Trump supporters: What do you think of this post?

This is a post from another thread.

In all seriousness, I'd like to know what you think of it. Please be as complete in your response as you would like. I have provided a chart of the unemployment rate below for your reference.

Obama took unemployment over 10%. It skyrocketed under him during his first two years. Conversely, unemployment has steadily declined under President Trump's first two years.
It looks to me like either (1) President Trump has only continued what President Obama had already begun, or (2)(the more likely scenario) that Presidents have very little influence over employment in the private sector.

I will say this. Obama said that certain jobs were gone from the U.S. forever and never coming back. I agreed with Trump that such a notion is complete bullshit.

The federal government only has influence over two things essentially. The rate of inflation and national security.

However, these are other areas where the federal government can INCENTIVIZE hiring. When corporations get tax benefits for hiring, trust me. They will hire and that is what is happening. As the left yell and scream with their fucking cliches of "tax relief for the rich." They are such losers. Meanwhile an asshole like Mac will ignore the unemployment rates dropping to historic lows among minorities and that is the reason.

Trust me, much of the reason why the unemployment rate sky rocketed AFTER the dems took control of the House and Senate in 2007, and when the writing was on the wall that they were OBVIOUSLY going to capture the White House after the reps ran empty suit Mccain in 2008, corporate America began mass layoffs. They knew the party of big tax was coming and that is what happened.

That is what we will not read with from the media, but that is the reality. I was advised by adviser that I should cut as much payroll as possible. So, were all of my friends that owned businesses.

I started to liquidate investments and I sent money overseas. That is what many people did. Including 90% of the people that belong at my club. All are millionaires and it is about 80% democrat voters.

Around 70% Jewish and nearly all of them are committed democrats. Trust me, nearly all of them with very few exceptions are democrats. All of them take and love their tax cuts, all of them hide their money and all of them are cheap as hell.

A stooge like Mac may deny that, but that is what was happening.
I agree that taxation is directly tied to employment because I personally experience it. The more taxes a business must pay, the fewer people that business can employ.

Anyone who denies that is either completely ignorant or lying.

It is also true that higher taxes do not help the economy. We can debate whether lower taxes help the economy (they do), but everyone should AT LEAST admit that raising taxes does not improve the economy.

Taxation is (gulp) "necessary" but it is a drag on the economy. Anyone saying otherwise has no business participating in self-governance.

Democrats know this better than anyone, but they also know most of the public are ignorant as hell. Especially the poor and they are very easily seduced by the tales of Robin Hood.

Meanwhile they themselves create loopholes for themselves as well as those companies whose motivation is to keep their labor overseas where the labor is......CHEAP.

What we are seeing is the result of the voting populace being seduced into thinking we are a democracy where voting is a right.

As a result, we have idiots casting votes are just ignorant as hell, really about everything.
My only opinion is that the unemployment rate is now irrelevant.
Labor participation has not only not improved, but remains in a decline.
We are now at the same participation rate as the early 1960's. The unemployment rate doesn't include millions of people who have not had a job in a very long time.

The number that matters FAR MORE is underemployment.
This number, historically, has always been lower than the unemployment rate. However since 2008 it is higher.
clearly youre a fucking TDS idiot,,,

are you asking if I'm OK with high unemployment???

or low???
No, that's not what I'm asking.

I'm asking if you're okay with that post.

You clearly are. Great. Thanks.

why do I have to be OK with it???

the guy stated a fact,,

does that make you butthurt???
You are making the mistake of assuming Mac fits into the narrow pigeon hole of "democrat" or "republican" or in "liberal"(leftist) or "conservative"(neocon).

Their anger has been interesting to watch.
It's like a guilty anger.

They are assuming that you are accusing them of something, apparently.

Did you intend to get this response? If so, you're a fucking genius.


Well, I'm always hopeful!

It's still possible that a Trump supporter will disagree with the post in the OP. But this has been pretty telling.
Were you planning on providing your opinion of the post in the OP?
No context provided.
Okay, here ya go!

Post 442 in this thread, all the context you'll need: The radicalization of the left
Are you senile or just an idiot?
Who knows!

So, do you have answer yet? I provided full context for you.
Your Link did no such thing.
Did you provide the wrong Link?
I'm just asking a question. Clearly you're fine with it.
clearly youre a fucking TDS idiot,,,

are you asking if I'm OK with high unemployment???

or low???
No, that's not what I'm asking.

I'm asking if you're okay with that post.

You clearly are. Great. Thanks.

why do I have to be OK with it???

the guy stated a fact,,

does that make you butthurt???
You are making the mistake of assuming Mac fits into the narrow pigeon hole of "democrat" or "republican" or in "liberal"(leftist) or "conservative"(neocon).

Their anger has been interesting to watch.

clearly youre a fucking TDS idiot,,,

are you asking if I'm OK with high unemployment???

or low???
No, that's not what I'm asking.

I'm asking if you're okay with that post.

You clearly are. Great. Thanks.

why do I have to be OK with it???

the guy stated a fact,,

does that make you butthurt???
You are making the mistake of assuming Mac fits into the narrow pigeon hole of "democrat" or "republican" or in "liberal"(leftist) or "conservative"(neocon).

Their anger has been interesting to watch.
It's like a guilty anger.

They are assuming that you are accusing them of something, apparently.

Did you intend to get this response? If so, you're a fucking genius.



I have no idea what hes looking for,,,

it like asking if a duck farts does the moon rotate
Were you planning on providing your opinion of the post in the OP?
No context provided.
Okay, here ya go!

Post 442 in this thread, all the context you'll need: The radicalization of the left
Are you senile or just an idiot?
Who knows!

So, do you have answer yet? I provided full context for you.
Your Link did no such thing.
Did you provide the wrong Link?
Of course it didn't.

Okay, thanks.
No context provided.
Okay, here ya go!

Post 442 in this thread, all the context you'll need: The radicalization of the left
Are you senile or just an idiot?
Who knows!

So, do you have answer yet? I provided full context for you.
Your Link did no such thing.
Did you provide the wrong Link?
Of course it didn't.

Okay, thanks.
Provide a Link so I know you’re not senile.
Bush and Trump sure are victims, aren't they?
As far as unemployment no.. they had jobs lol
Not sure what your point is.. do you have one?

This thread is another one of Super Smart Macs tests....a sneaky probe deep into the minds of posters...He will deliver his analysis as soon as he compiles enough data. Mac1958 is amazing, he has an amazing ability to expose the “wingers”. Thanks for gracing us with your presence Mac.
Yer welcome!

By the way, what do you think of the post quoted in the OP?
What do you think about it? Do you have a point?
The point of the thread is to see what you guys think of the post.

I'd like to see if any Trump supporters have a problem with the quote.

Based on reactions, all I know for sure, so far, is that many are angry that I asked.
You are attacking a job creator.. republicans like to see people working good jobs with real wages rising
This is a post from another thread.

In all seriousness, I'd like to know what you think of it. Please be as complete in your response as you would like. I have provided a chart of the unemployment rate below for your reference.

Obama took unemployment over 10%. It skyrocketed under him during his first two years. Conversely, unemployment has steadily declined under President Trump's first two years.

During Obama's last year unemployment rate leveled to what it was before the crisis. Then Trump was sworn in, and now we have one of the lowest rates in history, lower than in 2000 even.

Would this have continued under Obama? No, Trump's cuts on regulations and especially the cut on corporate taxes have had an impact. In fact, we could have a rising rate, which we will soon have anyway as the economy is a ticking time bomb.
So you're fine with the post quoted in OP?

No, since the rise has nothing to do with Obama. However, yes in the sense that Trump has a better handle on the economy. Literally speaking, It's also correct that the unemployment rate increased and was high during Obama's first year, but I do accept that the post may have had an implicit connotation that it had to do with Obama.
No, that's not what I'm asking.

I'm asking if you're okay with that post.

You clearly are. Great. Thanks.

why do I have to be OK with it???

the guy stated a fact,,

does that make you butthurt???
You are making the mistake of assuming Mac fits into the narrow pigeon hole of "democrat" or "republican" or in "liberal"(leftist) or "conservative"(neocon).

Their anger has been interesting to watch.
It's like a guilty anger.

They are assuming that you are accusing them of something, apparently.

Did you intend to get this response? If so, you're a fucking genius.



I have no idea what hes looking for,,,

it like asking if a duck farts does the moon rotate
He posted a quote:
Obama took unemployment over 10%. It skyrocketed under him during his first two years. Conversely, unemployment has steadily declined under President Trump's first two years.
Then posted a chart:

The responses were accusations that he has Trump Derangement Syndrome and a bunch of other comments directed at Mac, rather than at the quote.

People assumed that Mac had an agenda in posting that. They assumed that he was looking for a particular response.

Okay, here ya go!

Post 442 in this thread, all the context you'll need: The radicalization of the left
Are you senile or just an idiot?
Who knows!

So, do you have answer yet? I provided full context for you.
Your Link did no such thing.
Did you provide the wrong Link?
Of course it didn't.

Okay, thanks.
Provide a Link so I know you’re not senile.
I provided both the post number, 442, and a link to the thread, from which the post in the OP was quoted.

In Normal World, you'd be able to read the full post, and surrounding posts, to establish context for that quote.

I don't know what else I can do. So if you feel that declaring me "senile" helps you discredit my question, by all means, run with it. In your own way, you've answered my question for me anyway.
When unemployment under bush reached 10% THE HOUSE WAS CONTROLLED BY DEMOCRATS.
Bush never vetoed one job creating idea democrats came up with... they spent there time using the media as propaganda to beat on Bush and the war.
Obama won and and finals shack shack jobs exploded!
Bush and Trump sure are victims, aren't they?
As far as unemployment no.. they had jobs lol
Not sure what your point is.. do you have one?

This thread is another one of Super Smart Macs tests....a sneaky probe deep into the minds of posters...He will deliver his analysis as soon as he compiles enough data. Mac1958 is amazing, he has an amazing ability to expose the “wingers”. Thanks for gracing us with your presence Mac.
Yer welcome!

By the way, what do you think of the post quoted in the OP?

I think the Kenyan inherited a failing startup and was given $10 trillion dollars to force a rebound. My teen daughter could have made the spread sheets look amazing in the aforementioned scenario.
Trump inherited Microsoft...growth potential is there but steep growth trajectory is not likely.
My point, steady growth in a ‘peaked out’ economy is far more difficult to induce, sustain and manage. What else can I teach you?
Obama came in after the collapse, the surge in dropping unemployment and improving the market was easy as he started at a much lower baseline.

It's like a baseball player who is in a slump and is hitting .160 at mid-year and then finishes the year at .200, while the guy hitting .350 at mid year has to try and improve but ends up batting .338 for the year.. Do fans heap praise on the first batter for this amazing run to end the year? Trump entered office with the economy doing fairly well. Not great, but basically "normal". He needed to improve the results to be better than average and he has.

Once Obama took over and went wild with debt and investing, coupled with interest free money, it was a certain that the economy would rebound and numbers will continue. Anyone could do that on the backs of future generation. He would have been far more impressive to go after those who abused their shareholders and played the system which helped temporarily hurt it badly. This use of debt is also going to hurt Trump, though he used most of it for the military, not the market.

You have to look at job creation, wage increases and the more granular aspects of the economy. He should trumpet these successes about driving investment by U.S corporations, returning jobs back, pushing for retraining commitments and calling companies to remain in America. Also, the USMCA, it's a weakness for the Dems that they have disregarded it, he needs to speak about the auto industry requirements in particular that force Mexico to pay higher wages. This will lead to jobs staying in the U.S, some may even come back from Mexico.

They have avoided signing this and Trump must tout it on the campaign trail and evidence the Dems don't care about their jobs, Middle Class or helping the poor with industry, they are supporting Big Businesses to leave. He can turn the narrative easily.

So....Obama was competent then.
You should have just said that.
As far as unemployment no.. they had jobs lol
Not sure what your point is.. do you have one?

This thread is another one of Super Smart Macs tests....a sneaky probe deep into the minds of posters...He will deliver his analysis as soon as he compiles enough data. Mac1958 is amazing, he has an amazing ability to expose the “wingers”. Thanks for gracing us with your presence Mac.
Yer welcome!

By the way, what do you think of the post quoted in the OP?
What do you think about it? Do you have a point?
The point of the thread is to see what you guys think of the post.

I'd like to see if any Trump supporters have a problem with the quote.

Based on reactions, all I know for sure, so far, is that many are angry that I asked.
You are attacking a job creator.. republicans like to see people working good jobs with real wages rising
When did he attack the "job creator" (assuming you mean Trump)?

You assumed that he meant this thread to be an attack.

why do I have to be OK with it???

the guy stated a fact,,

does that make you butthurt???
You are making the mistake of assuming Mac fits into the narrow pigeon hole of "democrat" or "republican" or in "liberal"(leftist) or "conservative"(neocon).

Their anger has been interesting to watch.
It's like a guilty anger.

They are assuming that you are accusing them of something, apparently.

Did you intend to get this response? If so, you're a fucking genius.



I have no idea what hes looking for,,,

it like asking if a duck farts does the moon rotate
He posted a quote:
Obama took unemployment over 10%. It skyrocketed under him during his first two years. Conversely, unemployment has steadily declined under President Trump's first two years.
Then posted a chart:

The responses were accusations that he has Trump Derangement Syndrome and a bunch of other comments directed at Mac, rather than at the quote.

People assumed that Mac had an agenda in posting that. They assumed that he was looking for a particular response.

The incredibly angry, defensive and paranoid reactions I've received so far have painted a picture, though.
why do I have to be OK with it???

the guy stated a fact,,

does that make you butthurt???
You are making the mistake of assuming Mac fits into the narrow pigeon hole of "democrat" or "republican" or in "liberal"(leftist) or "conservative"(neocon).

Their anger has been interesting to watch.
It's like a guilty anger.

They are assuming that you are accusing them of something, apparently.

Did you intend to get this response? If so, you're a fucking genius.



I have no idea what hes looking for,,,

it like asking if a duck farts does the moon rotate
He posted a quote:
Obama took unemployment over 10%. It skyrocketed under him during his first two years. Conversely, unemployment has steadily declined under President Trump's first two years.
Then posted a chart:

The responses were accusations that he has Trump Derangement Syndrome and a bunch of other comments directed at Mac, rather than at the quote.

People assumed that Mac had an agenda in posting that. They assumed that he was looking for a particular response.


this is what dems and repubes have brought this country too and why I despise both,,
Optimism under Obama (Which reflects REAL PAYING JOBS) was at 52%

Under trump 92%

Mic drop
This is a post from another thread.

In all seriousness, I'd like to know what you think of it. Please be as complete in your response as you would like. I have provided a chart of the unemployment rate below for your reference.

Obama took unemployment over 10%. It skyrocketed under him during his first two years. Conversely, unemployment has steadily declined under President Trump's first two years.

Ever hear of Democrat Barney Frank and the housing crisis. President Bush and John McCain both warned of the looming Fannie and Freddie disaster and Democrats ignored it. Don't believe me? Go Google it. I put the crash mostly on the shoulders of Democrats and their free sh!t. The best thing that could of happen was Republicans won back the house in 2010 (when the recovery started happening ) then took the Senate in 2014. There was balance again. Trump has taken unemployment and moved it even beyond expectations for all races. But don't forget Obama also doubled the national debt all by himself. There is no way Trump can reverse that in 2 years.

In any event, we can argue this all day. Here's what REALLY matters... Regardless of who YOU think caused the crash and who YOU think helped to right it, the numbers are right in front of you. The economy under Trump is doing great and unemployment is at a record low. THAT is not disputed. Why not continue on the same path? Do you really want to put Bernie Sanders, Corey Booker or one of those other extreme Left Wing nut jobs in office now?

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