Trump threatens to cancel Berkeley Federal Funds after riots shut down Milo event


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

Donald Trump Threatens to Cancel Berkeley Federal Funds After Riots Shut Down Milo Event
You've got a Hollywood actress and Director advocating violence and suggesting the overthrow of the President of the United States and the US Government. These people should be arrested. Cut off Berkeley's funds? Absolutely but arrest these people and set the precedent right now!

  1. U.S. CodeTitle 18Part IChapter 115 › § 2385
114-38. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.)

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Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or

Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or

Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

If two or more persons conspire to commit any offense named in this section, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

As used in this section, the terms “organizes” and “organize”, with respect to any society, group, or assembly of persons, include the recruiting of new members, the forming of new units, and the regrouping or expansion of existing clubs, classes, and other units of such society, group, or assembly of persons.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808; July 24, 1956, ch. 678, § 2, 70 Stat. 623; Pub. L. 87–486, June 19, 1962, 76 Stat. 103; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(N), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)
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You've got a Hollywood actress and Director advocating violence and suggesting the overthrow of the President of the United States and the US Government. These people should be arrested. Cut off Berkeley's funds? Absolutely but arrest these people and set the precedent right now!

  1. U.S. CodeTitle 18Part IChapter 115 › § 2385
114-38. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.)

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Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or

Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or

Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

If two or more persons conspire to commit any offense named in this section, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

As used in this section, the terms “organizes” and “organize”, with respect to any society, group, or assembly of persons, include the recruiting of new members, the forming of new units, and the regrouping or expansion of existing clubs, classes, and other units of such society, group, or assembly of persons.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808; July 24, 1956, ch. 678, § 2, 70 Stat. 623; Pub. L. 87–486, June 19, 1962, 76 Stat. 103; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(N), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)

You mean this lunatic bitch

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The Trump cabal would like to shut down america.

Wrong the Globalist want to shut it down it is not TRUMP and they do not like TRUMP going against them .

Trump is a globalist, look at his empire.

He not a gawd dman GLobalist his MONEY DOES NOT MEAN GLOBALIAST you fks have no clue wtf it even means or why.
this is why you continue to stay CLUELESS. wake the hell up jesus christ.

DO YOU SEE TRUMP'S NAME ON HERE NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The power behind the Committee of 300 is the Anglo-Jewish cousin-hood that dominate the financial and political systems of the world. This cousin-hood includes the Rothschild, Rockefeller, Oppenheimer, Goldsmid, Mocatta, Montefiore, Sassoon, Warburg, Samuel, Kadoorie, Franklin, Worms, Stern and Cohen families.

Ruling Families
Rothschild (Bauer or Bower) family
Rockefeller family
Oppenheimer family
Goldsmid/Goldsmith family
Mocatta family
Montefiore family
Sassoon family
Warburg (del Banco) family
Samuel family
Kadoorie family
Franklin family
Worms family
Stern family
Cohen family
Schiff family
Morgan family
Lazard family
Schröder family
Harriman family
Royal Family of England
Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha) family
Hanover family
Cavendish (Kennedy) family
De Medici family
Lorraine family
Plantagenet family
Habsburg family
Krupp family
Bruce (Bruis, Brix, or Broase) family
Carnegie family
Vanderbilt family
Du Pont family
Sinclair family
Astor family
Romanov family
Li family
Onassis family
Van Duyn (Dien, or Duyne) family
Thurn und Taxis family
Guinness family
Russell family
Bush family
Bundy family
Taft family
Disney family
Collins family
Freeman family
McDonald family
Goodyear family
Kellogg family
Whitney family
Sloane family
Perkins family
Reynolds family
Getty family
Hearst family
Saudi family (The House of Saud)

“The United States is owned and dominated today by a hierarchy of its sixty richest families, buttressed by no more than ninety families of lesser wealth… These families are the living center of the modern industrial oligarchy which dominates the United States, functioning discreetly under a de jure democratic form of government behind which a de facto government, absolutist and plutocratic in its lineaments, has gradually taken form since the Civil War. This de facto government is actually the government of the United States — informal, invisible, shadowy. It is the government of money in a dollar democracy.” – Ferdinand Lundberg

See more here: America’s 60 Families
The Trump cabal would like to shut down america.

Wrong the Globalist want to shut it down it is not TRUMP and they do not like TRUMP going against them .

Trump is a globalist, look at his empire.

He not a gawd dman GLobalist his MONEY DOES NOT MEAN GLOBALIAST you fks have no clue wtf it even means or why.
this is why you continue to stay CLUELESS. wake the hell up jesus christ.

DO YOU SEE TRUMP'S NAME ON HERE NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The power behind the Committee of 300 is the Anglo-Jewish cousin-hood that dominate the financial and political systems of the world. This cousin-hood includes the Rothschild, Rockefeller, Oppenheimer, Goldsmid, Mocatta, Montefiore, Sassoon, Warburg, Samuel, Kadoorie, Franklin, Worms, Stern and Cohen families.

Ruling Families
Rothschild (Bauer or Bower) family
Rockefeller family
Oppenheimer family
Goldsmid/Goldsmith family
Mocatta family
Montefiore family
Sassoon family
Warburg (del Banco) family
Samuel family
Kadoorie family
Franklin family
Worms family
Stern family
Cohen family
Schiff family
Morgan family
Lazard family
Schröder family
Harriman family
Royal Family of England
Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha) family
Hanover family
Cavendish (Kennedy) family
De Medici family
Lorraine family
Plantagenet family
Habsburg family
Krupp family
Bruce (Bruis, Brix, or Broase) family
Carnegie family
Vanderbilt family
Du Pont family
Sinclair family
Astor family
Romanov family
Li family
Onassis family
Van Duyn (Dien, or Duyne) family
Thurn und Taxis family
Guinness family
Russell family
Bush family
Bundy family
Taft family
Disney family
Collins family
Freeman family
McDonald family
Goodyear family
Kellogg family
Whitney family
Sloane family
Perkins family
Reynolds family
Getty family
Hearst family
Saudi family (The House of Saud)

“The United States is owned and dominated today by a hierarchy of its sixty richest families, buttressed by no more than ninety families of lesser wealth… These families are the living center of the modern industrial oligarchy which dominates the United States, functioning discreetly under a de jure democratic form of government behind which a de facto government, absolutist and plutocratic in its lineaments, has gradually taken form since the Civil War. This de facto government is actually the government of the United States — informal, invisible, shadowy. It is the government of money in a dollar democracy.” – Ferdinand Lundberg

See more here: America’s 60 Families

He has businesses all over the world and fails to pay taxes in america.
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View attachment 110234

That's why your police departments have militarized and you have for profit prisons. The power structure knows full well it has lost all semblance of legitimacy.

THAT IS WHY TRUMP wants to UNDO IT all but you have to understand his way of doing it and what the past idiots were doing with it. This is for us the build up of military etc... It has nothing to do with what your MSM morons are telling you THEY LIE and as you see in the streets MSM is getting peopel to react just like they want them too. IDIOTS

View attachment 110234

That's why your police departments have militarized and you have for profit prisons. The power structure knows full well it has lost all semblance of legitimacy.

THAT IS WHY TRUMP wants to UNDO IT all but you have to understand his way of doing it and what the past idiots were doing with it. This is for us the build up of military etc... It has nothing to do with what your MSM morons are telling you THEY LIE and as you see in the streets MSM is getting peopel to react just like they want them too. IDIOTS

Don will undo nothing, he is merely this season's hope and change ruse.

How Rockefeller’s Oil Industry Conquered Medicine, Finance and Agriculture
No one said he invented it, he has certainly joined.


The societal wealth extraction and redistribution will continue unabated, watch.

The New World Order (NWO)
An Overview

By Ken Adachi, Editor
The New World Order, an Overview

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worldwide conspiracy being orchestrated by an extremely powerful and influential group of genetically-related individuals (at least at the highest echelons) which include many of the world's wealthiest people, top political leaders, and corporate elite, as well as members of the so-called Black Nobility of Europe (dominated by the British Crown) whose goal is to create a One World (fascist) Government, stripped of nationalistic and regional boundaries, that is obedient to their agenda. Their intention is to effect complete and total control over every human being on the planet and to dramatically reduce the world's population by 6.5 Billion people to 500 million. While the name New World Order is a term frequently used today when referring to this group, it's more useful to identify the principal organizations, institutions, and individuals who make up this vast interlocking spiderweb of elite conspirators.

The Illuminati is the oldest term commonly used to refer to the 13 bloodline families (and their offshoots) that make up a major portion of this controlling elite. Most members of the Illuminati are also members in the highest ranks of numerous secretive and occult societies which in many cases extend straight back into the ancient world. The upper levels of the tightly compartmentalized (need-to-know-basis) Illuminati structural pyramid include planning committees and organizations that the public has little or no knowledge of. The upper levels of the Illuminati pyramid include secretive committees with names such as: the Council of 3, the Council of 5, the Council of 7, the Council of 9, the Council of 13, the Council of 33, the Grand Druid Council, the Committee of 300 (also called the "Olympians") and the Committee of 500 among others.

In 1992, Dr John Coleman published Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300. With laudable scholarship and meticulous research, Dr Coleman identifies the players and carefully details the Illuminati agenda of worldwide domination and control. On page 161 of the Conspirators Hierarchy, Dr Coleman accurately summarizes the intent and purpose of the Committee of 300 as follows:

"A One World Government and one-unit monetary system, under permanent non-elected hereditary oligarchists who self-select from among their numbers in the form of a feudal system as it was in the Middle Ages. In this One World entity, population will be limited by restrictions on the number of children per family, diseases, wars, famines, until 1 billion people who are useful to the ruling class, in areas which will be strictly and clearly defined, remain as the total world population.

There will be no middle class, only rulers and the servants. All laws will be uniform under a legal system of world courts practicing the same unified code of laws, backed up by a One World Government police force and a One World unified military to enforce laws in all former countries where no national boundaries shall exist. The system will be on the basis of a welfare state; those who are obedient and subservient to the One World Government will be rewarded with the means to live; those who are rebellious will simple be starved to death or be declared outlaws, thus a target for anyone who wishes to kill them. Privately owned firearms or weapons of any kind will be prohibited."

The sheer magnitude and complex web of deceit surrounding the individuals and organizations involved in this conspiracy is mind boggling, even for the most astute among us. Most people react with disbelief and skepticism towards the topic, unaware that they have been conditioned (brainwashed) to react with skepticism by institutional and media influences that were created by the Mother of All mind control organizations: The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London. Author and de-programmer Fritz Springmeier (The Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines ) says that most people have built in "slides" that short circuit the mind's critical examination process when it comes to certain sensitive topics. "Slides", Springmeier reports, is a CIA term for a conditioned type of response which dead ends a person's thinking and terminates debate or examination of the topic at hand. For example, the mention of the word "conspiracy" often solicits a slide response with many people. (Springmeier has co-authored three books on trauma-based programming which detail how the Illuminati employs highly tuned and extrememly sophisticated Mind Control (MC) training programs that begin the programming process while the intended victim is still within the womb. Mind Control is a much greater problem than most people realize. According to Cisco Wheeler, a former Illuminati mind control programmer, there are 10 million people who have been programmed as mind controlled slaves using trauma-based MC programs with names like Monarch and MK Ultra. The newer, non-trauma, electronic means of MC programming that grew out of the Montauk Project, may include millions more. Al Bielek, who played a principle role in the development of the Montauk Project, said that there likely 10 million victims of Montauk style mind control programming worldwide, the majority located in the USA. He also said that there are covert Montauk Programming 'Centers' in every major city in the U.S. )

What most Americans believe to be "Public Opinion" is in reality carefully crafted and scripted propaganda designed to elicit a desired behavioral response from the public. Public opinion polls are really taken with the intent of gauging the public's acceptance of the Illuminati's planned programs. A strong showing in the polls tells the Illuminati that the programing is "taking", while a poor showing tells the NWO manipulators that they have to recast or "tweak" the programming until the desired response is achieved. While the thrust and content of the propaganda is decided at Tavistock, implementation of the propaganda is executed in the United States by well over 200 'think tanks' such as the Rand Corporation and the Brookings Institute which are overseen and directed by the top NWO mind control organization in the United States, the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in Menlo Park, California.
The New World Order, an Overview
Trump's Presidency just keeps getting better and better every day. This is great news, and long overdue, threatening to cut off the fifth columnist poseurs and sickos that have taken over our academic institutions.

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