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Trump tells Democratic women of colour to leave U.S. in 'racist and disgusting' tweets

You know a lot of things that aren't true. And you're overly-emotional. That's quite a combination.

If I read the DNC controlled press, everything I knew would be a lie...

Comrade, do you even know what Trump tweeted, or are you just a good little Soros soldier spewing what the party orders you to spew?
What secondary issues? Joaquin is exactly on point about Trump's tactics.

Trumps tactics, or the blatant lies of the little Goebbels of the DNC press?

Remember, what Trump tweeted is NOTHING like what the lying fuck press presented.
Fourth grade-level stuff, especially for a President, but really cool 'n stuff in the Trumpiverse.
The blatant lying by the DNC Controlled press, wouldn't that be "Heinreich Himmler level stuff?" But you're kewl with it...
Deflection noted, thanks.

I wouldn't want to have to defend his behaviors, either.

How is it deflection? The scumbag pigs of the DNC press are flat out lying, but you act as if we should debate the lies of demagogues rather than the facts.
Fourth grade-level stuff, especially for a President, but really cool 'n stuff in the Trumpiverse.
The blatant lying by the DNC Controlled press, wouldn't that be "Heinreich Himmler level stuff?" But you're kewl with it...
Deflection noted, thanks.

I wouldn't want to have to defend his behaviors, either.

How is it deflection? The scumbag pigs of the DNC press are flat out lying, but you act as if we should debate the lies of demagogues rather than the facts.
Perhaps you don't understand the definition of the term "deflection".

You purposely changed the subject (from Trump to the media) to avoid addressing my point.

That's called "deflection". That's as simple as I can make it.
I think the Moon Bats are confused about this.

Trump is brilliant.

He got the rank and file Democrats to come to the defense of the four Loony Tunes. He also rallied his Conservative base because he was correct in what he said.

Trump is going to schlong the Democrats in 2020 just like he did in 2016 and they will never know what hit them..
How is that racist? They should go back to any country they think is better than the U.S. which they HATE.
Being Democrats doesn't make them America haters. You people just plain blow.

Check the Democrat platform and what ALL the Dem Presidential candidates are pushing.

Amnesty for Illegal Aliens
Free healthcare for illegal aliens
Free college for illegal aliens
Climate Change taxes, and much higher energy costs
Higher income taxes
Reparations for Blacks (guilting Americans)
Reparations for LGBT (guilting Americans)

How is that not America HATE?
I don't support all that. But "hate" is the wrong word. Sounds like a lot of generosity to me. I thought you folks have already been saying illegals get free healthcare. Isn't that one of your biggest bitches? Some states have already begun offering community college for free. It's not a bad idea if they can afford it. I don't know what makes you think it's being offered to illegals, though. Are you talking about DACA kids?
We can pay for climate change now, or pay through the ass later.

This retort brought to you by a person who loves America.
Sliding in agenda comments with your principal agenda comments is why people are tired of you. Here is a direct queation you should have some anger with. Why did the United States remove a black female astronaut from a mission to the International Space Station in Jan. of 2018. She was scheduled to go a couple of months later. Its been over 18 months and we do not know why. Some people are calling it racism. Now find out. So we all can know.
Sure we do. It's called privilege. You have a black woman who was already marked as a child as an under achiever because of who she is and where she came from. Their culture was imbedded into our society for four hundred years, between slavery, no right to vote, and were denied the use of white bathrooms and eateries. This went on up until the sixties. And your shallow minded thinking can't see the damage that was done there. Was she prepared? Probably not? And I wonder if she ever will be, knowing the history of family members before her.

It's all about the culture of a people, and the wealth and power each represents. In your shallow world, you expect a four hundred year old culture to just simply vanish. Blacks should be experiencing the same benefits as whites, when they clearly do not, even to this day. Why? Because whites still control all the wealth and power in this country. That is the answer to your question. Education, housing, opportunity has never been the same. And affirmative action was always a joke, because we put people in positions they didn't qualify for, so it ended up as a failure.
My parents did not see anything improve in their lives until the mid 1950's when they were married. They had no wealth and power. Both worked. My mother a secretary which is a common job. And my father after delivering sandwiches for a few years ended up working in a clothing manufacturing job. This one tuxedos. African Americans worked these jobs also. I do not believe quotas and affirmative action are a joke. I believe a percentage of what was hired is a joke. And that denied jobs to others. I have made excuses in life. I also have been wronged. You bring up the being wronged part. But not the excuses. To those who have screwed me over I have no concern for. And no concern for their families. You do realize people paid a price to improve things don't you? One example...in the early 1970's quotas and affirmative action ramped up to the point that white males were put last on the list and not hired for half decent jobs. You do realize that, don't you? Going to college was not as infected as today though. So those who went still had a chance to half decent white collar jobs. Others went into the service like me and the same agendas after getting discharged was prevalent. The difference being you got 5 points if you took a test for a job. That is when I became a bit political. You seem to be another judge, jury and executioner on people who if they do not kiss your butt have to be haters and racists. You better find out about white male impoverishment and them being on the bottom of the ladder. I believe we have institutionalized poverty. I believe a percentage of people do not want to leave it also. They have made a currency within the currency we use to survive and made up their own rules with the social welfare system we devised to help people to get out of poverty. Any wealth my family ever had it earned. For it was at zero in the beginning.
Ah so you think telling a US Lawmaker to leave the country to help countries where most weren't born is not a racist remark? You know what I find interesting about all these more recent excuses? Not just that that they are ridiculous on the face of it. But that you guys seem to expect that we believe you guys believe them yourselves. Anyone with even the slightest amount of common sense know what he meant. Plenty of the more openly racist members on this board freely admit to it. Something that I respect more in a way than people who rather make stupid excuses and pretend to believe them. The openly racist people on this board at least show intellectual honesty.
Yes telling anyone to leave the country is not racist

It does not matter who it is

It is not racist and that is fact not an excuse

Any one with any intelligence and integrity knows it is not racist and that means the vast majority of Americans know you are a liar and proven so.

The charge of racism here is a politically correct bald faced lie and Americans are getting sick of that shit

You people are going to lose this one resorting to false charges of racism

Had you stuck to calling the tweet stupid you would have made trump look very bad but when you have to lie about it you prove you are dumber than he is
He was not telling "anyone" to leave the country. He was telling
Ah so you think telling a US Lawmaker to leave the country to help countries where most weren't born is not a racist remark? You know what I find interesting about all these more recent excuses? Not just that that they are ridiculous on the face of it. But that you guys seem to expect that we believe you guys believe them yourselves. Anyone with even the slightest amount of common sense know what he meant. Plenty of the more openly racist members on this board freely admit to it. Something that I respect more in a way than people who rather make stupid excuses and pretend to believe them. The openly racist people on this board at least show intellectual honesty.
Yes telling anyone to leave the country is not racist

It does not matter who it is

It is not racist and that is fact not an excuse

Any one with any intelligence and integrity knows it is not racist and that means the vast majority of Americans know you are a liar and proven so.

The charge of racism here is a politically correct bald faced lie and Americans are getting sick of that shit

You people are going to lose this one resorting to false charges of racism

Had you stuck to calling the tweet stupid you would have made trump look very bad but when you have to lie about it you prove you are dumber than he is
Ah so you think telling a US Lawmaker to leave the country to help countries where most weren't born is not a racist remark? You know what I find interesting about all these more recent excuses? Not just that that they are ridiculous on the face of it. But that you guys seem to expect that we believe you guys believe them yourselves. Anyone with even the slightest amount of common sense know what he meant. Plenty of the more openly racist members on this board freely admit to it. Something that I respect more in a way than people who rather make stupid excuses and pretend to believe them. The openly racist people on this board at least show intellectual honesty.
Yes telling anyone to leave the country is not racist

It does not matter who it is

It is not racist and that is fact not an excuse

Any one with any intelligence and integrity knows it is not racist and that means the vast majority of Americans know you are a liar and proven so.

The charge of racism here is a politically correct bald faced lie and Americans are getting sick of that shit

You people are going to lose this one resorting to false charges of racism

Had you stuck to calling the tweet stupid you would have made trump look very bad but when you have to lie about it you prove you are dumber than he is
He was not telling "anybody" to leave the country. He was telling specific people who come from specific nations to "go back" to their country. And yes that is racist. As I said before it's not just Democrats who consider it as such. People on this board who are openly racist take it as such. You can spin as much as you want. It just shows a lack of honesty.

He is telling them to go back, not based on their race, but on the obvious fact that they hate America.

THus, it is not racism, but anti-anti-Americanism. If you need to call it a name.
I tell you what. You go in a bar in the Bronx. Tell the patrons that they can go back to their country. See if they accept that it's not a racist remark. I'm betting no.

What reason would he have to tell them that?

Unless he was provoked, like Trump was.
I see? So it's provocation that excuses being a racist? Does that work for everybody? After all, Trump is the guy that goes on a podium with native American WW2 vets just to call one of his political opponents Pocahontas. What would be the correct response to that? Or he goes on TV and tells another political opponent's wife ugly. What should that person be justified in doing? What would be the correct response be to all the tweets by Trump singling out those who don't agree with him? Since you feel being provoked is an excuse?
Some people can't read. Or need spectacles:

Trump: "If you're not happy here, you can leave. As far as I'm concerned, if you hate our country, if you're not happy here, you can leave, & that's what I say all the time. That's what I said in a tweet, which I guess some people think is controversial. A lot of people love it."

Does Trump believe people are not entitled to try to change what they are not happy with?

Reminds me of the Civil Rights era where they shouted at protesting blacks to .....Return to Africa

That was DemoKKKrats........again.

So you admit there are illegal aliens?

Of course. I've never denied it. I've known many and knew most of them to be good people. Most of the rightwingers here knew that, too, until Trump told them differently.

That's not the point.

Sure it is. Demonizing people, making them the "other", is what Trump and the hatemongers on the right are all about.
I dont hate Hispanics, as a matter of fact my daughter in law is from Peru. I just hate illegal Hispanics and any other illegal, Russian, Irish, French, African, Penguin, who is here against our laws. Dumbasses like you I hate also, because you would rather give up your rights and freedoms, just so the Democrats give you your monthly EBT card.

You know a lot of things that aren't true. And you're overly-emotional. That's quite a combination.
Great and intelligent comeback....Not.

The OP reports fake news. Go look at the Tweet. Connecting dots on loose associations is ghey......a progressive specialty. Anyway, the fact of the matter is, most Americans heard this and went out and spiked a football while laughing. Americans hate the America haters. Only the suckers fall for this media narrative that AOC et. al. are mainstream. Their favorability #'s are in the hyper-stink zone of politics.:2up::113::113:. I mean, c'mon now......AOC hovers around 22% and one of those bimbo's is in the single digits.:backpedal:
Your inability to argue against what I said, is noted.

Too bad you could not be honest about that, and had to make the "projection" dodge.

My point stands.

They obviously hate America and would be happier somewhere else.

NOthing racist about saying that, and only a race baiting asshole would claim there was.

Now you right wingers claim Pelosi, Schumer, etc. hate America, why is it that we never hear you tell them to go back to the country they came from. Also what have you done that gives you the right to say who is American and who is not.

1. Well, they generally come from here. So, that would not help. You show me a white lib, who is a first or second gen immigrant, and I will happily tell them to go back where they came from.

2. And we, or at least, I, have often suggested that they leave the country. Love it or leave it? You really miss that one? It was not just for non white liberals, you know?

3. And our right to question their loyalty to America, is based on our right to look at people and judge them based on their actions and character. D'uh.

That works both ways, but I don't see alot of moderates and liberals telling right wing, racist, conservatives to leave the country. How do you tell some who was born in this country to leave, how do you have the right to make that call? What have you done so special that gives that right over another American?

I don't deny that you have a right to judge people, or tell them how you feel about them, or to suggest certain actions.

I often discuss the judgements liberals make on conservatives, such as calling us "racist", and I've never challenged their right to make such judgements.

I challenge the validity of their judgement.

Well when you make racist statements and remarks it speaks for itself. With that said what makes you more American than the next man or woman?

1. The vast majority of the time one of you fucktards say that some remark is racist, you are just being fucktards. SO FUCK YOU.

2. Like I said, it is the words, actions and character of that "next man or woman". What part of that is confusing for you?

Hysterical stuff........go check this past weekends Axios poll......her favorability #'s are beyond laughable. Not sure we have ever had a more recognizable political figure with such low approval ratings in the history of our country. She is basically politically irrelevant.:113::113:

In Trump's new normal, it is OK to be racist if people agree with you. I know that is true, because I grew up in the South in the 1950's.
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