TRUMP SUPPORTERS - -What are you hoping for?

I'm actually offended that Mac seems to believe that anyone who voted for Trump wants a huge civil disturbance.
And by the way, please get off your pedestal, if you do not believe there's at least an equal percentage of Dimocrat voters who also want blood in the streets, you have another thing coming dude!
Sorry, but no, I don't believe that.

Says the man who is dismissing the fact that the leaders of blm are self admitted marxists.

An ideology that has an even bloodier history than Nazism.
A lot of Trump supporters are racists. Guess that makes the entire Republican party racist, right?
I'm actually offended that Mac seems to believe that anyone who voted for Trump wants a huge civil disturbance.
And by the way, please get off your pedestal, if you do not believe there's at least an equal percentage of Dimocrat voters who also want blood in the streets, you have another thing coming dude!
Considering that every single leftist here supports Burn Loot Murder and ANTIFA, it appears that MORE Dems want blood on the streets.

I have seen conservatives oppose what happened at the white house, but haven't seen ANY democrats oppose Burn Loot Murder. Have you?
All democrats are communists.
You're quite the hateful little twerp huh?

Do you care that the leaders of blm are self admitted marxists?
View attachment 442007

Sure. out of three co founders. :lol:

From the first sentence of the linked article you asked for. Demonstrating why I rarely give links when asked. you didn't even read the first sentence.

"atrisse Cullors said in a newly surfaced video from 2015 that she and her fellow organizers are “trained Marxists” "

So, BLM is lead by people who believe in an ideology that historically is genocidal and totalitarian when they are in power.

And I mean that literally, not the hyperbole that is so common today.

Now, please give me the bizarre and otherworldly excuse you have for not caring about this.
I found a much better source.

Black Lives Matter’s "emphatic support for gender identity politics sets it apart from historical Marxism," and the goals listed on its website "do not appear to be expressly anti-capitalist, which would arguably be a Marxist identifier," Berman added.
The group’s support is broad.
Even as some Americans express support for socialism, most view it negatively, and few of the supporters would identify themselves as Marxist.
Meanwhile, 50% of registered voters support Black Lives Matter as of mid-July, up from 37% in April 2017, according to Civiqs, an online survey research firm.
In July, the New York Times reported that Black Lives Matter may be the largest movement in U.S. history, as four polls suggest that about 15 million to 26 million people in the United States have participated in demonstrations over the death of Floyd and others in recent weeks. (That does not account for similar protests overseas.)
"I am fairly convinced these are mostly attempts to smear anti-racist activists. I think in some media, ‘Marxist’ is dog-whistle for something horrible, like ‘Nazi’, and thus enables to delegitimize/dehumanize them," Miriyam Aouragh, a lecturer at the London-based Westminster School of Media and Communication, told PolitiFact.

Seriously? Because of their support of gender shit you want to ignore the stated identification by the leaders of the movement, that they are believers of a genocidal and totalitarian ideology.? That is hilarious. Thanks for meeting my expectations of bizarre and otherworldly -ness.

Such games, work in that
Uh...there's also the fact that they aren't anti capitalist. Kind of a big marker for a "Marxist" organization. BLM is not Marxist, one of the co founders is.

Suure they aren't. Cause they said they are not.

Just ignore their other words, and the fact that they have spent years burning out capitalist businesses, ruining the lives of thousands of capitalists.

Please. More. You are making my day here.
I'm actually offended that Mac seems to believe that anyone who voted for Trump wants a huge civil disturbance.
And by the way, please get off your pedestal, if you do not believe there's at least an equal percentage of Dimocrat voters who also want blood in the streets, you have another thing coming dude!
Sorry, but no, I don't believe that.

Says the man who is dismissing the fact that the leaders of blm are self admitted marxists.

An ideology that has an even bloodier history than Nazism.
A lot of Trump supporters are racists. Guess that makes the entire Republican party racist, right?

1. THe stated political ideology of a political movement leadership is a legit factor in judging the movement.

2. Your wace card play is noted.

3. Your comfort with marxism and the genocide and totalitarianism that comes with it, reflects badly on you, are an individual and on you as a plural, ie the more mainstream dem party.
I'd say a civil war at this point is a forgone conclusion.

With 330 million people, there are enough angry with the stolen election to start it...and the rest of us will have to take sides to protect ourselves.

The Democrats have proven they are out to purge all conservatives...and that only stokes the fires.

Liberals will shut down your revolutionaries lives, communications, transportation, utilities, goods & services, plus China will not sell you anything. BTW China invented gun powder & guns.

Liberals invented DNA & RNA editing splicing & GMOs, they can wipe everyone out with a virus that don't get their vaccines. Liberals created Solid State Electronics, silicon chips, Intel, computers, mouse, touchscreen, internet, video recording, smartphones, Lasers, weapons, Laser Printer, Adobe, Netflix Blue Jeans, WetSuit, FaceBook, Apple, Google, SnapChat, Twitter, eBay, Amazon, WD-40, Space-X, Solar City, Tesla, modern satellites, Uber, Lyft, Air BnB, Drones, and much much more.

Pelosi's California Liberals created the entire modern world & all the Largest Companies while Republicans haven't invented jack.

Most shit is invented by common conservatives in their own garages. The left picks it up, stamps it theirs, and then fucks everyone over with it.
I'm actually offended that Mac seems to believe that anyone who voted for Trump wants a huge civil disturbance.
And by the way, please get off your pedestal, if you do not believe there's at least an equal percentage of Dimocrat voters who also want blood in the streets, you have another thing coming dude!
Sorry, but no, I don't believe that.

Says the man who is dismissing the fact that the leaders of blm are self admitted marxists.

An ideology that has an even bloodier history than Nazism.
A lot of Trump supporters are racists. Guess that makes the entire Republican party racist, right?

1. THe stated political ideology of a political movement leadership is a legit factor in judging the movement.

2. Your wace card play is noted.

3. Your comfort with marxism and the genocide and totalitarianism that comes with it, reflects badly on you, are an individual and on you as a plural, ie the more mainstream dem party.
Batshit crazy ranting
Considering that every single leftist here supports Burn Loot Murder and ANTIFA, it appears that MORE Dems want blood on the streets.
NONE...not a single one liar. You couldn't be more dishonest
I have seen conservatives oppose what happened at the white house, but haven't seen ANY democrats oppose Burn Loot Murder. Have you?

Then you had your eyes closed for months. Stop lying
I'm actually offended that Mac seems to believe that anyone who voted for Trump wants a huge civil disturbance.
And by the way, please get off your pedestal, if you do not believe there's at least an equal percentage of Dimocrat voters who also want blood in the streets, you have another thing coming dude!
Sorry, but no, I don't believe that.

Says the man who is dismissing the fact that the leaders of blm are self admitted marxists.

An ideology that has an even bloodier history than Nazism.
A lot of Trump supporters are racists. Guess that makes the entire Republican party racist, right?

1. THe stated political ideology of a political movement leadership is a legit factor in judging the movement.

2. Your wace card play is noted.

3. Your comfort with marxism and the genocide and totalitarianism that comes with it, reflects badly on you, are an individual and on you as a plural, ie the more mainstream dem party.
Batshit crazy ranting

You are allied with marxist rioters. That is dangerous for you and for our nation.
There's a big difference between rolling over and realizing you might be wrong. There's another election in four years. If your arguments have any merit, they should help you. However, calling for some sort violent action is just going to result in deaths, jail time and ruined lives, just because you believed lies.
I don't disagree...but there are 200 million voting age citizens of this country.

You've got Antifa and BLM burning down the country and the media and at least a fair chunk of the left supported them.

And society takes their cues from that.

If you make violence it's an acceptable vehicle for change...don't be surprised when it is used for something you don't agree with.

Do you realize that storming the Capitol to overturn the election is a big deal?

After Capitol violence, Trump brand partners eye dumping toxic asset: The president NBC News - Ben Popken "He was one of the strongest human brands we had ever seen," one branding expert said. "The guy burned his bridges."

The vast majority of protestors were peaceful.


Oh well, then storming the Capitol to overturn the election is OK.
Peacefully proceeding to the Capitol building to show support to those Senators and representatives who had serious doubts about the accuracy of the vote count is what is OK. It was not their goal to overturn the election. They just wanted to check that every legal vote was counted and that every illegal vote was not counted. Several states unconstitutionally change the rules governing the election and didn't allow observers to check the votes. It is acceptable for Senators and Representatives to challenge the electors. Democrats did that in 2001, 2005, and 2017. None of those Democrats were told that they needed to resign.

There was NOTHING peaceful about it.. Watch the film footage. They were a violent mob. You are still justifying Trump with a lie.
I also blame Republicans who are justifying the actions, goals and threats of those few. Depends who you're speaking with, doesn't it, if it is "a few" or 75 million?
Therein lies the crux of it all- Thank you OL (I refuse to call you an old lady- OL fits you much better) for stating an important fact.

Calling out specific players for their crimes versus calling out tens of thousands of voters for the actions of a specific few (“few” in comparison to tens of thousands) is polar opposite in effect- and most on this board know it.

Keeping the conversation in Fact Land requires effort. Keeping the conversation in La La Land requires none. Fact Land ensures that the perps are appropriately identified, punished, and expedites the process . La La Land is full of “going big” in rhetoric, using false rhetoric implying that innocent people across the country are responsible for the actions of all voters within that group. Considering the US’s voting population numbers, is that even possible? La La Land of course is where we have the emotional venters, but sometimes a fact or two can be given although more often than not the emotional snarling overrides any positivity. Maybe venting on USMB is lethargic for some, so after emotionally discharging all over the screen they can go act nicer to their families who knows lol
I agree 100% I get impatient and pissed off like any human, but it is going to take every level headed person we've got to walk this back and reach a place where we can talk again. The propaganda the past few years has been ferocious and it's the first thing we've got to chuck before we move forward. If we don't, I fear we will have civil war. I have NO patience for the posters here calling all on the left communists and China lovers and sexual deviants, and that we deserve to die. I'm not wasting my time on them, except to slap them back.

But you are fine with the people calling those on the right nazis or wacists?

Trump said he was a nationalist ... Maybe it would help not to behave like Brownshirts.
I also blame Republicans who are justifying the actions, goals and threats of those few. Depends who you're speaking with, doesn't it, if it is "a few" or 75 million?
Therein lies the crux of it all- Thank you OL (I refuse to call you an old lady- OL fits you much better) for stating an important fact.

Calling out specific players for their crimes versus calling out tens of thousands of voters for the actions of a specific few (“few” in comparison to tens of thousands) is polar opposite in effect- and most on this board know it.

Keeping the conversation in Fact Land requires effort. Keeping the conversation in La La Land requires none. Fact Land ensures that the perps are appropriately identified, punished, and expedites the process . La La Land is full of “going big” in rhetoric, using false rhetoric implying that innocent people across the country are responsible for the actions of all voters within that group. Considering the US’s voting population numbers, is that even possible? La La Land of course is where we have the emotional venters, but sometimes a fact or two can be given although more often than not the emotional snarling overrides any positivity. Maybe venting on USMB is lethargic for some, so after emotionally discharging all over the screen they can go act nicer to their families who knows lol
I agree 100% I get impatient and pissed off like any human, but it is going to take every level headed person we've got to walk this back and reach a place where we can talk again. The propaganda the past few years has been ferocious and it's the first thing we've got to chuck before we move forward. If we don't, I fear we will have civil war. I have NO patience for the posters here calling all on the left communists and China lovers and sexual deviants, and that we deserve to die. I'm not wasting my time on them, except to slap them back.

But you are fine with the people calling those on the right nazis or wacists?

Trump said he was a nationalist ... Maybe it would help not to behave like Brownshirts.
There are always bad and good in all walks of life, and our political circus acts and side shows are a mixed lot. I keep waiting for the bearded lady to come out and make an appearance at some point...kidding! Okay, so my humor is similar to an 8th grader's but I have a good reason for that lol
I will tell you this. If violence is the last option I hope it’s taken to the extreme and thousands of you left wingers pay the price.
There ya go. There's some honesty.
I’d call it common sense. Do you really think you can screw people over and destroy a nation without a reaction?
But that didn't happen. You have been lied to.

So there is no way for me to answer your question.
Playing stupid isn’t going to save you from the consequences. We’ve sent military forces around the world to defeat communism. Why would you think we wouldn’t do it here.

Again, we simply exist in different realities.

Yours is full of delusion, misinformation and paranoia.
What would you call silencing free speech and ostracizing those with differing views from the party in power? Do you have another descriptive word for it?

I'd call it "shunning", or maybe "political correctness". It's sure as hell not "communism".
"Communism" has just become a simple, catch-all word for them. It means nothing at this point. It's just an epithet.
Communism has a lot of names the latest one is "Progressive".
In your alternate universe, sure.
How about yours? You know where the election was not stolen and Braindead China Joe is the popular politician in US history. And the lie you believe is so big you have to silence half of America.

Nobody is buying this bullshit but for some reason you think they are. I wonder why?
But I disagree with the silencing.

You are ignorant of my politics. Not my fault.

Gawd, you people are so simplistic.
But you agree with the fraud. Thank God for small favors, right Commie?
What fraud are we talking about this time, Trumpster?
The six states Biden stole. Tell me why is the FBI shredding ballots in GA?
I don't know that they are. That "fact" was most likely provided to you in your universe. So, to this point, I'll have to side with the USSC, the state Supreme Courts, the Justice Department, the Attorney General, the FBI, the Republican governors and the Republican election officials over your alternate universe sources.

I don't know if you will understand this, but here goes: Not being a mindless, obedient Trumpster does not make a person a communist.

There. I tried.
I’ll drop it as soon as you show me which one of those trusted groups had a trial where evidence could be presented.
None. There wasn't enough REAL evidence after being investigated.
No investigation has been done. Politicians holding hearings in their state is not an investigation.

I wonder if Trump regrets being such a dick to so many governors now?
Sociopaths aren't really into regret.
I assume you're just referring to the usual Trumpster trolling. Welcome to bansville. :)
Your censorship, lies, stealing elections will not go unpunished.

LOL - bring it, bitch. Funny thing is, I'm not a Democrat. Don't support them in the slightest. But you fuckers are beyond stupid. Glad to see you finally kicked to the curb.
It will be fascinating to see if the fog lifts for these people, how fast and how far. And then it will be interesting to see what they do about it.

They have invested themselves completely in this election-stealing fantasy. Surely that takes a while to undo.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI is warning of plans for armed protests at all 50 state capitals and in Washington, D.C., in the days leading up to President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, stoking fears of more bloodshed after last week’s deadly siege at the U.S. Capitol.


Please tell us what you'd like to see happen over the next week. If things go your way, how does the next eight days (and beyond, if you wish) play out?

And please, no thinly-veiled threats. This is a serious, historic time. Please be serious and specific.

What are you hoping for? Are violence and bloodshed acceptable to you? Are you trying to change the course of history here?

I think we live in a world of misinformation, brought to you by Carl's Jr. and PROG-stink. That said the left really pushed the envelope on this one. I wonder what the left has planned for the USA & world next, what say you?
I don't speak paranoid Trumpish, sorry.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI is warning of plans for armed protests at all 50 state capitals and in Washington, D.C., in the days leading up to President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, stoking fears of more bloodshed after last week’s deadly siege at the U.S. Capitol.


Please tell us what you'd like to see happen over the next week. If things go your way, how does the next eight days (and beyond, if you wish) play out?

And please, no thinly-veiled threats. This is a serious, historic time. Please be serious and specific.

What are you hoping for? Are violence and bloodshed acceptable to you? Are you trying to change the course of history here?

1. Violence and bloodshed has been UNacceptable to me these last two years. But America has accepted it as the new normal. I am sad about that. Not buying this silly story that it started last week in dc.

2. I don't really have any clear hopes for the future at this point. You people keep finding each possible avenue forward and shutting it down, most recently banning the speech alternative Parler.

3. I would LOVE to change the course of history. This course we are on, sucks ass.

It does suck but the conservatives have the cause wrong. The insurrectionist have the solution wrong.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI is warning of plans for armed protests at all 50 state capitals and in Washington, D.C., in the days leading up to President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, stoking fears of more bloodshed after last week’s deadly siege at the U.S. Capitol.


Please tell us what you'd like to see happen over the next week. If things go your way, how does the next eight days (and beyond, if you wish) play out?

And please, no thinly-veiled threats. This is a serious, historic time. Please be serious and specific.

What are you hoping for? Are violence and bloodshed acceptable to you? Are you trying to change the course of history here?

1. Violence and bloodshed has been UNacceptable to me these last two years. But America has accepted it as the new normal. I am sad about that. Not buying this silly story that it started last week in dc.

2. I don't really have any clear hopes for the future at this point. You people keep finding each possible avenue forward and shutting it down, most recently banning the speech alternative Parler.

3. I would LOVE to change the course of history. This course we are on, sucks ass.

It does suck but the conservatives have the cause wrong. The insurrectionist have the solution wrong.

Do conservatives have the right to have interests and to politically argue them?
Considering that every single leftist here supports Burn Loot Murder and ANTIFA, it appears that MORE Dems want blood on the streets.
NONE...not a single one liar. You couldn't be more dishonest
I have seen conservatives oppose what happened at the white house, but haven't seen ANY democrats oppose Burn Loot Murder. Have you?

Then you had your eyes closed for months. Stop lying
It's what Trumpsters do. Or, perhaps, that's just what they are told in their universe. Honestly, I'm never sure which is which.

I just know that (a) we are now operating in two separate realities, and (b) a republic can't survive very long in that condition.
Considering that every single leftist here supports Burn Loot Murder and ANTIFA, it appears that MORE Dems want blood on the streets.
NONE...not a single one liar. You couldn't be more dishonest
I have seen conservatives oppose what happened at the white house, but haven't seen ANY democrats oppose Burn Loot Murder. Have you?

Then you had your eyes closed for months. Stop lying
It's what Trumpsters do. Or, perhaps, that's just what they are told in their universe. Honestly, I'm never sure which is which.

I just know that (a) we are now operating in two separate realities, and (b) a republic can't survive very long in that condition.

Dems talk out of both sides of their mouths on blm and antifa. THe trick is to look at what they do.

And what they do, is assist blm and antifa in many ways, of varying degrees of subtly. Such as ordering the cops to stand down when they think that antifa and/or blm have the numerical advantage and will win any fights.

For one limited example.

So, we see which words of theirs, is what they truly mean.
I'd say a civil war at this point is a forgone conclusion.

With 330 million people, there are enough angry with the stolen election to start it...and the rest of us will have to take sides to protect ourselves.

The Democrats have proven they are out to purge all conservatives...and that only stokes the fires.

You want to go to war over a lie from a moron??

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