Trump Supporters: what is the number one reason you support Trump?

Why do you support Trump?

  • I agree with his policies. Please specify in a post which ones

  • Whatever he'll do, he tells it like it is

  • I just want a Republican to win and he's the most electible

  • I won't support him unless he's the candidate, but then I will vote for him in the election

  • I'll vote for Hillary over Trump

  • I'll vote third party if it's Hillary v. Trump

Results are only viewable after voting.
Wow. A parroting rube who ADMITS he is a parroting rube! :lol:
Wow, a brain dead ass kissing slut who cant read what people post in response to him.

Welcome to my ignore list, mouth breathing fool.
Another cut-and-run rube who can't handle the truth.

A typical Trump Chump covering his eyes and ears to avoid the facts.
Because he speaks their language: hate, anger, racism...

He's not running as a Democrat, Skippy

Yet all his actions have been liberal. Only his words have been conservative. I can't wait for cons to be "let down" when they find they've supported a RINO lol.
Yes, because open markets for medicine isn't conservative at all
His second amendment plan wasn't conservative at all, either.

OK, so fair enough, he can have some conservative issues. But he has a lot of non-conservative views too, like being anti-free trade
He isn't anti free trade. He is as much of a free trading capitalist as anyone. He plans on being "protectionist" so to speak and then when we get rolling, its on. At least, that's what I can tell.
Trump is a capitalist. Just not a dishonest capitalist.
However, he does have a few positions that are more left leaning. Like, he said he supported single payer like bernout. When he released his plan, it was very "conservative" though IDK lol

Why would I believe he's pro-free trade when he says he isn't? That's one of my few litmus tests, anti-freetraders are terrible for the economy. Not just because they are anti-free trade, but they think government can make better decisions than businesses can

I edited out your bullshit, and that left only .....

Each and every one of your assertions is out of context, years of not decades old and some I still agree with Trump on;

George W Bush should have been impeached for lying to the American people about why we went into Iraq and got thousands of Americans killed, tens of thousands maimed, and at huge cost to our Treasury.

Unlike you Establishment ass kissers, most of us get pissed off when our elected leaders LIE to us.

So why is it cons were defending Bush not lying for so many years EVEN DURING OBAMA'S term and now all of a sudden think Bush lied because Trump said so? I'd say that is parroting Trump big time.

BTW Trump's ACTUAL ACTIONS that he has done have ALL been liberal. Only his words NOW have been conservative. I can't wait for him to prove he is a RINO lol.
I don't see "Because I am a retard" on the list of poll questions.
Esmeralda just in that post showed where the hate emanates from
Hate emanates from the haters (the bigots, the jingoists, the misogynists), not from the viewer. It's a childish trait to refuse to see it in yourself but yet to insist it comes from the other party. If you're a Trump, or Crump, supporter, own up to the hate.

Her post spoke for itself. Which is why you removed it before you whined about me responding to what she said
I haven't removed anything. If I respond to you it's "whining" but if you respond to her its not? Hmm, what's wrong with this picture? A lot of people can't carry on a coherent conversation, so they respond with name-calling.

Also, the difference was that my post addressed the overt hate in her post where she called others hateful. You whined that I'm a big fat meanie.

As for name calling, that's classic. Read your quote above where you used these terms: Haters, bigots, jingoists, misogynists, and childish. Doctor, cure yourself first
He's not running as a Democrat, Skippy

Yet all his actions have been liberal. Only his words have been conservative. I can't wait for cons to be "let down" when they find they've supported a RINO lol.
Yes, because open markets for medicine isn't conservative at all
His second amendment plan wasn't conservative at all, either.

OK, so fair enough, he can have some conservative issues. But he has a lot of non-conservative views too, like being anti-free trade
He isn't anti free trade. He is as much of a free trading capitalist as anyone. He plans on being "protectionist" so to speak and then when we get rolling, its on. At least, that's what I can tell.
Trump is a capitalist. Just not a dishonest capitalist.
However, he does have a few positions that are more left leaning. Like, he said he supported single payer like bernout. When he released his plan, it was very "conservative" though IDK lol

Why would I believe he's pro-free trade when he says he isn't? That's one of my few litmus tests, anti-freetraders are terrible for the economy. Not just because they are anti-free trade, but they think government can make better decisions than businesses can
When did he say that?

I edited out your bullshit, and that left only .....

Each and every one of your assertions is out of context, years of not decades old and some I still agree with Trump on;

George W Bush should have been impeached for lying to the American people about why we went into Iraq and got thousands of Americans killed, tens of thousands maimed, and at huge cost to our Treasury.

Unlike you Establishment ass kissers, most of us get pissed off when our elected leaders LIE to us.

So why is it cons were defending Bush not lying for so many years EVEN DURING OBAMA'S term and now all of a sudden think Bush lied because Trump said so? I'd say that is parroting Trump big time.

BTW Trump's ACTUAL ACTIONS that he has done have ALL been liberal. Only his words NOW have been conservative. I can't wait for him to prove he is a RINO lol.
It's like I have been saying. In order to support Trump, the rubes have to reject everything they have professed to believe for the past seven years.

The man is a con artist, and like any rube they cannot see him for what he is. Their desire to believe overrides whatever minuscule skills in logic and reasoning they might have had.
I don't see "Because I am a retard" on the list of poll questions.

Gotcha, sorry, I understand why you were looking for that.

So what you do is pick "I'll vote for Hillary over Trump." You'd have known that but for the your being a retard thing, which is why I should have explained it to retards

I edited out your bullshit, and that left only .....

Each and every one of your assertions is out of context, years of not decades old and some I still agree with Trump on;

George W Bush should have been impeached for lying to the American people about why we went into Iraq and got thousands of Americans killed, tens of thousands maimed, and at huge cost to our Treasury.

Unlike you Establishment ass kissers, most of us get pissed off when our elected leaders LIE to us.

So why is it cons were defending Bush not lying for so many years EVEN DURING OBAMA'S term and now all of a sudden think Bush lied because Trump said so? I'd say that is parroting Trump big time.

BTW Trump's ACTUAL ACTIONS that he has done have ALL been liberal. Only his words NOW have been conservative. I can't wait for him to prove he is a RINO lol.
It's like I have been saying. In order to support Trump, the rubes have to reject everything they have professed to believe for the past seven years.

Trump has waffled more than John Kerry lol
Yet all his actions have been liberal. Only his words have been conservative. I can't wait for cons to be "let down" when they find they've supported a RINO lol.
Yes, because open markets for medicine isn't conservative at all
His second amendment plan wasn't conservative at all, either.

OK, so fair enough, he can have some conservative issues. But he has a lot of non-conservative views too, like being anti-free trade
He isn't anti free trade. He is as much of a free trading capitalist as anyone. He plans on being "protectionist" so to speak and then when we get rolling, its on. At least, that's what I can tell.
Trump is a capitalist. Just not a dishonest capitalist.
However, he does have a few positions that are more left leaning. Like, he said he supported single payer like bernout. When he released his plan, it was very "conservative" though IDK lol

Why would I believe he's pro-free trade when he says he isn't? That's one of my few litmus tests, anti-freetraders are terrible for the economy. Not just because they are anti-free trade, but they think government can make better decisions than businesses can
When did he say that?

You're a good guy, Harley, and I'll look for some quotes if you really want me to, but really? He's always talking about protectionist policies, you really don't hear him say that?
I have provided Trump's far left record. He has always been far left. Always. He is a long time friend and donor to the Clintons.

When it comes down to the crunch, Trump is going to revert to type. His inner far left liberal will win out. Because he's been a Democratic liberal his whole life. Far longer than he's been a Republican.

He will fold on UHC. He will fold on an AWB. He will fold on abortion. He will fold on trade. He will fold on immigration. He will fold on every socially and politically conservative issue. He will serve the far left.

Don't whine you weren't warned. You have been given blazing, ear-shattering warnings, rubes.
Yes, because open markets for medicine isn't conservative at all
His second amendment plan wasn't conservative at all, either.

OK, so fair enough, he can have some conservative issues. But he has a lot of non-conservative views too, like being anti-free trade
He isn't anti free trade. He is as much of a free trading capitalist as anyone. He plans on being "protectionist" so to speak and then when we get rolling, its on. At least, that's what I can tell.
Trump is a capitalist. Just not a dishonest capitalist.
However, he does have a few positions that are more left leaning. Like, he said he supported single payer like bernout. When he released his plan, it was very "conservative" though IDK lol

Why would I believe he's pro-free trade when he says he isn't? That's one of my few litmus tests, anti-freetraders are terrible for the economy. Not just because they are anti-free trade, but they think government can make better decisions than businesses can
When did he say that?

You're a good guy, Harley, and I'll look for some quotes if you really want me to, but really? He's always talking about protectionist policies, you really don't hear him say that?
That's what im saying. He wants to get us on the right track. The very essence of protectionism is to get yourself able to compete in the world market. You have to build up a market. You cant just jump in the ring and expect to beat a professional. You have to remember, he is wanting a big trade overhaul. Not just protecting American companies/workers.
There is a time for protectionism, and there is a time for free trade. Every responsible capitalist understands that. Economies fluctuate.
OK, so fair enough, he can have some conservative issues. But he has a lot of non-conservative views too, like being anti-free trade
He isn't anti free trade. He is as much of a free trading capitalist as anyone. He plans on being "protectionist" so to speak and then when we get rolling, its on. At least, that's what I can tell.
Trump is a capitalist. Just not a dishonest capitalist.
However, he does have a few positions that are more left leaning. Like, he said he supported single payer like bernout. When he released his plan, it was very "conservative" though IDK lol

Why would I believe he's pro-free trade when he says he isn't? That's one of my few litmus tests, anti-freetraders are terrible for the economy. Not just because they are anti-free trade, but they think government can make better decisions than businesses can
When did he say that?

You're a good guy, Harley, and I'll look for some quotes if you really want me to, but really? He's always talking about protectionist policies, you really don't hear him say that?
That's what im saying. He wants to get us on the right track. The very essence of protectionism is to get yourself able to compete in the world market. You have to build up a market. You cant just jump in the ring and expect to beat a professional. You have to remember, he is wanting a big trade overhaul. Not just protecting American companies/workers.
There is a time for protectionism, and there is a time for free trade. Every responsible capitalist understands that. Economies fluctuate.

We're the #1 economy in the world for like a half century running, why would we need protectionism?

As a business guy, please don't restrict my opportunity and there's no way that doing so is good for the economy.

Let freedom ring! Government are idiots, don't give them more power
Because he speaks their language: hate, anger, racism...
Nothing wrong with anger against a corrupt central government :)
racism? Please point me to it? TIA
BTW using your logic, one would think your language is lies, deceit, corruption, failure and supporting child rapists :dunno: (signature ;) )

Esmeralda just in that post showed where the hate emanates from

Riiiiiiiiight, the way she set up a confrontational strawman and you didn't. :rolleyes:
This thread went to the gutter QUICK

It was inevitable considering who created it. Biggest hypocrite on the board.

Wish he'd let the results be visible without voting. Since I'm obviously not a Rumpbot I can't vote, so can't see results.
Oh well, on to more worthy threads.
Because he speaks their language: hate, anger, racism...
Nothing wrong with anger against a corrupt central government :)
racism? Please point me to it? TIA
BTW using your logic, one would think your language is lies, deceit, corruption, failure and supporting child rapists :dunno: (signature ;) )

Esmeralda just in that post showed where the hate emanates from

Riiiiiiiiight, the way she set up a confrontational strawman and you didn't. :rolleyes:

When people write hateful posts, to say that is to set up a "confrontational strawman."

Tell me again how you read what other people wrote and ... LOL ... improved it. That was a great bedtime story ...

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