Trump to Skip next GOP Debate (on Fox News)

Yes, less information is always better for those who can’t process the incredibly small amount of data they have been given already.
They've had many more debates than the Democrats so that means ... it means ...
you aren't honestly comparing the substance in the Democratic debates to the circus of the Republican 'debates' are you?
You aren't honest, period. The words are still there for people to see what a dishonest asshole you are.
Israelis , many are Americans because of being dualies and they vote . Trump gets their votes and avoids a debate where he might mess up . Perfectly reasonable and TRUMPS supporters like me don't care what the 'rabble' thinks about it . Its just Trump poking the media and anti Trumpers in the eye with a sharp stick Dot !!
Keep your stick to yourselves! Trump avoids a debate where he might mess up? What's he going to do, hide until the election?
Yeah, granny. We won't hear a peep out of him til then.

He says he’s had enough of the debates. He’s giving a speech to AIPAC instead.

Perhaps he will change his mind. Israel is definitely very important but so is showing up for the debate.
------------------------------------ of the 2 events I think that showing up for the Jewish / Israeli support event is more important . The debates , well Trump might messup but smoozing the Israeli supporters should be easy and is a way to gain more votes . Also , why recognize 'kasich' or Cruz as anything other than losers or annoyances ??
You're probably right, pismoe. I just do not want Trump to appear weak - as if he is trying to avoid some unpleasantness.
trump is weak and he is trying to avoid 'unpleasantness'
I don't believe that is the case but the very chance of the public viewing it that way is my concern. I really do not know what he should do. It's a tough call.
would it help you believe if i made a youtube video that made the claim that trump is weak?
Yes, less information is always better for those who can’t process the incredibly small amount of data they have been given already.
They've had many more debates than the Democrats so that means ... it means ...
you aren't honestly comparing the substance in the Democratic debates to the circus of the Republican 'debates' are you?
You aren't honest, period. The words are still there for people to see what a dishonest asshole you are.
what was i dishonest about? the republican debates have been a farce, starting with the wwe crowd attending and moving right on through to the clown car candidates themselves and their anatomical one-up manship.
there may have been fewer democratic debates but i'd take the substance in any of them over the absurd spectacle of the republican events.
Smart move by Trump, avoid the debate which is designed to solely attack him. Go to AIPAC, which hasn't stated yet if he will be allowed to speak. But, a good way to get some votes as well. Trump can play them well. German Jews even voted for Hitler. Trump will pay lip service. In reality however, we know he won't start a war on their behalf overseas and he will put brakes on the Jewish power structure's anti-white demographics agenda.
Plain and simple, he doesn't NEED to attend. He's so far ahead he obviously feels he doesn't need to. And not attending will give him millions more in free publicity....
Yes, less information is always better for those who can’t process the incredibly small amount of data they have been given already.
They've had many more debates than the Democrats so that means ... it means ...
you aren't honestly comparing the substance in the Democratic debates to the circus of the Republican 'debates' are you?
You aren't honest, period. The words are still there for people to see what a dishonest asshole you are.
what was i dishonest about? the republican debates have been a farce, starting with the wwe crowd attending and moving right on through to the clown car candidates themselves and their anatomical one-up manship.
there may have been fewer democratic debates but i'd take the substance in any of them over the absurd spectacle of the republican events.
Your interpretation of reality isn't important to me. I responded to the stupid comment and you made a stupider comment and pretended it was a different point. You are a dumb dishonest asshole, the words are still there.

Why should any honest person agree with you?
Smart move by Trump, avoid the debate which is designed to solely attack him. Go to AIPAC, which hasn't stated yet if he will be allowed to speak. But, a good way to get some votes as well. Trump can play them well. German Jews even voted for Hitler. Trump will pay lip service. In reality however, we know he won't start a war on their behalf overseas and he will put brakes on the Jewish power structure's anti-white demographics agenda.
German Jews even voted for Hitler?

The thing I like most about Trump is the spotlight comes out and shows the leftist cockroaches for what they really are.
Yes, less information is always better for those who can’t process the incredibly small amount of data they have been given already.
They've had many more debates than the Democrats so that means ... it means ...
you aren't honestly comparing the substance in the Democratic debates to the circus of the Republican 'debates' are you?
You aren't honest, period. The words are still there for people to see what a dishonest asshole you are.
what was i dishonest about? the republican debates have been a farce, starting with the wwe crowd attending and moving right on through to the clown car candidates themselves and their anatomical one-up manship.
there may have been fewer democratic debates but i'd take the substance in any of them over the absurd spectacle of the republican events.
Your interpretation of reality isn't important to me. I responded to the stupid comment and you made a stupider comment and pretended it was a different point. You are a dumb dishonest asshole, the words are still there.

Why should any honest person agree with you?
you wanted to claim that more republican circuses equated to more information than the democratic debates have provided. that is clearly not the case.
Israelis , many are Americans because of being dualies and they vote . Trump gets their votes and avoids a debate where he might mess up . Perfectly reasonable and TRUMPS supporters like me don't care what the 'rabble' thinks about it . Its just Trump poking the media and anti Trumpers in the eye with a sharp stick Dot !!
Keep your stick to yourselves! Trump avoids a debate where he might mess up? What's he going to do, hide until the election?
Yeah, granny. We won't hear a peep out of him til then.
If only you meant that.
Israelis , many are Americans because of being dualies and they vote . Trump gets their votes and avoids a debate where he might mess up . Perfectly reasonable and TRUMPS supporters like me don't care what the 'rabble' thinks about it . Its just Trump poking the media and anti Trumpers in the eye with a sharp stick Dot !!
Keep your stick to yourselves! Trump avoids a debate where he might mess up? What's he going to do, hide until the election?
Yeah, granny. We won't hear a peep out of him til then.
If only you meant that.
A day won't go by without hearing Trump Trump Trump. You really want more?
Israelis , many are Americans because of being dualies and they vote . Trump gets their votes and avoids a debate where he might mess up . Perfectly reasonable and TRUMPS supporters like me don't care what the 'rabble' thinks about it . Its just Trump poking the media and anti Trumpers in the eye with a sharp stick Dot !!
Keep your stick to yourselves! Trump avoids a debate where he might mess up? What's he going to do, hide until the election?
Yeah, granny. We won't hear a peep out of him til then.
If only you meant that.
A day won't go by without hearing Trump Trump Trump. You really want more?
------------------------------------ FUNNY but very accurate , Trump isn't going to hide IceWeasel !!
Smart move by Trump, avoid the debate which is designed to solely attack him. Go to AIPAC, which hasn't stated yet if he will be allowed to speak. But, a good way to get some votes as well. Trump can play them well. German Jews even voted for Hitler. Trump will pay lip service. In reality however, we know he won't start a war on their behalf overseas and he will put brakes on the Jewish power structure's anti-white demographics agenda.
German Jews even voted for Hitler?

The thing I like most about Trump is the spotlight comes out and shows the leftist cockroaches for what they really are.

Yes they did, because they suspected he play the role Britain played, of helping transfer Jews to Palestine so they can form a state there. Trump will set back the Jewish establishment agenda in this nation by many years. This is why CNN , all media, all entertainment media, are working to demonize him and threatening many scenarios if he doesn't get all delegates needed. Because they know, he won't allow them to send Americans to die for Jewish money/Israel interests overseas. Nor will he allow them to shame the white people, alter their demographics and send BLM thugs to kill them.

Some Americans are still oblivious to the anti-white agenda led by the Jewish people. Trump has exposed it, the attack's on white people have been unprecedented in the past couple weeks. Just look at Bernie Sander's comments, etc....They are showing their true colors, which will allow more Americans(both whites and minorities) to realize they're all being played and that minorities are essentially being used as tools for the Jewish establishment to carry on the anti-white agenda.

All these republicans(both politicians and ordinary activists) who come out aggressively against Trump, are doing so because they belong to the Jewish establishment, a great America isn't in their interest, a Jewish dominated one is.
Smart move by Trump, avoid the debate which is designed to solely attack him. Go to AIPAC, which hasn't stated yet if he will be allowed to speak. But, a good way to get some votes as well. Trump can play them well. German Jews even voted for Hitler. Trump will pay lip service. In reality however, we know he won't start a war on their behalf overseas and he will put brakes on the Jewish power structure's anti-white demographics agenda.
German Jews even voted for Hitler?

The thing I like most about Trump is the spotlight comes out and shows the leftist cockroaches for what they really are.

Yes they did, because they suspected he play the role Britain played, of helping transfer Jews to Palestine so they can form a state there. Trump will set back the Jewish establishment agenda in this nation by many years. This is why CNN , all media, all entertainment media, are working to demonize him and threatening many scenarios if he doesn't get all delegates needed. Because they know, he won't allow them to send Americans to die for Jewish money/Israel interests overseas. Nor will he allow them to shame the white people, alter their demographics and send BLM thugs to kill them.

Some Americans are still oblivious to the anti-white agenda led by the Jewish people. Trump has exposed it, the attack's on white people have been unprecedented in the past couple weeks. Just look at Bernie Sander's comments, etc....They are showing their true colors, which will allow more Americans(both whites and minorities) to realize they're all being played and that minorities are essentially being used as tools for the Jewish establishment to carry on the anti-white agenda.

All these republicans(both politicians and ordinary activists) who come out aggressively against Trump, are doing so because they belong to the Jewish establishment, a great America isn't in their interest, a Jewish dominated one is.

I can't tell if this is a joke.
It's a smart decision. His refusal to participate will be perceived as rebelliousness, which will impress people. Kasich and Cruz will be left to either attack each other or focus on an absent Donald. I think it's a win for Donald either way.

This is YUUUUGE for Kasich. The liberal media have been doing everything they can to ignore Kasich and downplay him. They are deathly afraid of Kasich catching steam. Every debate thus far has been unwilling to give Kasich significant involvement. Even the most recent debate focused on Trump, Cruz, and Rubio, and barely gave Kasich anything more than token attention.

A head-to-head debate between Cruz and Kasich would make it impossible to ignore Kasich, and at a time when he's picking up a little bit of steam, Kasich could surge. SURGE!
It's a Lose/Lose scenario. He can't benefit from appearing in more Debates. It can only hurt him at this point. He'd only be debating desperate losers. It's a Lose/Lose for Trump. He's movin on.

He says he’s had enough of the debates. He’s giving a speech to AIPAC instead.

Perhaps he will change his mind. Israel is definitely very important but so is showing up for the debate.
They announced it on Monday and he had already agreed to speak at AIPAC. He's not skipping it just because 'they've had enough already'

As always the whole story isn't being reported.
I've got another headline for y'all: "Fox News to Skip Covering Trump for the Remainder of the Primaries". Most of his supporters or would-be supporters watch Fox News. Hard to keep the wind beneath the sails when the network your followers watch doesn't cover you. As if Fox would lose viewers to either the lavander CNN or the hard left MSNBC....

...maybe for five minutes before they started vomiting in their own mouths from all the Rainbow Koolaide pouring out there..

He says he’s had enough of the debates. He’s giving a speech to AIPAC instead.

At a formal debate, Trump can't get his supporters to beat up dissenting people. No wonder he doesn't want to attend.
The audience at the debates is full of lobbyists and special interest groups, Ravi. I don't believe that is it.
Don't be silly. If he gets booed at one of his events, he can get his supporters to punch the booers in the face. Can't do that at a formal debate.
That isn't what's been happening you lying sack of shit. Going to an event for a candidate to shut down his speech isn't the same as booing someone.

Lies and smears is all the left has.
It's exactly the same.

He says he’s had enough of the debates. He’s giving a speech to AIPAC instead.

Perhaps he will change his mind. Israel is definitely very important but so is showing up for the debate.
They announced it on Monday and he had already agreed to speak at AIPAC. He's not skipping it just because 'they've had enough already'

As always the whole story isn't being reported.
Are you sure? I thought the debates were scheduled and agreed upon by the RNC before the primaries even began?

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