Trump to Skip next GOP Debate (on Fox News)

I think it's sort of stupid to have a debate with candidates on the stage who have no path to the nomination. A one-on-one debate between Trump and Cruz is what we deserve at this point... but the Establishment isn't going to let that happen... so kudos to Trump!
This is the last scheduled debate, am I right? Is Trump side-stepping a debate with Cruz because he's not so sure he'd come out the winner?
Very unusual decision, IMO.

He's sidestepping a debate because he can win it without showing up and he knows it.

He says he’s had enough of the debates. He’s giving a speech to AIPAC instead.

Perhaps he will change his mind. Israel is definitely very important but so is showing up for the debate.
------------------------------------ of the 2 events I think that showing up for the Jewish / Israeli support event is more important . The debates , well Trump might messup but smoozing the Israeli supporters should be easy and is a way to gain more votes . Also , why recognize 'kasich' or Cruz as anything other than losers or annoyances ??
You're probably right, pismoe. I just do not want Trump to appear weak - as if he is trying to avoid some unpleasantness. I do believe the Jewish/Israeli support event is hugely important. I'm just not so sure of how this is going to look. My initial response was - skip the debate and go speak to the Jews - they are more important - it's really a two edged sword. I'm not sure what he should do.
Trump and ted together? Looks like total humiliatiion for trump. Wise of him to skip it.

I think Aipac should tell him Trump he dosn't talk to them unless he does the debate first
Israelis , many are Americans because of being dualies and they vote . Trump gets their votes and avoids a debate where he might mess up . Perfectly reasonable and TRUMPS supporters like me don't care what the 'rabble' thinks about it . Its just Trump poking the media and anti Trumpers in the eye with a sharp stick Dot !!

He says he’s had enough of the debates. He’s giving a speech to AIPAC instead.

Perhaps he will change his mind. Israel is definitely very important but so is showing up for the debate.
------------------------------------ of the 2 events I think that showing up for the Jewish / Israeli support event is more important . The debates , well Trump might messup but smoozing the Israeli supporters should be easy and is a way to gain more votes . Also , why recognize 'kasich' or Cruz as anything other than losers or annoyances ??
You're probably right, pismoe. I just do not want Trump to appear weak - as if he is trying to avoid some unpleasantness.
trump is weak and he is trying to avoid 'unpleasantness'

He says he’s had enough of the debates. He’s giving a speech to AIPAC instead.

Perhaps he will change his mind. Israel is definitely very important but so is showing up for the debate.
------------------------------------ of the 2 events I think that showing up for the Jewish / Israeli support event is more important . The debates , well Trump might messup but smoozing the Israeli supporters should be easy and is a way to gain more votes . Also , why recognize 'kasich' or Cruz as anything other than losers or annoyances ??
You're probably right, pismoe. I just do not want Trump to appear weak - as if he is trying to avoid some unpleasantness.
trump is weak and he is trying to avoid 'unpleasantness'
I don't believe that is the case but the very chance of the public viewing it that way is my concern. I really do not know what he should do. It's a tough call.

He says he’s had enough of the debates. He’s giving a speech to AIPAC instead.

At a formal debate, Trump can't get his supporters to beat up dissenting people. No wonder he doesn't want to attend.
The audience at the debates is full of lobbyists and special interest groups, Ravi. I don't believe that is it.
Don't be silly. If he gets booed at one of his events, he can get his supporters to punch the booers in the face. Can't do that at a formal debate.
Trump explains it perfectly why not to attend.


“How many times can the same people ask the same questions.”
Trump isn't backing out because he's sick of talking--he talks about the same stuff every day on the stump. I don't disagree with the fact that the debates are getting kind of tedious, but each time the field narrows, it gives the candidates more time to actually explain their positions. There was actually some new stuff at the last debate--on social security, for example. I don't like the questions Fox asks--they feed on drama--so I'll probably skip it, anyway.

He’s had two very bad debates in a row because he cannot keep his own story straight so I can’t blame him for wanting to skip the next one.
Trump and ted together? Looks like total humiliatiion for trump. Wise of him to skip it.

I think Aipac should tell him Trump he dosn't talk to them unless he does the debate first
"Finish your peas or you don't get dessert."
Israelis , many are Americans because of being dualies and they vote . Trump gets their votes and avoids a debate where he might mess up . Perfectly reasonable and TRUMPS supporters like me don't care what the 'rabble' thinks about it . Its just Trump poking the media and anti Trumpers in the eye with a sharp stick Dot !!
Keep your stick to yourselves! Trump avoids a debate where he might mess up? What's he going to do, hide until the election?
Yes, less information is always better for those who can’t process the incredibly small amount of data they have been given already.
They've had many more debates than the Democrats so that means ... it means ...
you aren't honestly comparing the substance in the Democratic debates to the circus of the Republican 'debates' are you?
Israelis , many are Americans because of being dualies and they vote . Trump gets their votes and avoids a debate where he might mess up . Perfectly reasonable and TRUMPS supporters like me don't care what the 'rabble' thinks about it . Its just Trump poking the media and anti Trumpers in the eye with a sharp stick Dot !!
Keep your stick to yourselves! Trump avoids a debate where he might mess up? What's he going to do, hide until the election?
--------------------------------------- don't think so , I see Trump all the time on telly OldLady !!

He says he’s had enough of the debates. He’s giving a speech to AIPAC instead.

At a formal debate, Trump can't get his supporters to beat up dissenting people. No wonder he doesn't want to attend.
The audience at the debates is full of lobbyists and special interest groups, Ravi. I don't believe that is it.
Don't be silly. If he gets booed at one of his events, he can get his supporters to punch the booers in the face. Can't do that at a formal debate.
That isn't what's been happening you lying sack of shit. Going to an event for a candidate to shut down his speech isn't the same as booing someone.

Lies and smears is all the left has.

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