Trump takes the 5th 400 times...

Was Trump able to get an injunction on the subpoena? No. Of course not.
I’m not sure he moved to quash.
Given that the courts didn't issue an injunction, the subpoena was fully enforceable.
And what is the remedy for a failure to comply with a subpoena? That’s right. It’s a motion to have the subpoenaed party held in contempt.

You know what it’s not?

Right. It’s not a criminal process like an application for a fucking search warrant.
And given there was probable cause that Trump STILL had classified documents in his possession,
No; there wasn’t. It was claimed by the applying FBI agent . But Trump had already made it plain that he had declassified such documents. And the FBI agent even had to acknowledge that much in their application.
given that there was probable cause that Trump had LIED about turning over said documents,

Not where wasn’t. There was some evidence that other allegedly documents were still either unaccounted for or not yet turned over.
and given that classified documents were in an unsecured location...
Nope. The allegedly classified documents were in a location that even got an extra lock at the request of the government.
Who says that the 'proper resort' when someone doesn't want to honor a subpoena isn't to secure a warrant?

Who the fuck says it is? A warrant is a criminal process. Absolutely unnecessary. And tawdry cheap as Dim politics at its finest.
So far, your only source is you. And you don't know what you're talking about.
False. I’m not my only source any more than the shit you’ve spewed. And unlike you, I do know what I’m talking about. You just make shit up on the fly.
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I’m not sure he moved to quash.

Then the subpoena was fully enforceable.
And what is the remedy for a failure to comply with a subpoena? That’s right. It’s a motion to have the subpoenaed party held in contempt.

Again, says who?

You, citing you again? You're offering us your personal opinion as legal evidence. And you're nobody. Let me demonstrate how this is done:

The DOJ had probable cause that Trump had classified documents in his possession in an unsecured residence.

Says who? Says the judge that granted the warrant. A warrant upheld on appeal. And probable cause demonstrated to be fully accurate, as Trump did indeed have those documents, he had indeed lied about returning them.

See how that works? I'm not citing myself. I'm citing an actual legal authority.

Now you try.

Who says that the 'proper resort' when someone doesn't want to honor a subpoena isn't to secure a warrant?
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We're a nation of laws.

In large part. True.
Law and Order

Again, that’s more of an ideal than the current state of affairs.
But trump gets to break any law he wants,
Absolutely ^ nonsensical and baseless claptrap assertion.
and pardon serious criminals.
Such as?

You do know that all Presidents have the power of the pardon.
And if you don't like it, then it’s TDS.

Nah. We just want tools like you to be honest — for a refreshing change of pace.
“You see the mob takes the Fifth,” he said. “If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?”
Adverse inference is gonna be a *bitch*.

Trump was outmanuevered. He plead the 5th in a civil case, which was a *really* bad thing to do. As his refusal to answer questions in a civil case can absolutely be held against him.

But why did Trump plead the 5th in a civil case? Because his organization was also under CRIMINAL investigation, and anything he said in the civil case could be used to implicate him in the criminal case.

He's left in a very, very tenuous legal position, caught between a valid criminal investigation (which resulted in jail time and massive fines) and a civil case that could carry up to $250,000,000 in penalties.

Trump and his lawyers being fined almost a million bucks for frivilous legal filings was just icing.
“You see the mob takes the Fifth,” he said. “If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?”
/——/ People say a lot of things. Things change. Now go ask your caretaker for a cookie.
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Why don't snowflakes get upset when Democrats plead the 5th?

Of course, Hillary never pled the 5th - the FBI protrcted her, and she refused to restify under oath ... so she could lie her ass off.


Why don't snowflakes get upset when Democrats plead the 5th?

Of course, Hillary never pled the 5th - the FBI protrcted her, and she refused to restify under oath ... so she could lie her ass off.


“You see the mob takes the Fifth,” he said. “If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?”

If even you are going to treat Trump's claims like meaningless garbage to be tossed on the rhetorical midden heap, surely you'll understand why I treat Trump's words the same way.

“You see the mob takes the Fifth,” he said. “If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?”

If even you are going to treat Trump's claims like meaningless garbage to be tossed on the rhetorical midden heap, surely you'll understand why I treat Trump's words the same way.

Going on 7 years and you treasonous whiny bitches still have nothing on Trump. This proves you snowflakes are mentally broken, obsessed, TDS-driven, which is why you hate all things Trump.

After 7 years its time to get some serious psychiatric help

Going on 7 years and you treasonous whiny bitches still have nothing on Trump. This proves you snowflakes are mentally broken, obsessed, TDS-driven, which is why you hate all things Trump.

After 7 years its time to get some serious psychiatric help


So even you are going to treat Trump's words like the garbage they are.

In this, we are in agreement.

Alas, Trump's gonna run head first into 'adverse inference'. While the 5th can't be held against you in a criminal trial, it absolutely can in a civil trial.
So even you are going to treat Trump's words like the garbage they are.

Why are you surprised that I understand that ALL politicians lie and engage in politically opportunistic comments when it henefits them? Don't YOU understand this?

Do you take everything politicians or fake news media tells you as 'gospel'?

Oh, honey, you poor naive partisan sheep...

“You see the mob takes the Fifth,” he said. “If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?”
Obama and Hillary's team members pleaded the 5th over and over, meaning they are political mafia.

Got it.
Obama and Hillary's team members pleaded the 5th over and over, meaning they are political mafia.

Got it.
Did they say if someone else plead the fifth they must be guilty? This is the spin. The criticism of Trump is not pleading the fifth, it is his hypocrisy.
Did they say if someone else plead the fifth they must be guilty? This is the spin. The criticism of Trump is not pleading the fifth, it is his hypocrisy.

Here, I fixed it for you:
The criticism of Trump is not pleading the fifth, it is his THEIR OWN hypocrisy.

Why are you surprised that I understand that ALL politicians lie and engage in politically opportunistic comments when it henefits them? Don't YOU understand this?

Do you take everything politicians or fake news media tells you as 'gospel'?

Oh, honey, you poor naive partisan sheep...


So we agree that Trump's words are to be treated like meaningless garbage. AND that Trump is a liar.

We're finding all sorts of common ground today, Easy.
No, but keep typing, snowflake. You seem to like the look of your own delusional words on the screen.


Deluded? You've agreed with everything I've said, Easy.

Trump's words are meaningless garbage and should be treated as such. And Trump is a liar.

There doesn't seem to be much debate.

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