Trump Thinks He's King

The previous occupant was abusing power, disregarding the constitution, starting new wars etc and yet silence then from libs, not a peep. But now the hand wringing. Lol. Those fake croc tears are falling to the ground and drying up quickley.
Bullshit. Obama never claimed "absolute authority"

Next bullshit claim please...

What do you suppose this means:

"Obama On Executive Actions: ‘I’ve Got A Pen And I’ve Got A Phone’
The man will just say anything
It's much easier when you know you have an adoring throng who won't hold you accountable for anything.

Imagine that.

Imagine operating by support of the populace rather than force. You still can’t wrap your Stalinist mindset around that.
Yep. In your simple little binary world, there are (1) patriotic, obedient Trumpsters and (2) evil, radical, commie pinko Stalinist enemies who must be defeated.

The world has seen your kind before, and we managed to survive it. It's just sad to see how little we've progressed.

The man is gaslighting America

He claims to have to authority to do anything and order anything

And yet just weeks ago he was asked why he didn't order...or even ask the states to close down...ans he said he didn't have that power

The man will just say anything

Hmm... Trump is the God-Emperor.
That is exactly what you Trumpers think. Thanks for admitting it.

The current American president is the God-Emperor.

The democratic choice does not even know where he is.
I know you think that Trump is omnipotent and should overturn the constitution and make himself king.. That is why I thanked you for your admission. Your ilk will be the first in line to applaud when our constitutional republic dies.

Which part of God-Emperor did you not understand?

God-Emperor is not a king you moron.
As I said your ilk just can’t wait for the Trump coup and for Trump to declare himself a living God. By your own admission you think king is not good enough for Trump. You’re so far up Trump’s ass you think Trump is a living God. I have no doubt whatsoever that you believe that.

Remember when Liberals/Democrats said Obama was god, Jesus and the messiah?

You forget so quickly.....

The man is gaslighting America

He claims to have to authority to do anything and order anything

And yet just weeks ago he was asked why he didn't order...or even ask the states to close down...ans he said he didn't have that power

The man will just say anything

Well, he doesn't, he knows it, and he shouldn't have said it.

The difference is: he doesn't act like he does. He has ceded power to the governors, as is correct. OTOH, most Democrats don't give their game away. They WANT total control and/or act like they already have it, and no one gives a single rip.


The man is gaslighting America

He claims to have to authority to do anything and order anything

And yet just weeks ago he was asked why he didn't order...or even ask the states to close down...ans he said he didn't have that power

The man will just say anything

Donald John Trump power as President is that he can close and reopen Federal Agencies and Lands.

As for State and Local agencies that are not within the Federal Jurisdiction he can not order their closing or reopening that falls on the Governors, County Officials and Mayors...

As for Private Businesses that fall on the private owner and unless they have Federal Contracts there is little Trump can do.

Now isn't it funny how the left now understands Trump could not force States to comply with a National Shutdown and Lockdown when Trump claims he can force States to reopen...

Nobody on the left thinks Trump could force states to comply with a national shutdown.

We think he could have and SHOULD HAVE gotten in front of cameras in February or early March and told the nation that this was serious and required that we severely curtail our social activities.

He did not do that. Instead, he minimized the seriousness and was not a leader when we needed a leader most.

"We think he could have and SHOULD HAVE gotten in front of cameras in February or early March and told the nation that this was serious and required that we severely curtail our social activities. "


Based on this?

January 24th Dr Fauci on CNBC “Well, I don’t think right now this is a high risk for the American public…and the American public should not be worried as it were, or frightened.”

Interviewer says WHO is not considering this a public health emergency….

Safety trial for coronavirus vaccine may happen within three months: Doctor

On January 31st, Trump shut down travel to and from China.

On February 29th, Fauci went on NBC and said ‘don’t be too worried.’

Alexander: "So, Dr. Fauci, it’s Saturday morning in America. People are waking up right now with real concerns about this. They want to go to malls and movies, maybe the gym as well. Should we be changing our habits and, if so, how?"

Fauci: "No. Right now, at this moment, there’s no need to change anything that you’re doing on a day by day basis. Right now the risk is still low, but this could change. I’ve said that many times even on this program. You’ve got to watch out because although the risk is low now, you don’t need to change anything you’re doing. When you start to see community spread, this could change and force you to become much more attentive to doing things that would protect you from spread." PolitiFact - Tweet amplified by Trump misleads on Fauci’s late-February advice

The man is gaslighting America

He claims to have to authority to do anything and order anything

And yet just weeks ago he was asked why he didn't order...or even ask the states to close down...ans he said he didn't have that power

The man will just say anything

Donald John Trump power as President is that he can close and reopen Federal Agencies and Lands.

As for State and Local agencies that are not within the Federal Jurisdiction he can not order their closing or reopening that falls on the Governors, County Officials and Mayors...

As for Private Businesses that fall on the private owner and unless they have Federal Contracts there is little Trump can do.

Now isn't it funny how the left now understands Trump could not force States to comply with a National Shutdown and Lockdown when Trump claims he can force States to reopen...

Nobody on the left thinks Trump could force states to comply with a national shutdown.

We think he could have and SHOULD HAVE gotten in front of cameras in February or early March and told the nation that this was serious and required that we severely curtail our social activities.

He did not do that. Instead, he minimized the seriousness and was not a leader when we needed a leader most.

"We think he could have and SHOULD HAVE gotten in front of cameras in February or early March and told the nation that this was serious and required that we severely curtail our social activities. "


Based on this?

January 24th Dr Fauci on CNBC “Well, I don’t think right now this is a high risk for the American public…and the American public should not be worried as it were, or frightened.”

Interviewer says WHO is not considering this a public health emergency….

Safety trial for coronavirus vaccine may happen within three months: Doctor

On January 31st, Trump shut down travel to and from China.

On February 29th, Fauci went on NBC and said ‘don’t be too worried.’

Alexander: "So, Dr. Fauci, it’s Saturday morning in America. People are waking up right now with real concerns about this. They want to go to malls and movies, maybe the gym as well. Should we be changing our habits and, if so, how?"

Fauci: "No. Right now, at this moment, there’s no need to change anything that you’re doing on a day by day basis. Right now the risk is still low, but this could change. I’ve said that many times even on this program. You’ve got to watch out because although the risk is low now, you don’t need to change anything you’re doing. When you start to see community spread, this could change and force you to become much more attentive to doing things that would protect you from spread." PolitiFact - Tweet amplified by Trump misleads on Fauci’s late-February advice

They do not care about what others said and even if you bring up the WHO the left will scream " He should have ignored them " because the left is never wong... ( I know the word is wrong but love writing wong instead for those complaining about Trump and his dictatorship they all of a sudden care about that goes against what they want )

The man is gaslighting America

He claims to have to authority to do anything and order anything

And yet just weeks ago he was asked why he didn't order...or even ask the states to close down...ans he said he didn't have that power

The man will just say anything

Donald John Trump power as President is that he can close and reopen Federal Agencies and Lands.

As for State and Local agencies that are not within the Federal Jurisdiction he can not order their closing or reopening that falls on the Governors, County Officials and Mayors...

As for Private Businesses that fall on the private owner and unless they have Federal Contracts there is little Trump can do.

Now isn't it funny how the left now understands Trump could not force States to comply with a National Shutdown and Lockdown when Trump claims he can force States to reopen...

Nobody on the left thinks Trump could force states to comply with a national shutdown.

We think he could have and SHOULD HAVE gotten in front of cameras in February or early March and told the nation that this was serious and required that we severely curtail our social activities.

He did not do that. Instead, he minimized the seriousness and was not a leader when we needed a leader most.

"We think he could have and SHOULD HAVE gotten in front of cameras in February or early March and told the nation that this was serious and required that we severely curtail our social activities. "


Based on this?

January 24th Dr Fauci on CNBC “Well, I don’t think right now this is a high risk for the American public…and the American public should not be worried as it were, or frightened.”

Interviewer says WHO is not considering this a public health emergency….

Safety trial for coronavirus vaccine may happen within three months: Doctor

On January 31st, Trump shut down travel to and from China.

On February 29th, Fauci went on NBC and said ‘don’t be too worried.’

Alexander: "So, Dr. Fauci, it’s Saturday morning in America. People are waking up right now with real concerns about this. They want to go to malls and movies, maybe the gym as well. Should we be changing our habits and, if so, how?"

Fauci: "No. Right now, at this moment, there’s no need to change anything that you’re doing on a day by day basis. Right now the risk is still low, but this could change. I’ve said that many times even on this program. You’ve got to watch out because although the risk is low now, you don’t need to change anything you’re doing. When you start to see community spread, this could change and force you to become much more attentive to doing things that would protect you from spread." PolitiFact - Tweet amplified by Trump misleads on Fauci’s late-February advice

They do not care about what others said and even if you bring up the WHO the left will scream " He should have ignored them " because the left is never wong... ( I know the word is wrong but love writing wong instead for those complaining about Trump and his dictatorship they all of a sudden care about that goes against what they want )

But sometimes the Left just can't decide....before they re-write their own history.

Democrats sure weren’t for social distancing until they were for social distancing.

Here is Nancy Pelosi on February 24th

“But also to say to everyone: we should come to Chinatown. Precautions have been taken by our city. We know that there is concern surrounding tourism, traveling all throughout the world, but we think it’s very safe to be in Chinatown and hope that others will come.

So, that’s why we want people to come to Chinatown. Don’t be afraid. Enjoy it all.

…all I can say is that I’m here. We feel safe and sound, so many of us, coming here to not only say that it’s safe, but to say thank you for being Chinatown. Thank you.”

Pelosi Remarks at Media Availability Following Visit to San Francisco’s Chinatown and Meetings with Local Business Owners

The man is gaslighting America

He claims to have to authority to do anything and order anything

And yet just weeks ago he was asked why he didn't order...or even ask the states to close down...ans he said he didn't have that power

The man will just say anything

Donald John Trump power as President is that he can close and reopen Federal Agencies and Lands.

As for State and Local agencies that are not within the Federal Jurisdiction he can not order their closing or reopening that falls on the Governors, County Officials and Mayors...

As for Private Businesses that fall on the private owner and unless they have Federal Contracts there is little Trump can do.

Now isn't it funny how the left now understands Trump could not force States to comply with a National Shutdown and Lockdown when Trump claims he can force States to reopen...

Nobody on the left thinks Trump could force states to comply with a national shutdown.

We think he could have and SHOULD HAVE gotten in front of cameras in February or early March and told the nation that this was serious and required that we severely curtail our social activities.

He did not do that. Instead, he minimized the seriousness and was not a leader when we needed a leader most.

"We think he could have and SHOULD HAVE gotten in front of cameras in February or early March and told the nation that this was serious and required that we severely curtail our social activities. "


Based on this?

January 24th Dr Fauci on CNBC “Well, I don’t think right now this is a high risk for the American public…and the American public should not be worried as it were, or frightened.”

Interviewer says WHO is not considering this a public health emergency….

Safety trial for coronavirus vaccine may happen within three months: Doctor

On January 31st, Trump shut down travel to and from China.

On February 29th, Fauci went on NBC and said ‘don’t be too worried.’

Alexander: "So, Dr. Fauci, it’s Saturday morning in America. People are waking up right now with real concerns about this. They want to go to malls and movies, maybe the gym as well. Should we be changing our habits and, if so, how?"

Fauci: "No. Right now, at this moment, there’s no need to change anything that you’re doing on a day by day basis. Right now the risk is still low, but this could change. I’ve said that many times even on this program. You’ve got to watch out because although the risk is low now, you don’t need to change anything you’re doing. When you start to see community spread, this could change and force you to become much more attentive to doing things that would protect you from spread." PolitiFact - Tweet amplified by Trump misleads on Fauci’s late-February advice

They do not care about what others said and even if you bring up the WHO the left will scream " He should have ignored them " because the left is never wong... ( I know the word is wrong but love writing wong instead for those complaining about Trump and his dictatorship they all of a sudden care about that goes against what they want )

That 'wong' is funny stuff!!!

The man is gaslighting America

He claims to have to authority to do anything and order anything

And yet just weeks ago he was asked why he didn't order...or even ask the states to close down...ans he said he didn't have that power

The man will just say anything

Donald John Trump power as President is that he can close and reopen Federal Agencies and Lands.

As for State and Local agencies that are not within the Federal Jurisdiction he can not order their closing or reopening that falls on the Governors, County Officials and Mayors...

As for Private Businesses that fall on the private owner and unless they have Federal Contracts there is little Trump can do.

Now isn't it funny how the left now understands Trump could not force States to comply with a National Shutdown and Lockdown when Trump claims he can force States to reopen...

Nobody on the left thinks Trump could force states to comply with a national shutdown.

We think he could have and SHOULD HAVE gotten in front of cameras in February or early March and told the nation that this was serious and required that we severely curtail our social activities.

He did not do that. Instead, he minimized the seriousness and was not a leader when we needed a leader most.

"We think he could have and SHOULD HAVE gotten in front of cameras in February or early March and told the nation that this was serious and required that we severely curtail our social activities. "


Based on this?

January 24th Dr Fauci on CNBC “Well, I don’t think right now this is a high risk for the American public…and the American public should not be worried as it were, or frightened.”

Interviewer says WHO is not considering this a public health emergency….

Safety trial for coronavirus vaccine may happen within three months: Doctor

On January 31st, Trump shut down travel to and from China.

On February 29th, Fauci went on NBC and said ‘don’t be too worried.’

Alexander: "So, Dr. Fauci, it’s Saturday morning in America. People are waking up right now with real concerns about this. They want to go to malls and movies, maybe the gym as well. Should we be changing our habits and, if so, how?"

Fauci: "No. Right now, at this moment, there’s no need to change anything that you’re doing on a day by day basis. Right now the risk is still low, but this could change. I’ve said that many times even on this program. You’ve got to watch out because although the risk is low now, you don’t need to change anything you’re doing. When you start to see community spread, this could change and force you to become much more attentive to doing things that would protect you from spread." PolitiFact - Tweet amplified by Trump misleads on Fauci’s late-February advice

They do not care about what others said and even if you bring up the WHO the left will scream " He should have ignored them " because the left is never wong... ( I know the word is wrong but love writing wong instead for those complaining about Trump and his dictatorship they all of a sudden care about that goes against what they want )

But sometimes the Left just can't decide....before they re-write their own history.

Democrats sure weren’t for social distancing until they were for social distancing.

Here is Nancy Pelosi on February 24th

“But also to say to everyone: we should come to Chinatown. Precautions have been taken by our city. We know that there is concern surrounding tourism, traveling all throughout the world, but we think it’s very safe to be in Chinatown and hope that others will come.

So, that’s why we want people to come to Chinatown. Don’t be afraid. Enjoy it all.

…all I can say is that I’m here. We feel safe and sound, so many of us, coming here to not only say that it’s safe, but to say thank you for being Chinatown. Thank you.”

Pelosi Remarks at Media Availability Following Visit to San Francisco’s Chinatown and Meetings with Local Business Owners

Bill de Bozo is the shining clown of that circus with his stupidity of telling New Yorkers to stay home if sick and the rest go on with their daily lives and to make sure to visit Chinatown...

I mean the moron did not even care enough to apologize for his stupidity and yet the left fake outrage at Trump should be taken seriously...
Trump needs to back off his claim of absolute authority to restart the US economy.
He has no such Constitutional authority, and needs to STFU and let the governors manage their states.

"Federal law allows the federal government to impose quarantines in some circumstances and limit travel between states, but the Trump administration has not invoked those powers. The Supreme Court has struck down attempts by the federal government to intervene within states and Trump would not offer specifics about the source of this power when pressed by members of the press."

The man is gaslighting America

He claims to have to authority to do anything and order anything

And yet just weeks ago he was asked why he didn't order...or even ask the states to close down...ans he said he didn't have that power

The man will just say anything

Donald John Trump power as President is that he can close and reopen Federal Agencies and Lands.

As for State and Local agencies that are not within the Federal Jurisdiction he can not order their closing or reopening that falls on the Governors, County Officials and Mayors...

As for Private Businesses that fall on the private owner and unless they have Federal Contracts there is little Trump can do.

Now isn't it funny how the left now understands Trump could not force States to comply with a National Shutdown and Lockdown when Trump claims he can force States to reopen...

Nobody on the left thinks Trump could force states to comply with a national shutdown.

We think he could have and SHOULD HAVE gotten in front of cameras in February or early March and told the nation that this was serious and required that we severely curtail our social activities.

He did not do that. Instead, he minimized the seriousness and was not a leader when we needed a leader most.

"We think he could have and SHOULD HAVE gotten in front of cameras in February or early March and told the nation that this was serious and required that we severely curtail our social activities. "


Based on this?

January 24th Dr Fauci on CNBC “Well, I don’t think right now this is a high risk for the American public…and the American public should not be worried as it were, or frightened.”

Interviewer says WHO is not considering this a public health emergency….

Safety trial for coronavirus vaccine may happen within three months: Doctor

On January 31st, Trump shut down travel to and from China.

On February 29th, Fauci went on NBC and said ‘don’t be too worried.’

Alexander: "So, Dr. Fauci, it’s Saturday morning in America. People are waking up right now with real concerns about this. They want to go to malls and movies, maybe the gym as well. Should we be changing our habits and, if so, how?"

Fauci: "No. Right now, at this moment, there’s no need to change anything that you’re doing on a day by day basis. Right now the risk is still low, but this could change. I’ve said that many times even on this program. You’ve got to watch out because although the risk is low now, you don’t need to change anything you’re doing. When you start to see community spread, this could change and force you to become much more attentive to doing things that would protect you from spread." PolitiFact - Tweet amplified by Trump misleads on Fauci’s late-February advice

They do not care about what others said and even if you bring up the WHO the left will scream " He should have ignored them " because the left is never wong... ( I know the word is wrong but love writing wong instead for those complaining about Trump and his dictatorship they all of a sudden care about that goes against what they want )

But sometimes the Left just can't decide....before they re-write their own history.

Democrats sure weren’t for social distancing until they were for social distancing.

Here is Nancy Pelosi on February 24th

“But also to say to everyone: we should come to Chinatown. Precautions have been taken by our city. We know that there is concern surrounding tourism, traveling all throughout the world, but we think it’s very safe to be in Chinatown and hope that others will come.

So, that’s why we want people to come to Chinatown. Don’t be afraid. Enjoy it all.

…all I can say is that I’m here. We feel safe and sound, so many of us, coming here to not only say that it’s safe, but to say thank you for being Chinatown. Thank you.”

Pelosi Remarks at Media Availability Following Visit to San Francisco’s Chinatown and Meetings with Local Business Owners

Bill de Bozo is the shining clown of that circus with his stupidity of telling New Yorkers to stay home if sick and the rest go on with their daily lives and to make sure to visit Chinatown...

I mean the moron did not even care enough to apologize for his stupidity and yet the left fake outrage at Trump should be taken seriously...


“New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio urged people to go out and catch a movie just three weeks before his city became the U.S. epicenter for the coronavirus outbreak.

On March 1, the first case of the coronavirus was announced in New York City. At the time, more than 80,000 people worldwide had confirmed cases of the virus, and President Trump had issued travel warnings against South Korea and Italy. However, de Blasio wasn't as concerned.

"Since I’m encouraging New Yorkers to go on with your lives + get out on the town despite Coronavirus, I thought I would offer some suggestions," de Blasio tweeted on March 2. "Here’s the first: thru Thurs 3/5 go see The Traitor [at Lincoln Center]. If The Wire was a true story + set in Italy, it would be this film."

As of Wednesday morning, New York had more than 25,000 confirmed cases and 210 related deaths from the virus. Many Twitter users condemned de Blasio for his nonchalance at the beginning of the outbreak.”
De Blasio haunted by weeks-old tweet urging people to 'get out on the town despite coronavirus'

On that very day, hubby and I had plans to go to the Film Forum.....and watched the news, and cancelled.
The man will just say anything
It's much easier when you know you have an adoring throng who won't hold you accountable for anything.

Imagine that.
It would be MUCH easier to hold his orange ass accountable if the media and the wingers didn't hold him "accountable" at every turn for complete nonsense. Instead, people like me find ourselves being forced to defend the orange one because the loony left can't keep their powder dry for 2 seconds.


The man is gaslighting America

He claims to have to authority to do anything and order anything

And yet just weeks ago he was asked why he didn't order...or even ask the states to close down...ans he said he didn't have that power

The man will just say anything

Donald John Trump power as President is that he can close and reopen Federal Agencies and Lands.

As for State and Local agencies that are not within the Federal Jurisdiction he can not order their closing or reopening that falls on the Governors, County Officials and Mayors...

As for Private Businesses that fall on the private owner and unless they have Federal Contracts there is little Trump can do.

Now isn't it funny how the left now understands Trump could not force States to comply with a National Shutdown and Lockdown when Trump claims he can force States to reopen...

Nobody on the left thinks Trump could force states to comply with a national shutdown.

We think he could have and SHOULD HAVE gotten in front of cameras in February or early March and told the nation that this was serious and required that we severely curtail our social activities.

He did not do that. Instead, he minimized the seriousness and was not a leader when we needed a leader most.

"We think he could have and SHOULD HAVE gotten in front of cameras in February or early March and told the nation that this was serious and required that we severely curtail our social activities. "


Based on this?

January 24th Dr Fauci on CNBC “Well, I don’t think right now this is a high risk for the American public…and the American public should not be worried as it were, or frightened.”

Interviewer says WHO is not considering this a public health emergency….

Safety trial for coronavirus vaccine may happen within three months: Doctor

On January 31st, Trump shut down travel to and from China.

On February 29th, Fauci went on NBC and said ‘don’t be too worried.’

Alexander: "So, Dr. Fauci, it’s Saturday morning in America. People are waking up right now with real concerns about this. They want to go to malls and movies, maybe the gym as well. Should we be changing our habits and, if so, how?"

Fauci: "No. Right now, at this moment, there’s no need to change anything that you’re doing on a day by day basis. Right now the risk is still low, but this could change. I’ve said that many times even on this program. You’ve got to watch out because although the risk is low now, you don’t need to change anything you’re doing. When you start to see community spread, this could change and force you to become much more attentive to doing things that would protect you from spread." PolitiFact - Tweet amplified by Trump misleads on Fauci’s late-February advice

They do not care about what others said and even if you bring up the WHO the left will scream " He should have ignored them " because the left is never wong... ( I know the word is wrong but love writing wong instead for those complaining about Trump and his dictatorship they all of a sudden care about that goes against what they want )

But sometimes the Left just can't decide....before they re-write their own history.

Democrats sure weren’t for social distancing until they were for social distancing.

Here is Nancy Pelosi on February 24th

“But also to say to everyone: we should come to Chinatown. Precautions have been taken by our city. We know that there is concern surrounding tourism, traveling all throughout the world, but we think it’s very safe to be in Chinatown and hope that others will come.

So, that’s why we want people to come to Chinatown. Don’t be afraid. Enjoy it all.

…all I can say is that I’m here. We feel safe and sound, so many of us, coming here to not only say that it’s safe, but to say thank you for being Chinatown. Thank you.”

Pelosi Remarks at Media Availability Following Visit to San Francisco’s Chinatown and Meetings with Local Business Owners

Bill de Bozo is the shining clown of that circus with his stupidity of telling New Yorkers to stay home if sick and the rest go on with their daily lives and to make sure to visit Chinatown...

I mean the moron did not even care enough to apologize for his stupidity and yet the left fake outrage at Trump should be taken seriously...


“New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio urged people to go out and catch a movie just three weeks before his city became the U.S. epicenter for the coronavirus outbreak.

On March 1, the first case of the coronavirus was announced in New York City. At the time, more than 80,000 people worldwide had confirmed cases of the virus, and President Trump had issued travel warnings against South Korea and Italy. However, de Blasio wasn't as concerned.

"Since I’m encouraging New Yorkers to go on with your lives + get out on the town despite Coronavirus, I thought I would offer some suggestions," de Blasio tweeted on March 2. "Here’s the first: thru Thurs 3/5 go see The Traitor [at Lincoln Center]. If The Wire was a true story + set in Italy, it would be this film."

As of Wednesday morning, New York had more than 25,000 confirmed cases and 210 related deaths from the virus. Many Twitter users condemned de Blasio for his nonchalance at the beginning of the outbreak.”
De Blasio haunted by weeks-old tweet urging people to 'get out on the town despite coronavirus'

On that very day, hubby and I had plans to go to the Film Forum.....and watched the news, and cancelled.

Funny how de Bozo was so eager to prove Trump was overreacting and now his city burns with the virus...

Bet anything de Bozo will claim his failure is something that should never be scrutinized while he points his crooked little finger at Trump...
He meant that the president's authority is total with respect to the case they are discussing, not in absolute sense. That is a fact.
He was absolutely 100% WRONG even in THIS instance.

He does NOT have "absolute authority" in this...

And who knows what he "meant". All we have are HIS words

There are certain things the president has authority over. Sadly you fake media article by "crooksandliars" (trustworthy publication no doubt) has trouble understanding this.
You seem to have trouble understanding that the President is not king
OH stop that !
He only wears a crown 4-5 times a day.....depending on diet Coke intake
But But OBAMA!

No Trumpers...Obama never declared he had "total authority"

Clearly you know that what Trump claimed is over the top and all you can do is scream and deflect
A Republican on DJT

"What is patriotism? Let us begin with what patriotism is not. It is not patriotic to dodge the draft and to mock war heroes and their families. It is not patriotic to discriminate against active-duty members of the armed forces in one's companies, or to campaign to keep disabled veterans away from one's property. It is not patriotic to compare one's search for sexual partners in New York with the military service in Vietnam that one has dodged. It is not patriotic to avoid paying taxes, especially when American working families do pay. It is not patriotic to ask those working, taxpaying American families to finance one's own presidential campaign, and then to spend their contributions in one's own companies. It is not patriotic to admire foreign dictators. It is not patriotic to cultivate a relationship with Muammar Gaddafi; or to say that Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin are superior leaders. It is not patriotic to call upon Russia to intervene in an American presidential election. It is not patriotic to cite Russian propaganda at rallies." Timothy Snyder

Frum is a Canadian Pierre Trudeau ass licker.
Frum was one of Trudeau's 'entourage' who attended opening night of the first underground gay bar in Calgary.
Frum made one too many passes at the fag bartender dressed up like Shirley Temple. 'Shirley's' bull dyke boyfriend punched Frum and broke his nose.
Trudeau was PM at the time.
He told the limo driver and a couple of the PM's RCMP security detail to take Frum to the Calgary General Hospital.
Frum's 'mommy' CBC news anchor Barbara Frum ( a radical LIB) was so pissed off she tried to find a law firm in Calgary to sue the gay bar's owner named 'Jerry' for air flights and reconstructive surgery to David's nose.
Take a close look at his nose. He didn't get that in a hockey game.
How do I know this? B/c my brother in law was one of the RCMP NCOs who had to watch as Trudeau and Frum attempted to get their asses fucked in the bathroom.
Lot's of 'slow dancing' and coke. The RCMP detail were ordered by the Attorney General's department to 'stand down' visa vi any illegal activities Trudeau got up to including his guests like Frum.

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