trump Threatens Violence if gop Loses in November

trump has told evangelical leaders that if the gop loses in November that liberals and antifa will be violent.

Which doesn't make sense.

Why would antifa be upset when the gop loses? There is no reason for antifa to be upset that the gop loses in November. In fact I'm pretty sure that they will be celebrating if the gop loses in November.

If anyone will be upset about that loss it will be conservatives and trump's far right white supremacists. We all know how violent the far right is and has been in the past.

So trump isn't being honest when he claims that antifa will become violent and riot. It's trump's far right white supremacists who will become very upset and start rioting and killing people again.

Trump reportedly told Christian leaders there will be 'violence' if the GOP loses in midterms

So he's rallying his buddies from Charlottesville.
They are headed down to Home Depot for pretty, new tiki torches now.

White Supremacy is led by Jason Kessler, who is also a chieftain of the Occupy Wall Street Movement. None of this has anything to do with conservatives or President Trump. Believe me, Donald J Trump has never taken a dump on a police cruiser and never will.
trump has told evangelical leaders that if the gop loses in November that liberals and antifa will be violent.

Which doesn't make sense.

Why would antifa be upset when the gop loses? There is no reason for antifa to be upset that the gop loses in November. In fact I'm pretty sure that they will be celebrating if the gop loses in November.

If anyone will be upset about that loss it will be conservatives and trump's far right white supremacists. We all know how violent the far right is and has been in the past.

So trump isn't being honest when he claims that antifa will become violent and riot. It's trump's far right white supremacists who will become very upset and start rioting and killing people again.

Trump reportedly told Christian leaders there will be 'violence' if the GOP loses in midterms

Fake news..headlines and thread title deliberately misleading. Trump didn't promise violence..he predicted there would be violence from the left.

This is how the leftists and antifa predicate their own violence. They attack people, then scream "I'm being attacked!" They plan violence...then accuse anybody who accurately predicts their violence of "promising violence".

Crazy town.
I was waiting for some far rightwing nincompoop to come out and say that ANTIFA, the anti-fascist group, are the fascists.

It was only a matter of time.

If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, you can call it an ice cream sandwich all day's still a duck.

ANTIFA seems VERY inclusive and open to free speech.

They are ANTI this guy.

Obviously a staunch supporter of the French Unified Culinary University soccer team, adrently cheering the schools mantra, FUC U, over and over...must be a match being played close by.

Can't come up with any other explanation for a sane person to behave that way in public...

I can't get enough of that dude, and that VERY ODD STOIC person, whom I am guessing is a female or someone in transition. Weird.

View attachment 213656

It's SOP for conservatives to accuse liberals of doing whatever they're planning to do themselves, as an attempt to deflect from what they're doing.

For example, if conservatives accuse liberals of vote fraud, you know conservatives are revving their well-oiled vote fraud machine into high gear.

So, if conservatives are saying liberals are going to get violent, it means conservatives know conservatives are going to get violent.
trump has told evangelical leaders that if the gop loses in November that liberals and antifa will be violent.

Which doesn't make sense.

Why would antifa be upset when the gop loses? There is no reason for antifa to be upset that the gop loses in November. In fact I'm pretty sure that they will be celebrating if the gop loses in November.

If anyone will be upset about that loss it will be conservatives and trump's far right white supremacists. We all know how violent the far right is and has been in the past.

So trump isn't being honest when he claims that antifa will become violent and riot. It's trump's far right white supremacists who will become very upset and start rioting and killing people again.

Trump reportedly told Christian leaders there will be 'violence' if the GOP loses in midterms
There isn't going to be any rioting or killing no matter who wins the elections. Lots of whining on USMB, though. Lots of it.


trump is using the old tried and true paranoia of the other and be scared of violence on those christians.

Nothing close to what trump is talking about is going to happen yet too many trump supporters will believe it like it's gospel.

No matter if what he is saying makes absolutely no sense and is nothing but paranoia and lies.
It's SOP for conservatives to accuse liberals of doing whatever they're planning to do themselves, as an attempt to deflect from what they're doing.

For example, if conservatives accuse liberals of vote fraud, you know conservatives are revving their well-oiled vote fraud machine into high gear.

So, if conservatives are saying liberals are going to get violent, it means conservatives know conservatives are going to get violent.


It's called projection.

Conservatives have it down to an art form.

I've been saying for decades if you want to know what the republicans are and will do, just listen to what they accuse democrats of being and doing.
The left and violence, I'm sorry but I burst out laughing when I think about the average liberal punk trying to be violent. :auiqs.jpg: HEY BLUES I'll chant hey hey ho ho at you and hurt your feelings BUCKO! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Hey Anti-Trumpsters, Resistance is Futile!

Ann Coulter has such a way with words.
trump has told evangelical leaders that if the gop loses in November that liberals and antifa will be violent.

Which doesn't make sense.

Why would antifa be upset when the gop loses? There is no reason for antifa to be upset that the gop loses in November. In fact I'm pretty sure that they will be celebrating if the gop loses in November.

If anyone will be upset about that loss it will be conservatives and trump's far right white supremacists. We all know how violent the far right is and has been in the past.

So trump isn't being honest when he claims that antifa will become violent and riot. It's trump's far right white supremacists who will become very upset and start rioting and killing people again.

Trump reportedly told Christian leaders there will be 'violence' if the GOP loses in midterms

There are only two dozen (24) White Supremacists, dana. That was the number who showed up 2 weeks ago in DC.

They aren't getting violent with anyone, most of them are FBI agents and media people infiltrators.


They're too cowardly to actually show up.

So all this blabber from trump about violence is just more lies trying to create paranoia to get conservatives to go vote in November.

But why lie? Why not run on your accomplishments and what you've done for the nation?

Seems to me that all intelligent people would be very insulted by that lie. That trump actually thinks Americans are that stupid and will believe that lie.

Not all of us are that stupid and paranoid.
trump has told evangelical leaders that if the gop loses in November that liberals and antifa will be violent.

Which doesn't make sense.

Why would antifa be upset when the gop loses? There is no reason for antifa to be upset that the gop loses in November. In fact I'm pretty sure that they will be celebrating if the gop loses in November.

If anyone will be upset about that loss it will be conservatives and trump's far right white supremacists. We all know how violent the far right is and has been in the past.

So trump isn't being honest when he claims that antifa will become violent and riot. It's trump's far right white supremacists who will become very upset and start rioting and killing people again.

Trump reportedly told Christian leaders there will be 'violence' if the GOP loses in midterms
Most of what the senile old tard says is nonsense.

It doesn't make sense. If antifa doesn't support trump then they will be very happy that the gop loses in November. There would be no reason for anyone who doesn't support trump to be violent. All they will be doing is celebrating.

He tells them that democrats will take away everything they have. Which doesn't make much sense.

I'm sure those religious leaders will fall for all of it hook line and sinker. Then run out to tell their congregations to go out and vote for all republicans because their religious freedom is going to be taken from them.

This is just so dishonest and wrong I don't have words for it.

Why don't you have words? You clearly don't mind
lying, he didn't that his supporters would be violent, he said your side would. You also reveal your dishonesty by lumping Conservatives in with the "far right".
trump has told evangelical leaders that if the gop loses in November that liberals and antifa will be violent.

Which doesn't make sense.

Why would antifa be upset when the gop loses? There is no reason for antifa to be upset that the gop loses in November. In fact I'm pretty sure that they will be celebrating if the gop loses in November.

If anyone will be upset about that loss it will be conservatives and trump's far right white supremacists. We all know how violent the far right is and has been in the past.

So trump isn't being honest when he claims that antifa will become violent and riot. It's trump's far right white supremacists who will become very upset and start rioting and killing people again.

Trump reportedly told Christian leaders there will be 'violence' if the GOP loses in midterms

There are only two dozen (24) White Supremacists, dana. That was the number who showed up 2 weeks ago in DC.

They aren't getting violent with anyone, most of them are FBI agents and media people infiltrators.


They're too cowardly to actually show up.

So all this blabber from trump about violence is just more lies trying to create paranoia to get conservatives to go vote in November.

But why lie? Why not run on your accomplishments and what you've done for the nation?

Seems to me that all intelligent people would be very insulted by that lie. That trump actually thinks Americans are that stupid and will believe that lie.

Not all of us are that stupid and paranoid.

No, but you clearly are.
trump has told evangelical leaders that if the gop loses in November that liberals and antifa will be violent.

Which doesn't make sense.

Why would antifa be upset when the gop loses? There is no reason for antifa to be upset that the gop loses in November. In fact I'm pretty sure that they will be celebrating if the gop loses in November.

If anyone will be upset about that loss it will be conservatives and trump's far right white supremacists. We all know how violent the far right is and has been in the past.

So trump isn't being honest when he claims that antifa will become violent and riot. It's trump's far right white supremacists who will become very upset and start rioting and killing people again.

Trump reportedly told Christian leaders there will be 'violence' if the GOP loses in midterms
There isn't going to be any rioting or killing no matter who wins the elections. Lots of whining on USMB, though. Lots of it.
It must be because we are white racist xenophobes. Did you know a white man in Colorado killed his white wife and white daughters?

Did you also know that the dude in CO who killed his wife and family was having an affair with a dude?

Man who claims he was killer dad Chris Watts' former LOVER 'says they met on MeetMe dating app' | Daily Mail Online

Man calls live news show and stuns host by claiming he was 'killer dad' Chris Watts' LOVER and says 'they met on a dating app and had an affair' before he was arrested for 'murdering his wife and two daughters'
  • Ashleigh Banfield spoke to the anonymous man spilling alleged details of an affair with Chris Watts
  • The HLN host heard they were chatting via dating app MeetMe before they embarked on an alleged relationship
  • 'He said he was not out and not ready to be out as far as sexuality,' the unidentified man said to Banfield
  • Interviewee says he met Watts' kids Celeste and Bella which led to him finding out he was married
  • Man says Chris told him Shanann was 'verbally and emotionally abusive'and that they didn't love each other
  • Alleged gay ex-lover hopes Watts gets convicted and hopes he stays in prison for the rest of his life
trump has told evangelical leaders that if the gop loses in November that liberals and antifa will be violent.

Which doesn't make sense.

Why would antifa be upset when the gop loses? There is no reason for antifa to be upset that the gop loses in November. In fact I'm pretty sure that they will be celebrating if the gop loses in November.

If anyone will be upset about that loss it will be conservatives and trump's far right white supremacists. We all know how violent the far right is and has been in the past.

So trump isn't being honest when he claims that antifa will become violent and riot. It's trump's far right white supremacists who will become very upset and start rioting and killing people again.

Trump reportedly told Christian leaders there will be 'violence' if the GOP loses in midterms

There are only two dozen (24) White Supremacists, dana. That was the number who showed up 2 weeks ago in DC.

They aren't getting violent with anyone, most of them are FBI agents and media people infiltrators.


They're too cowardly to actually show up.

So all this blabber from trump about violence is just more lies trying to create paranoia to get conservatives to go vote in November.

But why lie? Why not run on your accomplishments and what you've done for the nation?

Seems to me that all intelligent people would be very insulted by that lie. That trump actually thinks Americans are that stupid and will believe that lie.

Not all of us are that stupid and paranoid.

Actually the White Supremacists DID show up, in force. But there are only 2 dozen of them, and most are plants by the media or undercover police sent to keep an eye on them.
I just don't get it. The left wants Trump and the GOP out of office. So, why would they be violent if they won? They wouldn't.

Trump is scared that if the GOP loses the House and Senate, he's gonna get impeached, and is using fear tactics as a way of scaring the right to the voting booth this November.
trump has told evangelical leaders that if the gop loses in November that liberals and antifa will be violent.

Which doesn't make sense.

Why would antifa be upset when the gop loses? There is no reason for antifa to be upset that the gop loses in November. In fact I'm pretty sure that they will be celebrating if the gop loses in November.

If anyone will be upset about that loss it will be conservatives and trump's far right white supremacists. We all know how violent the far right is and has been in the past.

So trump isn't being honest when he claims that antifa will become violent and riot. It's trump's far right white supremacists who will become very upset and start rioting and killing people again.

Trump reportedly told Christian leaders there will be 'violence' if the GOP loses in midterms
There isn't going to be any rioting or killing no matter who wins the elections. Lots of whining on USMB, though. Lots of it.
It must be because we are white racist xenophobes. Did you know a white man in Colorado killed his white wife and white daughters?

Did you also know that the dude in CO who killed his wife and family was having an affair with a dude?

Man who claims he was killer dad Chris Watts' former LOVER 'says they met on MeetMe dating app' | Daily Mail Online

Man calls live news show and stuns host by claiming he was 'killer dad' Chris Watts' LOVER and says 'they met on a dating app and had an affair' before he was arrested for 'murdering his wife and two daughters'
  • Ashleigh Banfield spoke to the anonymous man spilling alleged details of an affair with Chris Watts
  • The HLN host heard they were chatting via dating app MeetMe before they embarked on an alleged relationship
  • 'He said he was not out and not ready to be out as far as sexuality,' the unidentified man said to Banfield
  • Interviewee says he met Watts' kids Celeste and Bella which led to him finding out he was married
  • Man says Chris told him Shanann was 'verbally and emotionally abusive'and that they didn't love each other
  • Alleged gay ex-lover hopes Watts gets convicted and hopes he stays in prison for the rest of his life
NoI did not know that!
trump has told evangelical leaders that if the gop loses in November that liberals and antifa will be violent.

Which doesn't make sense.

Why would antifa be upset when the gop loses? There is no reason for antifa to be upset that the gop loses in November. In fact I'm pretty sure that they will be celebrating if the gop loses in November.

If anyone will be upset about that loss it will be conservatives and trump's far right white supremacists. We all know how violent the far right is and has been in the past.

So trump isn't being honest when he claims that antifa will become violent and riot. It's trump's far right white supremacists who will become very upset and start rioting and killing people again.

Trump reportedly told Christian leaders there will be 'violence' if the GOP loses in midterms

It doesn't? What planet do you live on?
I just don't get it. The left wants Trump and the GOP out of office. So, why would they be violent if they won? They wouldn't.

Trump is scared that if the GOP loses the House and Senate, he's gonna get impeached, and is using fear tactics as a way of scaring the right to the voting booth this November.
He will get impeached because he is white, old and orange!
I just don't get it. The left wants Trump and the GOP out of office. So, why would they be violent if they won? They wouldn't.

Trump is scared that if the GOP loses the House and Senate, he's gonna get impeached, and is using fear tactics as a way of scaring the right to the voting booth this November.

President Trump isn't scared of shit.

If the people decide they don't want a booming economy and record low unemployment, he'll respect their wishes.

But IMHO, we may be looking at a Huge Red Wave coming in a few months
Is anyone here surprised that we have yet another leftist moron who can't read at a grade school level and is mischaracterizing a statement made by Trump?

And the link is CLEAR FAKE NEWS based on the misleading title alone.
Is anyone here surprised that we have yet another leftist moron who can't read at a grade school level and is mischaracterizing a statement made by Trump?
And the link is CLEAR FAKE NEWS based on the misleading title alone.
Such is politics now. Aren't we proud?

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