Trump supporters: What do you think of this information?

Yes, Trump enjoying it did make a difference.

The rioters were reading his tweets as they were attacking. Trump’s tweet about Mike Pence not having the courage to do what’s right for the country came at the worst possible time when the attack was escalating. Reading this tweet only encouraged the rioters further. Even members of the Trump administration testified that this was not helpful at all and only threw gasoline on the fire.

They were listening to what he was saying. When he finally gave in to what everyone was pleading from him and called them off, some of them listened.

This is what you have been so desperate to pivot to? The behavior of Trump and Democrats isn’t even close. I’ll take the side that didn’t enjoy unleashing chaos and refused to call them off.
Okay, I'll take the side that didn't end with billions in damage and upwards of thirty shot and killed. Deal?

Besides, don't you think that Kamala Harris asking for donations to the bail fund threw gas on the fire?
1. Would you agree that the people who support Trump’s behavior on Jan 6 are pieces of shit?

Not quite.

2. Since you desperately wanted to pivot to this topic, let’s compare the two. Democrat Mayors condemned the violence and urged peace. Trump refused to call off the rioters and, according to you, enjoy watching the chaos. Who behaved worse? Trump or Democrat Mayors?

It isn't a contest. But if it was a contest I would say without a doubt that the Democrat mayors behaved worse. Or rather, more stupidly. They watched the destruction for months but they still thought these punks would be able to govern themselves and keep the peace.
3. But you did in the last election. Clearly you’re trying to avoid discussing the guy you voted for.

I asked you a question before and unless I missed it, you failed to answer.

The tenor of your comments in this discussion suggest that you think my judgment or morality was lacking when I voted for Trump or supported him. Am I reading that correctly?
Instead you insist on pivoting to Democrats. That’s fine with me. Let’s compare them. What’s worse from leadership regarding riots:

1) Condemning violent behavior and urging peace.

2) Enjoying the violence, refusing to call them off, telling these people that they’re special and that he loves them.

I think it's colossally stupid to expect a violent mob not to behave violently just because you let them have the run of the streets.

I guess it's just the way I was built but the inaction of the Democrat mayors and city governments ground my gears much more than Trump's did.
Okay, I'll take the side that didn't end with billions in damage and upwards of thirty shot and killed. Deal?

Besides, don't you think that Kamala Harris asking for donations to the bail fund threw gas on the fire?
You’re talking about the rioters. I’m talking about the leadership. You know, people that we choose to vote for.

Even you have to admit that Democrat leadership has been better at at least condemning the violence from rioters, as opposed to the sociopath you voted for who enjoyed watching it all burn down.

And it’s not even close.
Not quite.

It isn't a contest. But if it was a contest I would say without a doubt that the Democrat mayors behaved worse. Or rather, more stupidly. They watched the destruction for months but they still thought these punks would be able to govern themselves and keep the peace.

I asked you a question before and unless I missed it, you failed to answer.

The tenor of your comments in this discussion suggest that you think my judgment or morality was lacking when I voted for Trump or supported him. Am I reading that correctly?

I think it's colossally stupid to expect a violent mob not to behave violently just because you let them have the run of the streets.

I guess it's just the way I was built but the inaction of the Democrat mayors and city governments ground my gears much more than Trump's did.
1. So you don’t support Trump for how he behaved on Jan 6 but you have no issues with people who support him for how he behaved on Jan 6? Explain that one.

2. Those Democrat Mayors urged peace and condemned violence. They didn’t enjoy watching things burn down. Clearly the more depraved one here is Trump and it’s all making sense why you were trying to pivot away from talking about how psychotic the guy YOU voted for actually is.

3. No. I think it was stupid but not immoral. I think it’s immoral to support a man who enjoys a riot taking place instead of urging peace. How is it that you can defend the people who still support this man?

4. You wanted more done. I get that. I’m not even getting into stupidity or incompetence. I’m talking about how depraved it is for the man you voted for to want violence. It’s twisted. It’s sick. It’s demented. How in the flying fuck can you not see this? The guy you voted for had no problem watching police get attacked. People in his administration pleaded with him to call them off and he refused. He enjoyed what was happening. How fucked up in the head is this guy? How do you defend this? How do you defend people who support this psychopath? What the fuck is wrong with you?
You’re talking about the rioters. I’m talking about the leadership. You know, people that we choose to vote for.

I'm not talking about the rioters, I've been criticizing Democrat leadership this whole time.
Even you have to admit that Democrat leadership has been better at at least condemning the violence from rioters, as opposed to the sociopath you voted for who enjoyed watching it all burn down.

Republicans were condemning the violence of the riots and in the CHAZ long before Democrats said a goddamn thing. And I don't know if you remember but Trump wanted to send in the National Guard but since only the states can do so, they nixed it.
1. So you don’t support Trump for how he behaved on Jan 6 but you have no issues with people who support him for how he behaved on Jan 6? Explain that one.
Didn't say that. I said I don't quite consider them pieces of shit (your words).
2. Those Democrat Mayors urged peace and condemned violence.

So what? When that didn't work they should have sent in the troops.

You know, in addition to the shootings and murders I mentioned, there were reports of rapes and assaults in the CHAZ as well. And, to top it all off, on a couple of occasions when the cops or emergency services tried to get to the scene of a shooting, the protesters wouldn't let them in.

I remember seeing one video where a cop arrived at the scene of one of the shootings but someone else apparently took the guy to the hospital before he got there. So while the cop is there trying to do his job, some in the mob were haranguing him and telling him to get the fuck out. I thought one guy in particular was going to have a brain hemorrhage. He acted as if the mere presence of the officer was physical torture.
They didn’t enjoy watching things burn down.

Nothing was burned down on Jan 6.
Clearly the more depraved one here is Trump and it’s all making sense why you were trying to pivot away from talking about how psychotic the guy YOU voted for actually is.

There it is again: "The guy YOU voted for..." Like it's my fault or something.
3. No. I think it was stupid but not immoral.

In other words, lacking judgment, like I asked.

I think it’s immoral to support a man who enjoys a riot taking place instead of urging peace. How is it that you can defend the people who still support this man?

I never defended them, I said I didn't quite consider them pieces of shit.
4. You wanted more done. I get that. I’m not even getting into stupidity or incompetence. I’m talking about how depraved it is for the man you voted for to want violence.

I'm not sure he wanted violence, I just think that when they broke in, he simply chose to sit back and see what would come of it.
It’s twisted. It’s sick. It’s demented. How in the flying fuck can you not see this? The guy you voted for had no problem watching police get attacked. People in his administration pleaded with him to call them off and he refused. He enjoyed what was happening. How fucked up in the head is this guy? How do you defend this? How do you defend people who support this psychopath? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Who have I defended?

You seem to be confused here. You're conflating my lower level of vehemence (compared to yours) in condemning his actions and those who support his actions as my defending his actions and their support. Just because I don't get as emotional about it as you do does not mean I entirely disagree with you.
Or maybe it was just a mistake.

Mistakes happen.

So, despite them holding a man for a year without trial, you dismiss the idea that their actions deserve closer scrutiny.

Yeah, that's pretty clear. You don't care about the civil rights of your enemies. AT BEST, you don't care.

More likely, you're fine with them being violated. Can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs, heh?
I'm not sure he wanted violence, I just think that when they broke in, he simply chose to sit back and see what would come of it.
Here’s what you said:

“Should he have done or said something to stop it? Probably. But I think he didn’t because because with his ego, he was simply enjoying it.”

So we agree that he was enjoying the violence and that he should have done something to at least try to stop them.

How would you describe a guy who enjoyed the violence and chose not to act to stop it? I’d say he’s depraved, immoral, psychotic, and a piece of shit. How would you describe him?

Don’t pivot. Just answer the question.
Republicans were condemning the violence of the riots and in the CHAZ long before Democrats said a goddamn thing. And I don't know if you remember but Trump wanted to send in the National Guard but since only the states can do so, they nixed it.
Ok so two things here:

1) Republicans were condemning the violence of the riots before Democrats said anything.

2) Trump wanted to send in the National Guard but they nixed it.

Please provide links for both claims so that I can address this appropriately.
Ok so two things here:

1) Republicans were condemning the violence of the riots before Democrats said anything.

2) Trump wanted to send in the National Guard but they nixed it.

Please provide links for both claims so that I can address this appropriately.
You want to advance a conspiracy theory? The Democrats have 0 evidence.
So, despite them holding a man for a year without trial, you dismiss the idea that their actions deserve closer scrutiny.

Yeah, that's pretty clear. You don't care about the civil rights of your enemies. AT BEST, you don't care.

More likely, you're fine with them being violated. Can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs, heh?
You still haven’t provided any evidence whatsoever that there was anything nefarious about this.

Like what happened to me at the restaurant, it was most likely an honest mistake.
You still haven’t provided any evidence whatsoever that there was anything nefarious about this.

Like what happened to me at the restaurant, it was most likely an honest mistake.

Even if it was an HONEST mistake, a reasonable man would realize that it does raise questions about the job they are doing and thus want more scrutiny of the rest of the cases, to see if there was a pattern.

You dismissed the idea without any consideration.

That implies strongly, that you don't give a fuck about the rights of ANY of them..
Even if it was an HONEST mistake, a reasonable man would realize that it does raise questions about the job they are doing and thus want more scrutiny of the rest of the cases, to see if there was a pattern.
You showed one case. Out of hundreds.

That’s hardly a pattern.

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