Trump supporters: What do you think of this post?

This assholes post is still in politics. My post being basically the same calling him an asshole got sent to the rubber room. I guess some asshole with mod powers decided my thread about this asshole was completely different than this asshole's thread.

I have no doubt you see no difference between your OP and mine.
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This is a post from another thread.

In all seriousness, I'd like to know what you think of it. Please be as complete in your response as you would like. I have provided a chart of the unemployment rate below for your reference.

Obama took unemployment over 10%. It skyrocketed under him during his first two years. Conversely, unemployment has steadily declined under President Trump's first two years.
I notice that you conveniently leave out who was in control of congress in your chart.

That's because you're a partisan hack.
I notice you didn't answer my question, just like the other Trumpsters.

That's okay, this group meltdown has been amazing.
However they are being fed lies and don't bother to check out what they are being told. Mostly because they want to believe what they're being told. It's willful ignorance.
They don't want to admit honest truths so they only get their information from sources that will tell them what they want to hear. Not true reality and facts.
Exactly right. What that has led to -- and I don't think there really was any way to predict this -- was this complete, separate, "news" and "information" closed circuit in which they are provided with distorted "facts" and shielded from anything that doesn't fit with the narrative. They are trained to dispatch any contrary news, information, data or opinion as "fake news" and/or "deep state".

Not good for a democracy.
As usual p@triot is wrong. Just look at that first sentence. "Obama took unemployment over 10%." Why would any POTUS want to "take" unemployment in any direction other than down? Makes no sense. Anyway, after reading the thread Kondor3 pretty much nails it.

I noticed that the USMB POTUS Apologists will justify, rationalize, support, legitimize everything and everything that DJT does or says just to get a few "conservative" judges to the bench. To heck with polluting our water and air, dumping decades long alliances, striping folks or their health insurance, marginalizing American minorities, and undermining just about every US institution that our Republic has relied on for years to guide us. But I digress.

Oh and Mac, your graph is fake news. Just kidding!
As usual p@triot is wrong. Just look at that first sentence. "Obama took unemployment over 10%." Why would any POTUS want to "take" unemployment in any direction other than down? Makes no sense. Anyway, after reading the thread Kondor3 pretty much nails it.

I noticed that the USMB POTUS Apologists will justify, rationalize, support, legitimize everything and everything that DJT does or says just to get a few "conservative" judges to the bench. To heck with polluting our water and air, dumping decades long alliances, striping folks or their health insurance, marginalizing American minorities, and undermining just about every US institution that our Republic has relied on for years to guide us. But I digress.

Oh and Mac, your graph is fake news. Just kidding!
The reaction to this thread blew my mind.

I purposely kept my question completely benign, and they ALL went full-boat drama queen.

Ya never know!
By the way, this can not represent only Carle Place because Carle Place only has 120 tenants.

Correct, it is all of SPG, they do not list it for individual properties.
True Corporate Accounting.
And I don’t blame them.

As it is their Financial statement is more than 160 pages. They have far too many properties to list every detail for each.

Why is their stock sucking so bad under Trump with the commercial real estate market so amazing?
Good question.
Maybe most investors look at things the same way you do and “know” their financial statement is a farce.
Despite reality you’re convinced they’re...
Doing great and poorly at the same time!

So, instead of admitting you are full of shit, you are going to accuse a multi billion dollar company of fraud?

That is a new low for even you.
It’s not fraud if it’s legal.
Correct, it is all of SPG, they do not list it for individual properties.
True Corporate Accounting.
And I don’t blame them.

As it is their Financial statement is more than 160 pages. They have far too many properties to list every detail for each.

Why is their stock sucking so bad under Trump with the commercial real estate market so amazing?
Good question.
Maybe most investors look at things the same way you do and “know” their financial statement is a farce.
Despite reality you’re convinced they’re...
Doing great and poorly at the same time!

So, instead of admitting you are full of shit, you are going to accuse a multi billion dollar company of fraud?

That is a new low for even you.
It’s not fraud if it’s legal.

If their Financial Statement was a farce, it would be also incorrect, which would be illegal.
True Corporate Accounting.
And I don’t blame them.

As it is their Financial statement is more than 160 pages. They have far too many properties to list every detail for each.

Why is their stock sucking so bad under Trump with the commercial real estate market so amazing?
Good question.
Maybe most investors look at things the same way you do and “know” their financial statement is a farce.
Despite reality you’re convinced they’re...
Doing great and poorly at the same time!

So, instead of admitting you are full of shit, you are going to accuse a multi billion dollar company of fraud?

That is a new low for even you.
It’s not fraud if it’s legal.

If their Financial Statement was a farce, it would be also incorrect, which would be illegal.
There’s no way a corporation is required to show beyond a certain of detail; the report(s) would be untenably long.
Can you imagine any entity having to report every single asset from unused pencils, PCs and desk chairs to vacant warehouses and office building floors?
Heck, most tech giants probably have hundreds of millions of dollars of inventory laying around that are way past writing off.
As it is their Financial statement is more than 160 pages. They have far too many properties to list every detail for each.

Why is their stock sucking so bad under Trump with the commercial real estate market so amazing?
Good question.
Maybe most investors look at things the same way you do and “know” their financial statement is a farce.
Despite reality you’re convinced they’re...
Doing great and poorly at the same time!

So, instead of admitting you are full of shit, you are going to accuse a multi billion dollar company of fraud?

That is a new low for even you.
It’s not fraud if it’s legal.

If their Financial Statement was a farce, it would be also incorrect, which would be illegal.
There’s no way a corporation is required to show beyond a certain of detail; the report(s) would be untenably long.
Can you imagine any entity having to report every single asset from unused pencils, PCs and desk chairs to vacant warehouses and office building floors?
Heck, most tech giants probably have hundreds of millions of dollars of inventory laying around that are way past writing off.

Which is why the statements are not a farce. You made that up to cover the fact you made false claims about the commercial property market.
This is a post from another thread.

In all seriousness, I'd like to know what you think of it. Please be as complete in your response as you would like. I have provided a chart of the unemployment rate below for your reference.

Obama took unemployment over 10%. It skyrocketed under him during his first two years. Conversely, unemployment has steadily declined under President Trump's first two years.
I notice that you conveniently leave out who was in control of congress in your chart.

That's because you're a partisan hack.
What do you mean "leave out"?

All he did was ask a very basic question about what people thought of P@triot's quote and posted that chart.

Your post above assumes (out of NOWHERE) that he was making an argument one way or another, which you assume would have required him to disclose the nature and makeup of Congress.

This entire thread displays epic levels of jumping to a thousand conclusions for no reason.

You are very good at presenting rolled-up data.
I understand you don’t belong to a community or have any friends or family who do.
Perhaps you should evaluate yourself the way most other people evaluate you.
You have some severe emotional and mental issues.

Not my problem.

I provide data, you provide made up stories about family members that may or not may exist.

This is an internet forum, your "community" whatever that may be is meaningless. If you cannot back up what you claim, then you are just telling made up stories.

I evaluate myself the way people that matter to me evaluate me. My family and friends and co-workers and boss. I do not give a flying fuck what some mindless partisan on the internet thinks about me.

You are nothing but a fraud, never supporting any claim you made, always pointing to some family member or somebody else as if you have never actually done anything for yourself in your whole life.
I laugh at you because the information, If available, is at your fingertips, and yet the only time you will search for anything is to prove Trump is a failure.

Heck, all you have to do is look up Roosevelt Field at Carle Place, but I’m betting you won’t.

I gave you information, you ignore it and ramble on about some unknown relative.

A mall that has been around since 1956 is your proof that Trump completely changed the face of commercial real estate just by getting elected?

Wow, that is pathetic even by your standards.

By the way, I have never said Trump was a failure, just that he is not a god that you people make him out to be.
What you provide is FauxNooz, Rush Limbaugh, rolled up bullshit that can infer that the 98+% of US citizens that have been screwed by the policies of both parties are doing okee dokey.
That ship, the SS Bullshit, has sank.
I forgot. I did not watch Trevor Noah and Samantha Bee yet to start. Just two of thousands of Progs promoting your satanic agendas.
Good question.
Maybe most investors look at things the same way you do and “know” their financial statement is a farce.
Despite reality you’re convinced they’re...
Doing great and poorly at the same time!

So, instead of admitting you are full of shit, you are going to accuse a multi billion dollar company of fraud?

That is a new low for even you.
It’s not fraud if it’s legal.

If their Financial Statement was a farce, it would be also incorrect, which would be illegal.
There’s no way a corporation is required to show beyond a certain of detail; the report(s) would be untenably long.
Can you imagine any entity having to report every single asset from unused pencils, PCs and desk chairs to vacant warehouses and office building floors?
Heck, most tech giants probably have hundreds of millions of dollars of inventory laying around that are way past writing off.

Which is why the statements are not a farce. You made that up to cover the fact you made false claims about the commercial property market.
You say that.
The statements say nothing about the economy in term of other entities.
Simon makes money from rent, not from the success of the renters.
They go about a month between vendors for each store that is left vacant; that hardly reflects on the impact of the 120 businesses and the people affected by success or failure.
Your inability or unwillingness to understand this, displays your emotional investment in your particular view of the economy.
But I do know a few people who think like you do and I have worked with many on Wall Street who only think this way.
There is validity to your point of view if that is how you make money or invest.
You are very good at presenting rolled-up data.
I understand you don’t belong to a community or have any friends or family who do.
Perhaps you should evaluate yourself the way most other people evaluate you.
You have some severe emotional and mental issues.

Not my problem.

I provide data, you provide made up stories about family members that may or not may exist.

This is an internet forum, your "community" whatever that may be is meaningless. If you cannot back up what you claim, then you are just telling made up stories.

I evaluate myself the way people that matter to me evaluate me. My family and friends and co-workers and boss. I do not give a flying fuck what some mindless partisan on the internet thinks about me.

You are nothing but a fraud, never supporting any claim you made, always pointing to some family member or somebody else as if you have never actually done anything for yourself in your whole life.
I laugh at you because the information, If available, is at your fingertips, and yet the only time you will search for anything is to prove Trump is a failure.

Heck, all you have to do is look up Roosevelt Field at Carle Place, but I’m betting you won’t.

I gave you information, you ignore it and ramble on about some unknown relative.

A mall that has been around since 1956 is your proof that Trump completely changed the face of commercial real estate just by getting elected?

Wow, that is pathetic even by your standards.

By the way, I have never said Trump was a failure, just that he is not a god that you people make him out to be.
What you provide is FauxNooz, Rush Limbaugh, rolled up bullshit that can infer that the 98+% of US citizens that have been screwed by the policies of both parties are doing okee dokey.
That ship, the SS Bullshit, has sank.
I forgot. I did not watch Trevor Noah and Samantha Bee yet to start. Just two of thousands of Progs promoting your satanic agendas.
What satanic agendas?
I don’t know these 2.
So, instead of admitting you are full of shit, you are going to accuse a multi billion dollar company of fraud?

That is a new low for even you.
It’s not fraud if it’s legal.

If their Financial Statement was a farce, it would be also incorrect, which would be illegal.
There’s no way a corporation is required to show beyond a certain of detail; the report(s) would be untenably long.
Can you imagine any entity having to report every single asset from unused pencils, PCs and desk chairs to vacant warehouses and office building floors?
Heck, most tech giants probably have hundreds of millions of dollars of inventory laying around that are way past writing off.

Which is why the statements are not a farce. You made that up to cover the fact you made false claims about the commercial property market.
You say that.
The statements say nothing about the economy in term of other entities.
Simon makes money from rent, not from the success of the renters.
They go about a month between vendors for each store that is left vacant; that hardly reflects on the impact of the 120 businesses and the people affected by success or failure.
Your inability or unwillingness to understand this, displays your emotional investment in your particular view of the economy.
But I do know a few people who think like you do and I have worked with many on Wall Street who only think this way.
There is validity to your point of view if that is how you make money or invest.

You call their financial statement a farce because it lacks some information.

Then you make claims and never, ever, have even one tiny piece of information other than “because I said so”. Does that not make you an even bigger farce?

I do not have an unwillingness to understand, I have an unwillingness to blindly accept what you say as fact. I have this for two reasons.

One, because you never support your claims. I am a data wonk, I do not take things on blind faith, do not accept what people tell me with some support for their claims.
Two, because every single bit of data I have found is 100% the opposite of what you say is the case.

So, I am stuck between believing the data or someone that has no data...which way do you think I will go 100% of the time?
It’s not fraud if it’s legal.

If their Financial Statement was a farce, it would be also incorrect, which would be illegal.
There’s no way a corporation is required to show beyond a certain of detail; the report(s) would be untenably long.
Can you imagine any entity having to report every single asset from unused pencils, PCs and desk chairs to vacant warehouses and office building floors?
Heck, most tech giants probably have hundreds of millions of dollars of inventory laying around that are way past writing off.

Which is why the statements are not a farce. You made that up to cover the fact you made false claims about the commercial property market.
You say that.
The statements say nothing about the economy in term of other entities.
Simon makes money from rent, not from the success of the renters.
They go about a month between vendors for each store that is left vacant; that hardly reflects on the impact of the 120 businesses and the people affected by success or failure.
Your inability or unwillingness to understand this, displays your emotional investment in your particular view of the economy.
But I do know a few people who think like you do and I have worked with many on Wall Street who only think this way.
There is validity to your point of view if that is how you make money or invest.

You call their financial statement a farce because it lacks some information.

Then you make claims and never, ever, have even one tiny piece of information other than “because I said so”. Does that not make you an even bigger farce?

I do not have an unwillingness to understand, I have an unwillingness to blindly accept what you say as fact. I have this for two reasons.

One, because you never support your claims. I am a data wonk, I do not take things on blind faith, do not accept what people tell me with some support for their claims.
Two, because every single bit of data I have found is 100% the opposite of what you say is the case.

So, I am stuck between believing the data or someone that has no data...which way do you think I will go 100% of the time?
You are repetitively misstating what I am posting and
still missing the point that gave Obama 2 terms in the Oval Office.

The success/failure of an one entity does not indicate the success/failure of one or more other entities.

“Financial Firms” are raking it in and so the economy is booming.
Of course those taking loans from those entities could not pay off those loans but the powers that be ignored those “insignificant” problems.
This POV resulted in one minor crash and two huge crashes.

And that why the Ronald Reagan “Gambling Casino” paradigm where all eyes are on the success/failure of “The House” is actually a functional mirage.

And that’s what puts Trump in the Oval Office.
If their Financial Statement was a farce, it would be also incorrect, which would be illegal.
There’s no way a corporation is required to show beyond a certain of detail; the report(s) would be untenably long.
Can you imagine any entity having to report every single asset from unused pencils, PCs and desk chairs to vacant warehouses and office building floors?
Heck, most tech giants probably have hundreds of millions of dollars of inventory laying around that are way past writing off.

Which is why the statements are not a farce. You made that up to cover the fact you made false claims about the commercial property market.
You say that.
The statements say nothing about the economy in term of other entities.
Simon makes money from rent, not from the success of the renters.
They go about a month between vendors for each store that is left vacant; that hardly reflects on the impact of the 120 businesses and the people affected by success or failure.
Your inability or unwillingness to understand this, displays your emotional investment in your particular view of the economy.
But I do know a few people who think like you do and I have worked with many on Wall Street who only think this way.
There is validity to your point of view if that is how you make money or invest.

You call their financial statement a farce because it lacks some information.

Then you make claims and never, ever, have even one tiny piece of information other than “because I said so”. Does that not make you an even bigger farce?

I do not have an unwillingness to understand, I have an unwillingness to blindly accept what you say as fact. I have this for two reasons.

One, because you never support your claims. I am a data wonk, I do not take things on blind faith, do not accept what people tell me with some support for their claims.
Two, because every single bit of data I have found is 100% the opposite of what you say is the case.

So, I am stuck between believing the data or someone that has no data...which way do you think I will go 100% of the time?
You are repetitively misstating what I am posting and
still missing the point that gave Obama 2 terms in the Oval Office.

The success/failure of an one entity does not indicate the success/failure of one or more other entities.

“Financial Firms” are raking it in and so the economy is booming.
Of course those taking loans from those entities could not pay off those loans but the powers that be ignored those “insignificant” problems.
This POV resulted in one minor crash and two huge crashes.

And that why the Ronald Reagan “Gambling Casino” paradigm where all eyes are on the success/failure of “The House” is actually a functional mirage.

And that’s what puts Trump in the Oval Office.

I do not misstate what you post. What you post are bold claims without ever one iota of evidence to back them up. That is the bottom line, what you claim in your post is nothing but fantasy till it can be supported.
This is a post from another thread.

In all seriousness, I'd like to know what you think of it. Please be as complete in your response as you would like. I have provided a chart of the unemployment rate below for your reference.

Obama took unemployment over 10%. It skyrocketed under him during his first two years. Conversely, unemployment has steadily declined under President Trump's first two years.
I notice that you conveniently leave out who was in control of congress in your chart.

That's because you're a partisan hack.
What do you mean "leave out"?

All he did was ask a very basic question about what people thought of P@triot's quote and posted that chart.

Your post above assumes (out of NOWHERE) that he was making an argument one way or another, which you assume would have required him to disclose the nature and makeup of Congress.

This entire thread displays epic levels of jumping to a thousand conclusions for no reason.

For them to get this defensive and so angry, so quickly, says quite a bit.

At some level they have to know what a farce this alternate universe is, what they have bought into. And, outside of Trumpian personal attacks and vulgarity -- which is all they're taught -- they're simply not equipped to defend it. Even something as clear, straightforward and simple as the OP.
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There’s no way a corporation is required to show beyond a certain of detail; the report(s) would be untenably long.
Can you imagine any entity having to report every single asset from unused pencils, PCs and desk chairs to vacant warehouses and office building floors?
Heck, most tech giants probably have hundreds of millions of dollars of inventory laying around that are way past writing off.

Which is why the statements are not a farce. You made that up to cover the fact you made false claims about the commercial property market.
You say that.
The statements say nothing about the economy in term of other entities.
Simon makes money from rent, not from the success of the renters.
They go about a month between vendors for each store that is left vacant; that hardly reflects on the impact of the 120 businesses and the people affected by success or failure.
Your inability or unwillingness to understand this, displays your emotional investment in your particular view of the economy.
But I do know a few people who think like you do and I have worked with many on Wall Street who only think this way.
There is validity to your point of view if that is how you make money or invest.

You call their financial statement a farce because it lacks some information.

Then you make claims and never, ever, have even one tiny piece of information other than “because I said so”. Does that not make you an even bigger farce?

I do not have an unwillingness to understand, I have an unwillingness to blindly accept what you say as fact. I have this for two reasons.

One, because you never support your claims. I am a data wonk, I do not take things on blind faith, do not accept what people tell me with some support for their claims.
Two, because every single bit of data I have found is 100% the opposite of what you say is the case.

So, I am stuck between believing the data or someone that has no data...which way do you think I will go 100% of the time?
You are repetitively misstating what I am posting and
still missing the point that gave Obama 2 terms in the Oval Office.

The success/failure of an one entity does not indicate the success/failure of one or more other entities.

“Financial Firms” are raking it in and so the economy is booming.
Of course those taking loans from those entities could not pay off those loans but the powers that be ignored those “insignificant” problems.
This POV resulted in one minor crash and two huge crashes.

And that why the Ronald Reagan “Gambling Casino” paradigm where all eyes are on the success/failure of “The House” is actually a functional mirage.

And that’s what puts Trump in the Oval Office.

I do not misstate what you post. What you post are bold claims without ever one iota of evidence to back them up. That is the bottom line, what you claim in your post is nothing but fantasy till it can be supported.
There’s no way a corporation is required to show beyond a certain of detail; the report(s) would be untenably long.
Can you imagine any entity having to report every single asset from unused pencils, PCs and desk chairs to vacant warehouses and office building floors?
Heck, most tech giants probably have hundreds of millions of dollars of inventory laying around that are way past writing off.

Which is why the statements are not a farce. You made that up to cover the fact you made false claims about the commercial property market.
You say that.
The statements say nothing about the economy in term of other entities.
Simon makes money from rent, not from the success of the renters.
They go about a month between vendors for each store that is left vacant; that hardly reflects on the impact of the 120 businesses and the people affected by success or failure.
Your inability or unwillingness to understand this, displays your emotional investment in your particular view of the economy.
But I do know a few people who think like you do and I have worked with many on Wall Street who only think this way.
There is validity to your point of view if that is how you make money or invest.

You call their financial statement a farce because it lacks some information.

Then you make claims and never, ever, have even one tiny piece of information other than “because I said so”. Does that not make you an even bigger farce?

I do not have an unwillingness to understand, I have an unwillingness to blindly accept what you say as fact. I have this for two reasons.

One, because you never support your claims. I am a data wonk, I do not take things on blind faith, do not accept what people tell me with some support for their claims.
Two, because every single bit of data I have found is 100% the opposite of what you say is the case.

So, I am stuck between believing the data or someone that has no data...which way do you think I will go 100% of the time?
You are repetitively misstating what I am posting and
still missing the point that gave Obama 2 terms in the Oval Office.

The success/failure of an one entity does not indicate the success/failure of one or more other entities.

“Financial Firms” are raking it in and so the economy is booming.
Of course those taking loans from those entities could not pay off those loans but the powers that be ignored those “insignificant” problems.
This POV resulted in one minor crash and two huge crashes.

And that why the Ronald Reagan “Gambling Casino” paradigm where all eyes are on the success/failure of “The House” is actually a functional mirage.

And that’s what puts Trump in the Oval Office.

I do not misstate what you post. What you post are bold claims without ever one iota of evidence to back them up. That is the bottom line, what you claim in your post is nothing but fantasy till it can be supported.
My last comment on this subject...
The very micro second before the DOT COM and Housing Crashes the market, based on your evidence, was good as gold.
Which is why the statements are not a farce. You made that up to cover the fact you made false claims about the commercial property market.
You say that.
The statements say nothing about the economy in term of other entities.
Simon makes money from rent, not from the success of the renters.
They go about a month between vendors for each store that is left vacant; that hardly reflects on the impact of the 120 businesses and the people affected by success or failure.
Your inability or unwillingness to understand this, displays your emotional investment in your particular view of the economy.
But I do know a few people who think like you do and I have worked with many on Wall Street who only think this way.
There is validity to your point of view if that is how you make money or invest.

You call their financial statement a farce because it lacks some information.

Then you make claims and never, ever, have even one tiny piece of information other than “because I said so”. Does that not make you an even bigger farce?

I do not have an unwillingness to understand, I have an unwillingness to blindly accept what you say as fact. I have this for two reasons.

One, because you never support your claims. I am a data wonk, I do not take things on blind faith, do not accept what people tell me with some support for their claims.
Two, because every single bit of data I have found is 100% the opposite of what you say is the case.

So, I am stuck between believing the data or someone that has no data...which way do you think I will go 100% of the time?
You are repetitively misstating what I am posting and
still missing the point that gave Obama 2 terms in the Oval Office.

The success/failure of an one entity does not indicate the success/failure of one or more other entities.

“Financial Firms” are raking it in and so the economy is booming.
Of course those taking loans from those entities could not pay off those loans but the powers that be ignored those “insignificant” problems.
This POV resulted in one minor crash and two huge crashes.

And that why the Ronald Reagan “Gambling Casino” paradigm where all eyes are on the success/failure of “The House” is actually a functional mirage.

And that’s what puts Trump in the Oval Office.

I do not misstate what you post. What you post are bold claims without ever one iota of evidence to back them up. That is the bottom line, what you claim in your post is nothing but fantasy till it can be supported.
My last comment on this subject...
The very micro second before the DOT COM and Housing Crashes the market, based on your evidence, was good as gold.

Not true at all, there were massive warning signs that both were imminent. Many analysts predicted them happening based upon the data.

That is why data is so much better than the “because I said so” method that you try to pass off

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