Trump supporters, are you happy?

Wanna support a "third party candidate"? Then Trump is your man.

He's broken the GOP's back and defeated 16 cuckservative insiders.

He's exposed the media as the American equivalent of "Pravda". They are almost all blind partisan cheerleaders without a shred of journalistic integrity.

Fuck Johnson. He's not a libertarian, he's a GOP cuckservative who'll deliver more of the same old shit.

Support a real outsider. Beat the system and vote Trump.

Or you can be a mindless c#nt.

The choice is yours.....either way, quite yer fuckin' whining!

I'm a sheep? Sorry, who am I following?
Thank you, sir! I know we don't always agree. But I appreciate people who actually pay attention
A vote for Johnson is a vote for Hillary.

A vote for Johnson is a vote for Johnson. See how simple that is?
That's pretty fuckin stupid, actually. Wittness Ross Perot back in 92.

Yep, I voted for Perot in 1992, I'd do it again. 19%, it shook the world
Yep, gave Clinton the presidency. Congrats, why didn't you just vote for him. What did the country get out of that? Did it have any end value? Hahahaha

Why would I have voted for Clinton? I didn't want him any more than HW. You're rambling, guy
I happy in my soul to love my country and vote for liberty over state sponsored tyranny. You are a fucking sheep.

I'm a sheep? Sorry, who am I following?
When did kaz say anything about voting for Clinton? I'm pretty sure he's said multiple times not only that he is voting for Johnson, but that he would emphatically not vote for Clinton.

Thank you, sir! I know we don't always agree. But I appreciate people who actually pay attention
A vote for Johnson is a vote for Hillary.
I'd just like one time what advantage there's ever been for voting for a guarantee loser third party candidate. Can someone explain what ever difference it's made. Ever change anything? Nope. Wasted vote, guaranteed.

Yep, sure, we voted for a candidate who was different than the candidate for the other party
Yep a nothing to ever gain party right?

Yes, just like you
I happy in my soul to love my country and vote for liberty over state sponsored tyranny. You are a fucking sheep.

I'm a sheep? Sorry, who am I following?
When did kaz say anything about voting for Clinton? I'm pretty sure he's said multiple times not only that he is voting for Johnson, but that he would emphatically not vote for Clinton.

Thank you, sir! I know we don't always agree. But I appreciate people who actually pay attention
A vote for Johnson is a vote for Hillary.
I'd just like one time what advantage there's ever been for voting for a guarantee loser third party candidate. Can someone explain what ever difference it's made. Ever change anything? Nope. Wasted vote, guaranteed.

So because a third party candidate hasn't won the presidency, none ever will, so don't bother?

With candidates as disliked at this year's presidential offerings from the big 2, it seems like the perfect time for people to try and look past that kind of thinking. Even just giving the major parties a scare and causing them to change their ways would be a victory.
I asked what value they've ever provided except guarantee a win for the dems. Ever!

What value have Republicans ever provided by beating the Dems? W like his father was a tax and spend liberal. He had zero recognition the money that flowed through his hands like water was earned by someone.

He also engaged our military in endless wars to police the world. Better than the Democrats? No, we get the same
Not a math major, were you? If I vote for Hillary, you need a vote to offset mine. By voting for Johnson, you don't.

And again, explain how Trump owns my vote. Based on what am I obliged to vote for him when I consider him to be as bad as Hillary? How do you own my vote? Explain
In this election either you vote for the United States or you vote against her. By not supporting Trump you therefore help Hillary get elected and continue the policies of Obama.

I'm not a Republican or a Democrat and you both elected lunatics, the idea that I owe you my vote is retarded.

I advocated Cruz, the Reagan candidate. You decided to go with a circus clown. That's on you, not me
And guaranteed loser!

And yet that's exactly what I'd say about you
Bush won twice, Reagan won twice , and Bush senior one year. Now name me one third party you voted for that's won?

What part of I don't care whether Republicans or Democrats win because they are the same do you not understand?
I'm a sheep? Sorry, who am I following?
Thank you, sir! I know we don't always agree. But I appreciate people who actually pay attention
A vote for Johnson is a vote for Hillary.
I'd just like one time what advantage there's ever been for voting for a guarantee loser third party candidate. Can someone explain what ever difference it's made. Ever change anything? Nope. Wasted vote, guaranteed.

So because a third party candidate hasn't won the presidency, none ever will, so don't bother?

With candidates as disliked at this year's presidential offerings from the big 2, it seems like the perfect time for people to try and look past that kind of thinking. Even just giving the major parties a scare and causing them to change their ways would be a victory.
I asked what value they've ever provided except guarantee a win for the dems. Ever!

Wait, are you now suggesting that only people who normally vote Republican vote third party?

If you want to continue with the ridiculous notion that anyone who votes for a third party candidate is helping one of the major party candidates, what about Ralph Nader? Plenty have said he cost Gore the presidency, that's not guaranteeing a win for Dems.

And how do you know that no changes have ever occurred due to strong third party showings? Perhaps George Wallace getting a number of electoral votes gave the major parties pause, perhaps Perot garnering 19% of the popular vote caused some reflection in party meetings, even some changes in strategy or proposed policy.

I'll repeat : Are you saying that because a third party candidate hasn't won the presidency, none ever will, so don't bother?

I voted for Nader. Bob Barr wasn't libertarian and Nader was the biggest third party candidate. He also said one thing I loved. When asked why he would help McCain over Obama, he asked what difference does it make when the parties are the same???
A vote for Johnson is a vote for Hillary.

A vote for Johnson is a vote for Johnson. See how simple that is?
That's pretty fuckin stupid, actually. Wittness Ross Perot back in 92.

Yep, I voted for Perot in 1992, I'd do it again. 19%, it shook the world
Yep, gave Clinton the presidency. Congrats, why didn't you just vote for him. What did the country get out of that? Did it have any end value? Hahahaha

Why would I have voted for Clinton? I didn't want him any more than HW. You're rambling, guy
Who won by what percentage? Every Perot vote was a vote for Clinton fool.
A vote for Johnson is a vote for Johnson. See how simple that is?
That's pretty fuckin stupid, actually. Wittness Ross Perot back in 92.

Yep, I voted for Perot in 1992, I'd do it again. 19%, it shook the world
Yep, gave Clinton the presidency. Congrats, why didn't you just vote for him. What did the country get out of that? Did it have any end value? Hahahaha

Why would I have voted for Clinton? I didn't want him any more than HW. You're rambling, guy
Who won by what percentage? Every Perot vote was a vote for Clinton fool.

Focus on the question. You can do it. Why would I vote for either HW or Clinton if I didn't give a shit which one won? Explain that to me
That's pretty fuckin stupid, actually. Wittness Ross Perot back in 92.

Yep, I voted for Perot in 1992, I'd do it again. 19%, it shook the world
Yep, gave Clinton the presidency. Congrats, why didn't you just vote for him. What did the country get out of that? Did it have any end value? Hahahaha

Why would I have voted for Clinton? I didn't want him any more than HW. You're rambling, guy
Who won by what percentage? Every Perot vote was a vote for Clinton fool.

Focus on the question. You can do it. Why would I vote for either HW or Clinton if I didn't give a shit which one won? Explain that to me
So you don't care, why then vote? Dude it's stupid. Again you've never stated what Gary Johnson could do with no congressional support whatsoever. Why not start your program by getting congressional reps to start achieving some ground to your platform. Otherwise, useless
Yep, I voted for Perot in 1992, I'd do it again. 19%, it shook the world
Yep, gave Clinton the presidency. Congrats, why didn't you just vote for him. What did the country get out of that? Did it have any end value? Hahahaha

Why would I have voted for Clinton? I didn't want him any more than HW. You're rambling, guy
Who won by what percentage? Every Perot vote was a vote for Clinton fool.

Focus on the question. You can do it. Why would I vote for either HW or Clinton if I didn't give a shit which one won? Explain that to me
So you don't care, why then vote? Dude it's stupid. Again you've never stated what Gary Johnson could do with no congressional support whatsoever. Why not start your program by getting congressional reps to start achieving some ground to your platform. Otherwise, useless

How many times do you need me to answer that question. If no one votes third party, it's just a self fulfilling prophesy that the third party can't win. I don't care between the two parties, I do care that third parties get votes. So I vote my view.

How can you not understand that? Seems pretty simple to me
Yep, gave Clinton the presidency. Congrats, why didn't you just vote for him. What did the country get out of that? Did it have any end value? Hahahaha

Why would I have voted for Clinton? I didn't want him any more than HW. You're rambling, guy
Who won by what percentage? Every Perot vote was a vote for Clinton fool.

Focus on the question. You can do it. Why would I vote for either HW or Clinton if I didn't give a shit which one won? Explain that to me
So you don't care, why then vote? Dude it's stupid. Again you've never stated what Gary Johnson could do with no congressional support whatsoever. Why not start your program by getting congressional reps to start achieving some ground to your platform. Otherwise, useless

How many times do you need me to answer that question. If no one votes third party, it's just a self fulfilling prophesy that the third party can't win. I don't care between the two parties, I do care that third parties get votes. So I vote my view.

How can you not understand that? Seems pretty simple to me
Dude, I get that, you're voting for the guaranteed loser. Good for you. I don't give a shit
Why would I have voted for Clinton? I didn't want him any more than HW. You're rambling, guy
Who won by what percentage? Every Perot vote was a vote for Clinton fool.

Focus on the question. You can do it. Why would I vote for either HW or Clinton if I didn't give a shit which one won? Explain that to me
So you don't care, why then vote? Dude it's stupid. Again you've never stated what Gary Johnson could do with no congressional support whatsoever. Why not start your program by getting congressional reps to start achieving some ground to your platform. Otherwise, useless

How many times do you need me to answer that question. If no one votes third party, it's just a self fulfilling prophesy that the third party can't win. I don't care between the two parties, I do care that third parties get votes. So I vote my view.

How can you not understand that? Seems pretty simple to me
Dude, I get that, you're voting for the guaranteed loser. Good for you. I don't give a shit

You give enough of a shit to keep talking about it. ;)
  • Thanks
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Why would I have voted for Clinton? I didn't want him any more than HW. You're rambling, guy
Who won by what percentage? Every Perot vote was a vote for Clinton fool.

Focus on the question. You can do it. Why would I vote for either HW or Clinton if I didn't give a shit which one won? Explain that to me
So you don't care, why then vote? Dude it's stupid. Again you've never stated what Gary Johnson could do with no congressional support whatsoever. Why not start your program by getting congressional reps to start achieving some ground to your platform. Otherwise, useless

How many times do you need me to answer that question. If no one votes third party, it's just a self fulfilling prophesy that the third party can't win. I don't care between the two parties, I do care that third parties get votes. So I vote my view.

How can you not understand that? Seems pretty simple to me
Dude, I get that, you're voting for the guaranteed loser. Good for you. I don't give a shit

No, you don't get it. I don't give a shit if Hillary or Trump wins. What about that don't you get?
I agree you're not an angry Trump supporter. But as a Trump supporter who isn't angry, do you not see what I'm talking about? Do you not look at the Trumpettes and say wow, you're not going to bring anyone in that way?

For example, how is my voting for Johnson a vote for Hillary? Is that really supposed to convince me?
People should always vote for who they want. If you like Johnson, then by all means vote for him. That's the way it should be. However, if the idea of a Clinton Presidency is something you do not want to see THEN one should rethink how they place their votes.

I've always said if Clinton in office is something one cannot bear to see then the choice is clear, but if it wouldn't be the "end of the world" cast your vote how you see fit. I have zero issues with that. Not everyone thinks a Clinton presidency is a terrible thing. Even righties.
I haven't met one person who is on the right that doesn't think that hitlery is a bad thing. Not one. Everyone I've talked to agrees she is a criminal. and then there is Benghazi. I mean, really?

Edit: and then there is the whole scotus nomination and the same ole politics different day thing.
There's some #nevertrumpers and "Republicans" that are going to vote for her.
There isn't any logic in that. I highly doubt that will happen. That would make them hypocrites. They're merely talking, they will not walk that walk.
The nevertrumpers and GOPe are butt hurt over Trumps crassness and failure to apologize to them. Couple that with him not trying to reach out and coddle their butt hurtness is also making them spiteful. Yes they are going to vote for Hillary or sabotage Trump by just voting down ballot.

The GOPe is done in once Trumps gets in office. Their gravy train will go off the rails into the ravine. That isn't sitting well with a lot of them.

You obviously spend a lot of time saying, "What? What happened? What'd I say? Where are you going?" in a bewildered tone while people storm away from you. I'm just flabbergasted that anyone can be this utterly insensitive, imperceptive, and oblivious to what other people are thinking, feeling, and motivated by.
Sure, Trump wants that. It's his goal. The problem is his plan to accomplish that won't. His anti-capitalist policies are going to make the economy worse, not better

He IS a capitalist. He knows how the system works, and wants to bring it back to America. Piss on Asia.
Outsourcing is what doesn't work. Redistributing our wealth and resources is what doesn't work. Replacing American workers with illegals makes the economy worse. The Obama/Clinton regime gives a 3,000 dollar break per employee if the Company fires an American and hires an illegal in his place. That is what isn't working.
America FIRST this time.
Vote for America benefiting America for a change.

Free markets are what works. Government should neither harm nor "help" business.

And capitalism is just a term for economic freedom. Decisions are driven by the market. That Trump is going to control markets and make our decisions for us is free markets because he's smarter than everyone is just ridiculous

I doubt that anything Trump would do would be worse than what we have today. Today, the liberals are dictating the market. If you are happier with them doing so than Trump, then vote for them again.


Strawman. And I'm not voting for Hillary and have never voted Democrat for President. Then again after this election, I will have voted Republican once in the last seven elections

'Then your vote is worthless. Throw it away at your peril. I never felt that way before, but the election of Obama cured me of voting for third party candidates.


Have you always been such a mindless tool, or is it just this election cycle?

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