Trump to push national concealed carry legislation

has trump ever owned a gun? I know he's more than willing to pander to you rubes and tell you he loves guns alot "bigly", but has he ever owned one, has he ever even fired one?
has trump ever owned a gun? I know he's more than willing to pander to you rubes and tell you he loves guns alot "bigly", but has he ever owned one, has he ever even fired one?
His sons are avid hunters so it does not matter whatsoever what you say.
has trump ever owned a gun? I know he's more than willing to pander to you rubes and tell you he loves guns alot "bigly", but has he ever owned one, has he ever even fired one?

I don't think Trumps hands can hold a gun...

has trump ever owned a gun? I know he's more than willing to pander to you rubes and tell you he loves guns alot "bigly", but has he ever owned one, has he ever even fired one?

You're so easy....

Here is the transcript:

KATY TUR, NBC NEWS: You’re for the Second Amendment. Do you have a gun?

DONALD TRUMP: I have a license to have a gun. Yes I do.

NBC: Do you use it? Gun ranges?

DONALD TRUMP: It is none of your business, it is really none of your business. I have a license to have a gun.

NBC: Gun control.

DONALD TRUMP: What are you talking about? Yes I have a gun and yes I have a permit for it.

NBC: Stronger background checks. What about that? Is there any steps that you would take to make it harder to get a gun in this country.

DONALD TRUMP: The problem is once you get into that you start getting into a situation, the slippery slope, where all of a sudden you are going to violate the Second Amendment. I don’t want to violate the Second Amendment. To me the Second Amendment is very important.

Read more: Donald Trump Asked by Reporter if He Shoots Guns - His Response Is AWESOME! - The Political Insider

And you admire two Rich boys who paid to shoot down a innocent animal Rustic...?

I find them to be disgusting and it shows what kind of cowards they are...ooooh shoot a fenced up leopard..

What a man..
I would venture to guess The Donald has a Glock on his person at all times.

And you admire to Rich boys who paid to shot down a innocent animal Rustic...?

I find them to be disgusting and it shows what kind of cowards they are...ooooh shoot a fenced up leopard..

What a man..
You do realize that you can't fence in African game in Africa? By the way hunting leopards is one of the most difficult large game animals there is to hunt... very elusive
Snowflake, game was made to hunt… They've been doing it for thousands of years. Now go buy your Tampax

And you admire to Rich boys who paid to shot down a innocent animal Rustic...?

I find them to be disgusting and it shows what kind of cowards they are...ooooh shoot a fenced up leopard..

What a man..
You do realize that you can't fence in African game in Africa? By the way hunting leopards is one of the most difficult large game animals there is to hunt... very elusive
Snowflake, game was made to hunt… They've been doing it for thousands of years. Now go buy your Tampax

They are nothing but Mr small hand wimps who grew up with a silver spoon.

High fence hunting in Africa..

Marc Warnke on High Fence Hunting

My opinion on high fence is that as long as you are on a large enough acreage and the animals aren’t “pen raised” and released the week before then all you will experience is more and better animals to try for. I think, a property becomes “big enough” at 3,000 acres in dense, hilly terrain or 5,000+ in more open terrain. The fence is a NON ISSUE accept for allowing for higher animal desity and more controlled management. If you ask me, baiting allows for a less sporting advantage, by far, than a high fence. But for some game, baiting is the only way to be successful. In the brush country of South Texas it’s the only way you’re going to shoot a good whitetail. The same is true of a black bear in Idaho. It’s pretty tough otherwise.

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