Trump supporters: What do you think of this information?

You threw four negative traits into one sentence. However, I don't think Trump has the soul of the devil or anything like that. I just think he has the soul of an entitled child. When I think of him, I don't think immoral, depraved, psychotic..."
A violent riot was taking place. Police were getting attacked. People were pleading with Trump to tell them to stop and he refused. You said yourself that you think he was enjoying it.

Is that not immoral to you?
So which is it? Was he so keen to get to the Capitol that he tried to wrestle the steering wheel of his vehicle out of the hands of the driver, or was he negligent in not deciding to go to the Capitol?
So which is it? Was he so keen to get to the Capitol that he tried to wrestle the steering wheel of his vehicle out of the hands of the driver, or was he negligent in not deciding to go to the Capitol?
Flawed question. He wanted very much to go to the Capitol, he wanted to be the conquering hero like a child plays make believe, and when it was clear they were not going to take him there, he hid in the dining room next to the Oval Office and watched people "fight" for him on Fox. The fact that what was happening was blatantly and historically illegal did not matter to him.

He wanted what he wanted. Like a child. Fight for me.

All while everyone around him was pleading with him to stop the attack, because they knew he could.

Now, hopefully, this is straight in your mind.

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Then just answer and stop pivoting.

Stop conflating.
Do you see anything immoral about a guy who was enjoying the violence that was happening and chose not to intervene in stopping it?

I suppose so. But I must say that, though I think he should have tried, I don't think it would have changed anything. Maybe that's why it doesn't bother me as much.

Now, one good turn deserves another: Do you not see Democrat response to Trump's actions on Jan 6 to be hypocritical in light of their own inaction during the riots and the CHAZ?
I suppose so.
So you suppose he’s immoral for enjoying a violent riot and choosing not to even attempt to intervene in stopping it.

Great. Finally getting somewhere.

Now since you agree that you think he enjoyed the riot, and you suppose he’s immoral for that, what does that tell you about the people who support Trump‘s behavior on Jan 6?

Is it immoral to support an immoral person?

Don’t pivot.
Now, one good turn deserves another: Do you not see Democrat response to Trump's actions on Jan 6 to be hypocritical in light of their own inaction during the riots and the CHAZ?
Here’s the pivot of yours I was talking about.

No, I don’t think it’s hypocritical. Democrats condemned the violence and urged peace. They didn’t enjoy the riots while refusing to call them off. They didn’t tell the rioters that they’re very special and that we love them.

At worst, you can say that they’re incompetent for not doing enough. But it’s nowhere near immoral that we both agree of Trump.
we just saw his text…he wasn’t. He was trying to get them to stop and they wouldn’t. I provided the post
Look at the timeline. He was urging them to be peaceful AFTER he threw gasoline on the fire with that tweet about Mike Pence.

Even people in Trump‘s own administration say that he made the situation worse when he sent out that tweet about Mike Pence. Several people resigned over this behavior.

Now we’re learning that people were pleading with him to say something to condemn them sooner and he refused. Not only did he refuse, but he made the situation worse.
Now we’re learning that people were pleading with him to say something to condemn them sooner and he refused. Not only did he refuse, but he made the situation worse.
This is the bottom line, but his flock will never, ever admit it.

Why should they? They fully agreed with him. Stop the Steal 'n stuff.
Look at the timeline. He was urging them to be peaceful AFTER he threw gasoline on the fire with that tweet about Mike Pence.

Even people in Trump‘s own administration say that he made the situation worse when he sent out that tweet about Mike Pence. Several people resigned over this behavior.

Now we’re learning that people were pleading with him to say something to condemn them sooner and he refused. Not only did he refuse, but he made the situation worse.
trump tweeted they didn’t listen
The question is if you're playing dumb or you're the real thing, Spike. I believe you, I say the real thing ...

Were you saying the real thing when you said that no Democrats spoke up to condemn the 2020 riots? Because my link disproved that.


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