Trump supporters, are you happy?

You got that right. Have you known of an administration that uses his executive power to go around Congress and intentionally undermine Federal law, the way Obama has done with immigration? Then he doubles down by wasting our taxpayer dollars on pursuing Federal action to withhold state funding over "bathroom policy", while ignoring Congress efforts to reign in on sanctuary cities that defies Federal Inmigration Laws by withholding illegals from the knowledge of ICE. When hasn't Obama tried a power grab to single handedly enact new policy?

Supreme Court won’t revive Obama plan to shield illegal immigrants from deportation

I think Huggy ran away. He's just pumping his girl, Hillary

HUGGY has REAL responsibilities in the REAL WORLD. Slapping you pussies around comes in a distant last place in my priorities.

Ridem Cowboy!

Save that for your fag boyfriend.
Such a typical left response. When you got nothing

Huggy thinks he's clever repeating my own line back to me. I refer to that as "playground." The reason for that being that it's playground. He's not smart enough to come up with his own material. He's also a flaming faggot.

As for Trump supporters, no, Huggy is not happy
You won the Republican party with 40% of the vote. You turned around and said fuck you to the other 60%. And there are more Democrats than Republicans in this country. Then you said fuck you to libertarians and anyone else who while being pretty unhappy with your party wanted you to step up and be worth a vote.

Trump's statement he prefers soldiers who aren't captured was an embarrassment. Sure, the press is leftist and warped his statement on Khan and Putin getting Hillary's e-mails, but welcome to being a Republican. So after saying the Supreme Court is the prize, you're about to hand it to Hillary.

Proud of yourselves?
I happy in my soul to love my country and vote for liberty over state sponsored tyranny. You are a fucking sheep.

I'm a sheep? Sorry, who am I following?
Jebbie save us

Wow, just when I think you people can't get more clueless, you impress me
Your voting Hillary, speaks high if your intelligence. Ever loved the Constitution and your nation? You a mindless drone follower.

When did kaz say anything about voting for Clinton? I'm pretty sure he's said multiple times not only that he is voting for Johnson, but that he would emphatically not vote for Clinton.

Thank you, sir! I know we don't always agree. But I appreciate people who actually pay attention
A vote for Johnson is a vote for Hillary.
I'd just like one time for someone to explain what advantage there's ever been for voting for a guarantee loser third party candidate. Can someone explain what ever difference it's made. Ever change anything? Nope. Wasted vote, guaranteed.
Last edited:
I happy in my soul to love my country and vote for liberty over state sponsored tyranny. You are a fucking sheep.

I'm a sheep? Sorry, who am I following?
When did kaz say anything about voting for Clinton? I'm pretty sure he's said multiple times not only that he is voting for Johnson, but that he would emphatically not vote for Clinton.

Thank you, sir! I know we don't always agree. But I appreciate people who actually pay attention
A vote for Johnson is a vote for Hillary.

Not a math major, were you? If I vote for Hillary, you need a vote to offset mine. By voting for Johnson, you don't.

And again, explain how Trump owns my vote. Based on what am I obliged to vote for him when I consider him to be as bad as Hillary? How do you own my vote? Explain
In this election either you vote for the United States or you vote against her. By not supporting Trump you therefore help Hillary get elected and continue the policies of Obama.

I'm not a Republican or a Democrat and you both elected lunatics, the idea that I owe you my vote is retarded.

I advocated Cruz, the Reagan candidate. You decided to go with a circus clown. That's on you, not me
And guaranteed loser!
You won the Republican party with 40% of the vote. You turned around and said fuck you to the other 60%. And there are more Democrats than Republicans in this country. Then you said fuck you to libertarians and anyone else who while being pretty unhappy with your party wanted you to step up and be worth a vote.

Trump's statement he prefers soldiers who aren't captured was an embarrassment. Sure, the press is leftist and warped his statement on Khan and Putin getting Hillary's e-mails, but welcome to being a Republican. So after saying the Supreme Court is the prize, you're about to hand it to Hillary.

Proud of yourselves?
I happy in my soul to love my country and vote for liberty over state sponsored tyranny. You are a fucking sheep.

I'm a sheep? Sorry, who am I following?
Wow, just when I think you people can't get more clueless, you impress me
Your voting Hillary, speaks high if your intelligence. Ever loved the Constitution and your nation? You a mindless drone follower.

When did kaz say anything about voting for Clinton? I'm pretty sure he's said multiple times not only that he is voting for Johnson, but that he would emphatically not vote for Clinton.

Thank you, sir! I know we don't always agree. But I appreciate people who actually pay attention
A vote for Johnson is a vote for Hillary.
I'd just like one time what advantage there's ever been for voting for a guarantee loser third party candidate. Can someone explain what ever difference it's made. Ever change anything? Nope. Wasted vote, guaranteed.

Yep, sure, we voted for a candidate who was different than the candidate for the other party
I'm a sheep? Sorry, who am I following?
Thank you, sir! I know we don't always agree. But I appreciate people who actually pay attention
A vote for Johnson is a vote for Hillary.

Not a math major, were you? If I vote for Hillary, you need a vote to offset mine. By voting for Johnson, you don't.

And again, explain how Trump owns my vote. Based on what am I obliged to vote for him when I consider him to be as bad as Hillary? How do you own my vote? Explain
In this election either you vote for the United States or you vote against her. By not supporting Trump you therefore help Hillary get elected and continue the policies of Obama.

I'm not a Republican or a Democrat and you both elected lunatics, the idea that I owe you my vote is retarded.

I advocated Cruz, the Reagan candidate. You decided to go with a circus clown. That's on you, not me
And guaranteed loser!

And yet that's exactly what I'd say about you
You won the Republican party with 40% of the vote. You turned around and said fuck you to the other 60%. And there are more Democrats than Republicans in this country. Then you said fuck you to libertarians and anyone else who while being pretty unhappy with your party wanted you to step up and be worth a vote.

Trump's statement he prefers soldiers who aren't captured was an embarrassment. Sure, the press is leftist and warped his statement on Khan and Putin getting Hillary's e-mails, but welcome to being a Republican. So after saying the Supreme Court is the prize, you're about to hand it to Hillary.

Proud of yourselves?
I happy in my soul to love my country and vote for liberty over state sponsored tyranny. You are a fucking sheep.

I'm a sheep? Sorry, who am I following?
Wow, just when I think you people can't get more clueless, you impress me
Your voting Hillary, speaks high if your intelligence. Ever loved the Constitution and your nation? You a mindless drone follower.

When did kaz say anything about voting for Clinton? I'm pretty sure he's said multiple times not only that he is voting for Johnson, but that he would emphatically not vote for Clinton.

Thank you, sir! I know we don't always agree. But I appreciate people who actually pay attention
A vote for Johnson is a vote for Hillary.
I'd just like one time what advantage there's ever been for voting for a guarantee loser third party candidate. Can someone explain what ever difference it's made. Ever change anything? Nope. Wasted vote, guaranteed.

So because a third party candidate hasn't won the presidency, none ever will, so don't bother?

With candidates as disliked at this year's presidential offerings from the big 2, it seems like the perfect time for people to try and look past that kind of thinking. Even just giving the major parties a scare and causing them to change their ways would be a victory.
I'm a sheep? Sorry, who am I following?
Thank you, sir! I know we don't always agree. But I appreciate people who actually pay attention
A vote for Johnson is a vote for Hillary.

Not a math major, were you? If I vote for Hillary, you need a vote to offset mine. By voting for Johnson, you don't.

And again, explain how Trump owns my vote. Based on what am I obliged to vote for him when I consider him to be as bad as Hillary? How do you own my vote? Explain
In this election either you vote for the United States or you vote against her. By not supporting Trump you therefore help Hillary get elected and continue the policies of Obama.

I'm not a Republican or a Democrat and you both elected lunatics, the idea that I owe you my vote is retarded.

I advocated Cruz, the Reagan candidate. You decided to go with a circus clown. That's on you, not me
And guaranteed loser!

At least one of the major party candidates is guaranteed to lose. ;)
I happy in my soul to love my country and vote for liberty over state sponsored tyranny. You are a fucking sheep.

I'm a sheep? Sorry, who am I following?
When did kaz say anything about voting for Clinton? I'm pretty sure he's said multiple times not only that he is voting for Johnson, but that he would emphatically not vote for Clinton.

Thank you, sir! I know we don't always agree. But I appreciate people who actually pay attention
A vote for Johnson is a vote for Hillary.

A vote for Johnson is a vote for Johnson. See how simple that is?
That's pretty fuckin stupid, actually. Wittness Ross Perot back in 92.

Yep, I voted for Perot in 1992, I'd do it again. 19%, it shook the world
Yep, gave Clinton the presidency. Congrats, why didn't you just vote for him. What did the country get out of that? Did it have any end value? Hahahaha
You won the Republican party with 40% of the vote. You turned around and said fuck you to the other 60%. And there are more Democrats than Republicans in this country. Then you said fuck you to libertarians and anyone else who while being pretty unhappy with your party wanted you to step up and be worth a vote.

Trump's statement he prefers soldiers who aren't captured was an embarrassment. Sure, the press is leftist and warped his statement on Khan and Putin getting Hillary's e-mails, but welcome to being a Republican. So after saying the Supreme Court is the prize, you're about to hand it to Hillary.

Proud of yourselves?
I happy in my soul to love my country and vote for liberty over state sponsored tyranny. You are a fucking sheep.

I'm a sheep? Sorry, who am I following?
Your voting Hillary, speaks high if your intelligence. Ever loved the Constitution and your nation? You a mindless drone follower.

When did kaz say anything about voting for Clinton? I'm pretty sure he's said multiple times not only that he is voting for Johnson, but that he would emphatically not vote for Clinton.

Thank you, sir! I know we don't always agree. But I appreciate people who actually pay attention
A vote for Johnson is a vote for Hillary.
I'd just like one time what advantage there's ever been for voting for a guarantee loser third party candidate. Can someone explain what ever difference it's made. Ever change anything? Nope. Wasted vote, guaranteed.

Yep, sure, we voted for a candidate who was different than the candidate for the other party
Yep a nothing to ever gain party right?
A vote for Johnson is a vote for Hillary.

Not a math major, were you? If I vote for Hillary, you need a vote to offset mine. By voting for Johnson, you don't.

And again, explain how Trump owns my vote. Based on what am I obliged to vote for him when I consider him to be as bad as Hillary? How do you own my vote? Explain
In this election either you vote for the United States or you vote against her. By not supporting Trump you therefore help Hillary get elected and continue the policies of Obama.

I'm not a Republican or a Democrat and you both elected lunatics, the idea that I owe you my vote is retarded.

I advocated Cruz, the Reagan candidate. You decided to go with a circus clown. That's on you, not me
And guaranteed loser!

At least one of the major party candidates is guaranteed to lose. ;)
Isn't that always the outcome? Derp
You won the Republican party with 40% of the vote. You turned around and said fuck you to the other 60%. And there are more Democrats than Republicans in this country. Then you said fuck you to libertarians and anyone else who while being pretty unhappy with your party wanted you to step up and be worth a vote.

Trump's statement he prefers soldiers who aren't captured was an embarrassment. Sure, the press is leftist and warped his statement on Khan and Putin getting Hillary's e-mails, but welcome to being a Republican. So after saying the Supreme Court is the prize, you're about to hand it to Hillary.

Proud of yourselves?
I happy in my soul to love my country and vote for liberty over state sponsored tyranny. You are a fucking sheep.

I'm a sheep? Sorry, who am I following?
Your voting Hillary, speaks high if your intelligence. Ever loved the Constitution and your nation? You a mindless drone follower.

When did kaz say anything about voting for Clinton? I'm pretty sure he's said multiple times not only that he is voting for Johnson, but that he would emphatically not vote for Clinton.

Thank you, sir! I know we don't always agree. But I appreciate people who actually pay attention
A vote for Johnson is a vote for Hillary.
I'd just like one time what advantage there's ever been for voting for a guarantee loser third party candidate. Can someone explain what ever difference it's made. Ever change anything? Nope. Wasted vote, guaranteed.

So because a third party candidate hasn't won the presidency, none ever will, so don't bother?

With candidates as disliked at this year's presidential offerings from the big 2, it seems like the perfect time for people to try and look past that kind of thinking. Even just giving the major parties a scare and causing them to change their ways would be a victory.
I asked what value they've ever provided except guarantee a win for the dems. Ever!
You won the Republican party with 40% of the vote. You turned around and said fuck you to the other 60%. And there are more Democrats than Republicans in this country. Then you said fuck you to libertarians and anyone else who while being pretty unhappy with your party wanted you to step up and be worth a vote.

Trump's statement he prefers soldiers who aren't captured was an embarrassment. Sure, the press is leftist and warped his statement on Khan and Putin getting Hillary's e-mails, but welcome to being a Republican. So after saying the Supreme Court is the prize, you're about to hand it to Hillary.

Proud of yourselves?
I happy in my soul to love my country and vote for liberty over state sponsored tyranny. You are a fucking sheep.

I'm a sheep? Sorry, who am I following?
Your voting Hillary, speaks high if your intelligence. Ever loved the Constitution and your nation? You a mindless drone follower.

When did kaz say anything about voting for Clinton? I'm pretty sure he's said multiple times not only that he is voting for Johnson, but that he would emphatically not vote for Clinton.

Thank you, sir! I know we don't always agree. But I appreciate people who actually pay attention
A vote for Johnson is a vote for Hillary.
I'd just like one time what advantage there's ever been for voting for a guarantee loser third party candidate. Can someone explain what ever difference it's made. Ever change anything? Nope. Wasted vote, guaranteed.

So because a third party candidate hasn't won the presidency, none ever will, so don't bother?

With candidates as disliked at this year's presidential offerings from the big 2, it seems like the perfect time for people to try and look past that kind of thinking. Even just giving the major parties a scare and causing them to change their ways would be a victory.
When has that ever happened. Name one policy

BTW, it's proven over the course of history voting third party is a losing vote , only dumb ducks vote for guaranteed losers.
A vote for Johnson is a vote for Hillary.

Not a math major, were you? If I vote for Hillary, you need a vote to offset mine. By voting for Johnson, you don't.

And again, explain how Trump owns my vote. Based on what am I obliged to vote for him when I consider him to be as bad as Hillary? How do you own my vote? Explain
In this election either you vote for the United States or you vote against her. By not supporting Trump you therefore help Hillary get elected and continue the policies of Obama.

I'm not a Republican or a Democrat and you both elected lunatics, the idea that I owe you my vote is retarded.

I advocated Cruz, the Reagan candidate. You decided to go with a circus clown. That's on you, not me
And guaranteed loser!

And yet that's exactly what I'd say about you
Bush won twice, Reagan won twice , and Bush senior one year. Now name me one third party you voted for that's won?
Apparently his only issue is "free" trade....if thats not on the table he pouts while ranting about others......
I happy in my soul to love my country and vote for liberty over state sponsored tyranny. You are a fucking sheep.

I'm a sheep? Sorry, who am I following?
When did kaz say anything about voting for Clinton? I'm pretty sure he's said multiple times not only that he is voting for Johnson, but that he would emphatically not vote for Clinton.

Thank you, sir! I know we don't always agree. But I appreciate people who actually pay attention
A vote for Johnson is a vote for Hillary.
I'd just like one time what advantage there's ever been for voting for a guarantee loser third party candidate. Can someone explain what ever difference it's made. Ever change anything? Nope. Wasted vote, guaranteed.

So because a third party candidate hasn't won the presidency, none ever will, so don't bother?

With candidates as disliked at this year's presidential offerings from the big 2, it seems like the perfect time for people to try and look past that kind of thinking. Even just giving the major parties a scare and causing them to change their ways would be a victory.
I asked what value they've ever provided except guarantee a win for the dems. Ever!

Wait, are you now suggesting that only people who normally vote Republican vote third party?

If you want to continue with the ridiculous notion that anyone who votes for a third party candidate is helping one of the major party candidates, what about Ralph Nader? Plenty have said he cost Gore the presidency, that's not guaranteeing a win for Dems.

And how do you know that no changes have ever occurred due to strong third party showings? Perhaps George Wallace getting a number of electoral votes gave the major parties pause, perhaps Perot garnering 19% of the popular vote caused some reflection in party meetings, even some changes in strategy or proposed policy.

I'll repeat : Are you saying that because a third party candidate hasn't won the presidency, none ever will, so don't bother?
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
I happy in my soul to love my country and vote for liberty over state sponsored tyranny. You are a fucking sheep.

I'm a sheep? Sorry, who am I following?
When did kaz say anything about voting for Clinton? I'm pretty sure he's said multiple times not only that he is voting for Johnson, but that he would emphatically not vote for Clinton.

Thank you, sir! I know we don't always agree. But I appreciate people who actually pay attention
A vote for Johnson is a vote for Hillary.
I'd just like one time what advantage there's ever been for voting for a guarantee loser third party candidate. Can someone explain what ever difference it's made. Ever change anything? Nope. Wasted vote, guaranteed.

So because a third party candidate hasn't won the presidency, none ever will, so don't bother?

With candidates as disliked at this year's presidential offerings from the big 2, it seems like the perfect time for people to try and look past that kind of thinking. Even just giving the major parties a scare and causing them to change their ways would be a victory.
When has that ever happened. Name one policy

BTW, it's proven over the course of history voting third party is a losing vote , only dumb ducks vote for guaranteed losers.

Lincoln might be considered a third party candidate to have won the presidency. The Republican party was still pretty new when he was elected.
Wanna support a "third party candidate"? Then Trump is your man.

He's broken the GOP's back and defeated 16 cuckservative insiders.

He's exposed the media as the American equivalent of "Pravda". They are almost all blind partisan cheerleaders without a shred of journalistic integrity.

Fuck Johnson. He's not a libertarian, he's a GOP cuckservative who'll deliver more of the same old shit.

Support a real outsider. Beat the system and vote Trump.

Or you can be a mindless c#nt.

The choice is yours.....either way, quite yer fuckin' whining!

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