Trump supporters: If Trump broke the law, should he be held legally accountable?

The OP would not answer this so I'll open it to anyone.

If you want Trump to be prosecuted for having classified documents "found" by the FBI in his house, especially his wife's underwear drawers which the agents spent a lot of time with, wouldn't you first want Hillary prosecuted for the illegal classified information on her bathroom server?

See, that way you can claim it isn't just a ploy to keep the feared Orange Man from running again.
You forget that Trump is innocent. He's been innocent all along, while the lying press smeared him with things they hoped he would be caught doing. Since he doesn't know how to do worthless things, he continues sending his ideas outta the park and sticking to his intentionally formidable precepts of making good things happen for the American people. You can't take an innocent man and turn his innocent helpings-out of whoever he can and turn it into a crime due to an FBI panty raid.
Am I supposed to care?? TDS afflicted people dont matter to me.
Then stop humping my leg.

You forget that Trump is innocent. He's been innocent all along, while the lying press smeared him with things they hoped he would be caught doing. Since he doesn't know how to do worthless things, he continues sending his ideas outta the park and sticking to his intentionally formidable precepts of making good things happen for the American people. You can't take an innocent man and turn his innocent helpings-out of whoever he can and turn it into a crime due to an FBI panty raid.
Wow. Talk about TDS.
They've made it pretty clear that this whole "rule of law" thing is entirely conditional to them.
The rule of law does not apply to Progs unless they are offered up as a sacrifice. Lifetime political hacks who have known nothing else in life are just so squeaky clean. With the whole system giving them a free pass including our sell out security agencies who Progs use as their KGB on Repubs..
This isn't about holding anyone accountable. It's about making sure Trump can't run for office again. Then that goal is secured, they can target the next front runner. DeSantis knows his name is at the top of democrat list.

He aided and abetted a rebellion against the U.S.. That alone renders him ineligible to be president again.
Wow. Talk about TDS.
No, I'm speaking the truth within the parameters of the American Justice system. A man is innocent until he is PROVEN guilty. Therefore, when I said "Trump is innocent," it was in the sense of the amazing Constitution the founders gave you. I'm sorry you hate a man proven that he didn't do what his mentally ill enemies said that he did. Trump is busy planning good things for the American people for when he becomes the President of the United States once again. :thup:
No, I'm speaking the truth within the parameters of the American Justice system. A man is innocent until he is PROVEN guilty. Therefore, when I said "Trump is innocent," it was in the sense of the amazing Constitution the founders gave you. I'm sorry you hate a man proven that he didn't do what his mentally ill enemies said that he did. Trump is busy planning good things for the American people for when he becomes the President of the United States once again. :thup:
Hes guilty of breaking them. They love to hate him. Fear so great they still trying to make sure he never runs again. Leftist are truely Pathetic
Does you ass ever get fatigued, balancing on that fence?
He ain’t balancing. He just thinks he sounds middle of the road when he posts openly that he hates republicans more than he hates democrats in this faux both parties suck mealy mouthed fashion.

Anyone who reads his crap already knows he is a left supporter pretending to be moderate.
The answer is he is not. And he never will be again.
Are you sure? It's very doubtful whether the next president will be decided in a fair election, even if it's decided at the ballot box. The DOJ is running scared and is now unable to hold to the rule of law in America now. Trump has committed crimes that should have put him in jail, if not executed for treason.
The answer is he is not. And he never will be again.

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