Trump to sign order keeping meat processing plants open

Is it hypocritical to support Trump's new order that these meat processing businesses stay operational while at the same time protesting the large number of other elected governors, judges, mayors, and city council members around the country ordering so many draconian measures to keep coronavirus under control with many of those orders and mandates having questionable legality or constitutionality? If those questionable mandates using questionable authority from state level politicians are concerning for so many people then shouldn't mandates from the federal government, in this case the executive branch, be a cause for concern as well?
Meat is important to the US economy; it is not essential to anyone's diet unless an MD says so.
sure it is essential. it provides protein. We are a meat eating animal. you think a tiger or lion can exist without meat?

View attachment 329631
thanks, one cat. One. when in the real world

I was only addressing your comment that they couldnt exist to show you they can and do,,,
I said thanks. but One. One
one that we know of,,,where theres one there are usually more,,,
well it is illegal to hold a wild animal. but I bet the tiger king just fed them tigers straw. bankrupted himself buying meat. but yep, that seems to be the new standard huh? vegan tigers. it's all over the news.
Is it hypocritical to support Trump's new order that these meat processing businesses stay operational while at the same time protesting the large number of other elected governors, judges, mayors, and city council members around the country ordering so many draconian measures to keep coronavirus under control with many of those orders and mandates having questionable legality or constitutionality? If those questionable mandates using questionable authority from state level politicians are concerning for so many people then shouldn't mandates from the federal government, in this case the executive branch, be a cause for concern as well?
Meat is important to the US economy; it is not essential to anyone's diet unless an MD says so.
sure it is essential. it provides protein. We are a meat eating animal. you think a tiger or lion can exist without meat?

View attachment 329631
thanks, one cat. One. when in the real world

I was only addressing your comment that they couldnt exist to show you they can and do,,,
I said thanks. but One. One
one that we know of,,,where theres one there are usually more,,,
well it is illegal to hold a wild animal. but I bet the tiger king just fed them tigers straw. bankrupted himself buying meat. but yep, that seems to be the new standard huh? vegan tigers. it's all over the news.
that wasnt my point,,,and its not illegal to hold/own a wild animal which is obvious due to so many people owning them,,,
Is it hypocritical to support Trump's new order that these meat processing businesses stay operational while at the same time protesting the large number of other elected governors, judges, mayors, and city council members around the country ordering so many draconian measures to keep coronavirus under control with many of those orders and mandates having questionable legality or constitutionality? If those questionable mandates using questionable authority from state level politicians are concerning for so many people then shouldn't mandates from the federal government, in this case the executive branch, be a cause for concern as well?
Meat is important to the US economy; it is not essential to anyone's diet unless an MD says so.
sure it is essential. it provides protein. We are a meat eating animal. you think a tiger or lion can exist without meat?

View attachment 329631
Interesting..that website is all about the 'Endtimes' and uses this story..about a support a biblical scripture about 'the lamb lying down with the lion'!
Totally anecdotal..i think I'll stick with science, thank you!

Favorite quote from article:

"Cats may not have originally needed meat to survive. Certainly saber-toothed tigers used their massive teeth to rip through the flesh of their prey, yet God's original purpose for those sabers might have been something far more peaceful, like splitting open melons. (If your cat adores cantaloupe, you know what I mean.)"

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Is it hypocritical to support Trump's new order that these meat processing businesses stay operational while at the same time protesting the large number of other elected governors, judges, mayors, and city council members around the country ordering so many draconian measures to keep coronavirus under control with many of those orders and mandates having questionable legality or constitutionality? If those questionable mandates using questionable authority from state level politicians are concerning for so many people then shouldn't mandates from the federal government, in this case the executive branch, be a cause for concern as well?
Meat is important to the US economy; it is not essential to anyone's diet unless an MD says so.
sure it is essential. it provides protein. We are a meat eating animal. you think a tiger or lion can exist without meat?

View attachment 329631
Interesting..that website is all about the 'Endtimes' and uses this story..about a support a biblical scripture about 'the lamb lying down with the lion'!
Totally anecdotal..i think I'll stick with science, thank you!
Is it hypocritical to support Trump's new order that these meat processing businesses stay operational while at the same time protesting the large number of other elected governors, judges, mayors, and city council members around the country ordering so many draconian measures to keep coronavirus under control with many of those orders and mandates having questionable legality or constitutionality? If those questionable mandates using questionable authority from state level politicians are concerning for so many people then shouldn't mandates from the federal government, in this case the executive branch, be a cause for concern as well?
Meat is important to the US economy; it is not essential to anyone's diet unless an MD says so.
sure it is essential. it provides protein. We are a meat eating animal. you think a tiger or lion can exist without meat?

View attachment 329631
Interesting..that website is all about the 'Endtimes' and uses this story..about a support a biblical scripture about 'the lamb lying down with the lion'!
Totally anecdotal..i think I'll stick with science, thank you!
Lion ate eggs...i imagine a lot of them!~
Is it hypocritical to support Trump's new order that these meat processing businesses stay operational while at the same time protesting the large number of other elected governors, judges, mayors, and city council members around the country ordering so many draconian measures to keep coronavirus under control with many of those orders and mandates having questionable legality or constitutionality? If those questionable mandates using questionable authority from state level politicians are concerning for so many people then shouldn't mandates from the federal government, in this case the executive branch, be a cause for concern as well?
Meat is important to the US economy; it is not essential to anyone's diet unless an MD says so.
sure it is essential. it provides protein. We are a meat eating animal. you think a tiger or lion can exist without meat?

View attachment 329631
Interesting..that website is all about the 'Endtimes' and uses this story..about a support a biblical scripture about 'the lamb lying down with the lion'!
Totally anecdotal..i think I'll stick with science, thank you!
Lion ate eggs...i imagine a lot of them!~
eggs arent meat,,,
Is it hypocritical to support Trump's new order that these meat processing businesses stay operational while at the same time protesting the large number of other elected governors, judges, mayors, and city council members around the country ordering so many draconian measures to keep coronavirus under control with many of those orders and mandates having questionable legality or constitutionality? If those questionable mandates using questionable authority from state level politicians are concerning for so many people then shouldn't mandates from the federal government, in this case the executive branch, be a cause for concern as well?
Meat is important to the US economy; it is not essential to anyone's diet unless an MD says so.
sure it is essential. it provides protein. We are a meat eating animal. you think a tiger or lion can exist without meat?

View attachment 329631
Interesting..that website is all about the 'Endtimes' and uses this story..about a support a biblical scripture about 'the lamb lying down with the lion'!
Totally anecdotal..i think I'll stick with science, thank you!
Lion ate eggs...i imagine a lot of them!~
eggs arent meat,,,

If they provide the same nutrients as meat, it would explain things.
Is it hypocritical to support Trump's new order that these meat processing businesses stay operational while at the same time protesting the large number of other elected governors, judges, mayors, and city council members around the country ordering so many draconian measures to keep coronavirus under control with many of those orders and mandates having questionable legality or constitutionality? If those questionable mandates using questionable authority from state level politicians are concerning for so many people then shouldn't mandates from the federal government, in this case the executive branch, be a cause for concern as well?
Meat is important to the US economy; it is not essential to anyone's diet unless an MD says so.
sure it is essential. it provides protein. We are a meat eating animal. you think a tiger or lion can exist without meat?

View attachment 329631
Interesting..that website is all about the 'Endtimes' and uses this story..about a support a biblical scripture about 'the lamb lying down with the lion'!
Totally anecdotal..i think I'll stick with science, thank you!
Lion ate eggs...i imagine a lot of them!~
eggs arent meat,,,

If they provide the same nutrients as meat, it would explain things.
lots of veggies also supply those nutrients,,,
I do not know if Trump has any political motivation in this order or not. Can't say if ordering it is correct move. It very well may be. I do believe it is within his power to order the packing plants to keep their doors open and processing at what ever level they have the manpower willing to work to produce.
He obviously cannot force sick workers to work or force workers afraid to go to work, to go anyway. These workers are not military. He cannot order them into action. Somebody mentioned this is what the active military or national guard can be used for. Doubt it, as I said, they are not trained for this. Hopefully a monetary deal can be made that appeals to the workers to bribe them to do what may seem to be or what may actually be dangerous duty. Anyway you slice it, I expect the price of meat to rise significantly.
I don't know about you, but we will be stocking up. If I find it to be necessary, I will have a steer slaughtered and packed locally for the freezer, as it won't be the first time. If you don't have one, it may be time to be checking on a deep freeze.
so do you think the meat is infected and that's why they should be concerned? I'm not following what your logic is.
Nope. The impression I get is that many of the workers are afraid of catching Coronavirus in the workplace. Could be just wanting more money, lots of people do. Doubt meat more infected than usual when proper precautions taken. I'm not concern about the quality. Heat pretty will kills anything. Only concern is if there comes a significant reduction in the meat supply due to plant closing, and lower production, due to workers sick or not showing up for fear of getting sick. Could be bad for country, but I have a solid plan for me and mine. Advise everybody to have a plan, always.
Remember, your health and now, your life depends on low paid fast food and restaurant workers cooking meat products at appropriate temperatures or an appropriate amount of time. Assume when you cook your own meat products they have been contaminated by a meat packaging employee or facility with COVID-19 and cook at the appropriate temperatures and lengths of time.

Be safe when you eat COVID-19 contaminated meat.
O.K., sure. That was easy.

…..but he overlooked the fudge. Where are we going to get our fudge?
Don't tell me Hershey is shut down. Oh, my God!

I've taken the kids there twice.....and I agree with you!!!!
Interesting tour and the whole little town smells great!

I hope you got to see their 3-D film......the best ever!
No. Went up from Fort Indian Town Gap during mid to late 80s. Don't think they had it back then.
Sure. Nothing like completely botching the response to the virus, touting miracle cures, and then ultimately demanding that people who work shoulder to shoulder in some of those plants be forced back to work.

Who is being forced back to work?

All in an effort to save your worthless presidency so some Trump supporter can get their frozen chicken nuggets. WTF.

Oh, you weren't actually serious. Got it. You're just bitching because you've been programmed like Pavlov's dog to oppose anything by the big bad orange man.
Sign an Order????? How the fuck can you enforce a Presidential Order ordering that people not get sick or that people who are sick must appear at work?

What sick people are being forced to appear at work?
Trump issued an Order that they stay open as they are essential businesses. How can they stay open if their employees are sick or refuse to work because they do not want to be come sick. That is the issue. The question is how do you implement this order. Trumpers cheer every pronouncement from Trump with a knee jerk reaction without thinking it through. Are we going to have the national guard run these plants if the employees refuse to work or there are insufficient workers?

Maybe the better solution is to keep with the social distancing rules until the virus threat has passed. This requires an adult approach, forward thinking and patience. Attributes that are sorely missing in the Trumpist.
If employees refuse to work they are treated like any employee that refuses to work. They are replaced by someone that wants to work. They get no benefits for sitting on their asses.
Sure. Nothing like completely botching the response to the virus, touting miracle cures, and then ultimately demanding that people who work shoulder to shoulder in some of those plants be forced back to work.

Who is being forced back to work?

All in an effort to save your worthless presidency so some Trump supporter can get their frozen chicken nuggets. WTF.

Oh, you weren't actually serious. Got it. You're just bitching because you've been programmed like Pavlov's dog to oppose anything by the big bad orange man.
Sign an Order????? How the fuck can you enforce a Presidential Order ordering that people not get sick or that people who are sick must appear at work?

What sick people are being forced to appear at work?
Trump issued an Order that they stay open as they are essential businesses. How can they stay open if their employees are sick or refuse to work because they do not want to be come sick. That is the issue. The question is how do you implement this order. Trumpers cheer every pronouncement from Trump with a knee jerk reaction without thinking it through. Are we going to have the national guard run these plants if the employees refuse to work or there are insufficient workers?

Maybe the better solution is to keep with the social distancing rules until the virus threat has passed. This requires an adult approach, forward thinking and patience. Attributes that are sorely missing in the Trumpist.
If employees refuse to work they are treated like any employee that refuses to work. They are replaced by someone that wants to work. They get no benefits for sitting on their asses. one shows up--or---consumers initiate a boycott.....there is no law that says someone MUST hazard their health for employment--I'd not be surprised if the courts sided with the employee...and awarded them unemployment.
Remember, your health and now, your life depends on low paid fast food and restaurant workers cooking meat products at appropriate temperatures or an appropriate amount of time. Assume when you cook your own meat products they have been contaminated by a meat packaging employee or facility with COVID-19 and cook at the appropriate temperatures and lengths of time.

Be safe when you eat COVID-19 contaminated meat.

Still waiting for your scientific evidence of any of this. Or maybe you're just parroting your handlers in Beijing?
After deaths of workers in the JBS meat plant in Colorado, they started testing their 6000 workers, starting with their management and supervisors. When they found that 40% of just the management staff was positive with the virus, they stopped all testing. They didn't want to know, otherwise they would have to shut down. They rather have their workers die and spread the virus throughout the country, as long as they make money.
Hmmm..I gotta tell ya.. you're off base a bit...The JBS meat plant in Greeley did shut down after an's still shut down afaik--and there are some hard questions to ask the management..about pressuring workers to work..but that's pretty normal in that world.

But there was no cover up....and every plant worker was tested..every one....I'd welcome a link substantiating the 40% infected rate

False. They did not test everyone. They stopped. And they will reopen this week.
Indeed, not everyone is tested--my bad for assuming that they followed through....plant is reopening with screening and free tests for anyone who reports any symptoms..or has a fever. Company is increasing pay by $4.00 an hour and giving every worker $600. Basically..ask for a test and you get one. I agree that every American should be tested--to get the asymptomatic carriers. I'll point out that most food factories have remained open..and that most food factories have had close to zero issues.

JBS is looking more than a little scandalous----They promised did VP Pence.

name one of the employees complaining. name one.
Crystal Rodriguez at 1:28 on the 1st link. Not that it matters--just like the challenge. Now what? you pooh-pooh the link and everyone moves
so one person? do you know if she even works for them? just curious where you took that. Let's say she does, she is welcome to stay at home. I don't want to see her buying or eating any meat.

i didn't 'take' it asked...I answered. Not in the least interested in a vegetarian diet or the debate about it.

We are a meat eating animal. you think a tiger or lion can exist without meat? It is amazing the number of people who forget history. really, amazing.

Humans are omnivores--we eat anything/everything. Some things are better..and all things require balance. Tigers and lions are carnivores--they must eat meat to survive.

Many people live to ripe old ages as vegetarians---more so if they just eat fish & tofu for protein. Red meat in excess is unhealthy--any reputable Dr. will back that up.

None of this is on topic though.... the woman is question has a Father, who works at the plant, on a ventilator. I'm sure she's scared--and who wouldn't be? It's clear that the company..for what ever reasons, financial or otherwise-is dragging its feet on wholesale testing.
yeah, one person. one person you have no idea if even works for them. so technically, you didn't answer. you provided information, but no proof of concept.
Remember, your health and now, your life depends on low paid fast food and restaurant workers cooking meat products at appropriate temperatures or an appropriate amount of time. Assume when you cook your own meat products they have been contaminated by a meat packaging employee or facility with COVID-19 and cook at the appropriate temperatures and lengths of time.

Be safe when you eat COVID-19 contaminated meat.

Still waiting for your scientific evidence of any of this. Or maybe you're just parroting your handlers in Beijing?
So, you don't think meat can be contaminated in a meat packaging facility? We eat very little meat in my home, so, it has little effect on me or my family.
Trump has done well in responding to the Wu Flu; his decision TODAY to declare meat processing facilities essential AND ordering them to stay open may damn well prevent the supply chain from being irreparably damaged!

we are already looking at inflation, rising energy costs and food costs -- keeping production open as much as possible is a big step for the safety, security and well being of the country

and yes, Trump is allocating safety equipment for the industry! We were looking at possible food shortages; this was a great move by the President today

Trump to sign order keeping meat processing plants open

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump will sign an executive order Tuesday meant to stave off a shortage of chicken, pork and other meat on American supermarket shelves because of the coronavirus.

The order will use the Defense Production Act to classify meat processing as critical infrastructure to keep production plants open.

The order comes after industry leaders warned that consumers could see meat shortages in a matter of days after workers at major facilities tested positive for the virus. A senior White House official said the administration was working to prevent a situation in which a majority of processing plants shut down for a period of time, which could lead to an 80% drop in the availability of meat in supermarkets. The official spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the order before its release.

People have gotten sick and died from a blatant disregard for worker safety from these crooked executives. There needs to be a investigation into this but when big business jumps, Trump and the Republicans just ask how high.

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