Trump surging nationally.

Speaking of which, isn’t Drumpf going to be called to answer for (giggle) Trump University???? Oh, we don’t talk about that….sorry.

I'll gladly call Trump out for "Trump University". From the sounds of things, it was quite scam. But unlike some people here - I'm not a blind, obedient lapdog so it's not that shocking that I will call out and question leaders from any party.

See what you can do when forced?
It was brought up to expose rightie hypocrisy .... but you said Liberals say that is a reason he shouldn't be president....

So? Which Liberals have said that...?
Just scroll through the forums, their are some saying that Trumps cheating is a character flaw for running for president.
Heck Esmeralda says he shouldn't become president for semi nude pictures his wife did years ago.

Trump wanting to nail his daughter is a character flaw.
Trump making fun of people’s appearance is a character flaw for someone wanting to be President.
Trump making fun of the physically handicapped is a character flaw for anyone over 3 years old.
Trump calling Mexicans rapists is a character flaw insofar as it’s a lie.

All of this is factual.
All of this is in the public space.
All of this cannot be argued that it didn’t happen.

How anyone is proud to support this small fraction of a man is probably living with some serious character flaws themselves.

Lying is a character flaw, and it's one all of Trump's critics suffer from.

Here is one of Donald’s that apparently your head is far enough up your ass to believe:

23. Strengthen the military so that it's "so big and so strong and so great" that "nobody's going to mess with us."

As if we were not there in the 1990’s and some guy who is going to blow himself up anyway is worried about the repercussions of killing soldiers.

This is the lie you guys believe.

So, does "having your head up your ass" mean you can tell a liar when you come across one?

Whether the military is going to dissuade suicide bombers isn't the issue.

Sure it is.
Your Messiah said "nobody is going to mess with us". Obviously your head has been so far up your ass not only are you coughing up dandruff, you seem to have missed that a lot of attacks on our troops (i.e. "messing with us") is from suicide attacks. Having 50 more tanks, 50 more hummers, or 50 more warplanes circling the battlefield will do nothing.

This is why Drumpf worshipers are thought of as having shit for brains. You can't argue otherwise to what I stated above. You know it's impossible to build a military that "nobody will mess with" but here you are saying there is such an animal.

It's like arguing with a brain-damaged prostitute except she likely would have more teeth.
Just scroll through the forums, their are some saying that Trumps cheating is a character flaw for running for president.
Heck Esmeralda says he shouldn't become president for semi nude pictures his wife did years ago.

Trump wanting to nail his daughter is a character flaw.
Trump making fun of people’s appearance is a character flaw for someone wanting to be President.
Trump making fun of the physically handicapped is a character flaw for anyone over 3 years old.
Trump calling Mexicans rapists is a character flaw insofar as it’s a lie.

All of this is factual.
All of this is in the public space.
All of this cannot be argued that it didn’t happen.

How anyone is proud to support this small fraction of a man is probably living with some serious character flaws themselves.

Lying is a character flaw, and it's one all of Trump's critics suffer from.

Here is one of Donald’s that apparently your head is far enough up your ass to believe:

23. Strengthen the military so that it's "so big and so strong and so great" that "nobody's going to mess with us."

As if we were not there in the 1990’s and some guy who is going to blow himself up anyway is worried about the repercussions of killing soldiers.

This is the lie you guys believe.

So, does "having your head up your ass" mean you can tell a liar when you come across one?

Whether the military is going to dissuade suicide bombers isn't the issue.

Sure it is.
Your Messiah said "nobody is going to mess with us". Obviously your head has been so far up your ass not only are you coughing up dandruff, you seem to have missed that a lot of attacks on our troops (i.e. "messing with us") is from suicide attacks. Having 50 more tanks, 50 more hummers, or 50 more warplanes circling the battlefield will do nothing.

This is why Drumpf worshipers are thought of as having shit for brains. You can't argue otherwise to what I stated above. You know it's impossible to build a military that "nobody will mess with" but here you are saying there is such an animal.

It's like arguing with a brain-damaged prostitute except she likely would have more teeth.

As usual, the leftwing douche bag takes a statement far too literally so she can knock it down. This c*nt seems to think that it makes her smart.

For your information suicide attacks against our troops haven't been a major problem. Suicide attacks against civilians has been a problem.

You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to the military.
Speaking of which, isn’t Drumpf going to be called to answer for (giggle) Trump University???? Oh, we don’t talk about that….sorry.

I'll gladly call Trump out for "Trump University". From the sounds of things, it was quite scam. But unlike some people here - I'm not a blind, obedient lapdog so it's not that shocking that I will call out and question leaders from any party.

See what you can do when forced?
"Forced"? I can only imagine how you fantasize about having authoritarian control over your fellow citizens. Everything you say and do - from your contempt of the U.S. Constitution, to your insistence that you will have your way whether the American people like it or not, to your belief that you somehow are able to "force" people on USMB to do something - your entire rhetoric screams "fragile female desperate to experience power and control for the first time in her life".

Let me guess....husband left you? After you hit middle age? Never had a real career of any kind and you've always had to answer to a male superior who you felt never showed you the respect you felt you deserved? Yep....textbook
Trump is far from perfect, but Hillary Clinton is a lying corrupt criminal. And what she did to to her pervert husband's numerous victims is unforgivable. She knew her husband was a sick predator, yet she attacked his victims. Those who are supporting her, really should rethink their support. She's pure evil.
Trump is far from perfect, but Hillary Clinton is a lying corrupt criminal. And what she did to to her pervert husband's numerous victims is unforgivable. She knew her husband was a sick predator, yet she attacked his victims. Those who are supporting her, really should rethink their support. She's pure evil.
Liberals have waged a war on women for over 200 years now. This is just the latest example. Attack and discredit any female victim regarding anything of a sexual nature of it prevents power and money. Exploit those same female victims if they create power and money. Tragic.
Trump is far from perfect, but Hillary Clinton is a lying corrupt criminal. And what she did to to her pervert husband's numerous victims is unforgivable. She knew her husband was a sick predator, yet she attacked his victims. Those who are supporting her, really should rethink their support. She's pure evil.
Liberals have waged a war on women for over 200 years now. This is just the latest example. Attack and discredit any female victim regarding anything of a sexual nature of it prevents power and money. Exploit those same female victims if they create power and money. Tragic.

Yeah, Clinton was vicious in attacking her serial pervert husband's numerous victims. She's a truly despicable person. I hope Trump routes her.
Trump wanting to nail his daughter is a character flaw.
Trump making fun of people’s appearance is a character flaw for someone wanting to be President.
Trump making fun of the physically handicapped is a character flaw for anyone over 3 years old.
Trump calling Mexicans rapists is a character flaw insofar as it’s a lie.

All of this is factual.
All of this is in the public space.
All of this cannot be argued that it didn’t happen.

How anyone is proud to support this small fraction of a man is probably living with some serious character flaws themselves.

Lying is a character flaw, and it's one all of Trump's critics suffer from.

Here is one of Donald’s that apparently your head is far enough up your ass to believe:

23. Strengthen the military so that it's "so big and so strong and so great" that "nobody's going to mess with us."

As if we were not there in the 1990’s and some guy who is going to blow himself up anyway is worried about the repercussions of killing soldiers.

This is the lie you guys believe.

So, does "having your head up your ass" mean you can tell a liar when you come across one?

Whether the military is going to dissuade suicide bombers isn't the issue.

Sure it is.
Your Messiah said "nobody is going to mess with us". Obviously your head has been so far up your ass not only are you coughing up dandruff, you seem to have missed that a lot of attacks on our troops (i.e. "messing with us") is from suicide attacks. Having 50 more tanks, 50 more hummers, or 50 more warplanes circling the battlefield will do nothing.

This is why Drumpf worshipers are thought of as having shit for brains. You can't argue otherwise to what I stated above. You know it's impossible to build a military that "nobody will mess with" but here you are saying there is such an animal.

It's like arguing with a brain-damaged prostitute except she likely would have more teeth.

As usual, the leftwing douche bag takes a statement far too literally so she can knock it down. This c*nt seems to think that it makes her smart.

For your information suicide attacks against our troops haven't been a major problem. Suicide attacks against civilians has been a problem.

You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to the military.

You really do have shit for brains...

287 Marines in Beirut
300+/- at the Pentagon
The USS Cole
Countless attacks on troops in Iraq and Afghanistan...

The most impressive military apparatus ever assembled (at the time of each attack) did absolutely nothing to discourage the attacks.

Those are the facts, now back to the spin.
Lying is a character flaw, and it's one all of Trump's critics suffer from.

Here is one of Donald’s that apparently your head is far enough up your ass to believe:

23. Strengthen the military so that it's "so big and so strong and so great" that "nobody's going to mess with us."

As if we were not there in the 1990’s and some guy who is going to blow himself up anyway is worried about the repercussions of killing soldiers.

This is the lie you guys believe.

So, does "having your head up your ass" mean you can tell a liar when you come across one?

Whether the military is going to dissuade suicide bombers isn't the issue.

Sure it is.
Your Messiah said "nobody is going to mess with us". Obviously your head has been so far up your ass not only are you coughing up dandruff, you seem to have missed that a lot of attacks on our troops (i.e. "messing with us") is from suicide attacks. Having 50 more tanks, 50 more hummers, or 50 more warplanes circling the battlefield will do nothing.

This is why Drumpf worshipers are thought of as having shit for brains. You can't argue otherwise to what I stated above. You know it's impossible to build a military that "nobody will mess with" but here you are saying there is such an animal.

It's like arguing with a brain-damaged prostitute except she likely would have more teeth.

As usual, the leftwing douche bag takes a statement far too literally so she can knock it down. This c*nt seems to think that it makes her smart.

For your information suicide attacks against our troops haven't been a major problem. Suicide attacks against civilians has been a problem.

You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to the military.

You really do have shit for brains...

287 Marines in Beirut
300+/- at the Pentagon
The USS Cole
Countless attacks on troops in Iraq and Afghanistan...

The most impressive military apparatus ever assembled (at the time of each attack) did absolutely nothing to discourage the attacks.

Those are the facts, now back to the spin.

ROFL! Sorry, but the Pentagon attack wasn't an attack on our armed forces. Those were administrative personnel - secretaries and clerks mostly, not armed men.

And the attacks on our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan are not suicide attacks. Most of them are either IEDs or conventional guerrilla attacks. So you really only have two attacks over a span of about 30 years.

Wrong again, douche bag.
Dude, you listen to to much George Noory and Alex Jones. Hillary is a political animal. Trump will lose. If he does, it's the same as having Hillary. He likes government health care, won't build a wall won't challenge any of the country's he says he will and Congress and Senate will never work with then unless he is paying them.

Nothing? That your boy is best buds with all the politicians that were the problem with this country is backed by many facts. You just are blinded by Trumps penis is all. No big. It will be awesome to see you trumptards wail when he loses. And that's a fact. Or if by some weird miracle he manages to win and Congress jams him up that will be just as good. You are just another tinfoil hat trailer trash dumdass who drools all over Sean Hannity. Incapable of independent thought. Will be a great election. Other then that, congratulations. Cruz is out. Now we will see the Donald come undone.

More blather supported by the usual: absolutely nothing.

You're a joke.

Nothing? That your boy is best buds with all the politicians that were the problem with this country is backed by many facts. You just are blinded by Trumps penis is all. No big. It will be awesome to see you trumptards wail when he loses. And that's a fact. Or if by some weird miracle he manages to win and Congress jams him up that will be just as good. You are just another tinfoil hat trailer trash dumdass who drools all over Sean Hannity. Incapable of independent thought. Will be a great election. Other then that, congratulations. Cruz is out. Now we will see the Donald come undone.

As far as being a joke? If what you thought matered I may care what you think. But you don't. So I don't.

Maybe one of these days you'll surprise us all by posting actual facts and logic. So far, however, it's been nothing but a river of slime and ad hominems. You posts are hardly worth reading. I bet I can predict the content of your next hundred posts.

Facts? Logic? You are a slave to social media. A prime example of how stupid the people I this country have become. Facts and logic to you is what ever is on TV. Especially you have only brought trailer trash rhetoric. Nothing going more. Other then a warm fuzzy feeling you can't say and never have said anything about what makes trump so good other then what you feel. Nothing about what Trump says a trade war means for us normal folks. Not how it will affect your food stamps. You never mention how trump told you he would build a wall, but told the times he really wouldn't. You never mention how he sent his campigan manager to tell the establishment he is supposed to be against that he was only playing a part, and on that establishment thing, how he has funded their agenda until this year. All facts that you ignore. You are a mindless drone. Not much more. You bring facts if you can. You can not.

Pseudointellectual trumptard . I'll be watching for your melt down when trump loses. It will be my signature. Now get back to your Enquirer and Springer.
It was brought up to expose rightie hypocrisy .... but you said Liberals say that is a reason he shouldn't be president....

So? Which Liberals have said that...?
Just scroll through the forums, their are some saying that Trumps cheating is a character flaw for running for president.
Heck Esmeralda says he shouldn't become president for semi nude pictures his wife did years ago.
Don't misquote me. I did not say that. Where did I say that?
You said that you wouldn't want a first lady that posed nude, even though it was partial nudity.
No,I said do you people really want a first lady who has posed nude, and it isn't all partial nudity, btw. I said it would humiliate the US, and it would.
Tell me all the women that wears a g string bikini demeaning women. Because that is the worst photograph I saw.
They aren't posing in public in sexually provocative positions. To be photographed and have those photos spread all over the world via the internet. If they were, yes, I'd say their are demeaning women. For example, the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue is demeaning for women....this type of thing suggests women are simply empty headed sex objects, not fully realized individuals. It's demeaning, yes. And it leads many men to have unrealistic expectations of women and to think they are only of value for sex and for their appearances.

As well, our first lady needs to have dignity. A woman who has posed the way Mrs. Trump has lacks dignity as a woman. As well, she's a mercenary. She is married to a man 30 years older and she married him for his money. No dignity in that either.
It was brought up to expose rightie hypocrisy .... but you said Liberals say that is a reason he shouldn't be president....

So? Which Liberals have said that...?
Just scroll through the forums, their are some saying that Trumps cheating is a character flaw for running for president.
Heck Esmeralda says he shouldn't become president for semi nude pictures his wife did years ago.
Don't misquote me. I did not say that. Where did I say that?
You said that you wouldn't want a first lady that posed nude, even though it was partial nudity.
No,I said do you people really want a first lady who has posed nude, and it isn't all partial nudity, btw. I said it would humiliate the US, and it would.
A president lying under oath about a blow job would humiliate the US, oh wait.
No, actually it wouldn't and didn't. Most countries don't care about the infidelities of male leaders. As long as it is not like the Italian president hiring teenaged prostitutes. The US is the only country that made such a big deal about Clinton and his affairs. The US made themselves look ridiculous by making such a humongous issue of it.

However, a first lady with nude photos all over the place: a completely different thing--as I said, total lack of dignity.
Don't misquote me. I did not say that. Where did I say that?
You said that you wouldn't want a first lady that posed nude, even though it was partial nudity.
No,I said do you people really want a first lady who has posed nude, and it isn't all partial nudity, btw. I said it would humiliate the US, and it would.
A president lying under oath about a blow job would humiliate the US, oh wait.
No big deal except for repubs
So if bush lied under oath you would support it?
There is a huge difference between lying about a sexual encounter and lying about a topic that leads to our invading another country, resulting in the deaths of thousands of US service men and women as well as hundreds of thousands of civilians.

If Bush lied about having a girlfriend, I wouldn't care a wit.
Hillary Clinton should not be talking about being a President!

The woman should be talking about going to prison for treason...she is a corrupt piece of %^&*

My can America even consider her be President??????????????????????????:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Here is one of Donald’s that apparently your head is far enough up your ass to believe:

As if we were not there in the 1990’s and some guy who is going to blow himself up anyway is worried about the repercussions of killing soldiers.

This is the lie you guys believe.

So, does "having your head up your ass" mean you can tell a liar when you come across one?

Whether the military is going to dissuade suicide bombers isn't the issue.

Sure it is.
Your Messiah said "nobody is going to mess with us". Obviously your head has been so far up your ass not only are you coughing up dandruff, you seem to have missed that a lot of attacks on our troops (i.e. "messing with us") is from suicide attacks. Having 50 more tanks, 50 more hummers, or 50 more warplanes circling the battlefield will do nothing.

This is why Drumpf worshipers are thought of as having shit for brains. You can't argue otherwise to what I stated above. You know it's impossible to build a military that "nobody will mess with" but here you are saying there is such an animal.

It's like arguing with a brain-damaged prostitute except she likely would have more teeth.

As usual, the leftwing douche bag takes a statement far too literally so she can knock it down. This c*nt seems to think that it makes her smart.

For your information suicide attacks against our troops haven't been a major problem. Suicide attacks against civilians has been a problem.

You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to the military.

You really do have shit for brains...

287 Marines in Beirut
300+/- at the Pentagon
The USS Cole
Countless attacks on troops in Iraq and Afghanistan...

The most impressive military apparatus ever assembled (at the time of each attack) did absolutely nothing to discourage the attacks.

Those are the facts, now back to the spin.

ROFL! Sorry, but the Pentagon attack wasn't an attack on our armed forces. Those were administrative personnel - secretaries and clerks mostly, not armed men.
I'll let you tell the soldiers they are not in the armed forces.

I understand you're on your knees ready to blow Mr. Trump but are you really prepared to tell uniformed men and women that they are not in the military unless they are armed?

Seriously, you have enough fertilizer between your ears to grow corn on Mars.

And the attacks on our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan are not suicide attacks. Most of them are either IEDs or conventional guerrilla attacks. So you really only have two attacks over a span of about 30 years.

Wrong again, douche bag.

Serioulsy, when your head is that far up your ass, can you hear the ocean?

Americans Killed in Afghanistan Suicide Attack

Riyadh compound bombings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Americans killed in suicide bombing in Turkey

6 Americans Killed in Afghanistan Suicide Attack

Six American servicemen killed in Afghanistan suicide attack, US confirms

Taliban behind attack that killed 3 Americans -

Just a few of the dozens of pages of links. Google is your friend.
They are going to have to pull a rabbit out of a hat. But I hope they do. Trump is not an appropriate person to be our president, leader of the free world, or in charge of the most powerful and influential nation in the world.

Sadly that goes 10x's as much for Hillary Clinton.

Ted Cruz just dropped out of the race, so Trump has the nomination. Now America has the choice between a power-hungry egomaniac (Donald Trump), a power-hungry, money-hungry, emotional train wreck, criminal who can't keep her composure (Hillary Clinton), or a lazy and incompetent socialist (Bernie Sanders).

What a sad day for America.
Just keeping it real. The Scandal was primarily a sexual harassment scandal and a coverup.

That some people personally were upset by the adultery aspect was their personal opinion.
So? I was pointing out how some on the right thought it was wrong to elect a cheater. You know that has nothing to do with his perjury or impeachment, right? You realize he was elected prior to that, right?

If anyone said that Bill being a cheater was the primary reason they didn't support BIll and now they are supporting Trump, then that would be hypocritical of them.

Do you know anyone who fits that bill?
Why, yes, I do. My own brother, for one.

Then point out the contradiction and ask him what was his real reason for hating Bill Clinton.

Or what large faction makes Trump worthy of a special pass.
I already know why he's voting for Trump. Like most conservatives I come across, he's an idiot.

And you just demonstrated the probable reason for his apparent "hypocrisy", ie in group bias.

"In-group favoritism, sometimes known as in-group–out-group bias, in-group bias, or intergroup bias, is a pattern of favoring members of one's in-group over out-group members. This can be expressed in evaluation of others, "

He judged Bill harsher than he is judging Trump, and you are judging people who are "out-group members", as a whole, very harshly.

It is an inevitable part of human thinking.

EVERYONE does it.

Except maybe sociopaths.

Glad I could help.

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