Trump Threatens Mom for Donating Against Him

A 100% accurate title.
The Link doesn't match the Thread all.
Trump did threaten his mom? No comprende?

ok yes, you got me. it's still a bunch of National Enquire like BS you posted and you can't dig your way out of it by trying to shame others.
So you do think Trumps Twitter account was hacked and he never said it.

Alert to all retards...Use the damn Post Reply button.
Trump Tweeted it.
What's your problem?
You need your shirts from Singapore?
Hey retard, use the Post Reply button.

Now you want to order everyone around. Good Brown Shirt asshole.
The Link doesn't match the Thread all.
Trump did threaten his mom? No comprende?

ok yes, you got me. it's still a bunch of National Enquire like BS you posted and you can't dig your way out of it by trying to shame others.
So you do think Trumps Twitter account was hacked and he never said it.

Alert to all retards...Use the damn Post Reply button.
Trump Tweeted it.
What's your problem?
You need your shirts from Singapore?
Hey retard, use the Post Reply button.

Now you want to order everyone around. Good Brown Shirt asshole.

I will no longer reply to a post without context.
In 2009 Obama "joked" about using the IRS against his political enemies.
The quip is not what matters; the action is what matters.
He also said Republicans would have to ride on the back of the bus.
You just don't get it. People in his position are not even to joke like that.
You're a stooge if you don't think Trump is vindictive.

You're absolutely correct.
We need serious candidates who will get even more Americans on welfare and food stamps.
I know your real issue is your Stock Portfolio.
Damn right. Asshole Obama is keeping me at 7 figures. And asshole Trump will destroy that even further.
Trump did threaten his mom? No comprende?

ok yes, you got me. it's still a bunch of National Enquire like BS you posted and you can't dig your way out of it by trying to shame others.
So you do think Trumps Twitter account was hacked and he never said it.

Alert to all retards...Use the damn Post Reply button.
Trump Tweeted it.
What's your problem?
You need your shirts from Singapore?
Hey retard, use the Post Reply button.

Now you want to order everyone around. Good Brown Shirt asshole.

I will no longer reply to a post without context.
Hey retard, use the Post Reply button.
In 2009 Obama "joked" about using the IRS against his political enemies.
The quip is not what matters; the action is what matters.
He also said Republicans would have to ride on the back of the bus.
You just don't get it. People in his position are not even to joke like that.
You're a stooge if you don't think Trump is vindictive.

You're absolutely correct.
We need serious candidates who will get even more Americans on welfare and food stamps.
I know your real issue is your Stock Portfolio.
Damn right. Asshole Obama is keeping me at 7 figures. And asshole Trump will destroy that even further.

Then I suggest sitting down with an asset manager you respect, invest wisely and keep a budget.
I know plenty of multi-millionaires who never think they have enough and most will die and leave it their kids who will flush it down the toilet.
ok yes, you got me. it's still a bunch of National Enquire like BS you posted and you can't dig your way out of it by trying to shame others.
So you do think Trumps Twitter account was hacked and he never said it.

Alert to all retards...Use the damn Post Reply button.
Trump Tweeted it.
What's your problem?
You need your shirts from Singapore?
Hey retard, use the Post Reply button.

Now you want to order everyone around. Good Brown Shirt asshole.

I will no longer reply to a post without context.
Hey retard, use the Post Reply button.

Were you attempting wit?
That would be humorous if I DIDN'T use the Post Reply button.
Keep communicating with me and you'll develop a sense of wit.
So you do think Trumps Twitter account was hacked and he never said it.

Alert to all retards...Use the damn Post Reply button.
Trump Tweeted it.
What's your problem?
You need your shirts from Singapore?
Hey retard, use the Post Reply button.

Now you want to order everyone around. Good Brown Shirt asshole.

I will no longer reply to a post without context.
Hey retard, use the Post Reply button.

Were you attempting wit?
That would be humorous if I DIDN'T use the Post Reply button.
Keep communicating with me and you'll develop a sense of wit.
What is even funnier is you calling people retards.
Alert to all retards...Use the damn Post Reply button.
Trump Tweeted it.
What's your problem?
You need your shirts from Singapore?
Hey retard, use the Post Reply button.

Now you want to order everyone around. Good Brown Shirt asshole.

I will no longer reply to a post without context.
Hey retard, use the Post Reply button.

Were you attempting wit?
That would be humorous if I DIDN'T use the Post Reply button.
Keep communicating with me and you'll develop a sense of wit.
What is even funnier is you calling people retards.
Please provide context for that statement.
Barry Hussein and his corrupt administration used the power of the IRS against political enemies and the A.G. threatens American citizens with arrest (or worse?) if they dare insult someone of the Muslem faith and the left worries about a Trump tweet? What a bunch of freaking hypocrites.

Ridiculous lies and a red herring fallacy – well done!
Great, just what we need. Another 4 years of a totalitarian child king using the government against the people who don't fall in line.

‘It’s a little surreal when Trump threatens your mom’: Cubs owner | New York Post
You are a dishonest man (or woman). The Ricketts are donating millions of dollars to a super-pac that is known to slander moderate candidates.

I believe the poor woman he attacked is a billionaire. You know that evil 1% you are used to attacking yourself.

So you're defending blackmail huh?

Donald J. Trump ‎@realDonaldTrump

I hear the Rickets family, who own the Chicago Cubs, are secretly spending $'s against me. They better be careful, they have a lot to hide!

9:42 AM - 22 Feb 2016

This is what you want in the White House --- a goon with a thin skin? Good to know.

a super-pac that is known to slander moderate candidates.

Don't recall the left complaining about the current thin skinned anti American in the with house for the last 7 years
oh for crying out loud, the New York post has the biggest hard on for Trump even ice water wouldn't get down. good grief.
Just one wiff of your rotten gash would send it into a nosedive
Why on earth is this not raising red flags for everyone????
Because it is par for the course.

As far as Trump's asinine statements goes, this is very mild and barely even registers. If you have swallowed his swill thus far you are not going to even notice something like this. If you have not swallowed the swill then this is not even remotely important - there are just far to many things that vastly overshadow it.

Sadly you are right. Here he is threatening an elderly woman for exercising her first a right to oppose him and it doesn't matter to people because he has done far worse.

And the left is just waiting to attack him in the general. They are being nice and friendly now. This election will be a bloodbath and if trump wins it will be bloody for the next four years
You fucking baby!
Trump has been in public wars with the team owners and the fucking newspaper rag for years.
You simpletons don't have the slightest idea about the war between them for decades.
OH the poor little old innocent woman! How DARE! Trump attack her! Fucking bullshit! The hilarious irony is there are as many haters of the team's family as haters of Trump and of the newspaper in NY.

I'm a baby for thinking that threatening an old lady for disagreeing with you is not a good sign? I'm sure Hillary disagrees with me, I'm not going to threaten her over it.

Heck, a lot of old and young people disagree with me about Trump. I'm not threatening them. I cant imagine being so insecure that I need to threaten the elderly
I am still pretty gobsmacked that the GOP electorate is choosing Trump. Cruz is quite likely the most conservative candidate to run in a generation and he is being shoved aside by a candidate whose politics change depending on the day.

The age of Conservatism is DEAD.

I wouldn't go that far but whatever. lol
Conservatism is for those who luckily missed the Reagan Era and are now comfortably retired.
And not being Conservative does NOT equal being Liberal.
what the hell does that mean. I was proud to live through the Reagan years/era. and then we had the blowjob Clinton, the Bush Jr and now the thug progressive.
Great, just what we need. Another 4 years of a totalitarian child king using the government against the people who don't fall in line.

‘It’s a little surreal when Trump threatens your mom’: Cubs owner | New York Post
You are a dishonest man (or woman). The Ricketts are donating millions of dollars to a super-pac that is known to slander moderate candidates.

I believe the poor woman he attacked is a billionaire. You know that evil 1% you are used to attacking yourself.

So you're defending blackmail huh?

Donald J. Trump ‎@realDonaldTrump

I hear the Rickets family, who own the Chicago Cubs, are secretly spending $'s against me. They better be careful, they have a lot to hide!

9:42 AM - 22 Feb 2016

This is what you want in the White House --- a goon with a thin skin? Good to know.

a super-pac that is known to slander moderate candidates.

Don't recall the left complaining about the current thin skinned anti American in the with house for the last 7 years

Nope, I don't either.

But that's not a link.
I am still pretty gobsmacked that the GOP electorate is choosing Trump. Cruz is quite likely the most conservative candidate to run in a generation and he is being shoved aside by a candidate whose politics change depending on the day.

The age of Conservatism is DEAD.

I wouldn't go that far but whatever. lol
Conservatism is for those who luckily missed the Reagan Era and are now comfortably retired.
And not being Conservative does NOT equal being Liberal.
Those terrible Reagan years. Million jobs gained in a month, home loans go from 22% to 9%, the 40 year old Cold War ends, Americans are proud to be Americans.....just horrible.

I'm off to the Regan library next week, I'll leave a a tear for you.

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