Trump To Get Schooled On Rules After District Attorney Worries He'll Use Evidence To Slam Witnesses.


Diamond Member
Nov 8, 2022
My Happyi Place
NEW YORK (AP) — Donald Trump was ordered Thursday to appear by video at a May 23 hearing in his Manhattan criminal case after a judge this week set rules barring him from using evidence in the case to attack witnesses.

Judge Juan Manuel Merchan scheduled the hybrid hearing — the former president on a TV screen, his lawyers and prosecutors in court — to go over the restrictions with Trump and to make clear that he risks being held in contempt if he violates them.

The case is continuing in state court even as Trump’s lawyers seek to have it moved to federal court. U.S. District Judge Alvin Hellerstein, who is considering the transfer request, issued an order this week setting paperwork deadlines and a hearing for late June.
Interesting hell ---- it will be hilarious to see trump being told to just shut his nasty mouth. I doubt anyone has ever told him that before.
Of course your position was already known.

But why is there any gag order at all. He’s presumed innocent. He has free speech rights. And there is obviously not a chance on Earth that anything he might say would prejudice the prosecution. The ridiculous case is being brought by a Trump hating zealot before a prospective jury pool of Trump hating NY County residents.

What? Is the DA “concerned” that Trump might turn the zealots into MAGA??

How weak does Bragg think his case actually is?
Of course your position was already known.

But why is there any gag order at all. He’s presumed innocent. He has free speech rights. And there is obviously not a chance on Earth that anything he might say would prejudice the prosecution. The ridiculous case is being brought by a Trump hating zealot before a prospective jury pool of Trump hating NY County residents.

What? Is the DA “concerned” that Trump might turn the zealots into MAGA??

How weak does Bragg think his case actually is?
They are afraid he might instigate violence from his cult. He has a history of doing that.
Of course your position was already known.

But why is there any gag order at all. He’s presumed innocent. He has free speech rights. And there is obviously not a chance on Earth that anything he might say would prejudice the prosecution. The ridiculous case is being brought by a Trump hating zealot before a prospective jury pool of Trump hating NY County residents.

What? Is the DA “concerned” that Trump might turn the zealots into MAGA??

How weak does Bragg think his case actually is?

Witness intimidation is not ok.
Of course your position was already known.

But why is there any gag order at all. He’s presumed innocent. He has free speech rights. And there is obviously not a chance on Earth that anything he might say would prejudice the prosecution. The ridiculous case is being brought by a Trump hating zealot before a prospective jury pool of Trump hating NY County residents.

What? Is the DA “concerned” that Trump might turn the zealots into MAGA??

How weak does Bragg think his case actually is?

Trump already trashed Jean Carroll and the judge in that case on CNN Town Hall last night. He's not listening to his lawyers.
They are afraid he might instigate violence from his cult. He has a history of doing that.
Nonsense. Repeating your lie doesn’t work once the lie is exposed. But, of course, the stupid libtard DNC cult wouldn’t understand this. So their bullshit, like yours, is endless.
NEW YORK (AP) — Donald Trump was ordered Thursday to appear by video at a May 23 hearing in his Manhattan criminal case after a judge this week set rules barring him from using evidence in the case to attack witnesses.

Judge Juan Manuel Merchan scheduled the hybrid hearing — the former president on a TV screen, his lawyers and prosecutors in court — to go over the restrictions with Trump and to make clear that he risks being held in contempt if he violates them.

The case is continuing in state court even as Trump’s lawyers seek to have it moved to federal court. U.S. District Judge Alvin Hellerstein, who is considering the transfer request, issued an order this week setting paperwork deadlines and a hearing for late June.
The ridiculous case is being brought by a Trump hating zealot before a prospective jury pool of Trump hating NY County residents.
You Trumptard MAGAts say these things (Trump hating) like it would be a bad thing, even if it was true.
To you MAGAts ANYONE who hasn't pledged their absolute fealty to your ridiculous, con-artist cult god is a "hater."
So in this binary, alternate reality of yours there are only two types of people in this world:
Trump lovers
Trump haters.
You sound an AWFUL lot like The Orange Cat Turd King himself!
He makes it known that he thinks this way also.
So I gotta ask you BackAgain, are you just letting your cult god do your thinking for you again just like you did on the other thread two days ago where you tried to re-title The Special Prosecutor because Trump told you to?
Why do you let this idiot trained monkey tell you how to speak BackAgain?

But back to the point.
If anybody....literally ANYBODY who rules against Trump, speaks out against Trump, sentences Trump, defeats Trump, or in any other way attempts to hold Trump accountable for his words and actions is just a "Trump hater," then what kind of people do you think SHOULD be allowed to serve on Trump trial juries?
Only MAGAt Trump cultists?
It will be interesting to see if an appellate judge will allow this gag order that's "not a gag order" to stand.

COOPER: I think most people think of rape as a -- it is a violent assault. It is not --

CARROLL: I think most people think of rape as being sexy.

COOPER: Let's take a short break --

CARROLL: They think of the fantasies. - Transcripts
Trump already trashed Jean Carroll and the judge in that case on CNN Town Hall last night. He's not listening to his lawyers.
That stupid case is already over. There is no order existing which (even possibly) limits his 1st Amendment right to speak out on that case.
You Trumptard MAGAts say these things (Trump hating) like it would be a bad thing, even if it was true.
To you MAGAts ANYONE who hasn't pledged their absolute fealty to your ridiculous, con-artist cult god is a "hater."
So in this binary, alternate reality of yours there are only two types of people in this world:
Trump lovers
Trump haters.
You sound an AWFUL lot like The Orange Cat Turd King himself!
He makes it known that he thinks this way also.
So I gotta ask you BackAgain, are you just letting your cult god do your thinking for you again just like you did on the other thread two days ago where you tried to re-title The Special Prosecutor because Trump told you to?
Why do you let this idiot trained monkey tell you how to speak BackAgain?

But back to the point.
If anybody....literally ANYBODY who rules against Trump, speaks out against Trump, sentences Trump, defeats Trump, or in any other way attempts to hold Trump accountable for his words and actions is just a "Trump hater," then what kind of people do you think SHOULD be allowed to serve on Trump trial juries?
Only MAGAt Trump cultists?
Your ranting verbose post ^ boils down to your simpleminded claim that NYC isn’t largely Trump hating. It is, you ignorant rancid twat.

Anyone charged with any alleged crime would prefer a jury of one’s peers who take their duty to be impartial seriously. It follows that one wouldn’t want the NYC pool of prospective jurors to be the ones deciding if the persecution has proved its case beyond a reasonable doubt.
Do you happen to have a link to his post where he just says "I am innocent" with nothing else attached to it?
That’s ^ a moronic fake “question.”

He added additional thoughts. Like, for example, he said she was a kook. That, MuddledMike, is a non-actionable statement of opinion.
Your ranting verbose post ^ boils down to your simpleminded claim that NYC isn’t largely Trump hating. It is, you ignorant rancid twat.

Anyone charged with any alleged crime would prefer a jury of one’s peers who take their duty to be impartial seriously. It follows that one wouldn’t want the NYC pool of prospective jurors to be the ones deciding if the persecution has proved its case beyond a reasonable doubt.
If this trial had been held anywhere else...Montana, Missouri, Florida....ANYWHERE, and the ruling was against Trump, you'd be whining about that "biased" jury pool too.
You know why?
Because this whiny-Karen victimhood schtick is all part of The MAGAt cult act.
If you take away the whiny victim part of him Trump just doesn't have a whole lot going for him.
That is why he has to recruit as many clueless sheeple like you as he can to repeat and amplify his whiny lies.
You've been exposed lol!
That’s ^ a moronic fake “question.”

He added additional thoughts. Like, for example, he said she was a kook. That, MuddledMike, is a non-actionable statement of opinion.
He added additional thoughts
And THAT is the problem.
So your whiny, misleading claim that he has a right to claim his innocence has been exposed to be simply more mindless parroting of your cult propaganda.
He doesn't just proclaim his innocence.
He dog whistles to idiots like YOU.
If this trial had been held anywhere else...Montana, Missouri, Florida....ANYWHERE, and the ruling was against Trump, you'd be whining about that "biased" jury pool too.
Zzz. More claims without evidence or honesty. A MuddledMike specialty.
And THAT is the problem.
It’s a problem caused by bad reporting by most libs and by partisan hack troll bullshit artists like you.

Bottom line, when you lying hacks snip out the context, it comes across as though he was saying something else.

But lying hack libtards will be lying hacks. And libtards.

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