Trump surging nationally.

Just scroll through the forums, their are some saying that Trumps cheating is a character flaw for running for president.
Heck Esmeralda says he shouldn't become president for semi nude pictures his wife did years ago.
Don't misquote me. I did not say that. Where did I say that?
You said that you wouldn't want a first lady that posed nude, even though it was partial nudity.
No,I said do you people really want a first lady who has posed nude, and it isn't all partial nudity, btw. I said it would humiliate the US, and it would.
Tell me all the women that wears a g string bikini demeaning women. Because that is the worst photograph I saw.
They aren't posing in public in sexually provocative positions. To be photographed and have those photos spread all over the world via the internet. If they were, yes, I'd say their are demeaning women. For example, the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue is demeaning for women....this type of thing suggests women are simply empty headed sex objects, not fully realized individuals. It's demeaning, yes. And it leads many men to have unrealistic expectations of women and to think they are only of value for sex and for their appearances.

As well, our first lady needs to have dignity. A woman who has posed the way Mrs. Trump has lacks dignity as a woman. As well, she's a mercenary. She is married to a man 30 years older and she married him for his money. No dignity in that either.
Just like Bill thought about Lewinsky, used her for her mouth. No dignity in her.
Just scroll through the forums, their are some saying that Trumps cheating is a character flaw for running for president.
Heck Esmeralda says he shouldn't become president for semi nude pictures his wife did years ago.
Don't misquote me. I did not say that. Where did I say that?
You said that you wouldn't want a first lady that posed nude, even though it was partial nudity.
No,I said do you people really want a first lady who has posed nude, and it isn't all partial nudity, btw. I said it would humiliate the US, and it would.
A president lying under oath about a blow job would humiliate the US, oh wait.
No, actually it wouldn't and didn't. Most countries don't care about the infidelities of male leaders. As long as it is not like the Italian president hiring teenaged prostitutes. The US is the only country that made such a big deal about Clinton and his affairs. The US made themselves look ridiculous by making such a humongous issue of it.

However, a first lady with nude photos all over the place: a completely different thing--as I said, total lack of dignity.
That is about as nude as it gets. Also if leaders of other countries didn't care about a sitting president committing purgery over a blow job. They won't care about a first lady taking a picture like this over 10 years ago. Also Obama looking like a true ni*ger dropping the mike and then being called a ni*ger actually demeans the us. Keep reaching.


  • 2015.08.24-mrconservative-55db9a2cea071.jpg
    16 KB · Views: 46
You said that you wouldn't want a first lady that posed nude, even though it was partial nudity.
No,I said do you people really want a first lady who has posed nude, and it isn't all partial nudity, btw. I said it would humiliate the US, and it would.
A president lying under oath about a blow job would humiliate the US, oh wait.
No big deal except for repubs
So if bush lied under oath you would support it?
There is a huge difference between lying about a sexual encounter and lying about a topic that leads to our invading another country, resulting in the deaths of thousands of US service men and women as well as hundreds of thousands of civilians.

If Bush lied about having a girlfriend, I wouldn't care a wit.
That lie was debunked years ago. Even Hillary was out saying the same. So I guess you won't vote for her now right?
You may have a point if it was just one or two women, but there are multiple women making those comments. All the way back to his college days when there was nothing to be gained. All those women are liars?
Yep, thanks for proving yourself a hypocrite. You say lewinsky did with her body as she pleased and in your eyes that's okay. But when a republican woman does with her body as she pleases she demeans women. Got it.
Having private sexual experiences is one thing. Exposing your nudity, in a sexual way, to the world for money is the next thing to prostitution.
So you people are just absolutely cool with having a first lady whose nude, sexually posed, pictures are all over the internet and will be publicized further if he actually becomes the president? Interesting.

Well lets start with this - I can't speak for anyone else (including other true conservatives). So am I ok with having a first lady who was nude, sexually posed, etc., etc., etc.? No. Not at all. But I'm not ok with Donald Trump sitting in the Oval Office for that matter (though he is an exponentially better choice than Bernie Sanders and Bernie is a gazillion times better option than Hillary Clinton).

But I would also like to add that I wasn't ok with Michelle Obama being a first lady who used the White House as her personal toy - to purchase $60,000 ball gowns and travel the world while telling the rest of America how they need to share their own wealth with those less fortunate.

I wasn't ok with a Kenyan-born marxist who lied his way into the White House.

I wasn't ok with Bill Clinton sticking a cigar into the vagina of an intern (while he was married no less) and while he was on the phone with foreign heads of state.

I wasn't ok with Lyndon B. Johnson calling black people "n*ggers" while he sat in the White House

I wasn't ok with John F. Kennedy cheating on his wife two or three times per day while he sat in the White House

I wasn't ok with Richard Nixon hating Jews and engaging in WaterGate while he sat in the White House.

I haven't been ok with anything that has gone on in the White House outside of the Ronald Reagan administration since the mid-1800's. So with all of that criminal activity, does it really matter if the 1st lady has the body of a porn star? The 1st lady doesn't run the country my dear - the President does. Why don't you focus on the substantive policies of the candidates instead of what their spouse did a decade ago?
Kenyan-born marxist

could only be said by a fucking retarded idiot.

And I'm OK with that.
Yep, thanks for proving yourself a hypocrite. You say lewinsky did with her body as she pleased and in your eyes that's okay. But when a republican woman does with her body as she pleases she demeans women. Got it.
Having private sexual experiences is one thing. Exposing your nudity, in a sexual way, to the world for money is the next thing to prostitution.
So you people are just absolutely cool with having a first lady whose nude, sexually posed, pictures are all over the internet and will be publicized further if he actually becomes the president? Interesting.

Well lets start with this - I can't speak for anyone else (including other true conservatives). So am I ok with having a first lady who was nude, sexually posed, etc., etc., etc.? No. Not at all. But I'm not ok with Donald Trump sitting in the Oval Office for that matter (though he is an exponentially better choice than Bernie Sanders and Bernie is a gazillion times better option than Hillary Clinton).

But I would also like to add that I wasn't ok with Michelle Obama being a first lady who used the White House as her personal toy - to purchase $60,000 ball gowns and travel the world while telling the rest of America how they need to share their own wealth with those less fortunate.

I wasn't ok with a Kenyan-born marxist who lied his way into the White House.

I wasn't ok with Bill Clinton sticking a cigar into the vagina of an intern (while he was married no less) and while he was on the phone with foreign heads of state.

I wasn't ok with Lyndon B. Johnson calling black people "n*ggers" while he sat in the White House

I wasn't ok with John F. Kennedy cheating on his wife two or three times per day while he sat in the White House

I wasn't ok with Richard Nixon hating Jews and engaging in WaterGate while he sat in the White House.

I haven't been ok with anything that has gone on in the White House outside of the Ronald Reagan administration since the mid-1800's. So with all of that criminal activity, does it really matter if the 1st lady has the body of a porn star? The 1st lady doesn't run the country my dear - the President does. Why don't you focus on the substantive policies of the candidates instead of what their spouse did a decade ago?
Kenyan-born marxist

could only be said by a fucking retarded idiot.

And I'm OK with that.
I wouldn't expect an obedient little dog to bite his master while waiting for the pitiful table scraps to be thrown his way. Just keep wagging your little bottom showing approval for all things Obama and then lick his feet as often as you can.

It's ok junior - the rest of us will deal in facts and reality. Like the bio he crafted himself for the Harvard Law Review while he was there and he left untouched for 30+ years (until someone pointed it out while he was running for president):


Or like in his autobiography (which you couldn't read being illiterate of course) how he stated "I sought out the marxist professors on campus". know....every rational capitalist goes actively seeking for the nearest marxist to soak up knowledge from. Oh! And lets not forget how he called card-carry-member of Communist Party U.S.A., Frank Marshall Davis, his "mentor". Because, you know, every normal capitalist has a full-fledged communist as a "mentor".

You're denial out of blind obedience is just pathetic. You're an embarrassment as an American citizen. You're not supposed to cover up the truth just so they will give you pathetic table scrap handouts.
No,I said do you people really want a first lady who has posed nude, and it isn't all partial nudity, btw. I said it would humiliate the US, and it would.
A president lying under oath about a blow job would humiliate the US, oh wait.
No big deal except for repubs
So if bush lied under oath you would support it?
There is a huge difference between lying about a sexual encounter and lying about a topic that leads to our invading another country, resulting in the deaths of thousands of US service men and women as well as hundreds of thousands of civilians.

If Bush lied about having a girlfriend, I wouldn't care a wit.
That lie was debunked years ago. Even Hillary was out saying the same. So I guess you won't vote for her now right?
What the fuck are you talking about?
Brad Thor just made a great point on national television. He said that Donald Trump has been interviewing for the job for the past 8 months or so and once he becomes president, he isn't going to get better with his behavior. He will get worse. Thor called him a "petulant child". I simply can't disagree with anything Thor said.

Sadly, Hillary is every bit as bad, if not worse (actually worse - since at least Trump understand economics). But she is also a petulant child who can't accept anyone challenging her. She's desperate for dictatorial control like Donald Trump. Sad day for America. We can choose between one power-hungry dictator or another power-hungry dictator. Some choice.
but what about VS the beast? is it 55/45 yet?

This is where you will see trump fail, and fail badly. He won't be able to hide from Hillary like he did all through the primary. That and normal people are so sick of Trump and the stupidity of his mind slaves that they will just stay home. Buy bullets and guns now if that's a big deal because it's going to be 8 more years of Bamma.

You're an imbecile douche bag. Hillary is the one who will be hiding. The media has been covering for her for decades, but they can't shut Trump up. He will bring up all of Hillary's crimes and failures and drag her though them 100 times.

Dude, you listen to to much George Noory and Alex Jones. Hillary is a political animal. Trump will lose. If he does, it's the same as having Hillary. He likes government health care, won't build a wall won't challenge any of the country's he says he will and Congress and Senate will never work with then unless he is paying them.

Nothing? That your boy is best buds with all the politicians that were the problem with this country is backed by many facts. You just are blinded by Trumps penis is all. No big. It will be awesome to see you trumptards wail when he loses. And that's a fact. Or if by some weird miracle he manages to win and Congress jams him up that will be just as good. You are just another tinfoil hat trailer trash dumdass who drools all over Sean Hannity. Incapable of independent thought. Will be a great election. Other then that, congratulations. Cruz is out. Now we will see the Donald come undone.

More blather supported by the usual: absolutely nothing.

You're a joke.

Nothing? That your boy is best buds with all the politicians that were the problem with this country is backed by many facts. You just are blinded by Trumps penis is all. No big. It will be awesome to see you trumptards wail when he loses. And that's a fact. Or if by some weird miracle he manages to win and Congress jams him up that will be just as good. You are just another tinfoil hat trailer trash dumdass who drools all over Sean Hannity. Incapable of independent thought. Will be a great election. Other then that, congratulations. Cruz is out. Now we will see the Donald come undone.

As far as being a joke? If what you thought matered I may care what you think. But you don't. So I don't.

Another foul smelling mountain of meaningless horseshit.
This is where you will see trump fail, and fail badly. He won't be able to hide from Hillary like he did all through the primary. That and normal people are so sick of Trump and the stupidity of his mind slaves that they will just stay home. Buy bullets and guns now if that's a big deal because it's going to be 8 more years of Bamma.

You're an imbecile douche bag. Hillary is the one who will be hiding. The media has been covering for her for decades, but they can't shut Trump up. He will bring up all of Hillary's crimes and failures and drag her though them 100 times.

Dude, you listen to to much George Noory and Alex Jones. Hillary is a political animal. Trump will lose. If he does, it's the same as having Hillary. He likes government health care, won't build a wall won't challenge any of the country's he says he will and Congress and Senate will never work with then unless he is paying them.

Nothing? That your boy is best buds with all the politicians that were the problem with this country is backed by many facts. You just are blinded by Trumps penis is all. No big. It will be awesome to see you trumptards wail when he loses. And that's a fact. Or if by some weird miracle he manages to win and Congress jams him up that will be just as good. You are just another tinfoil hat trailer trash dumdass who drools all over Sean Hannity. Incapable of independent thought. Will be a great election. Other then that, congratulations. Cruz is out. Now we will see the Donald come undone.

More blather supported by the usual: absolutely nothing.

You're a joke.

Nothing? That your boy is best buds with all the politicians that were the problem with this country is backed by many facts. You just are blinded by Trumps penis is all. No big. It will be awesome to see you trumptards wail when he loses. And that's a fact. Or if by some weird miracle he manages to win and Congress jams him up that will be just as good. You are just another tinfoil hat trailer trash dumdass who drools all over Sean Hannity. Incapable of independent thought. Will be a great election. Other then that, congratulations. Cruz is out. Now we will see the Donald come undone.

As far as being a joke? If what you thought matered I may care what you think. But you don't. So I don't.

Another foul smelling mountain of meaningless horseshit.
truth hurts
You're an imbecile douche bag. Hillary is the one who will be hiding. The media has been covering for her for decades, but they can't shut Trump up. He will bring up all of Hillary's crimes and failures and drag her though them 100 times.

Dude, you listen to to much George Noory and Alex Jones. Hillary is a political animal. Trump will lose. If he does, it's the same as having Hillary. He likes government health care, won't build a wall won't challenge any of the country's he says he will and Congress and Senate will never work with then unless he is paying them.

Nothing? That your boy is best buds with all the politicians that were the problem with this country is backed by many facts. You just are blinded by Trumps penis is all. No big. It will be awesome to see you trumptards wail when he loses. And that's a fact. Or if by some weird miracle he manages to win and Congress jams him up that will be just as good. You are just another tinfoil hat trailer trash dumdass who drools all over Sean Hannity. Incapable of independent thought. Will be a great election. Other then that, congratulations. Cruz is out. Now we will see the Donald come undone.

More blather supported by the usual: absolutely nothing.

You're a joke.

Nothing? That your boy is best buds with all the politicians that were the problem with this country is backed by many facts. You just are blinded by Trumps penis is all. No big. It will be awesome to see you trumptards wail when he loses. And that's a fact. Or if by some weird miracle he manages to win and Congress jams him up that will be just as good. You are just another tinfoil hat trailer trash dumdass who drools all over Sean Hannity. Incapable of independent thought. Will be a great election. Other then that, congratulations. Cruz is out. Now we will see the Donald come undone.

As far as being a joke? If what you thought matered I may care what you think. But you don't. So I don't.

Another foul smelling mountain of meaningless horseshit.
truth hurts

It's horseshit, not truth.
All these leftist Dim pukes are trashing Trump to hide from their support of the rat bag old hag lying incompetent piece of shit Hillary. Dims make me laugh.
Yep, thanks for proving yourself a hypocrite. You say lewinsky did with her body as she pleased and in your eyes that's okay. But when a republican woman does with her body as she pleases she demeans women. Got it.
Having private sexual experiences is one thing. Exposing your nudity, in a sexual way, to the world for money is the next thing to prostitution.
So you people are just absolutely cool with having a first lady whose nude, sexually posed, pictures are all over the internet and will be publicized further if he actually becomes the president? Interesting.

Well lets start with this - I can't speak for anyone else (including other true conservatives). So am I ok with having a first lady who was nude, sexually posed, etc., etc., etc.? No. Not at all. But I'm not ok with Donald Trump sitting in the Oval Office for that matter (though he is an exponentially better choice than Bernie Sanders and Bernie is a gazillion times better option than Hillary Clinton).

But I would also like to add that I wasn't ok with Michelle Obama being a first lady who used the White House as her personal toy - to purchase $60,000 ball gowns and travel the world while telling the rest of America how they need to share their own wealth with those less fortunate.

I wasn't ok with a Kenyan-born marxist who lied his way into the White House.

I wasn't ok with Bill Clinton sticking a cigar into the vagina of an intern (while he was married no less) and while he was on the phone with foreign heads of state.

I wasn't ok with Lyndon B. Johnson calling black people "n*ggers" while he sat in the White House

I wasn't ok with John F. Kennedy cheating on his wife two or three times per day while he sat in the White House

I wasn't ok with Richard Nixon hating Jews and engaging in WaterGate while he sat in the White House.

I haven't been ok with anything that has gone on in the White House outside of the Ronald Reagan administration since the mid-1800's. So with all of that criminal activity, does it really matter if the 1st lady has the body of a porn star? The 1st lady doesn't run the country my dear - the President does. Why don't you focus on the substantive policies of the candidates instead of what their spouse did a decade ago?
Kenyan-born marxist

could only be said by a fucking retarded idiot.

And I'm OK with that.
I wouldn't expect an obedient little dog to bite his master while waiting for the pitiful table scraps to be thrown his way. Just keep wagging your little bottom showing approval for all things Obama and then lick his feet as often as you can.

It's ok junior - the rest of us will deal in facts and reality. Like the bio he crafted himself for the Harvard Law Review while he was there and he left untouched for 30+ years (until someone pointed it out while he was running for president):

View attachment 73766

Or like in his autobiography (which you couldn't read being illiterate of course) how he stated "I sought out the marxist professors on campus". know....every rational capitalist goes actively seeking for the nearest marxist to soak up knowledge from. Oh! And lets not forget how he called card-carry-member of Communist Party U.S.A., Frank Marshall Davis, his "mentor". Because, you know, every normal capitalist has a full-fledged communist as a "mentor".

You're denial out of blind obedience is just pathetic. You're an embarrassment as an American citizen. You're not supposed to cover up the truth just so they will give you pathetic table scrap handouts.
You really are completely insane.

Obama didn't write that pamphlet.
Having private sexual experiences is one thing. Exposing your nudity, in a sexual way, to the world for money is the next thing to prostitution.
So you people are just absolutely cool with having a first lady whose nude, sexually posed, pictures are all over the internet and will be publicized further if he actually becomes the president? Interesting.

Well lets start with this - I can't speak for anyone else (including other true conservatives). So am I ok with having a first lady who was nude, sexually posed, etc., etc., etc.? No. Not at all. But I'm not ok with Donald Trump sitting in the Oval Office for that matter (though he is an exponentially better choice than Bernie Sanders and Bernie is a gazillion times better option than Hillary Clinton).

But I would also like to add that I wasn't ok with Michelle Obama being a first lady who used the White House as her personal toy - to purchase $60,000 ball gowns and travel the world while telling the rest of America how they need to share their own wealth with those less fortunate.

I wasn't ok with a Kenyan-born marxist who lied his way into the White House.

I wasn't ok with Bill Clinton sticking a cigar into the vagina of an intern (while he was married no less) and while he was on the phone with foreign heads of state.

I wasn't ok with Lyndon B. Johnson calling black people "n*ggers" while he sat in the White House

I wasn't ok with John F. Kennedy cheating on his wife two or three times per day while he sat in the White House

I wasn't ok with Richard Nixon hating Jews and engaging in WaterGate while he sat in the White House.

I haven't been ok with anything that has gone on in the White House outside of the Ronald Reagan administration since the mid-1800's. So with all of that criminal activity, does it really matter if the 1st lady has the body of a porn star? The 1st lady doesn't run the country my dear - the President does. Why don't you focus on the substantive policies of the candidates instead of what their spouse did a decade ago?
Kenyan-born marxist

could only be said by a fucking retarded idiot.

And I'm OK with that.
I wouldn't expect an obedient little dog to bite his master while waiting for the pitiful table scraps to be thrown his way. Just keep wagging your little bottom showing approval for all things Obama and then lick his feet as often as you can.

It's ok junior - the rest of us will deal in facts and reality. Like the bio he crafted himself for the Harvard Law Review while he was there and he left untouched for 30+ years (until someone pointed it out while he was running for president):

View attachment 73766

Or like in his autobiography (which you couldn't read being illiterate of course) how he stated "I sought out the marxist professors on campus". know....every rational capitalist goes actively seeking for the nearest marxist to soak up knowledge from. Oh! And lets not forget how he called card-carry-member of Communist Party U.S.A., Frank Marshall Davis, his "mentor". Because, you know, every normal capitalist has a full-fledged communist as a "mentor".

You're denial out of blind obedience is just pathetic. You're an embarrassment as an American citizen. You're not supposed to cover up the truth just so they will give you pathetic table scrap handouts.
You really are completely insane.

Obama didn't write that pamphlet.

He signed his name to it.
So you people are just absolutely cool with having a first lady whose nude, sexually posed, pictures are all over the internet and will be publicized further if he actually becomes the president? Interesting.

Well lets start with this - I can't speak for anyone else (including other true conservatives). So am I ok with having a first lady who was nude, sexually posed, etc., etc., etc.? No. Not at all. But I'm not ok with Donald Trump sitting in the Oval Office for that matter (though he is an exponentially better choice than Bernie Sanders and Bernie is a gazillion times better option than Hillary Clinton).

But I would also like to add that I wasn't ok with Michelle Obama being a first lady who used the White House as her personal toy - to purchase $60,000 ball gowns and travel the world while telling the rest of America how they need to share their own wealth with those less fortunate.

I wasn't ok with a Kenyan-born marxist who lied his way into the White House.

I wasn't ok with Bill Clinton sticking a cigar into the vagina of an intern (while he was married no less) and while he was on the phone with foreign heads of state.

I wasn't ok with Lyndon B. Johnson calling black people "n*ggers" while he sat in the White House

I wasn't ok with John F. Kennedy cheating on his wife two or three times per day while he sat in the White House

I wasn't ok with Richard Nixon hating Jews and engaging in WaterGate while he sat in the White House.

I haven't been ok with anything that has gone on in the White House outside of the Ronald Reagan administration since the mid-1800's. So with all of that criminal activity, does it really matter if the 1st lady has the body of a porn star? The 1st lady doesn't run the country my dear - the President does. Why don't you focus on the substantive policies of the candidates instead of what their spouse did a decade ago?
Kenyan-born marxist

could only be said by a fucking retarded idiot.

And I'm OK with that.
I wouldn't expect an obedient little dog to bite his master while waiting for the pitiful table scraps to be thrown his way. Just keep wagging your little bottom showing approval for all things Obama and then lick his feet as often as you can.

It's ok junior - the rest of us will deal in facts and reality. Like the bio he crafted himself for the Harvard Law Review while he was there and he left untouched for 30+ years (until someone pointed it out while he was running for president):

View attachment 73766

Or like in his autobiography (which you couldn't read being illiterate of course) how he stated "I sought out the marxist professors on campus". know....every rational capitalist goes actively seeking for the nearest marxist to soak up knowledge from. Oh! And lets not forget how he called card-carry-member of Communist Party U.S.A., Frank Marshall Davis, his "mentor". Because, you know, every normal capitalist has a full-fledged communist as a "mentor".

You're denial out of blind obedience is just pathetic. You're an embarrassment as an American citizen. You're not supposed to cover up the truth just so they will give you pathetic table scrap handouts.
You really are completely insane.

Obama didn't write that pamphlet.

He signed his name to it.
IF you vote for trump you vote for every scummy thing he said You lose whatever integrity you had
Well lets start with this - I can't speak for anyone else (including other true conservatives). So am I ok with having a first lady who was nude, sexually posed, etc., etc., etc.? No. Not at all. But I'm not ok with Donald Trump sitting in the Oval Office for that matter (though he is an exponentially better choice than Bernie Sanders and Bernie is a gazillion times better option than Hillary Clinton).

But I would also like to add that I wasn't ok with Michelle Obama being a first lady who used the White House as her personal toy - to purchase $60,000 ball gowns and travel the world while telling the rest of America how they need to share their own wealth with those less fortunate.

I wasn't ok with a Kenyan-born marxist who lied his way into the White House.

I wasn't ok with Bill Clinton sticking a cigar into the vagina of an intern (while he was married no less) and while he was on the phone with foreign heads of state.

I wasn't ok with Lyndon B. Johnson calling black people "n*ggers" while he sat in the White House

I wasn't ok with John F. Kennedy cheating on his wife two or three times per day while he sat in the White House

I wasn't ok with Richard Nixon hating Jews and engaging in WaterGate while he sat in the White House.

I haven't been ok with anything that has gone on in the White House outside of the Ronald Reagan administration since the mid-1800's. So with all of that criminal activity, does it really matter if the 1st lady has the body of a porn star? The 1st lady doesn't run the country my dear - the President does. Why don't you focus on the substantive policies of the candidates instead of what their spouse did a decade ago?
Kenyan-born marxist

could only be said by a fucking retarded idiot.

And I'm OK with that.
I wouldn't expect an obedient little dog to bite his master while waiting for the pitiful table scraps to be thrown his way. Just keep wagging your little bottom showing approval for all things Obama and then lick his feet as often as you can.

It's ok junior - the rest of us will deal in facts and reality. Like the bio he crafted himself for the Harvard Law Review while he was there and he left untouched for 30+ years (until someone pointed it out while he was running for president):

View attachment 73766

Or like in his autobiography (which you couldn't read being illiterate of course) how he stated "I sought out the marxist professors on campus". know....every rational capitalist goes actively seeking for the nearest marxist to soak up knowledge from. Oh! And lets not forget how he called card-carry-member of Communist Party U.S.A., Frank Marshall Davis, his "mentor". Because, you know, every normal capitalist has a full-fledged communist as a "mentor".

You're denial out of blind obedience is just pathetic. You're an embarrassment as an American citizen. You're not supposed to cover up the truth just so they will give you pathetic table scrap handouts.
You really are completely insane.

Obama didn't write that pamphlet.

He signed his name to it.
IF you vote for trump you vote for every scummy thing he said You lose whatever integrity you had

What "scummy things" were those? If you vote for Hillary does that mean you take responsibility for getting four Americans killed at Benghazi and selling her office for cash?
I find no reason to lie BUT never was put into a situation like he faced, I find no fault in him not being truthful then,,,,,,Guess you were ok with gwb lying thru his teeth getting us into war Now that was the biggest lie a president ever told

He faced? He put himself in that situation, and lied to the nation and in a court of law, under oath. And give the Bush shit a rest, Bush didn't lie about anything. Even a poorly worded Google search will give you the names of tons of Democrats and Republicans calling for action against Iraq, prior to the 2000 election; including the Clinton's.
Yeah bush and majority of republicans had nothing to do with it More repub bs
Republicans and democrats had everything to do with it.
Did you at least see the vote that gave the moron the ability to attack a 3rd world country?? I posted it here a while ago and it was overly onesided by republicans

What does Iraq have to do with Clinton being a lying, cheating, perjuring scumbag?


still whining after all you got was a blue dress. :cuckoo:

no one cares except lying rightwingnuts
So you people are just absolutely cool with having a first lady whose nude, sexually posed, pictures are all over the internet and will be publicized further if he actually becomes the president? Interesting.

Well lets start with this - I can't speak for anyone else (including other true conservatives). So am I ok with having a first lady who was nude, sexually posed, etc., etc., etc.? No. Not at all. But I'm not ok with Donald Trump sitting in the Oval Office for that matter (though he is an exponentially better choice than Bernie Sanders and Bernie is a gazillion times better option than Hillary Clinton).

But I would also like to add that I wasn't ok with Michelle Obama being a first lady who used the White House as her personal toy - to purchase $60,000 ball gowns and travel the world while telling the rest of America how they need to share their own wealth with those less fortunate.

I wasn't ok with a Kenyan-born marxist who lied his way into the White House.

I wasn't ok with Bill Clinton sticking a cigar into the vagina of an intern (while he was married no less) and while he was on the phone with foreign heads of state.

I wasn't ok with Lyndon B. Johnson calling black people "n*ggers" while he sat in the White House

I wasn't ok with John F. Kennedy cheating on his wife two or three times per day while he sat in the White House

I wasn't ok with Richard Nixon hating Jews and engaging in WaterGate while he sat in the White House.

I haven't been ok with anything that has gone on in the White House outside of the Ronald Reagan administration since the mid-1800's. So with all of that criminal activity, does it really matter if the 1st lady has the body of a porn star? The 1st lady doesn't run the country my dear - the President does. Why don't you focus on the substantive policies of the candidates instead of what their spouse did a decade ago?
Kenyan-born marxist

could only be said by a fucking retarded idiot.

And I'm OK with that.
I wouldn't expect an obedient little dog to bite his master while waiting for the pitiful table scraps to be thrown his way. Just keep wagging your little bottom showing approval for all things Obama and then lick his feet as often as you can.

It's ok junior - the rest of us will deal in facts and reality. Like the bio he crafted himself for the Harvard Law Review while he was there and he left untouched for 30+ years (until someone pointed it out while he was running for president):

View attachment 73766

Or like in his autobiography (which you couldn't read being illiterate of course) how he stated "I sought out the marxist professors on campus". know....every rational capitalist goes actively seeking for the nearest marxist to soak up knowledge from. Oh! And lets not forget how he called card-carry-member of Communist Party U.S.A., Frank Marshall Davis, his "mentor". Because, you know, every normal capitalist has a full-fledged communist as a "mentor".

You're denial out of blind obedience is just pathetic. You're an embarrassment as an American citizen. You're not supposed to cover up the truth just so they will give you pathetic table scrap handouts.
You really are completely insane.

Obama didn't write that pamphlet.

He signed his name to it.
Your conservative insanity is noted. For the sake of the sane readers here, they will see for themselves ... there is no such signature...

Well lets start with this - I can't speak for anyone else (including other true conservatives). So am I ok with having a first lady who was nude, sexually posed, etc., etc., etc.? No. Not at all. But I'm not ok with Donald Trump sitting in the Oval Office for that matter (though he is an exponentially better choice than Bernie Sanders and Bernie is a gazillion times better option than Hillary Clinton).

But I would also like to add that I wasn't ok with Michelle Obama being a first lady who used the White House as her personal toy - to purchase $60,000 ball gowns and travel the world while telling the rest of America how they need to share their own wealth with those less fortunate.

I wasn't ok with a Kenyan-born marxist who lied his way into the White House.

I wasn't ok with Bill Clinton sticking a cigar into the vagina of an intern (while he was married no less) and while he was on the phone with foreign heads of state.

I wasn't ok with Lyndon B. Johnson calling black people "n*ggers" while he sat in the White House

I wasn't ok with John F. Kennedy cheating on his wife two or three times per day while he sat in the White House

I wasn't ok with Richard Nixon hating Jews and engaging in WaterGate while he sat in the White House.

I haven't been ok with anything that has gone on in the White House outside of the Ronald Reagan administration since the mid-1800's. So with all of that criminal activity, does it really matter if the 1st lady has the body of a porn star? The 1st lady doesn't run the country my dear - the President does. Why don't you focus on the substantive policies of the candidates instead of what their spouse did a decade ago?
Kenyan-born marxist

could only be said by a fucking retarded idiot.

And I'm OK with that.
I wouldn't expect an obedient little dog to bite his master while waiting for the pitiful table scraps to be thrown his way. Just keep wagging your little bottom showing approval for all things Obama and then lick his feet as often as you can.

It's ok junior - the rest of us will deal in facts and reality. Like the bio he crafted himself for the Harvard Law Review while he was there and he left untouched for 30+ years (until someone pointed it out while he was running for president):

View attachment 73766

Or like in his autobiography (which you couldn't read being illiterate of course) how he stated "I sought out the marxist professors on campus". know....every rational capitalist goes actively seeking for the nearest marxist to soak up knowledge from. Oh! And lets not forget how he called card-carry-member of Communist Party U.S.A., Frank Marshall Davis, his "mentor". Because, you know, every normal capitalist has a full-fledged communist as a "mentor".

You're denial out of blind obedience is just pathetic. You're an embarrassment as an American citizen. You're not supposed to cover up the truth just so they will give you pathetic table scrap handouts.
You really are completely insane.

Obama didn't write that pamphlet.

He signed his name to it.
Your conservative insanity is noted. For the sake of the sane readers here, they will see for themselves ... there is no such signature...


They can't publish his autobiography without his explicit permission, moron. That means he has to sign papers authorizing the publication.

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