Trump talks about Gettysburg in rambling, incoherent speech

When he speaks, he sounds like he’s fighting uphill.

He’s not that good walking downhill too--here he is fighting with a ramp:

How many times has Biden fallen going up the stairs? Enough to modify the steps so there won't be so many to climb. Lol
Here's how it works. Russian agents feed left wing blogs with anti-Trump propaganda and lefties jump all over it when they see the word Trump. The American left wing becomes a tool for Russian propaganda and they blame it on Trump. It isn't even worth a political discussion but it's all the left has since they are unable to talk about current events without mentioning Biden.
Are you denying trump made a complete fool of himself during this speech?

And that isnt how it works. Your kind regurgitates Russian talking points on a daily basis. It's so bad even your Congressionial reps are doing it. In another age ie 20 years ago these reps would have been kicked out of Congress.

I saw the entire section of the speech about was embarrassing. Also as a side note looks like Trump wants to bring back polio by not mandating that schools make students take their vaccines.
Why would anyone listen to a whole speech they found embarrassing. So I don't believe you on that.
and another of your famous lies, guess that is why when you lie you tend to use the word '"looks like"
IF I have your number so do other people !!!
Gettysburg Address, anyone?

  • When I saw the article's source was HuffPost I immediately closed it, having no respect at all for the integrity of the left's muckraking.
  • The entire speech is a mess.
Notably, other media outlets reported the speech's Gettysburg reference also. So we have plenty of sources from which to read the verbiage.
Poor Don, even though he went to a military prep school as a kid, knows very little about American history evidenced by his weird references to British airports in 1781, or his ignorance about what the Arizona Memorial in Pearl Harbor actually memorializes.
Also noteworthy, his advice to R.E.Lee to not fight uphill came a tad late, maybe 160+ years late? And he comes in behind General James Longstreet, Lee's "Old Warhorse" who advised against the so-called "Picket's Charge".
Hell, even Pickett himself took a rather dim view of R.E.Lee's decision (albeit ex-post facto): "he slaughtered my division".

Here's how RealClearPolitics reported Trump's Gettysburg Address:

Gettysburg Eloquence Eluded Trump (But Not Others)
April 15, 2024

"Campaigning over the weekend in Pennsylvania apparently triggered Donald Trump. Although he wasn’t within 120 miles of Gettysburg, the once (and perhaps future) U.S. commander-in-chief waxed nostalgic about American’s most famous battlefield. Unfortunately, he did so by reinventing history and manufacturing quotations. Trump also took Robert E. Lee off the hook for ordering Pickett’s Charge, the ill-advised attack up a mile-long sloping field into Union artillery and rifle fire that doomed the Confederate army. Taking theatrical license, Trump even tried to infuse General Lee with some sort of faux Hollywood-style brogue.
Campaigning for president in his signature red “Make America Great Again” hat in Schnecksville, Trump suddenly mused: “Gettysburg, what an unbelievable battle that was. It was so much, and so interesting, and so vicious and horrible, and so beautiful in so many different ways – it represented such a big portion of the success of this country.”
Continuing with his stream-of-consciousness riff, the 45th U.S. president continued: “Gettysburg, wow! I go to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, to look and to watch. And the statement of Robert E. Lee, who’s no longer in favor – did you ever notice it? – he’s no longer in favor: ‘Never fight uphill, me boys, never fight uphill.’ They were fighting uphill, he said, ‘Wow, that was a big mistake,’ he lost his big general. ‘Never fight uphill, me boys,’ but it was too late.”
The ensuing ridicule on social media was immediate. This scorn, typical of our nation’s current splenetic style of political discourse, wasn’t undeserved. But it obscured a fundamental point about the Battle of Gettysburg, which is that in the decades that followed, everyone from everyday citizens to America’s greatest writers and orators expressed what happened on those killing fields with penetrating fluency. The thousands of dead and maimed soldiers did not die in vain. They took part in a momentous clash that turned the tide of the Civil War, helped produce a “new birth of freedom” on these shores, and set the stage for eloquent elegies – one in particular – that in the words of historian Garry Wills “remade America.”
Are you denying trump made a complete fool of himself during this speech?

And that isnt how it works. Your kind regurgitates Russian talking points on a daily basis. It's so bad even your Congressionial reps are doing it. In another age ie 20 years ago these reps would have been kicked out of Congress.
Many of our Reps continued the FISA dictatorship on us in the vote yesterday.
Gettysburg Address, anyone?

Notably, other media outlets reported the speech's Gettysburg reference also. So we have plenty of sources from which to read the verbiage.
Poor Don, even though he went to a military prep school as a kid, knows very little about American history evidenced by his weird references to British airports in 1781, or his ignorance about what the Arizona Memorial in Pearl Harbor actually memorializes.
Also noteworthy, his advice to R.E.Lee to not fight uphill came a tad late, maybe 160+ years late? And he comes in behind General James Longstreet, Lee's "Old Warhorse" who advised against the so-called "Picket's Charge".
Hell, even Pickett himself took a rather dim view of R.E.Lee's decision (albeit ex-post facto): "he slaughtered my division".

Here's how RealClearPolitics reported Trump's Gettysburg Address:

Gettysburg Eloquence Eluded Trump (But Not Others)
April 15, 2024

"Campaigning over the weekend in Pennsylvania apparently triggered Donald Trump. Although he wasn’t within 120 miles of Gettysburg, the once (and perhaps future) U.S. commander-in-chief waxed nostalgic about American’s most famous battlefield. Unfortunately, he did so by reinventing history and manufacturing quotations. Trump also took Robert E. Lee off the hook for ordering Pickett’s Charge, the ill-advised attack up a mile-long sloping field into Union artillery and rifle fire that doomed the Confederate army. Taking theatrical license, Trump even tried to infuse General Lee with some sort of faux Hollywood-style brogue.
Campaigning for president in his signature red “Make America Great Again” hat in Schnecksville, Trump suddenly mused: “Gettysburg, what an unbelievable battle that was. It was so much, and so interesting, and so vicious and horrible, and so beautiful in so many different ways – it represented such a big portion of the success of this country.”
Continuing with his stream-of-consciousness riff, the 45th U.S. president continued: “Gettysburg, wow! I go to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, to look and to watch. And the statement of Robert E. Lee, who’s no longer in favor – did you ever notice it? – he’s no longer in favor: ‘Never fight uphill, me boys, never fight uphill.’ They were fighting uphill, he said, ‘Wow, that was a big mistake,’ he lost his big general. ‘Never fight uphill, me boys,’ but it was too late.”
The ensuing ridicule on social media was immediate. This scorn, typical of our nation’s current splenetic style of political discourse, wasn’t undeserved. But it obscured a fundamental point about the Battle of Gettysburg, which is that in the decades that followed, everyone from everyday citizens to America’s greatest writers and orators expressed what happened on those killing fields with penetrating fluency. The thousands of dead and maimed soldiers did not die in vain. They took part in a momentous clash that turned the tide of the Civil War, helped produce a “new birth of freedom” on these shores, and set the stage for eloquent elegies – one in particular – that in the words of historian Garry Wills “remade America.”
Trump would have done better to reflect on Lincoln’s views of Gettysburg rather than create his own version of history
Trump speaks in public, unscripted, for several hours every week, with a small army of reporters hanging on every word, hoping to find something that can be construed to be embarrassing. He answers questions constantly under the same light.

Can you even imagine what Biden would look like if given the same level of public speaking and exposure?

In summary, gimmeafukkinbreak.
Who was the “big” general that Lee lost at Gettysburg? Nostra and jknowgood don’t seem to know. Perhaps you know.

The blob isn’t going through onset he?

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