Trump: The Only Good Democrat is a Dead Democrat

This should have been a national outrage.

But we have lowered our standards for this child so far, that it barely registered.

Ugly. Again.
Imagine how much worse this would be if the rogue POTUS was not an imbecile? For example, an extreme authoritarian like Mike Pompeo in the White House whose lies would be much more carefully calculated:

The Most Mendacious President in U.S. History

"The fact remains, however, that Trump’s breathtaking dishonesty is and ought to be a national debate in its own right.

"In a provocative new essay, Trump’s onetime ghostwriter Tony Schwartz—who wrote Trump’s best-selling 1987 book, 'The Art of the Deal,' but has since turned on him—argues that the Presidency has transformed Trump from an attention-seeking narcissist, who spent decades lying about his golf trophies, his sex life, and his real-estate properties, into an ends-justify-the-means ruler who has increasingly and ominously escalated his lies and extreme behavior."
This should have been a national outrage.

But we have lowered our standards for this child so far, that it barely registered.

Ugly. Again.
Imagine how much worse this would be if the rogue POTUS was not an imbecile? For example, an extreme authoritarian like Mike Pompeo in the White House whose lies would be much more carefully calculated:

The Most Mendacious President in U.S. History

"The fact remains, however, that Trump’s breathtaking dishonesty is and ought to be a national debate in its own right.

"In a provocative new essay, Trump’s onetime ghostwriter Tony Schwartz—who wrote Trump’s best-selling 1987 book, 'The Art of the Deal,' but has since turned on him—argues that the Presidency has transformed Trump from an attention-seeking narcissist, who spent decades lying about his golf trophies, his sex life, and his real-estate properties, into an ends-justify-the-means ruler who has increasingly and ominously escalated his lies and extreme behavior."
Yeah, very good point. It's the intelligent ones who are the most dangerous. It does help that he's essentially a cartoon character.

That's one critical difference between today and the 30's and 40's.
Not sure he is a danger to short term national security, but he is nuts. Not eccentric, as I am no psychologist, but just plain nuts.

Most of us who voted for him expected this type of garbage from him.

But he has not materially bothered anything.

So, I'm going to give him four more years instead of turning the WH over to Nancy Shit-For-Brains.

He has materially, destroyed the economy, emboldened racists and white supremacists, and destroyed all of your trade deals. He has also killed 100,000 Americans, and set both the environment and manufactured back by at least 15 years.

If Trump is in power for another four years, you won't have a country. But that was your goal and that of the other 1000 post a month posters all along, wasn't it?
I could call Trump a lot of things, but never mendacious. Because I don't know what that word means. :tongue-44:

Saturday’s news items [there will be school in the fall; a country on fire & more] – 5/30/2020
He bothers the TDS morons because he's dismantling all their totalitarian schemes
Trump bothers anyone with even the slightest regard for the importance of facts and reality when dealing with political and economic problems:

The Most Mendacious President in U.S. History

"On Sunday, on Tuesday, and again on Wednesday, President Donald Trump accused the TV talk-show host Joe Scarborough of murder.

"On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, he attacked the integrity of America’s forthcoming 'rigged' election.

"When he woke up on Wednesday, he alleged that the Obama Administration had “spied, in an unprecedented manner, on the Trump Campaign, and beyond, and even on the United States Senate.”
We had the Mueller investigation.

We had the Adam Schitt show shitsham impeachment farce.
Each of which the Trump Administration impeded by refusing to honor congressional subpoenas and requests for testimony; what does that tell you about the integrity of Don the Con?
"Fact checkers" at the Washington Post?! Seriously?! The only "fact checking" the Washington Post does is to make sure no relevant, meaningful facts accidentally get included in their "articles" (read: propaganda pieces).
He bothers the TDS morons because he's dismantling all their totalitarian schemes
Trump bothers anyone with even the slightest regard for the importance of facts and reality when dealing with political and economic problems:

The Most Mendacious President in U.S. History

"On Sunday, on Tuesday, and again on Wednesday, President Donald Trump accused the TV talk-show host Joe Scarborough of murder.

"On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, he attacked the integrity of America’s forthcoming 'rigged' election.

"When he woke up on Wednesday, he alleged that the Obama Administration had “spied, in an unprecedented manner, on the Trump Campaign, and beyond, and even on the United States Senate.”
That's what the author of the article says. That isn't what Trump actually said.

Why should anyone who lies all the time like you and the TDS moron author of your article?
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Not sure he is a danger to short term national security, but he is nuts. Not eccentric, as I am no psychologist, but just plain nuts.

Most of us who voted for him expected this type of garbage from him.

But he has not materially bothered anything.

So, I'm going to give him four more years instead of turning the WH over to Nancy Shit-For-Brains.

He has materially, destroyed the economy, emboldened racists and white supremacists, and destroyed all of your trade deals. He has also killed 100,000 Americans, and set both the environment and manufactured back by at least 15 years.

If Trump is in power for another four years, you won't have a country. But that was your goal and that of the other 1000 post a month posters all along, wasn't it?
And the damage trump's doing to the environment can't be undone, either.
However after seeing the leftwing maggots burn down property and attack police, it could be said about the radical left Antifa types.
You should leave your basement and mention your concerns to the right-wing white supremacist crackers who think they represent law and order:

Wife of killer cop charged with murder of George Floyd in US files for divorce
What do you imagine that proves? When has anyone in this whole sorry mess been demonstrated to be a white supremacist?

TDS morons are totally unconstrained by facts.
Not sure he is a danger to short term national security, but he is nuts. Not eccentric, as I am no psychologist, but just plain nuts.

Most of us who voted for him expected this type of garbage from him.

But he has not materially bothered anything.

So, I'm going to give him four more years instead of turning the WH over to Nancy Shit-For-Brains.

He has materially, destroyed the economy, emboldened racists and white supremacists, and destroyed all of your trade deals. He has also killed 100,000 Americans, and set both the environment and manufactured back by at least 15 years.

If Trump is in power for another four years, you won't have a country. But that was your goal and that of the other 1000 post a month posters all along, wasn't it?
And the damage trump's doing to the environment can't be undone, either.
What damage?
"Fact checkers" at the Washington Post?! Seriously?! The only "fact checking" the Washington Post does is to make sure no relevant, meaningful facts accidentally get included in their "articles" (read: propaganda pieces).

This from a man who believes a steady diet of Billionaire Media. Let's compare WAPO to your Billionaire Media Sources:

First, the Washington Post - rated HIGH for fact checking:

Next FOX News: borderline "Questionable source" I think they're being kind but:

Breitbart: just flat out "Questionable" because of conspiracy theories and propaganda:

And last but not least: the largest chain of local stations in the USA, Sinclair Media:

In the Republican Senate Bailout Bill, there is a $29 billion dollar tax cut for billionaires. The Trump Administration's payment for the propaganda machine that lies to you daily about the horrors of the Democratic agenda.


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