Trump supporters: If Trump broke the law, should he be held legally accountable?

not a trump humper ... but gotta add my 2 cents.



We don't let criminals lock up the innocent. Schumer, Pelosi, Schiff, Waters, Obama, Rodham, Biden's handlers and Fatso belong in the lockup for lying their asses off for 5 years and preplanning a pair of fake impeachments, and when that didn't work due to innocence of all charges against President Trump, Pelosi rearranged a few lies and sent them to the 200 thug leftist lockstep, Soros rewarded lying press outlets, and Pelosi came up with "January 6," had cops shoot one unarmed woman who was only trying to get other Republicans out of there and to safety outside. Pelosi flat out refused to accept the National Guard in the Capitol, which Trump offered two days before the protest march. then Pelosi ramrodded a few extra lies into the murkiness of what the Democrats created, and projected all their crimes at once on Donald Trump whose words to the protesters were "Patrioticly and peacefully" protest, which they basically did before Nancy ordered the cops to kill a Trump supporter. BIG DAMN MISTAKE.

If Trump broke the law, should he be held legally accountable?​

Certainly, as soon as they hold Hillary, Hunter and countless others who broke the law responsible as well, Trump should get the same equal justice under the law, but you know Hillary, Hunter and about 30 others I can name never will, won't they?

BTW, where's your threads on those other bad actors? You ever make one?
Certainly, as soon as they hold Hillary, Hunter and countless others who broke the law responsible as well, Trump should get the same equal justice under the law, but you know Hillary, Hunter and about 30 others I can name never will, won't they?

BTW, where's your threads on those other bad actors? You ever make one?
So, "no". Just say it.

Your attempts to change the subject and put me on the defensive won't work.

You're like children, not understanding that I can see what you're trying to do.
Seems like a simple question.

My view: If you suspect something, investigate it. If you find something, prosecute. If they're found guilty, nail them. If someone helped them, like family or associates, nail them too. If it's done in a political context, nail them a bit harder, since their conduct can affect millions. Political affiliation is irrelevant. Country over party, always.

So, again: If Trump broke the law, should he be held legally accountable?

Naturally, yes. Period, full stop.

But like Alan Dershowitz pointed out, a subpoena would have been sufficient to compel action. So why a full-blown raid?
So, "no". Just say it.

Your attempts to change the subject and put me on the defensive won't work.

You're like children, not understanding that I can see what you're trying to do.
why should he be treated differently than all of them? So you don't believe in equal justice?
Seems like a simple question.

My view: If you suspect something, investigate it. If you find something, prosecute. If they're found guilty, nail them. If someone helped them, like family or associates, nail them too. If it's done in a political context, nail them a bit harder, since their conduct can affect millions. Political affiliation is irrelevant. Country over party, always.

So, again: If Trump broke the law, should he be held legally accountable?

If anyone breaks the law they should be held legally accountable.
That being said...we need to TRUST that our legal system is affording all of us our legal rights! The authorities do not have the right to come to your house and go through it looking for evidence you've committed a crime unless they have a warrant from a judge that they have obtained by showing said judge compelling evidence that you have committed a crime! That goes for Donald Trump but more goes for ALL of us!
Who decides that?
True Morality has existed, unchanged since the beginning of time. The Constitution has existed for more than two centuries. If you don’t understand what that means, I’m not going to be able to explain it to you.
Your attempts to change the subject and put me on the defensive won't work.

So, answering the question of the OP is changing the subject and putting you on the defensive? Because it demands EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW and you can't answer why others far worse and guilty than Trump are skating free?

LIKE THE PRESIDENT'S SON, clearly, ostensibly a FELON.

You WON'T answer it because you CAN'T, not without exposing the party you are here to protect.
So, answering the question of the OP is changing the subject and putting you on the defensive? Because it demands EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW and you can't answer why others far worse and guilty than Trump are skating free?

LIKE THE PRESIDENT'S SON, clearly, ostensibly a FELON.

You WON'T answer it because you CAN'T, not without exposing the party you are here to protect
"No Mac, he should not be held accountable, and I certainly won't do so, because his is my earthly God".
True Morality has existed, unchanged since the beginning of time. The Constitution has existed for more than two centuries. If you don’t understand what that means, I’m not going to be able to explain it to you.
Wrong answer. A jury decides. Sorry.
It is against the Constitutional Law for a political body to gang up on their political adversaries using lies and calumny to put their opponents' families in humiliation and financial jeopardy. The Democrats are the ones who need to be investigated, but they're using their slim majorities likely gained by cheating at the polls, to harm Republicans. And we're fed up. This is not going to end well as long as there is hanky panky going on in the voting booths.

The Democrats have been investigated ENDLESSLY for YEARS, and NOTHING HAS BEEN FOUND. Either the Clintons are the smartest criminals who ever lived, leaving behind no evidence, no witnesses, and no traces of ANY of the crimes they've been openly committing for thirty years, or Republicans have been lying when they've claimed that the Clintons have been breaking the law and committing crimes.

Every single time the Republicans are investigated, they're up to their hips in criminal behaviour. People get arrested, tried, convicted, and sent to jail. More than 130 Republicans since the Nixon Administration, have been tried, convicted, and either pardoned, or sent to jail, or both.

And STILL you claim that the Democrats are the criminals.
"No Mac, he should not be held accountable, and I certainly won't do so, because his is my earthly God".

Held accountable for WHAT? What is the charge?

I already KNOW what Hunter is guilty of!

I already KNOW what Hillary is guilty of!

Now all we need is for you to tell us WHAT CRIME DID TRUMP COMMIT?
Seems like a simple question.

My view: If you suspect something, investigate it. If you find something, prosecute. If they're found guilty, nail them. If someone helped them, like family or associates, nail them too. If it's done in a political context, nail them a bit harder, since their conduct can affect millions. Political affiliation is irrelevant. Country over party, always.

So, again: If Trump broke the law, should he be held legally accountable?

Should Biden, Hillary, Stzrok, McCabe, and Comey be held accountable?

My view: prog tards like you have principles that only apply to Republicans. Democrats are exempt. When you start holding your side accountable, perhaps people won't laugh when you start spouting your bogus principles.
Seems like a simple question.

My view: If you suspect something, investigate it. If you find something, prosecute. If they're found guilty, nail them. If someone helped them, like family or associates, nail them too. If it's done in a political context, nail them a bit harder, since their conduct can affect millions. Political affiliation is irrelevant. Country over party, always.

So, again: If Trump broke the law, should he be held legally accountable?


I think Manafort, Roger Stone and Flynn should be in jail...

If Hunter Biden is charged and found guilty of something, ye sure...

No one is above the law....

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