Trump Supporters: what is the number one reason you support Trump?

Why do you support Trump?

  • I agree with his policies. Please specify in a post which ones

  • Whatever he'll do, he tells it like it is

  • I just want a Republican to win and he's the most electible

  • I won't support him unless he's the candidate, but then I will vote for him in the election

  • I'll vote for Hillary over Trump

  • I'll vote third party if it's Hillary v. Trump

Results are only viewable after voting.
If you support Trump, you deserve Hillary Clinton as President.

In fact, you have EARNED Clinton as your President.
After the wall is built hopefully he will ban political correctness and put a bounty on the heads of those who espouse it.
Because he speaks their language: hate, anger, racism...

He's not running as a Democrat, Skippy

Yet all his actions have been liberal. Only his words have been conservative. I can't wait for cons to be "let down" when they find they've supported a RINO lol.
Yes, because open markets for medicine isn't conservative at all
His second amendment plan wasn't conservative at all, either.

OK, so fair enough, he can have some conservative issues. But he has a lot of non-conservative views too, like being anti-free trade
My preference is Cruz, but Trump is a close second.

I like his intention more than his specific policies, but I do like his tax cut plan, his wall on the Southern border, his intention of removing America from being the worlds policeman, and his determination to be far more pro-active in destroying ISIS, and more.

But other than policy, I love the fact that the GOP Establishment hates him. That proves he is a good man for POTUS.

MSNBC hates Hitler.
Democrats hate Hitler.
CNN hates Hitler.
Republicans hate Hitler.
Fox News hates Hitler.
The Media hates Hitler.

Hitler must have done something right.
Hitler did not qualify for federal election.
Hitler was not an American citizen.
Hitler was not a pro-capitalism politician.
Hitler was antidemocracy. Apples and fruit nuts, dude.

But Hitler *is* dead, which makes him a Democratic Party constituent.
You are using the same logic as Hitlerites, rube.

I am using facts, while you are lying your ass off, doofus.
Actually, you used a cartoon. Because that is the bandwidth of your intellect.
If you support Trump, you deserve Hillary Clinton as President.

In fact, you have EARNED Clinton as your President.

In fact you'll vote for Hillary to be President. No wait, that has nothing to do with Trump ...
My preference is Cruz, but Trump is a close second.

I like his intention more than his specific policies, but I do like his tax cut plan, his wall on the Southern border, his intention of removing America from being the worlds policeman, and his determination to be far more pro-active in destroying ISIS, and more.

But other than policy, I love the fact that the GOP Establishment hates him. That proves he is a good man for POTUS.

MSNBC hates Hitler.
Democrats hate Hitler.
CNN hates Hitler.
Republicans hate Hitler.
Fox News hates Hitler.
The Media hates Hitler.

Hitler must have done something right.
Hitler did not qualify for federal election.
Hitler was not an American citizen.
Hitler was not a pro-capitalism politician.
Hitler was antidemocracy. Apples and fruit nuts, dude.

But Hitler *is* dead, which makes him a Democratic Party constituent.
You are using the same logic as Hitlerites, rube.

I am using facts, while you are lying your ass off, doofus.
Actually, you used a cartoon. Because that is the bandwidth of your intellect.

Now photos of random people waving confederate flags, that's intelligence...
My preference is Cruz, but Trump is a close second.

I like his intention more than his specific policies, but I do like his tax cut plan, his wall on the Southern border, his intention of removing America from being the worlds policeman, and his determination to be far more pro-active in destroying ISIS, and more.

But other than policy, I love the fact that the GOP Establishment hates him. That proves he is a good man for POTUS.

MSNBC hates Hitler.
Democrats hate Hitler.
CNN hates Hitler.
Republicans hate Hitler.
Fox News hates Hitler.
The Media hates Hitler.

Hitler must have done something right.
Hitler did not qualify for federal election.
Hitler was not an American citizen.
Hitler was not a pro-capitalism politician.
Hitler was antidemocracy. Apples and fruit nuts, dude.

But Hitler *is* dead, which makes him a Democratic Party constituent.
You are using the same logic as Hitlerites, rube.

I am using facts, while you are lying your ass off, doofus.
Actually, you used a cartoon. Because that is the bandwidth of your intellect.
It is called a meme, dumbass.

And it is exactly right, and that fools like you cannot figure it out makes it particularly amusing.
Trump's Chumps can't see there is no daylight between Trump and Clinton. If you vote for one, you may as well vote for the other. They are the same person.

They both want universal health care, support an assault weapons ban, are very pro-choice, thought we should have cut-and-run from Iraq, wanted George Bush impeached, and thinks Bill Clinton was a great President, and that Hillary would make a great President.

The only difference is that Trump is the one who will be in court during the campaign, instead of Hillary.

That is the biggest pile of bullshit I have seen thus far, each and every statement a proven lie.


In 2008, Donald Trump said George W. Bush should’ve been impeached

TRUMP: When [Pelosi] first got in and was named speaker, I met her. And I'm very impressed by her. I think she's a very impressive person, I like her a lot. But I was surprised that she didn't do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush . It just seemed like she was really going to look to impeach Bush and get him out of office. Which personally I think would have been a wonderful thing.

BLITZER: To impeach him?

TRUMP: For the war. For the war! Well, he lied! He got us into the war with lies!

What was it Democrats said? Oh, yeah. "Bush lied, people died". There's Trump saying the exact same thing, and calling for Bush's impeachment.

On Hillary Clinton:

"I know Hillary, and I think she’d make a great president or vice-president."

On both Clintons:

"Hillary is smart, tough and a very nice person, so is her husband. Bill Clinton was a great president. They are fine people."

On abortion:

On socialized medicine:

"I’m a conservative on most issues but a liberal on health. It is an unacceptable but accurate fact that the number of uninsured Americans has risen to 42 million. Working out detailed plans will take time. But the goal should be clear: Our people are our greatest asset. We must take care of our own. We must have universal healthcare."

Trump 2007:

"Well, I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States, and I just don't understand how they could have lost that election."

"The rest of the world hates us."

And for all of you who vilify Obama for demobilizing in Iraq and causing the creation of ISIS:

BLITZER: How does the United States get out of this situation?

TRUMP: You know they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory, and leave. Because I'll tell you, this county is just going to get further bogged down. They're in a civil war over there, Wolf. There's nothing that we're going to be able to do with a civil war. They are in a major civil war. And it's gonna go to Iran, and its gonna go to other countries. They are in the midst of a major civil war. By the way, we're keeping the lid on a little bit, but the day we leave anyway, its all gonna blow up. And Saddam Hussein will be a nice person compared to the man (and it will be man, it will not be a woman. That we understand. People will say, "Oh gee, you didn't give the women a chance. It will be a man.) compared to the person who takes over for Saddam Hussein. He will be considered a nice person. This guy will be the meanest, the worst guy. And he will have one thing, one thing. He will hate America, and he will use it to flame.

For those of you who insist there were WMDs in Iraq:

BLITZER: What do you think of some of these scandals that are unfolding in Washington right now as we speak? The Attorney General is under fire, Alberto Gonzalez. What do you make of this as an executive trying to watch an Administration?

TRUMP: Look. Everything in Washington has been a lie. Weapons of mass destruction, was a total lie! It was a way of attacking Iraq, which he thought was going to be easy, and it turned out to be the exact opposite of easy. "He reads 60 books a year. He reads a book a week." Do you think the President reads a book a week? I don't think so. "He doesn't watch television." Now one thing I know, when I'm on television, I watch. Or I try. Because you do! Your own ego says you know, let's watch. Whether its good or bad, you watch, right? "He doesn't watch television". Does anybody really believe that? Now they're doing this whole scandal with US Attorneys. Now they're finding emails. It's proven to be a lie. Everything's a lie. It's all a big lie.

BLITZER: So what's gonna happen?

TRUMP: Well, it depends if the Democrats get their act together, they're going to have a big victory in a couple years.

Donald Trump, in his book:
“I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun. With today’s internet technology we should be able to tell within 72 hours if a potential gun owner has a record.”
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So...just as I said.

They both want universal health care, support an assault weapons ban, are very pro-choice, thought we should have cut-and-run from Iraq, wanted George Bush impeached, and thinks Bill Clinton was a great President, and that Hillary would make a great President.
Because he speaks their language: hate, anger, racism...
Yes, he does speak English.
yes, we do hate how the government is trying to control every aspect of our lives.
yes, we are angry that our current government is spending to a point that our children will never afford the American dream
racism is an overused word by the left to try and shame people into doing the wrong thing. Getting the ILLEGALS out of the country and doing everything possible to secure our border is not racism, its Nationalism, its something that all countries except the U.S currently engage in. Not one single hispanic or any other race for that matter that is LEGALLY here is going to be threatened with deportation. The only common factor among those that would be deported is the word ILLEGAL. Race has nothing to do with it, it just happens that the vast majority of the ILLEGALS are of hispanic origin.
Because he speaks their language: hate, anger, racism...

He's not running as a Democrat, Skippy
Because he speaks their language: hate, anger, racism...

He's not running as a Democrat, Skippy

Are you sure?

I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean. If you're saying he's like a Democrat, that isn't how I'd phrase it so that it makes sense. And it's not like Republicans running big government liberals is anything new

I edited out your bullshit, and that left only .....

Each and every one of your assertions is out of context, years of not decades old and some I still agree with Trump on;

George W Bush should have been impeached for lying to the American people about why we went into Iraq and got thousands of Americans killed, tens of thousands maimed, and at huge cost to our Treasury.

Unlike you Establishment ass kissers, most of us get pissed off when our elected leaders LIE to us.
So...just as I said.

They both want universal health care, support an assault weapons ban, are very pro-choice, thought we should have cut-and-run from Iraq, wanted George Bush impeached, and thinks Bill Clinton was a great President, and that Hillary would make a great President.

Wow, it's you all over again
Because he speaks their language: hate, anger, racism...

He's not running as a Democrat, Skippy

Yet all his actions have been liberal. Only his words have been conservative. I can't wait for cons to be "let down" when they find they've supported a RINO lol.
Yes, because open markets for medicine isn't conservative at all
His second amendment plan wasn't conservative at all, either.

OK, so fair enough, he can have some conservative issues. But he has a lot of non-conservative views too, like being anti-free trade
He isn't anti free trade. He is as much of a free trading capitalist as anyone. He plans on being "protectionist" so to speak and then when we get rolling, its on. At least, that's what I can tell.
Trump is a capitalist. Just not a dishonest capitalist.
However, he does have a few positions that are more left leaning. Like, he said he supported single payer like bernout. When he released his plan, it was very "conservative" though IDK lol
Esmeralda just in that post showed where the hate emanates from
Hate emanates from the haters (the bigots, the jingoists, the misogynists), not from the viewer. It's a childish trait to refuse to see it in yourself but yet to insist it comes from the other party. If you're a Trump, or Crump, supporter, own up to the hate.


Haters also don't see your own hate. You really don't see it when you read your post that started this, do you?
MSNBC hates Hitler.
Democrats hate Hitler.
CNN hates Hitler.
Republicans hate Hitler.
Fox News hates Hitler.
The Media hates Hitler.

Hitler must have done something right.
Hitler did not qualify for federal election.
Hitler was not an American citizen.
Hitler was not a pro-capitalism politician.
Hitler was antidemocracy. Apples and fruit nuts, dude.

But Hitler *is* dead, which makes him a Democratic Party constituent.
You are using the same logic as Hitlerites, rube.

I am using facts, while you are lying your ass off, doofus.
Actually, you used a cartoon. Because that is the bandwidth of your intellect.
It is called a meme, dumbass.

Wow. A parroting rube who ADMITS he is a parroting rube! :lol:
No daylight between Clinton and Trump.

On every political issue for which Trump is on record, he took the far left position.

The huckster is taking you rubes for a ride. He's the pied piper, leading you naive fools to the Democratic cave. You are paying the price for the breaking of every promise the GOP ever made.

Esmeralda just in that post showed where the hate emanates from
Hate emanates from the haters (the bigots, the jingoists, the misogynists), not from the viewer. It's a childish trait to refuse to see it in yourself but yet to insist it comes from the other party. If you're a Trump, or Crump, supporter, own up to the hate.

Her post spoke for itself. Which is why you removed it before you whined about me responding to what she said
I haven't removed anything. If I respond to you it's "whining" but if you respond to her its not? Hmm, what's wrong with this picture? A lot of people can't carry on a coherent conversation, so they respond with name-calling.

Um.. you didn't remove anything? You chastised me for pointing out the hate in her post, and you REMOVED her post when you did that. Grow up, Arnold
Donald Trump.

- Higher Military cuts.
- Smaller immigrants to America.
- Fight Al Qaida and go war against Belarus.
- Marijuana legazi.

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