Trump to Puerto Rico....I gave you paper towels, why arent you better already?

Puerto Rico never asked that FEMA be there "forever"But like any American, they expect FEMA to remain on site until the job is done
Does that include rebuilding an energy grid, criminally neglected by their elected (but wealthy) officials?
FEMA is still working on Katrina after 10 years

But Trump says Katrina was a "real disaster" unlike Puerto Rico where the people are lazy and want everything done for them
Puerto Rico never asked that FEMA be there "forever"But like any American, they expect FEMA to remain on site until the job is done
Does that include rebuilding an energy grid, criminally neglected by their elected (but wealthy) officials?

Puerto Rico is an impoverished territory

Like most of the Caribbean, they invest in modern infrastructure in the tourist and wealthy areas and the rest of the island (surrounded by water, ocean water) suffers
Puerto Rico never asked that FEMA be there "forever"But like any American, they expect FEMA to remain on site until the job is done
Does that include rebuilding an energy grid, criminally neglected by their elected (but wealthy) officials?

Making a statement like that, maybe you should also then ask why so much infrastructure in the U.S. including more than 1 out of every 10 bridges in the U.S. is structurally deficient while elected officials continue to give themselves raises and get richer.

Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory with a military base there. The U.S. government should be paying more attention to the infrastructure there other than just when a natural disaster strikes.
It has been three weeks and much of Puerto Rico is without power, medical care and drinking water

Trump fumes: We are not going to support you forever!

And they said before the storm hit it could take as long a 6 months to rebuild the power grid that has been neglected for decades. They were having days long blackouts before the storm hit.


No power grid could have survived a direct hit from a cat5.

Yet people are bitching about it taking more than three weeks to rebuild a grid covering more than 3,500 square miles. Go figure.

No, they're bitching that aid is not arriving quickly enough.

Yep, because they are too ignorant of the logistics involved. PR didn't have the equipment or people required to deal with the situation. Everything has to flown or shipped in, that doesn't happen overnight.

[Puerto Rico is an impoverished territoryLike most of the Caribbean, they invest in modern infrastructure in the tourist and wealthy areas and the rest of the island (surrounded by water, ocean water) suffers
Why is it "impoverished?" Could widespread criminality be the cause of that?
It has been three weeks and much of Puerto Rico is without power, medical care and drinking water

Trump fumes: We are not going to support you forever!

And they said before the storm hit it could take as long a 6 months to rebuild the power grid that has been neglected for decades. They were having days long blackouts before the storm hit.


No power grid could have survived a direct hit from a cat5.

Yet people are bitching about it taking more than three weeks to rebuild a grid covering more than 3,500 square miles. Go figure.

No, they're bitching because they are starving, dehydrated, and facing disease. Damn, dude.


It has been three weeks and much of Puerto Rico is without power, medical care and drinking water

Trump fumes: We are not going to support you forever!

And they said before the storm hit it could take as long a 6 months to rebuild the power grid that has been neglected for decades. They were having days long blackouts before the storm hit.


No power grid could have survived a direct hit from a cat5.

Yet people are bitching about it taking more than three weeks to rebuild a grid covering more than 3,500 square miles. Go figure.

No, they're bitching that aid is not arriving quickly enough.

Yep, because they are too ignorant of the logistics involved. PR didn't have the equipment or people required to deal with the situation. Everything has to flown or shipped in, that doesn't happen overnight.


Or even within a month apparently.
Puerto Rico never asked that FEMA be there "forever"But like any American, they expect FEMA to remain on site until the job is done
Does that include rebuilding an energy grid, criminally neglected by their elected (but wealthy) officials?
^Criminally stupid.
Even if it were state of the art, it would have still been destroyed.

I live on the Jersey shore and we were hit by Sandy which was a Cat 1 hurricane. We were without power for eight days and we have some of the most up to date power infrastructure in the country. We had trucks from power companies around the country coming to repair the storm damage and we still waited eight days to get power restored

Puerto Rico got hit by two Cat 5 hurricanes ten days apart. I don't consider it "criminal" that their power grid was destroyed. Since Puerto Rico is an island, surrounded by water, big water, ocean water you can't just drive in repair crews from other states
[Puerto Rico is an impoverished territoryLike most of the Caribbean, they invest in modern infrastructure in the tourist and wealthy areas and the rest of the island (surrounded by water, ocean water) suffers
Why is it "impoverished?" Could widespread criminality be the cause of that?

No more than the rest of the Caribbean. Many of those islands are extremely wealthy with billionaire estates, exclusive beachfront resorts, plantations, rum factories. But like with most capitalism, the wealth of an island goes to the few while most of the people live in poverty. It is not the poor people who scratch out a living that are making the economic is the wealthy

It is the poor people of Puerto Rico that we are trying to save
^Criminally stupid.Even if it were state of the art, it would have still been destroyed.
Excuse me for not taking your word on that. A well maintained emergency power plant could have easily survived that hurricane. PR was affected mainly by "wind damage. The real killer is "surf damage" and "water damage" which affected the island only minimally.
Puerto Rico never asked that FEMA be there "forever"But like any American, they expect FEMA to remain on site until the job is done
Does that include rebuilding an energy grid, criminally neglected by their elected (but wealthy) officials?
^Criminally stupid.
Even if it were state of the art, it would have still been destroyed.

I live on the Jersey shore and we were hit by Sandy which was a Cat 1 hurricane. We were without power for eight days and we have some of the most up to date power infrastructure in the country. We had trucks from power companies around the country coming to repair the storm damage and we still waited eight days to get power restored

Puerto Rico got hit by two Cat 5 hurricanes ten days apart. I don't consider it "criminal" that their power grid was destroyed. Since Puerto Rico is an island, surrounded by water, big water, ocean water you can't just drive in repair crews from other states

There isn't a pole, tower or lines existing that could have survived that. Simple thunderstorms cause outages all the time.
^Criminally stupid.Even if it were state of the art, it would have still been destroyed.
Excuse me for not taking your word on that. A well maintained emergency power plant could have easily survived that hurricane. PR was affected mainly by "wind damage. The real killer is "surf damage" and "water damage" which affected the island only minimally.

You're right of course. There isn't a tree left on the island but the poles, towers, lines and substations probably all survived completely intact. If they weren't so poor and lazy, they could have done much better for themselves.

It is the poor people of Puerto Rico that we are trying to save
Don't you think you should have tried that, decades ago?

I can't change capitalism

Puerto Rico has resources, sugar plantations, tourism, historic sites. There is money
But those making decisions on how that money gets spent do not spend it on infrastructure for the remote, impoverished areas of Puerto Rico. It goes to support the rich landowners, exclusive resorts and tourism.
It has been three weeks and much of Puerto Rico is without power, medical care and drinking water

Trump fumes: We are not going to support you forever!

And they said before the storm hit it could take as long a 6 months to rebuild the power grid that has been neglected for decades. They were having days long blackouts before the storm hit.


Power grid in the US sucks too, as does our infrastructure

We are the wealthiest country on earth, how do we expect Puerto Rico to upgrade their infrastructure?

They could start by ridding themselves of the corrupt politicians. PR was pretty bad when I lived there 90-96 and from what friends tell me, it's been down hill from there. But what can you expect from a commiecrat paradise?

How are you so fucking stupid that you miss the point entirely? Whatever dude - you don’t like brown people. The rest of us adults know that PR’s people are in desperate need of help. Get the fuck out of the way if you don’t care.

Your ignorance is showing, most of the folks in PR are white and many of us that have actually lived there for some time know the score. People like you have no idea the logistics required to move that much equipment and people and provide for them in an operation of that size. In the military it takes 7 support personnel to keep one person on the battle field. If you out run your available support, all you do is create more problems.


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