support we think he does, and it's far less than you want to pretend it is.

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