Trump thinks he can change the Constitution via EO

Gee...another chicken that's come home to roost! Remember when Barry declared that he had a pen and a phone and he was ready to do an end run around a newly elected GOP Congress to keep his agenda moving forward? Remember the warnings that were given to Democrats that they would rue that decision because of the precedent it set? I've got news for you...if you take control of the House and try to stall Trump's agenda...he will very likely do the same thing that Obama did...and keep his agenda on track using EO's!

And you'll have nobody to blame but yourselves...
The Great Obama never claimed he could change the Constitution
He operated within the powers of the executive branch
Gee...another chicken that's come home to roost! Remember when Barry declared that he had a pen and a phone and he was ready to do an end run around a newly elected GOP Congress to keep his agenda moving forward? Remember the warnings that were given to Democrats that they would rue that decision because of the precedent it set? I've got news for you...if you take control of the House and try to stall Trump's agenda...he will very likely do the same thing that Obama did...and keep his agenda on track using EO's!

And you'll have nobody to blame but yourselves...
The Great Obama never claimed he could change the Constitution
He operated within the powers of the executive branch
Gee...another chicken that's come home to roost! Remember when Barry declared that he had a pen and a phone and he was ready to do an end run around a newly elected GOP Congress to keep his agenda moving forward? Remember the warnings that were given to Democrats that they would rue that decision because of the precedent it set? I've got news for you...if you take control of the House and try to stall Trump's agenda...he will very likely do the same thing that Obama did...and keep his agenda on track using EO's!

And you'll have nobody to blame but yourselves...
The Great Obama never claimed he could change the Constitution
He operated within the powers of the executive branch

Trump hasn't either.
Stutter much?

Grammar Police
Dumbfuck, I said nothing about grammar. :eusa_doh: Do they bread you idiots to be this stupid?
Gee...another chicken that's come home to roost! Remember when Barry declared that he had a pen and a phone and he was ready to do an end run around a newly elected GOP Congress to keep his agenda moving forward? Remember the warnings that were given to Democrats that they would rue that decision because of the precedent it set? I've got news for you...if you take control of the House and try to stall Trump's agenda...he will very likely do the same thing that Obama did...and keep his agenda on track using EO's!

And you'll have nobody to blame but yourselves...
The Great Obama never claimed he could change the Constitution
He operated within the powers of the executive branch
Gee...another chicken that's come home to roost! Remember when Barry declared that he had a pen and a phone and he was ready to do an end run around a newly elected GOP Congress to keep his agenda moving forward? Remember the warnings that were given to Democrats that they would rue that decision because of the precedent it set? I've got news for you...if you take control of the House and try to stall Trump's agenda...he will very likely do the same thing that Obama did...and keep his agenda on track using EO's!

And you'll have nobody to blame but yourselves...
The Great Obama never claimed he could change the Constitution
He operated within the powers of the executive branch
Gee...another chicken that's come home to roost! Remember when Barry declared that he had a pen and a phone and he was ready to do an end run around a newly elected GOP Congress to keep his agenda moving forward? Remember the warnings that were given to Democrats that they would rue that decision because of the precedent it set? I've got news for you...if you take control of the House and try to stall Trump's agenda...he will very likely do the same thing that Obama did...and keep his agenda on track using EO's!

And you'll have nobody to blame but yourselves...
The Great Obama never claimed he could change the Constitution
He operated within the powers of the executive branch

Trump hasn't either.
Stutter much?

Grammar Police
Dumbfuck, I said nothing about grammar. :eusa_doh: Do they bread you idiots to be this stupid?

Your buttons are too easy to push. :laugh:
You mean the proper role of checks and balances in challenging an interpretation of an Amendment?
No, I mean with no regard to Constitutonal Amendments. Something is Constitutionally protected when the SCOTUS says it is.
Actually, no that isn't how it works.

The SCOUTS says that a law is either acceptable (does not violate the limits of the Constitution) to the Constitutional limits or it is not and must be either dropped or rewritten.
So then its not a living document.


I just posted the text from the Constitution itself where it details the process for amending it — and you’re still ignorant??


Amending it does not make it the "living document" the left claims it to be. They claim it can be interpreted differently because todays needs are different than they were yesterday.

Dumbshit.... it’s a living document because it can be changed.
In ONLY two ways and it can ONLY be amended, not changed.
Dumbshit, Amendments can, and do, include changes.
Oh look. Another dumb fuck who doesn't understand the amendment process.

Color Me NOT surprised.


Kellyanne Conway’s Husband Shreds Trump Proposal To End Birthright Citizenship

Good for you, Sir.
Trump signs the executive order. ACLU sues to have it stayed. Case goes through the courts and reaches SCOTUS. 5-4 decision holding order as constitutional. Trump is going to roll the dice and see what happens in the courts. I think an amendment would be needed also. But, I also thought Obamacare was a tax.
Sorry bout that,

  1. I'm with President TRUMP!!!!
  2. This whole anchor baby bs is a anchor around the whole USA's neck!
  3. Might as well not have a country if all you need to be apart of said country is get born there.
  4. This shit needs to stop, now i understand this amendment was added to protect the black slaves who were born here giving them citizenship.
  5. That provision stopped a long time ago after much shedding of blood.
  6. GO TRUMP!!!!

Last edited:
I disagree with the calculus. Tinkering with the Constitution is disastrous. The hardcore Trump supporters may be on board...suburban soccer moms? No.

Of course you do but then again you probably disagreed with the same "calculus" when Trump was doing the same "fire up the base on immigration" dance during the 2016 campaign, right? Seems to have worked for him then and I suspect the Presidents political advisors are in a "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" mode.

.. and there is no "Tinkering with the Constitution" going on, if he does actually do this EO (big IF) then it's just going to force SCOTUS to provide an interpretation of the 14th Amendment, which is something that is well within the purview of SCOTUS according to the current standards of judicial review, or do you not agree with SCOTUS having the authority to do judicial review?

He lost the PV and won the EC by 80,000 votes in 3 states. I hope they do try to overturn the Constitution by EO. What’s next? No more 1st Amendment?

Lib please Trump won the popular vote by 1 million votes in 49 of the 50 states, 30 states out right, and over 300 EC votes, Trump destroyed you.

No. He didn’t. And the only people that believe that are Trumpanzees.

Moot point. With a week before the election, only Trumpanzees care about the caravan. Nobody else, and that includes the majority of women, independents, seniors, minorities, and young voters do.

It’s all about healthcare, and Republicans taking it away, cutting social security and Medicare, and giving tax cuts to billionaires, that they don’t agree with, and curiously enough, Republicans are not running on.

LMAO you suck at math fool. Hillary won 4 million more votes in California, Trump won the other 49 states by 1 million votes. Tissue?

Trump won on an accumulated vote total of a mere accumulated vote total of 76K votes coming out of 3 rust belt, while HIllary Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million.


And we all know that the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field.

Former FBI director James Comey broke long standing DOJ protocol on 3 different occasions. The 3rd being the worst. Comey broke long standing DOJ protocol of not releasing any information within 60 days of an election. 11 days before the election and after being warned by officials, he release information anyway while millions of Americans were voting believing that charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton. Seven days later he gave birth to his nothing burger.
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey's 'breach of protocol'
Justice officials warned FBI that Comey’s decision to update Congress was not consistent with department policy


James Clapper, National Intelligence director is on record stating it is impossible to believe that Vladimir Putin didn't change the outcome of the election. For more details on this redirect to this post on this board by clicking this link.

More information on the Russian adds that were inundated on Facebook and shared by millions.


Making Trump the most illegitimate President to ever be sworn into office.

I disagree with the calculus. Tinkering with the Constitution is disastrous. The hardcore Trump supporters may be on board...suburban soccer moms? No.

Of course you do but then again you probably disagreed with the same "calculus" when Trump was doing the same "fire up the base on immigration" dance during the 2016 campaign, right? Seems to have worked for him then and I suspect the Presidents political advisors are in a "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" mode.

.. and there is no "Tinkering with the Constitution" going on, if he does actually do this EO (big IF) then it's just going to force SCOTUS to provide an interpretation of the 14th Amendment, which is something that is well within the purview of SCOTUS according to the current standards of judicial review, or do you not agree with SCOTUS having the authority to do judicial review?

He lost the PV and won the EC by 80,000 votes in 3 states. I hope they do try to overturn the Constitution by EO. What’s next? No more 1st Amendment?

Lib please Trump won the popular vote by 1 million votes in 49 of the 50 states, 30 states out right, and over 300 EC votes, Trump destroyed you.

No. He didn’t. And the only people that believe that are Trumpanzees.

Moot point. With a week before the election, only Trumpanzees care about the caravan. Nobody else, and that includes the majority of women, independents, seniors, minorities, and young voters do.

It’s all about healthcare, and Republicans taking it away, cutting social security and Medicare, and giving tax cuts to billionaires, that they don’t agree with, and curiously enough, Republicans are not running on.

LMAO you suck at math fool. Hillary won 4 million more votes in California, Trump won the other 49 states by 1 million votes. Tissue?

Trump won on an accumulated vote total of a mere 76K votes coming out of 3 blue rust belt states, while Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million.


And we all know that the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field.

Former FBI director James Comey broke long standing DOJ protocol on 3 different occasions. The 3rd being the worst. Comey ignored the warning of DOJ officials to not release any information within 60 days of an election, he did it within 11 days of an election. 7 days later, and after millions voted believing charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton, Comey gave birth to his nothing burger..
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey's 'breach of protocol'
Justice officials warned FBI that Comey’s decision to update Congress was not consistent with department policy - The Washington Post


James Clapper, National Intelligence director is on record stating it is impossible to believe that Vladimir Putin didn't change the outcome of the election. For more details on this redirect to this post on this board by clicking this link.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

For more information on the Russian adds that were inundated on Facebook and shared by millions.
Analysis | These are the most popular stealth Russian Facebook ads from each month


Making Trump the most illegitimate President to ever be sworn into office.

Last edited:
I disagree with the calculus. Tinkering with the Constitution is disastrous. The hardcore Trump supporters may be on board...suburban soccer moms? No.

Of course you do but then again you probably disagreed with the same "calculus" when Trump was doing the same "fire up the base on immigration" dance during the 2016 campaign, right? Seems to have worked for him then and I suspect the Presidents political advisors are in a "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" mode.

.. and there is no "Tinkering with the Constitution" going on, if he does actually do this EO (big IF) then it's just going to force SCOTUS to provide an interpretation of the 14th Amendment, which is something that is well within the purview of SCOTUS according to the current standards of judicial review, or do you not agree with SCOTUS having the authority to do judicial review?

He lost the PV and won the EC by 80,000 votes in 3 states. I hope they do try to overturn the Constitution by EO. What’s next? No more 1st Amendment?

Lib please Trump won the popular vote by 1 million votes in 49 of the 50 states, 30 states out right, and over 300 EC votes, Trump destroyed you.

No. He didn’t. And the only people that believe that are Trumpanzees.

Moot point. With a week before the election, only Trumpanzees care about the caravan. Nobody else, and that includes the majority of women, independents, seniors, minorities, and young voters do.

It’s all about healthcare, and Republicans taking it away, cutting social security and Medicare, and giving tax cuts to billionaires, that they don’t agree with, and curiously enough, Republicans are not running on.

LMAO you suck at math fool. Hillary won 4 million more votes in California, Trump won the other 49 states by 1 million votes. Tissue?

Trump won on an accumulated vote total of a mere accumulated vote total of 76K votes coming out of 3 rust belt, while Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million.


And we all know that the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field.

Former FBI director James Comey broke long standing DOJ protocol on 3 different occasions. The 3rd being the worst. Comey broke long standing DOJ protocol of not releasing any information within 60 days of an election. 11 days before the election and after being warned by officials, he released information anyway. This while millions of Americans were voting believing that charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton. Seven days later he gave birth to his nothing burger.
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey's 'breach of protocol'
Justice officials warned FBI that Comey’s decision to update Congress was not consistent with department policy - The Washington Post


James Clapper, National Intelligence director is on record stating it is impossible to believe that Vladimir Putin didn't change the outcome of the election. For more details on this redirect to this post on this board by clicking this link.

For more information on the Russian adds that were inundated on Facebook and shared by millions.


Making Trump the most illegitimate President to ever be sworn into office.
Trump plans to sign executive order ending birthright citizenship: Axios

More red meat for the masses. Even he is not stupid enough to think this will work.

Sent from my iPhone using
everything for the general warfare instead of the general welfare from the right wing.

Trump to end anchor babies, so much for Dem's plans to collude with Mexico to undermine US elections Trump just bitch slapped the left again. Good job Trump :eusa_clap:
nobody takes the right wing seriously about the law, Constitutional or otherwise.

Only voters in 30 states who entrusted us with confirming 2 new SCOTUS justices...ouch! :auiqs.jpg:

You mean the proper role of checks and balances in challenging an interpretation of an Amendment?
No, I mean with no regard to Constitutonal Amendments. Something is Constitutionally protected when the SCOTUS says it is.
Actually, no that isn't how it works.

The SCOUTS says that a law is either acceptable (does not violate the limits of the Constitution) to the Constitutional limits or it is not and must be either dropped or rewritten.

The only way to change or repeal a Constitutional amendment requires a 2/3/s vote in the Senate, a 2/3's vote in the house, and then it has to be ratified by 38 state legislatures. The President doesn't have anything to do with it.
Trump signs the executive order. ACLU sues to have it stayed. Case goes through the courts and reaches SCOTUS. 5-4 decision holding order as constitutional. Trump is going to roll the dice and see what happens in the courts. I think an amendment would be needed also. But, I also thought Obamacare was a tax.

They will ignore any executive order and call it unconstitutional. He does not have the authority to issue an executive order on a constitutional amendment. It goes nowhere, not even to the ACLU. You're confused over the Muslim ban. Any President has the right to protect this country and the reason why it was deemed unconstitutional is because he kept referring to it as a Muslim ban, which is unconstitutional. They weren't challenging an amendment to the Constitution only the wording of his executive order.

The only way to change or repeal a constitutional amendment is a 2/3's vote in the Senate, a 2/3's vote in the house and then it has to be ratified by 38 state legislatures. The President has nothing to do with it.
You mean the proper role of checks and balances in challenging an interpretation of an Amendment?
No, I mean with no regard to Constitutonal Amendments. Something is Constitutionally protected when the SCOTUS says it is.
Actually, no that isn't how it works.

The SCOUTS says that a law is either acceptable (does not violate the limits of the Constitution) to the Constitutional limits or it is not and must be either dropped or rewritten.

The only way to change or repeal a Constitutional amendment requires a 2/3/s vote in the Senate, a 2/3's vote in the house, and then it has to be ratified by 38 state legislatures. The President doesn't have anything to do with it.
Constitutional Convention. Helps to read the entire fuckin document.
Sorry bout that,

  1. I'm with President TRUMP!!!!
  2. This whole anchor baby bs is a anchor around the whole USA's neck!
  3. Might as well not have a country if all you need to be apart of said country is get born there.
  4. This shit needs to stop, now i understand this amendment was added to protect the black slaves who were born here giving them citizenship.
  5. That provision stopped a long time ago after much shedding of blood.
  6. GO TRUMP!!!!


Bitch all you want too but it's not going to happen.

To repeal or change a Constitutional amendment requires a 2/3's vote in the Senate, a 2/3's vote in the house and then it has to be ratified by 38 State Legislatures. The President has NOTHING to do with it.
Paul Ryan rejects Trump plan to end birthright citizenship with executive order: 'You obviously cannot do that'


Now either Trump is so stupid he does'nt understand how the Constitution works, or he's just trying to send the Trump tards into an hysterical frenzy before the midterm election cycle.

Frankly, I am not so certain that he is smart enough to know Constitutional requirements. You can listen to this op-ed that is corroborated by Bob Woodward's new book Fear.
Hear the entire NYT stunning op-ed - CNN Video
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Sorry bout that,

  1. Finally we have a smart President who gets it!
  2. Its stupid to apply that to none other than slaves who were brought in against their will.
  3. Letting it apply to illegals is dumb!


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