Trump supporters; Congress can't compromise, but maybe we can.

Tell me something you want and I'll tell you what I would accept. Maybe we could actually meet in the middle on some things (though I'm not really a liberal. Only by comparison to the people on here).

No amnesty


DACA people can apply for citizenship after 15 years of holding a job/ being self sufficient with no government aid of any kind and on the condition that they agree to be fast track deported for any ANY crime that warrants 30 plus days in jail.

That would be a start.
Tell me something you want and I'll tell you what I would accept. Maybe we could actually meet in the middle on some things (though I'm not really a liberal. Only by comparison to the people on here).

I’m willling to compromise on DACA
Tell me something you want and I'll tell you what I would accept. Maybe we could actually meet in the middle on some things (though I'm not really a liberal. Only by comparison to the people on here).
DACA is a separate bill, not part of the CR.

The Jouse has passed the CR. The Senate needs to pass it THEN they can work on DACA.

Yes, but it's what comes with DACA that is probably going to cause the problems. Now, I happen to lean toward conservatives on immigration, actually, but I think an actual, physical wall is probably not the most effective way to go. I think real border security is going to come from advanced technology. That could be electric fencing with motion-detection sensors. They need something that will prevent tunneling. Positioning troops to patrol the border.

Not sure it would be legal to deploy troops like that. Not sure but I do not believe so.
Tell me something you want and I'll tell you what I would accept. Maybe we could actually meet in the middle on some things (though I'm not really a liberal. Only by comparison to the people on here).

  1. Full funding for the wall - $22 billion
  2. End to chain migration
  3. End to visa lottery
  4. Merit based immigration

I think merit-based is something that most people can at least somewhat get behind. I would need to know more about how our immigration system currently works (or doesn't). Currently, seems lie H-1B are a little over-saturated, but the number of candidate profiles we receive from India is outrageous.

I think for the wall, you build in hot spots first and see the effect there. Then fund yearly, and keep STRICT accounting. None of this government waste bullshit.
Tell me something you want and I'll tell you what I would accept. Maybe we could actually meet in the middle on some things (though I'm not really a liberal. Only by comparison to the people on here).

  1. Full funding for the wall - $22 billion
  2. End to chain migration
  3. End to visa lottery
  4. Merit based immigration

I think merit-based is something that most people can at least somewhat get behind. I would need to know more about how our immigration system currently works (or doesn't). Currently, seems lie H-1B are a little over-saturated, but the number of candidate profiles we receive from India is outrageous.

I think for the wall, you build in hot spots first and see the effect there. Then fund yearly, and keep STRICT accounting. None of this government waste bullshit.
You want us to go through this shit every year? You have to be joking. The entire wall has to funded up front. There is zero chance that Democrats will approve additional wall funding if they get a majority.
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Democrats are liars and can't be trusted to honor a deal so forget it, that goes for filthy scum liberals and progressives too.
Tell me something you want and I'll tell you what I would accept. Maybe we could actually meet in the middle on some things (though I'm not really a liberal. Only by comparison to the people on here).

  1. Full funding for the wall - $22 billion
  2. End to chain migration
  3. End to visa lottery
  4. Merit based immigration

I think merit-based is something that most people can at least somewhat get behind. I would need to know more about how our immigration system currently works (or doesn't). Currently, seems lie H-1B are a little over-saturated, but the number of candidate profiles we receive from India is outrageous.

I think for the wall, you build in hot spots first and see the effect there. Then fund yearly, and keep STRICT accounting. None of this government waste bullshit.
You want us to go through this shit every year? You have to be joking. The entire wall has to fundedup front. There is zero chance that Democrats will approve additional wall funding if they get a majority.

Trump should start deporting the illegals by the thousands each week, Dem's will get down on their knees and beg him to cut a deal.
Democrats are liars and can't be trusted to honor a deal so forget it, that goes for filthy scum liberals and progressives too.

Democrats? Republicans, too. In fact almost every single living person is a liar. It's just one thing that makes us human. I don't get it, we don't have to be that way. Maybe it's easier to talk fast and imagine things then it is to hold our tongue and speak the truth. Maybe we just don't want people,to know what we really think.
Democrats are liars and can't be trusted to honor a deal so forget it, that goes for filthy scum liberals and progressives too.

Democrats? Republicans, too. In fact almost every single living person is a liar. It's just one thing that makes us human. I don't get it, we don't have to be that way. Maybe it's easier to talk fast and imagine things then it is to hold our tongue and speak the truth. Maybe we just don't want people,to know what we really think.

Then, too, there's the inclination to go with the crowd and never learn truth on ones own.
What's difficult is that factually, there's strength in numbers, and a crowd can dictate when a thing is right. It's a democratic hallmark; some things can't be proven as true or false in nature and so we leave it up to a population to decide. Sadly, the coin's other side looks like mob action.

...I, um, am off topic.

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