TRUMP SUPPORTERS - -What are you hoping for?

All democrats are communists.
You're quite the hateful little twerp huh?

Do you care that the leaders of blm are self admitted marxists?
All democrats are communists.
You're quite the hateful little twerp huh?

Do you care that the leaders of blm are self admitted marxists?
View attachment 442007


Naturally everyone is racist or thinks that their race, tribe is better than the other tribe. It is normal.
I'd first like to define racism to make sure we're on the same page here AMart: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior. Okay, now that we're in agreement about that-winks, I'll move on.

Racism is not some naturally occurring state of mind. Racism is learned mostly during one's formative years; following that period of being influenced by significant players in one's life, it can be either discarded by choice or... thoroughly ingrained by choice.

I'd like to share an eye-opening event with you that happened years ago. When my daughter was 5 years old, she learned about MLK from her kindergarten teacher on MLK Day. Upon picking her up from school, the first thing she asked me was, "Mom, are you black?" (I'm German/Welsh/English/Nordic blend). After telling her "No, I'm white". She still looked confused and asked me if she were black (nope-her dad is of European descent) so I told her no, she was white too. She looked at her arm, as she picked up on my own body language and said in all seriousness "No mom. I'm not white. I'm beige". lol I loved her double instantly. It struck me that although she had had a few playmates who were black, she hadn't heard this word used to describe skin color before. So, this made me think that skin color had never registered with her as we'd never discussed it before. Before this distinction, she saw: you are a person as opposed to: you are a black person. A great memory.

I feel the need to add (knowing how things left unsaid on message boards can go in 10 directions if allowed) using the word black or white isn't racist but used to describe physical features better.

My point of disagreement is that thinking one's skin color means something is most peculiar when you think about it. If it's true what you said, that it's normal to think that one's own skin color must be better in some way than a different skin color, that is still way off mark imo. Do people only like brown headed people because they have brown hair? Well, now that I've put that out there, there likely are silly people like that lol just not many
Racism is a belief. I don't need a lecture on the topic. Some countries have 40, 60 or 100 check to the box classifications. N. American and W. Europe are the least racist places on Earth, by far and it even isn't close.
I'm sorry my post was construed as a lecture. I've read a lot of your posts and was a little surprised by this one to be honest, so I wanted to double check your position.

Obviously, I fit in well with the more wordier type of posters here (and with those who don't mind reading lengthy posts) but I based my response on your specific statement that I quoted and nothing more. Sure, I defined racism knowing you knew it, but it's good to make sure we're talking about the same thing before proceeding, lecture mode;)
All democrats are communists.
You're quite the hateful little twerp huh?

Do you care that the leaders of blm are self admitted marxists?
View attachment 442007

Sure. out of three co founders. :lol:
I'm actually offended that Mac seems to believe that anyone who voted for Trump wants a huge civil disturbance.
And by the way, please get off your pedestal, if you do not believe there's at least an equal percentage of Dimocrat voters who also want blood in the streets, you have another thing coming dude!

WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI is warning of plans for armed protests at all 50 state capitals and in Washington, D.C., in the days leading up to President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, stoking fears of more bloodshed after last week’s deadly siege at the U.S. Capitol.


Please tell us what you'd like to see happen over the next week. If things go your way, how does the next eight days (and beyond, if you wish) play out?

And please, no thinly-veiled threats. This is a serious, historic time. Please be serious and specific.

What are you hoping for? Are violence and bloodshed acceptable to you? Are you trying to change the course of history here?
I am hoping the Democrats will learn the ways of the truth and sever the umbilical cord with the press they used to get fake news that supported their ambitions to get something for nothing.
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I'd say a civil war at this point is a forgone conclusion.

With 330 million people, there are enough angry with the stolen election to start it...and the rest of us will have to take sides to protect ourselves.

The Democrats have proven they are out to purge all conservatives...and that only stokes the fires.

Liberals will shut down your revolutionaries lives, communications, transportation, utilities, goods & services, plus China will not sell you anything. BTW China invented gun powder & guns.

Liberals invented DNA & RNA editing splicing & GMOs, they can wipe everyone out with a virus that don't get their vaccines. Liberals created Solid State Electronics, silicon chips, Intel, computers, mouse, touchscreen, internet, video recording, smartphones, Lasers, weapons, Laser Printer, Adobe, Netflix Blue Jeans, WetSuit, FaceBook, Apple, Google, SnapChat, Twitter, eBay, Amazon, WD-40, Space-X, Solar City, Tesla, modern satellites, Uber, Lyft, Air BnB, Drones, and much much more.

Pelosi's California Liberals created the entire modern world & all the Largest Companies while Republicans haven't invented jack.
All democrats are communists.
You're quite the hateful little twerp huh?

Do you care that the leaders of blm are self admitted marxists?
View attachment 442007

Sure. out of three co founders. :lol:

From the first sentence of the linked article you asked for. Demonstrating why I rarely give links when asked. you didn't even read the first sentence.

"atrisse Cullors said in a newly surfaced video from 2015 that she and her fellow organizers are “trained Marxists” "

So, BLM is lead by people who believe in an ideology that historically is genocidal and totalitarian when they are in power.

And I mean that literally, not the hyperbole that is so common today.

Now, please give me the bizarre and otherworldly excuse you have for not caring about this.
I'd say a civil war at this point is a forgone conclusion.

With 330 million people, there are enough angry with the stolen election to start it...and the rest of us will have to take sides to protect ourselves.

The Democrats have proven they are out to purge all conservatives...and that only stokes the fires.

Liberals will shut down your revolutionaries lives, communications, transportation, utilities, goods & services, plus China will not sell you anything. BTW China invented gun powder & guns.

Liberals invented DNA & RNA editing splicing & GMOs, they can wipe everyone out with a virus that don't get their vaccines. Liberals created Solid State Electronics, silicon chips, Intel, computers, mouse, touchscreen, internet, video recording, smartphones, Lasers, weapons, Laser Printer, Adobe, Netflix Blue Jeans, WetSuit, FaceBook, Apple, Google, SnapChat, Twitter, eBay, Amazon, WD-40, Space-X, Solar City, Tesla, modern satellites, Uber, Lyft, Air BnB, Drones, and much much more.

Pelosi's California Liberals created the entire modern world & all the Largest Companies while Republicans haven't invented jack.

You're joking, right?
All democrats are communists.
You're quite the hateful little twerp huh?

Do you care that the leaders of blm are self admitted marxists?
View attachment 442007

Sure. out of three co founders. :lol:

From the first sentence of the linked article you asked for. Demonstrating why I rarely give links when asked. you didn't even read the first sentence.

"atrisse Cullors said in a newly surfaced video from 2015 that she and her fellow organizers are “trained Marxists” "

So, BLM is lead by people who believe in an ideology that historically is genocidal and totalitarian when they are in power.

And I mean that literally, not the hyperbole that is so common today.

Now, please give me the bizarre and otherworldly excuse you have for not caring about this.
I found a much better source.

Black Lives Matter’s "emphatic support for gender identity politics sets it apart from historical Marxism," and the goals listed on its website "do not appear to be expressly anti-capitalist, which would arguably be a Marxist identifier," Berman added.
The group’s support is broad.
Even as some Americans express support for socialism, most view it negatively, and few of the supporters would identify themselves as Marxist.
Meanwhile, 50% of registered voters support Black Lives Matter as of mid-July, up from 37% in April 2017, according to Civiqs, an online survey research firm.
In July, the New York Times reported that Black Lives Matter may be the largest movement in U.S. history, as four polls suggest that about 15 million to 26 million people in the United States have participated in demonstrations over the death of Floyd and others in recent weeks. (That does not account for similar protests overseas.)
"I am fairly convinced these are mostly attempts to smear anti-racist activists. I think in some media, ‘Marxist’ is dog-whistle for something horrible, like ‘Nazi’, and thus enables to delegitimize/dehumanize them," Miriyam Aouragh, a lecturer at the London-based Westminster School of Media and Communication, told PolitiFact.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI is warning of plans for armed protests at all 50 state capitals and in Washington, D.C., in the days leading up to President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, stoking fears of more bloodshed after last week’s deadly siege at the U.S. Capitol.


Please tell us what you'd like to see happen over the next week. If things go your way, how does the next eight days (and beyond, if you wish) play out?

And please, no thinly-veiled threats. This is a serious, historic time. Please be serious and specific.

What are you hoping for? Are violence and bloodshed acceptable to you? Are you trying to change the course of history here?
I am hoping the Democrats will learn the ways of th
The Force?
I'm actually offended that Mac seems to believe that anyone who voted for Trump wants a huge civil disturbance.
And by the way, please get off your pedestal, if you do not believe there's at least an equal percentage of Dimocrat voters who also want blood in the streets, you have another thing coming dude!
Sorry, but no, I don't believe that.
All democrats are communists.
You're quite the hateful little twerp huh?

Do you care that the leaders of blm are self admitted marxists?
View attachment 442007

Sure. out of three co founders. :lol:

From the first sentence of the linked article you asked for. Demonstrating why I rarely give links when asked. you didn't even read the first sentence.

"atrisse Cullors said in a newly surfaced video from 2015 that she and her fellow organizers are “trained Marxists” "

So, BLM is lead by people who believe in an ideology that historically is genocidal and totalitarian when they are in power.

And I mean that literally, not the hyperbole that is so common today.

Now, please give me the bizarre and otherworldly excuse you have for not caring about this.
I found a much better source.

Black Lives Matter’s "emphatic support for gender identity politics sets it apart from historical Marxism," and the goals listed on its website "do not appear to be expressly anti-capitalist, which would arguably be a Marxist identifier," Berman added.
The group’s support is broad.
Even as some Americans express support for socialism, most view it negatively, and few of the supporters would identify themselves as Marxist.
Meanwhile, 50% of registered voters support Black Lives Matter as of mid-July, up from 37% in April 2017, according to Civiqs, an online survey research firm.
In July, the New York Times reported that Black Lives Matter may be the largest movement in U.S. history, as four polls suggest that about 15 million to 26 million people in the United States have participated in demonstrations over the death of Floyd and others in recent weeks. (That does not account for similar protests overseas.)
"I am fairly convinced these are mostly attempts to smear anti-racist activists. I think in some media, ‘Marxist’ is dog-whistle for something horrible, like ‘Nazi’, and thus enables to delegitimize/dehumanize them," Miriyam Aouragh, a lecturer at the London-based Westminster School of Media and Communication, told PolitiFact.

Seriously? Because of their support of gender shit you want to ignore the stated identification by the leaders of the movement, that they are believers of a genocidal and totalitarian ideology.? That is hilarious. Thanks for meeting my expectations of bizarre and otherworldly -ness.

Such games, work in that it gives you an excuse to ignore data that is troublesome.

But, down the line, when these people actually have influence on policy, people will die. POssibly in large numbers. Freedoms will leave.

As we see already happening.
Not all conservatives, just those that think armed insurrection is the way to go. Y'all are acting like bigger snowflakes than the liberals ever did in '16.
What would you do if our roles were reversed? If you believed the election was stolen. If a state violated their own constitution and then their supreme court upheld it. If every lawsuit was dismissed on procedural grounds and evidence was never heard. If subpoenas for voting machine records were ignored. If state voting officials barred observers. If secretaries of state rushed to wipe voting machines.

Would you just roll over and take it?

That's a rhetorical question. The answer should be a wholehearted, full throated, not a fucking chance.
Unfortunately for you, none of those things actually happened.
The election, according to Trump's own DHS was conducted fairly with very little fraud.
Laws that were passed were passed by Republican legislatures and the time to contest those laws is not AFTER you lose the election. Do you seriously think Republicans passed those laws to help Democrats win?

Our roles WERE reversed in 2000. When Republicans demanded the recounts stop and the SCOTUS got involved in a case where it admitted it had no jurisdiction.

And you know what happened?

The Democratic party led by Al Gore accepted the decision of the courts. No one tried to overthrow the government. No one tried to murder Congressmen and Senators.

Think on that.
I'm actually offended that Mac seems to believe that anyone who voted for Trump wants a huge civil disturbance.
And by the way, please get off your pedestal, if you do not believe there's at least an equal percentage of Dimocrat voters who also want blood in the streets, you have another thing coming dude!
Sorry, but no, I don't believe that.

Says the man who is dismissing the fact that the leaders of blm are self admitted marxists.

An ideology that has an even bloodier history than Nazism.
All democrats are communists.
You're quite the hateful little twerp huh?

Do you care that the leaders of blm are self admitted marxists?
View attachment 442007

Sure. out of three co founders. :lol:

From the first sentence of the linked article you asked for. Demonstrating why I rarely give links when asked. you didn't even read the first sentence.

"atrisse Cullors said in a newly surfaced video from 2015 that she and her fellow organizers are “trained Marxists” "

So, BLM is lead by people who believe in an ideology that historically is genocidal and totalitarian when they are in power.

And I mean that literally, not the hyperbole that is so common today.

Now, please give me the bizarre and otherworldly excuse you have for not caring about this.
I found a much better source.

Black Lives Matter’s "emphatic support for gender identity politics sets it apart from historical Marxism," and the goals listed on its website "do not appear to be expressly anti-capitalist, which would arguably be a Marxist identifier," Berman added.
The group’s support is broad.
Even as some Americans express support for socialism, most view it negatively, and few of the supporters would identify themselves as Marxist.
Meanwhile, 50% of registered voters support Black Lives Matter as of mid-July, up from 37% in April 2017, according to Civiqs, an online survey research firm.
In July, the New York Times reported that Black Lives Matter may be the largest movement in U.S. history, as four polls suggest that about 15 million to 26 million people in the United States have participated in demonstrations over the death of Floyd and others in recent weeks. (That does not account for similar protests overseas.)
"I am fairly convinced these are mostly attempts to smear anti-racist activists. I think in some media, ‘Marxist’ is dog-whistle for something horrible, like ‘Nazi’, and thus enables to delegitimize/dehumanize them," Miriyam Aouragh, a lecturer at the London-based Westminster School of Media and Communication, told PolitiFact.

Seriously? Because of their support of gender shit you want to ignore the stated identification by the leaders of the movement, that they are believers of a genocidal and totalitarian ideology.? That is hilarious. Thanks for meeting my expectations of bizarre and otherworldly -ness.

Such games, work in that
Uh...there's also the fact that they aren't anti capitalist. Kind of a big marker for a "Marxist" organization. BLM is not Marxist, one of the co founders is.

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